Session key and MAC generation in SCP '02' i='15'

I am trying send a PUT KEY command and it resolves to '6982' after a '9000' EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE.
I suspect that my encryption is causing the problem.(not really sure!)
I compare my session keys to some that ppl had derived and posted on the forum and I don't really get what they did.
I am trying to find out if I'm deriving the correct session keys or not?!?!
//Calculating session keys with
//static key = '404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f' (keyData)
//sequence counter = '003b'
//"0101" + sequenceCounter + "000000000000000000000000" for session CMAC key (data)
//"0102" + sequenceCounter + "000000000000000000000000" for session RMAC key (data)
//"0181" + sequenceCounter + "000000000000000000000000" for session DEK key (data)
//"0182" + sequenceCounter + "000000000000000000000000" for session ENC key (data)
//sessionCMAC is :3213860da8f8d9796794cbcec43ef7a23213860da8f8d979: with sequence counter:003b (result)
//sessionRMAC is :042a687f6e0dd3f80eabf1e5d51ccefe042a687f6e0dd3f8: with sequence counter:003b (result)
//sessionDEK is :1fe31370c22354e3b90d6b8ad5686d371fe31370c22354e3: with sequence counter:003b (result)
//sessionENC is :94a47ad54ffbf423fe4a9d915befab5294a47ad54ffbf423: with sequence counter:003b (result)
if (keyData.length == 16) {
byte[] temp = (byte[]) keyData.clone();
keyData = new byte[24];
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, keyData, 0, temp.length);
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, keyData, 16, 8);
DESedeKeySpec keySpec = new DESedeKeySpec(keyData);
SecretKeyFactory secretKeyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DESede");
SecretKey key = secretKeyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);
IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
Cipher desedeCBCCipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/NoPadding");
desedeCBCCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, iv);
byte[] result = desedeCBCCipher.doFinal(data);
if (result .length == 16) {
byte[] temp = (byte[]) result .clone();
result = new byte[24];
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, result , 0, temp.length);
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, result , 16, 8);
keySpec = new DESedeKeySpec(result);
secretKeyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DESede");
key = secretKeyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);
I use the same encrytion to derive KeyCheckValue with
newKey ='505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f', data = '0000000000000000'
and it results to : '6d377e' (of course the last 3 bytes)
Even though my CMAC session key is different from others (e.g "RLopes" in "" and I have seen it in others too and its really odd to me that its slightly different if you take a close look you will get what i mean) i get the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATION to work.
If there is anyone who is 100% sure meaning he/she got other commands to work after EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE using CMAC please help me verify the keys I got?
Can he/she test with his code to see if he/she is getting the same session keys or check value?
Thanks in advance

Here is the Class and thanks for the tip, I've honestly tried these <code></code> but didn't work and I know it is indeed annoying without the tags :D
I really hope it helps...
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package terminalpcsc;
import java.lang.Exception;
import java.util.List;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
import javax.smartcardio.*;
* @author Kamran
* @param args the command line arguments
public class Main {
    private static CardChannel channel;
    private static Card card;
    private static int CHALLENGE_LENGTH = 8;
    private static byte[] keyDiversification = new byte[10];
    private static byte[] keyInformation = new byte[2];
    private static byte[] sequenceCounter = new byte[2];
    private static byte[] cardChallenge = new byte[6];
    private static byte[] cardCryptogram = new byte[8];
    private static byte[] hostChallenge = new byte[8];
    private static byte[] hostCryptogram = new byte[8];
    private static String keyDiversificationHexString;
    private static String keyInformationHexString;
    private static String sequenceCounterHexString;
    private static String cardChallengeHexString;
    private static String cardCryptogramHexString;
    private static String hostChallengeHexString;
    private static String hostCryptogramHexString;
    private static byte[] sessionCMAC;
    private static byte[] sessionDEK;
    private static byte[] sessionENC;
    private static byte[] sessionRMAC;
    private static byte[] icvNextCommand;
    private static IvParameterSpec ivAllZeros = new IvParameterSpec(new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
    private static byte[] staticKey = hexStringToByteArray("404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f4041424344454647");
    private static byte[] newKey = hexStringToByteArray("505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f");
    private static byte[] CMAC;
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String apduString = generateSelectAPDU("a000000003535041");
        byte[] bufferC = hexStringToByteArray(apduString);
        CommandAPDU capdu = new CommandAPDU(bufferC);
        System.out.println("Sending APDU Select AID: " + byteArrayToHexString(bufferC));
        ResponseAPDU rapdu = channel.transmit(capdu);
        System.out.println("Sending Apdu: Done!");
        System.out.println("Waiting For Response...");
        byte[] bufferR = rapdu.getData();
        String responseData = byteArrayToHexString(rapdu.getBytes());
        System.out.println("Response: " + responseData);
        apduString = generateInitializeUpdateAPDU();
        bufferC = hexStringToByteArray(apduString);
        capdu = new CommandAPDU(bufferC);
        System.out.println("Sending APDU Initialize Update: " + byteArrayToHexString(bufferC));
        rapdu = channel.transmit(capdu);
        System.out.println("Sending Apdu: Done!");
        System.out.println("Waiting For Response...");
        bufferR = rapdu.getData();
        responseData = byteArrayToHexString(rapdu.getBytes());
        System.out.println("Response: " + responseData);
        // protocol 01
        // protocol 02
        System.arraycopy(bufferR, 0, keyDiversification, 0, 10);
        System.arraycopy(bufferR, 10, keyInformation, 0, 2);
        System.arraycopy(bufferR, 12, sequenceCounter, 0, 2);
        System.arraycopy(bufferR, 14, cardChallenge, 0, 6);
        System.arraycopy(bufferR, 20, cardCryptogram, 0, 8);
        keyDiversificationHexString = byteArrayToHexString(keyDiversification);
        keyInformationHexString = byteArrayToHexString(keyInformation);
        sequenceCounterHexString = byteArrayToHexString(sequenceCounter);
        cardChallengeHexString = byteArrayToHexString(cardChallenge);
        cardCryptogramHexString = byteArrayToHexString(cardCryptogram);
        System.out.println("keyDiversification: " + keyDiversificationHexString);
        System.out.println("keyInformation: " + keyInformationHexString);
        System.out.println("sequenceCounter: " + sequenceCounterHexString);
        System.out.println("cardChallenge: " + cardChallengeHexString);
        System.out.println("cardCryptogram: " + cardCryptogramHexString);
        System.out.println("Calculating Session Keys... encryption with CBC");
        //E.4.1 GP 2.1.1
        sessionCMAC = deriveEncryptionCBC(staticKey, hexStringToByteArray("0101" + sequenceCounterHexString + "000000000000000000000000"));
        System.out.println("sessionCMAC is :" + byteArrayToHexString(sessionCMAC) + ": with sequence counter:" + sequenceCounterHexString);
        sessionRMAC = deriveEncryptionCBC(staticKey, hexStringToByteArray("0102" + sequenceCounterHexString + "000000000000000000000000"));
        System.out.println("sessionRMAC is :" + byteArrayToHexString(sessionRMAC) + ": with sequence counter:" + sequenceCounterHexString);
        sessionDEK = deriveEncryptionCBC(staticKey, hexStringToByteArray("0181" + sequenceCounterHexString + "000000000000000000000000"));
        System.out.println("sessionDEK is :" + byteArrayToHexString(sessionDEK) + ": with sequence counter:" + sequenceCounterHexString);
        sessionENC = deriveEncryptionCBC(staticKey, hexStringToByteArray("0182" + sequenceCounterHexString + "000000000000000000000000"));
        System.out.println("sessionENC is :" + byteArrayToHexString(sessionENC) + ": with sequence counter:" + sequenceCounterHexString);
        System.out.println("Calculating and Verifying Card Cryptogram...");
        byte[] signature = cbcMACSignature(hexStringToByteArray(hostChallengeHexString + sequenceCounterHexString + cardChallengeHexString + "8000000000000000"), sessionENC);
        String signatureHexString = byteArrayToHexString(signature);
        if (signatureHexString.equalsIgnoreCase(cardCryptogramHexString)) {
            System.out.println("signature is :" + signatureHexString + "\ncardCryptogram is :" + cardCryptogramHexString + " \nCard cryptogram authenticated");
            apduString = generateExternalAuthenticateAPDU();
            bufferC = hexStringToByteArray(apduString);
            capdu = new CommandAPDU(bufferC);
            System.out.println("Sending APDU External Authenticate: " + byteArrayToHexString(bufferC));
            rapdu = channel.transmit(capdu);
            System.out.println("Sending Apdu: Done!");
            System.out.println("Waiting For Response...");
            bufferR = rapdu.getData();
            responseData = byteArrayToHexString(rapdu.getBytes());
            System.out.println("Response: " + responseData);
            apduString = generatePutKeyAPDU();
            bufferC = hexStringToByteArray(apduString);
            capdu = new CommandAPDU(bufferC);
            System.out.println("Sending APDU Put Key: " + byteArrayToHexString(bufferC));
            rapdu = channel.transmit(capdu);
            System.out.println("Sending Apdu: Done!");
            System.out.println("Waiting For Response...");
            bufferR = rapdu.getData();
            responseData = byteArrayToHexString(rapdu.getBytes());
            System.out.println("Response: " + responseData);
        } else {
            System.out.println("signature is :" + signatureHexString + "\ncardCryptogram is :" + cardCryptogramHexString + " \nCard cryptogram is not authenticated");
    public static byte[] cbcMACSignature(byte[] data, byte[] sessionSENC) throws AuthenticationException {
        IvParameterSpec params =
                new IvParameterSpec(new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
        if (sessionSENC.length == 16) {
            byte[] temp = (byte[]) sessionSENC.clone();
            sessionSENC = new byte[24];
            System.arraycopy(temp, 0, sessionSENC, 0, temp.length);
            System.arraycopy(temp, 0, sessionSENC, 16, 8);
        byte[] temp = null;
        SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(sessionSENC, "DESede");
        try {
            Cipher cbcDES = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/NoPadding");
            cbcDES.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, params);
            temp = cbcDES.doFinal(data);
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        byte[] signature = new byte[8];
        System.arraycopy(temp, temp.length - 8, signature, 0, signature.length);
        return signature;
    // generateInitialUpdateAPDU()
    //CLA '80'
    //P1 'xx' Key Version Number
    //P2 '00' Reference control parameter P2
    //Lc '08' Length of host challenge
    //Data 'xx xx…' Host challenge
    //Le '00'
    //Key diversification data 10 bytes
    //Key information 2 bytes
    //Card challenge 8 bytes
    //Card cryptogram 8 bytes
    public static String generateInitializeUpdateAPDU() throws Exception {
        hostChallenge = generateHostChallenge();
        hostChallengeHexString = byteArrayToHexString(hostChallenge);
        return "8050000008" + hostChallengeHexString + "00";
    //CLA '80' or '84'
    //INS 'D8' PUT KEY
    //P1 'xx' Reference control parameter P1 Key Version Number -- '00' is new key  range is '01' to '7F'
    //P2 'xx' Reference control parameter P2 Key Identifier     -- '00' to '7F'
    //Lc 'xx' Length of data field
    //Data 'xxxx..' Key data (and MAC if present)
    //Le '00'
    public static String generatePutKeyAPDU() throws Exception {
        String keyCheckValue = new String();
        //keyCheckValue = keyCheckValue.substring(keyCheckValue.length() - (3 * 2));
        keyCheckValue = byteArrayToHexString(deriveEncryptionECB(newKey, hexStringToByteArray("0000000000000000")));
        keyCheckValue = keyCheckValue.substring(keyCheckValue.length() - (3 * 2));
        System.out.println("keyCheckValue :" + keyCheckValue + " 3DES ECB, key is new key '505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f5051525354555657', data is 8 zeroes");
        String encryptedNewKey = byteArrayToHexString(deriveEncryptionECB(sessionDEK, newKey));
        //System.out.println("sessionDEK.getEncoded() :" + sessionDEK.getEncoded() + " len is:" + sessionDEK.getEncoded().length);
        System.out.println("encryptedNewKey :" + encryptedNewKey);
        //testing newKey
        String dataField = "01" + "8010" + encryptedNewKey + "03" + keyCheckValue + "8010" + encryptedNewKey + "03" + keyCheckValue + "8010" + encryptedNewKey + "03" + keyCheckValue;
        // String dataField2 = "01" + "8010" + byteArrayToHexString(newKey) + "03" + keyCheckValue + "8010" + byteArrayToHexString(newKey) + "03" + keyCheckValue + "8010" + byteArrayToHexString(newKey) + "03" + keyCheckValue;
        System.out.println("datafield to calculate cmac :" + dataField);
        System.out.println("icv to calculate cmac is previous mac first 8 byte sessionCMAC in CBC single des :" + byteArrayToHexString(icvNextCommand));
        CMAC = generateCMac2((byte) 0x84, (byte) 0xD8, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x81, hexStringToByteArray(dataField), sessionCMAC, icvNextCommand);
        System.out.println("data field with des padding for encryption (encryption in CBC sessionENC) :" + desPadding(dataField));
        String dataField3 = byteArrayToHexString(deriveEncryptionCBC(sessionENC, hexStringToByteArray(desPadding(dataField))));
        System.out.println("data field after encryption :" + dataField3);
        Integer CMACLen = byteArrayToHexString(CMAC).length() / 2;
        System.out.println("CMACLen :" + CMACLen);
        Integer dataFieldLen = dataField3.length() / 2;
        System.out.println("dataFieldLen :" + dataFieldLen);
        Integer intLc = dataFieldLen + CMACLen;
        System.out.println("intLc :" + intLc);
        String hexLc = Integer.toString(intLc, 16);
        System.out.println("hexLc :" + hexLc);
        return "84D80081" + hexLc + dataField3 + byteArrayToHexString(CMAC) + "00";
    //CLA '84'
    //P1 'xx' Security level  --'03' C-DECRYPTION and C-MAC.--'01' C-MAC.'00' No secure messaging expected.
    //P2 '00' Reference control parameter P2
    //Lc '10' Length of host cryptogram and MAC
    //Data 'xx xx…' Host cryptogram and MAC
    //Le Not present
    public static String generateExternalAuthenticateAPDU() throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Calculating and Verifying Host Cryptogram...");
        hostCryptogram = cbcMACSignature(hexStringToByteArray(sequenceCounterHexString + cardChallengeHexString + hostChallengeHexString + "8000000000000000"), sessionENC);
        hostCryptogramHexString = byteArrayToHexString(hostCryptogram);
        System.out.println("hostCryptogram is :" + hostCryptogramHexString);
        CMAC = generateCMac2((byte) 0x84, (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0x03, (byte) 0x00, hostCryptogram, sessionCMAC, new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
        return "8482030010" + hostCryptogramHexString + byteArrayToHexString(CMAC);
    // generateSelectAPDU()
    //CLA '00' ISO/IEC 7816-4 command
    //INS 'A4' SELECT
    //P1 'xx' Reference control parameter P1 --'04' select by name
    //P2 'xx' Reference control parameter P2 --'00' First or only occurrence --'02' Next occurrence
    //Lc 'xx' Length of AID
    //Data 'xxxx..' AID of Application to be selected
    //Le '00'
    //'6F' File Control Information (FCI template) Mandatory
    //'84' Application / file AID Mandatory
    //'A5' Proprietary data Mandatory
    //'73' Security Domain Management Data (see Appendix F for detailed coding) Optional
    //'9F6E' Application production life cycle data Optional
    //'9F65' Maximum length of data field in command message Mandatory
    public static String generateSelectAPDU(String AID) throws Exception {
        String AIDlen = Integer.toString(AID.length() / 2, 16);
        if (AIDlen.length() == 1) {
            AIDlen = "0" + AIDlen;
        System.out.println("00A40400" + AIDlen + AID);
        return "00A40400" + AIDlen + AID;
    public static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] b) throws Exception {
        String result = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            result +=
                    Integer.toString((b[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1);
        return result;
    public static void initiateCardChannel() throws CardException {
        System.out.println("Connecting to Java Card...");
        TerminalFactory factory = TerminalFactory.getDefault();
        List<CardTerminal> terminals = factory.terminals().list();
        System.out.println("Terminals Detected: " + terminals);
        // get the first terminal
        System.out.println("Connecting to: " + terminals + "...");
        CardTerminal terminal = terminals.get(0);
        System.out.println("Connected to: " + terminals);
        // establish a connection with the card
        System.out.println("Connecting to Java Card...");
        card = terminal.connect("T=0");
        System.out.println("Connected to card: " + card);
        System.out.println("Obtaining Channel...");
        channel = card.getBasicChannel();
        System.out.println("Connecting to Channel: " + channel.getChannelNumber());
    public static void releaseCardChannel() throws CardException {
        System.out.println("Disconnection all...");
        System.out.println("Disconnection Done");
    public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) {
        int len = s.length();
        byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
            data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4) + Character.digit(s.charAt(i + 1), 16));
        return data;
    //To generate the derivation data:
    public static byte[] deriveEncryptionCBC(byte[] keyData, byte[] data) throws GeneralSecurityException {
        //Key key = getSecretKey(keyData);
        if (keyData.length == 16) {
            byte[] temp = (byte[]) keyData.clone();
            keyData = new byte[24];
            System.arraycopy(temp, 0, keyData, 0, temp.length);
            System.arraycopy(temp, 0, keyData, 16, 8);
        SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyData, "DESede");
        IvParameterSpec dps =
                new IvParameterSpec(new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
        String algorithm = "DESede/CBC/NoPadding";
        Cipher desedeCBCCipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm);
        desedeCBCCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, dps);
        byte[] result = desedeCBCCipher.doFinal(data);
        return result;
    public static byte[] deriveEncryptionECB(byte[] keyData, byte[] data) throws GeneralSecurityException {
        //Key key = getSecretKey(keyData);
        if (keyData.length == 16) {
            byte[] temp = (byte[]) keyData.clone();
            keyData = new byte[24];
            System.arraycopy(temp, 0, keyData, 0, temp.length);
            System.arraycopy(temp, 0, keyData, 16, 8);
        SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyData, "DESede");
        String algorithm = "DESede/ECB/NoPadding";
        Cipher desedeCBCCipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm);
        desedeCBCCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
        byte[] result = desedeCBCCipher.doFinal(data);
        return result;
     * Adjust a DES key to odd parity
     * @param key
     *            to be adjusted
    public static byte[] adjustParity(byte[] key) {
        for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
            int akku = (key[i] & 0xFF) | 1;
            for (int c = 7; c > 0; c--) {
                akku = (akku & 1) ^ (akku >> 1);
            key[i] = (byte) ((key[i] & 0xFE) | akku);
        return key;
    public static byte[] generateCMac2(byte cla, byte ins, byte p1, byte p2, byte[] dataField, byte[] SMacSessionKey, byte[] icv) throws GeneralSecurityException, Exception {
        if (SMacSessionKey.length == 16) {
            byte[] temp = (byte[]) SMacSessionKey.clone();
            SMacSessionKey = new byte[24];
            System.arraycopy(temp, 0, SMacSessionKey, 0, temp.length);
            System.arraycopy(temp, 0, SMacSessionKey, 16, 8);
        byte[] cMac = new byte[8];
        byte[] padding = {(byte) 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        int paddingRequired = 8 - (5 + dataField.length) % 8;
        byte[] data = new byte[5 + dataField.length + paddingRequired];
        //Build APDU
        data[0] = cla;
        data[1] = ins;
        data[2] = p1;
        data[3] = p2;
        data[4] = (byte) ((byte) dataField.length + (byte) 0x08);
        System.arraycopy(dataField, 0, data, 5, dataField.length);
        System.arraycopy(padding, 0, data, 5 + dataField.length, paddingRequired);
        System.out.println("data to calculate mac :" + byteArrayToHexString(data));
        System.out.println("icv to calculate mac :" + byteArrayToHexString(icv));
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/NoPadding");
        Cipher singleDesCipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/NoPadding", "SunJCE");
        SecretKeySpec desSingleKey = new SecretKeySpec(SMacSessionKey, 0, 8, "DES");
        SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(SMacSessionKey, "DESede");
        //Calculate the first n - 1 block. For this case, n = 1
        IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(icv);
        singleDesCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, desSingleKey, ivSpec);
        byte ivForLastBlock[] = singleDesCipher.doFinal(data, 0, 8);
        int blocks = data.length / 8;
        for (int i = 0; i < blocks - 1; i++) {
            singleDesCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, desSingleKey, ivSpec);
            byte[] block = singleDesCipher.doFinal(data, i * 8, 8);
            ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(block);
        int offset = (blocks - 1) * 8;
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, ivSpec);
        cMac = cipher.doFinal(data, offset, 8);
        ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(new byte[8]);
        singleDesCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, desSingleKey, ivSpec);
        icvNextCommand = singleDesCipher.doFinal(cMac);
        return cMac;
    public static byte[] generateHostChallenge() {
        byte[] hostChallenge = new byte[CHALLENGE_LENGTH];
        SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
        return hostChallenge;
    public static String desPadding(String hexString) {
        System.out.println("String to pad before:" + hexString);
        hexString = hexString + "80";
        int hexStringLen = hexString.length() / 2;
        int padding = 8 - (hexStringLen % 8);
        for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
            hexString = hexString + "00";
        System.out.println("String to pad after :" + hexString);
        return hexString;
}Thanks in advance

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    You may consider to look on the following resources:
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    SSL and TLS book
    JSSE Guide
    The algorithms used in SSL hanshake and then in data transmition are driven by the choosen cipher suite I.e. TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5. See SSLSocket documentation on how to set enabled suites -[])

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    (SERVICE_NAME = server.domain)

  • Please help block my ipod touch second generation and forget the code, try putting the code so many times that now says connect to itunes, I connect but will not let me do anything that tells me this should unlock with key and I should do for Please help!

    please helpme i block my ipod touch second generation and forget the code, try putting the code so many times that now says connect to itunes, I connect but will not let me do anything that tells me this  should unlock with key and I should do for Please help!. thanks

    Place the iPOd in recovery mode and then restore. For recovery mode:
    iPhone and iPod touch: Unable to update or restore

  • Can I download Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium on a new Mac if I've had it installed on my old one since December 2011? I have the product key and serial number.

    I bought a new Macbook Pro 13 inch in December 2011 and I bought the Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium shortly after and installed it on the computer.  The other day my friend spilled his drink on my computer and it is now going to cost me $800 to get it fixed so I am considering getting a new one instead of getting mine fixed I'm not sure if the memory is still ok or not either.  It didn't get that wet and Apple told me it is more than likely ok but there is no guarantee that they are going to keep the memory when they fix it.  So I was wondering if I get a new one if I can install the Suite on the new one I still have the product key and serial number for the Suite.  Or if I decide to get mine fixed and the memory is swept, then can I reinstall it on mine after it is fixed?  If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank You

    deactivate your installation on your old computer (help>deactivate).
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 | 12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7 win | 8 mac | 7 mac
    Lightroom:  5.6| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • My I Mac does not start properly without pressing option and apple keys ,and it freezes

    My I Mac does not start properly without pressing option and apple keys ,and it freezes

    Try any of the following: Resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM  
    Disconnect all devices from the computer then do the following:
    Boot up from your Snow Leopard Install DVD while holding down the "c" key.
    Select the language you wish to use, and then choose "Disk Utility" from the menu bar.
    Your HD should appear in a panel on the left hand side of the window which opens. Select it and then click on the "repair disk" button in the right hand section of the window.
    Once this process has been completed restart your computer and repair permissions directly from Disk Utility.
    If Disk Utility is unable to complete the repair, you will need to use a stronger 3rd party utility like DiskWarrior, Techtool PRO (not Deluxe) or Drive Genius.
    Troubleshoot the spinning beach ball/freezing & crashing 

  • HT5636 I was typing in a word for Mac document and I hit the apple key and the numeral 8 at the same time now all of my documents have these strange symbols please help

    I was typing in a word for Mac document and I hit the apple key and the numeral 8 at the same time now all of my documents have these strange symbols please help

    Simply type command 8 again. That toggles the "show paragraphs" function.

  • Why my MacBook pro with Maverick, when I'm connected with internet key and connect with usb cable my HTC One the Mac restat with error?

    Why my MacBook pro with Maverick, when I'm connected with internet key and connect with usb cable my HTC One the Mac restat with error?

    Solution may be found if you search in the "More Like This" section over in the right column. 

  • JAAS, EJB, GlassFish2 and session key/id

    I use standalone EJB client to connect to GlassFish 2. I use custom login module on Aplication server side and ProgrammaticLogin to enter login and password.
    I see that every call to any of my remote methods is resulted in sending my login and password to Application server (to my login module).
    I do not want it sends login/password every time but only first time. I’d like to do smth as it is done in http session.
    I’d like to send login and password only once when I lookup my remote interface or when I do explicit login. Then if authentication is successes I’ve got smth like session key/id and use it for client identification.
    How I can implement it? How I can send session key back to client on successful login? Is it possible at all in JAAS/EJB world?

    I think there's something wrong with your application. Have you checked google? There's plenty of threads about this same problem here already please refer to them. Please copy paste your whole stacktrace here, we experts can't help you otherwise.
    Best Regards, Angus

  • My power mac g4 was working fine i hit a key and it shut down and now it has the symble of the firewire slot floting around the screen and i can not get it to start back up

    my power mac g4 was working fine i hit a key and it shut down and know it has a symble floting around the screen like the firewirs symble and ot wont turn back on how do i fix it

    It does sound like the T key is stuck.
    One way to test to see if the keyboard is at fault is to disconnect the keyboard, then start up the Mac.
    Note - on that model, you can force a shutdown by holding in the power button (the one on the front panel of the machine) for 8 to 10 seconds.
    You can also force a restart by pressing the small convex (bulges out slightly) button under the power button on the front panel (it's the one on the left).

  • Jam session between iPad and Mac

    Is it possible to start a jam session between an iPad (or iphone) and Mac?

    Agreed, it must be in development because surely the good folks at Apple have the vision (or at least the common sense) to know this should've happened a long time ago. I'm sure there's a VERY good reason why creating a session between the Mac's GarageBand and the iOS GarageBand is not yet possible and that it must happen soon, right?

  • LEAP and Session Key

    With LEAP, a session key is used. Cisco docs point out, that after the authentication phase, the session key is distributed from the RADIUS Server to the AP and Client.
    Does this mean, that the session key is transmitted in cleartext?
    I would be very happy to have an answer or doc, which offers an answer to my question.
    Thanks in advance

    LEAP is based on symetric keys which are generated on the RADIUS Server and the Client. The Client and Server do authentication using MS-CHAP which uses a U/P. The password is not sent over the network instead a hash key is sent. MSCHAP hashes are known to be volnurable to dictionary attacks. (If I remember correctly LEAP supports mutual auth but I forget how the client authenticates the server). If successfull both the client and the server generate the same WEP key based on the password and other clear text values. The server sends the key to the AP. This transfer is over a wired network but is encrypted. When LEAP is setup, a shared secret must be configured on the RADIUS server and the AP. This secret is used to encrypt the keys passed between the Server and AP. LEAP will also make sure that the WEP keys are rotated.

  • Space-key-and-new-Mac

    My-bro-works-at-theApple-store-and-wants-me-to-get-the-IMac-with-the-chip.Anyone -had-problems-with-this-model-to=suggest-I=wait=for=the

    I always thought Apple is consumer friendly. After 15 years of using PC I broke down and bought iMac for my kids. What is horrible pain it is to deal with it. you purchase a support plan which is almost impossible to register. Apple is just nicely set up to take your money and provide as little help as possible. I am terribly dissapointed in how difficult to they make it for you to use it...
    very, very dissapointed. the whole apple experience is worst than Microsoft.

  • How do i fix volume key and light key pad is not working in mac pro after installed maverick version?

    Hi, Volume key and light up key are not working after I installed marverick version, Actually the whole key pad line isn't working .How should I do?

    Try resetting the  SMC

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