Session based rmi

hi everyone.
to be honest: i am a 100% newbie with rmi. anyways, this shouldnt be difficult for someone who has worked with rmi already.
i am trying to write a phonebook application (just playing around with rmi yet) with a rmi server and a several client with two user levels:
- user (can only review the data)
- admin (can also modify the data and shutdown the server)
what i need is a concept how it works to retrieve a user level (based on username / password) on client-side and how to differ who has called a specific method on server-side.
please direct me in the right direction!
thanks in advance.

I hope i get what u ask right
have an interface like this
public interface itf extends Remote {
Integer createAuthority(String password, String username) throws RemoteException;
Data getData(Integer Authority_id) throws RemoteException;
public class Impl extends UnicastRemoteObjectit implements itf {
public Integer createAuthority(String password, String username) throws RemoteException {
// add ur logic here, assign the user a right authority id
public Data getData(Integer authrority_id ) throws RemoteExceptiona {
// 1) check if the authprity id is valid
// 2) check the power what is allowed under this authority
every method u have here put an authority id (integer) as input could force users to log in first
then, u can decide what to do for the user when they call the remote metod with their authority id
u can provide some method to check whether the authity id is valid or what u want to do, if u dont want put many statements in one method
i think the important point is create a good id
then store it in the server
Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
table.put(authority_id, Authority object); // this is in the createAuthority method
then, retirve it when every u need it
Authority object = (Authority)table.get(authrotiy id)
create an Authority object to store any imformatoin u need
to use together with authroity id
Hope this can give u some idea what to do

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    user8363520 wrote:
    Hello all,
    i am on have a sap application and trying to trace a session from DB end....and seems like the job that the end user runs jumps from one session to this would i trace a session ??? i read article about dbms_monitor package to trace it...but as i mention, sap keep chaning the session from one to another.....
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    ip address
    string server1 <-- server cookie value
    Service webserver2
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    string server2 <-- server cookie value
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    string server3 <-- server cookie value
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    add service webserver2
    add service webserver3
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    string server1
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    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Here providing you basic understanding to use Easy print driver.
    RD Easy Print is a proxy for every print action that simply redirects all printing-related work to the user's local machine without the need to install any print drivers on the TS server. This system provides several benefits, such as being able to redirect
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    For your environment, you can use Easy print driver option also by which you don’t have to install printer driver on server.
    For more information, you can refer beneath articles for detail.
    Using Remote Desktop Easy Print in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
    How to configure Microsoft RDS Universal Printing
    Hope it helps!
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    Thank you

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    The alternative solution would be to grammatically somehow log the user off?
    Any suggestion are welcome.
    Thank you

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    I'm not sure I understand your question. But since no one answered this yet, here is my idea:
    If the user's session expires, any unsaved data is lost. The user should expect this.
    If do need to save any data, normally you store it it a database table with the user's ID so you can retrieve it. Two free databases are Oracle Lite and MySql. However, this will take quite a bit of time to learn if you are not already familiar with databases. Storing it in a database and retrieving it is much much faster than storing it in a file.

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