Set Height automatically with screen size

Hi to everyone
Can i set the height af a component from backing bean, using the height of the screen?
I want that a panelgrouplayout fit the screen dimensions but for the height i have to take the screen height.
Can i do thi in a different way?
How can i take the screen height in a backing bean?

You can place the component you want to stretch inside a panelStretchlayout,This will stretch it automatically.
The width of the components can be set to stretch to screen width by using AFStretchWidth style class,but for stretching the height,the best practice is to keep it in a component that stretches its child.
Ref -

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    Thanks and Regards,
    Sudeshna Sarkar

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    Double tap the screen with three fingers to reduce the size.
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    i just have a quick question.
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    thanks a bunch

    java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize() returns a the screen dimension as

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    If you choose File > New and choose the Mobile App Design preset, you'll find the Size menu already lists most recent iPhone screen sizes including the 6 and 6 Plus.
    Mylenium's link is very helpful; if you go there and go to Icon and Image Sizes there's a table of dimensions for all of those things.
    If you have Photoshop CC 2014, you can set up Generator and Extract Assets to export layers (e.g. button designs) to multiple pixel dimensions automatically. That will be a lot easier and faster than manually sizing/cropping/exporting.

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    "|" represents screen size and "-" is the regions/content for the "bad" PCs.
    The "good" PCs look like this:
    <div id="body">
    <table class="tbl-body" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" summary="">
    <td class="tbl-main" width="100%">#REGION_POSITION_02##BOX_BODY#</td>
    <td class="tbl-sidebar">#REGION_POSITION_03#</td>

    I think your concerns are very reasonable. But I want to sort of refocus things a little bit for you here... it's not really a PC vs Mac issue... Rather, it's specifically an Internet Explorer issue. And you might say that this is synonymous...still 98% of the world uses IE, and you would be correct. Hopefully when the final version of IE7 comes out, it will finally embrace some of the modern day OPEN web standards without trying to make too many standards of its own (this is Microsoft, though).
    Anyways, in the meantime, I guess we all try to make the best of it. It's very easy to conclude that iWeb is not a viable tool for you, as long as you have something else to "fall back" on. With my limited knowledge of all things HTML, I have no such luxury. Instead, I have put up a notice on my site for IE users only that the site might not look its best on IE....this notice also encourages IE users to use FireFox, which is very much like Safari and will in 99% of cases display your iWeb pages just like you expect. You can see how I've done this here (but you have to surf from IE)...
    I think many people in the PC world understand the limitations of IE. Certainly many don't, but you have to consider your likely audience, I guess. I believe that your website content is king. If your content is compelling enough to your intended audience, they will jump through hoops to see it in its full glory....but you have to make them aware of the problem. That's why I have chosen to take the path that I have taken.
    Let me know what you think.

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