Set default maximumlength for every field same as field's length in databas

is there any way in jdeveloper to define mximum length of input fields same as length of database fied which is bind to input field

I have more than 50 input fields and i have to copy paste this line 50 times
i want to know is there any way to make this property default as
comes by default

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    hi .
    i needed to set default strorage location and plant in personal setting  in me21n.
    i solve it with this way.
    go to program SAPLMEPERS in se38.
    create new function in output with the sample name :MODULE ZTEST_001 OUTPUT.
    in this module write:
    this is the solution.
    best regards.

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                            CrystalDecisions.Web.Parameter crParametr = new CrystalDecisions.Web.Parameter();
                            string ParametrName = crParam.Name;
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    I believe you need to create your own parameter promt screen. Capture what the user entered and pass that to the report(?).

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    You could define a database function which accepts the name of the item and the user ID of the user running the application. Based on the item name and the user ID have the function return the appropriate initial value. Invoke this function in a "Default Value" PL/SQL block.
    Does that help in centralizing your initial values? You could have one function per page or one function per application. I would do one function per application.

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    Why don't you try setting the default value in the List next to the Matrix - item 107
    Item 107 is a matrix (a transposed one), I have no idea what list you mean...  I am using item 107, not 112. Item 112 is used only to detect a click on the "Add Record" button, which is the last row of the matrix 112.
    I don't see the gender column in the grid and I'm also unsure of the id you have for it "12" - are you sure it's correct ( i usually use Item("columnName") )?
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    Thank you.

    1) We have so many subject areas. If we select "system wide default for this data type", is this change going to reflect in all subject areas.No should do this subject area wise.
    2) Will this effect if we migrate from dev to prod environment.Yes it will effect.
    I hope u will follow this to- :)

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    Dear Laurent,
    Thanks for your response,
    But i searched in enhancement spot of WD_BADI, but couldnt get the exact way to change the coding,
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    Thanks you in advance,
    Sorry for the inconvenience if any

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    *&      Module  STATUS_5000  OUTPUT
      SET TITLEBAR '001'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_5000  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  PBO_OUT  OUTPUT
    ENDMODULE.                 " PBO_OUT  OUTPUT
    Please help.

    Works Now...

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    Mac OS X: Double-Clicking a File Opens the Wrong Application -
    -= Changing the application used to open all files of a certain kind (written with reference to OSX 10.4 but may not have changed) =-
    1) In a Finder window highlight a file of the kind you want to change the application to open that kind of file.
    2) While that file is highlighted, select File > Get Info or press command (apple or propeller icon) + i to get a file information window.
    3) In the lower part of the info window there is an "open with" menu with a list of applications.
    4) If your application is already in the box then it is the default application for opening that kind of file and you don't need to do anything more.  Close the get info window.
    5) If the application showing in the menu is not the one with which you wish to open the file then select a new application. If your application does not appear there then select the "other..." and track down the application (usually in the Applications folder at the main level of the computer).
    6) If you wish to change all files of this type to open with this application in future, make sure the "change all" button is selected.
    7) Close the get info window.

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    Can anybody let me know how to set the default value for TaxonomyWebTagging control in custom.aspx page with nested terms?
    Any help would be greatly apprecited.
    Control code in aspx page:
    <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblLanguages">Field A: </asp:Label><asp:Label runat="server" ID="rfvlblLanguages" CssClass="errorMsg" ForeColor="Red">*</asp:Label>
    <Taxonomy:TaxonomyWebTaggingControl ID="term" Width="385px" runat="server" /></td>Mapping metedata code:TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(SPContext.Current.Site);
    //Set the Business Unit Field
    SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Web.Site;
    TermStore termStore = session.TermStores["Managed Metadata Service"];
    Group group = termStore.Groups["GROUPName"];
    TermSet termSet = group.TermSets["TERMSETNAME"];
    Term term = termSet.Terms["TermA"];
    Guid termGuid = term.Id;
    term.AllowFillIn = true;
    term.AnchorId = countryGuid;
    term.IsMulti = true;
    Thank you.

    According to your description, you want to set default value for TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.
    I have a test in my environment. It could be achieved by setting the Text Property of TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.
    Here is the code snippet:
    TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(SPContext.Current.Site);
    SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Web.Site;
    TermStore termStore = session.TermStores["Managed Metadata Service"];
    Group group = termStore.Groups["GroupA"];
    TermSet termSet = group.TermSets["A"];
    Term term = termSet.Terms["A1"];
    TaxonomyWebTaggingControl1.SSPList = termStore.Id.ToString();
    TaxonomyWebTaggingControl1.TermSetList = termSet.Id.ToString();
    TaxonomyWebTaggingControl1.AllowFillIn = true;
    TaxonomyWebTaggingControl1.IsAddTerms = true;
    TaxonomyWebTaggingControl1.IsMulti = false;
    TaxonomyWebTaggingControl1.Text = string.Format("{0}|{1}", term.Name, term.Id.ToString());
    Here is a detailed article for your reference:
    Feel free to Reply the test result.
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to set default values for boolean columns

    I'm trying to deploy some content types and columns into a site with a feature. All it's ok, except that I'm trying to set a default value for boolean columns with no success.
    I've tried to set default value at column level:
    <Field ID="{EFE23A1D-494E-45cf-832E-45E41B17F0CF}" Name="ScopeSpanish" DisplayName="Se publican noticias en español"
    Type="Boolean" Hidden="FALSE" Group="Columnas ShaCon" >
    and at content type level:
    <FieldRef ID="{EFE23A1D-494E-45cf-832E-45E41B17F0CF}" Name="ScopeSpanish" DefaultValue="TRUE" Required="TRUE" />
    But in any case, when i create a new item with this content type, default value is applied.
    Can anyone tell how to set default values for boolean columns?
    Thanks in advance,

    In the field definition you can set
    How to set the default value Null?

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    I am trying to set default values for filenames
    <choosefile> and <popupslider>s that will show up when
    my XMLpanel first loads in my jsfl extension file. It seems that I
    can only set default values for textbox items.
    How do I do this for filenames and popups?
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    to look like a <choosefile>, or any jsfl command, but then
    how do I return those values back to the XMLpanel that calls them.
    and pass the data back to my jsfl script.
    lemme know if you know a way,

    Create two constants for the Allocate Mode input (right click > create > constant). Place one in the true case of the case structure, and place the other one in the false case. Wire them to the same tunnel (border of the case structure), then wire the tunnel to the Allocate Mode terminal of the AO Config. I don't have Traditional DAQ installed, but that should do it.

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    Hi, How can I set default values for allocate mode in AO config. To be specific, in the attached vi, I need to set the Allocate Mode in AO Config to 'Use FIFO Memory (6)' if the value inside my case structure is false and to 'no change (0)' if the value inside the case strusture is true.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏15 KB

    Create two constants for the Allocate Mode input (right click > create > constant). Place one in the true case of the case structure, and place the other one in the false case. Wire them to the same tunnel (border of the case structure), then wire the tunnel to the Allocate Mode terminal of the AO Config. I don't have Traditional DAQ installed, but that should do it.

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    No - there are no missing data, because nothing will be copied. The profile - folder does not work.
    There are the standard first start behavior.
    There might be another trick? Hint? Todo?

  • How to hide PNP selection windows and set default values for PNP.

    Hi expert,
         I am using HR logical database PNP, but I don't want to display selection windoes for running program on PNP, whereas I want to set default value for some selection items in the program. could you please tell me how to get those two targets?
    Many Thanks,

    You have mentioned 2 things.
    1. Don't want selection windows for running program for PNP - this can be achieved using the HR Report category - You can get more details on HR Report Category on
    HR Report Category
    2.  I want to set default value for some selection items - This you need to achieve in initialization event of your program.
    How you can get this can be explained by INITIALIZATION (SAP Library - ABAP Programming (BC-ABA))

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