Set The Language

I'm trying to develop a customized login screen.
As in the standard login screen I created images for different languages and I'm calling the wwctx_app_language.set_language procedure to set the language.
My problem is after calling the procedure and calling wwctx_api.get_nls_language I'm still getting the old value ... It doesn't change. But if the check the cookie I can see that it changes correctly.
Do I have to get the current language from the cookie instaid of using wwctx_api.get_nls_language or there issomthing.
Any idea

With this view you can view the setting of your session
regarding nls_parameters:
SQL> select * from nls_session_parameters;
15 rows selected.
Joel P�rez

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    you can reset the input source to Spanish by selecting the Keyboard pane of System Preferences, selecting the Input Sources tab, and pressing the “+” button in the lower-left corner to select one of the Spanish input sources. The “Spanish – ISO” input source is most similar to the physical Spanish keyboard layout.

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          gt_html LIKE TABLE OF w3html,
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    objpack-body_start = 1.
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        OTHERS                     = 8.
    SUBMIT rsconn01 AND RETURN.
    I want to show  this by "Japanese".
    But the character is broken.
    LIke This:
    u01D1u072C          u0205|            u0205u072C          u0508           QC u04B90m
    How can I set the language?  How can I solve "Charancter Broken" ?
    Plesse, let me know.
    Thank you so much.
    Edited by: Jaime White 999 on Nov 21, 2011 8:45 AM
    Edited by: Jaime White 999 on Nov 21, 2011 8:46 AM

    Hi Jaime,
    Are you saying, you are getting junk characters in the email attachment? Then pls check the following. Since you want to send Japanese fonts, please pass language 'J' in both  objpack-obj_langu = '3' & doc_chng-obj_langu  = '3' instead of '3' please replace it with 'J'.
    Another thing which you may have to check is the SCOT device type. As I understand from my basis colleague, this may also affect your attachment fonts since the emails are sent through SCOT. Go to transaction SCOT-> Settings-> Device types for format conversion. Check whether wrong device type is defined for Japanese there. Hope this helps

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    Inspector > Text > More > Language
    Only applies to selected text, like making it a particular font.
    It is not a setting that sticks. If you continue to paste in text from elsewhere particularly the Internet it will have a different or None language set to it. You need to select it and make it B.E.

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    In iOS, the spellcheck language follows the keyboard.
    The forum for questions about iOS Pages is at

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    params.put(new String("PHASE_NAME"), faseName);
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_TYPE"), docType);
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_NAME"), contractName);
    params.put(new String("OWNER_FIRST_LAST_NAME"), owner.toString());
    params.put(new String("START_DATE"), fecha);
    params.put(new String("INSTRUCTION"), "");
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_HEADER_URL"), vinculo);
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    sender = session.getAccount();
    mailTypeEnum = new MailTypeEnumType(MailTypeEnumType.ODP_WORKFLOW_APPROVAL_REQUEST_MSG);
    NotificationUtil.sendNotification(recipients,sender, mailTypeEnum,params,null,null);
    Thanks in Advance!

    Hi vikram!
    Sorry for the still inconvenience, but I'm getting this error:
    Error in method invocation: Static method sendNotification(,,, java.util.Properties, null, null ) not found in class''
    Im making the code the following way:
    Properties params = new Properties();
    params.put(new String("PHASE_NAME"), faseName);
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_TYPE"), docType);
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_NAME"), contractName);
    params.put(new String("RECIPIENT_FIRST_NAME"), nombre);
    params.put(new String("OWNER_FIRST_LAST_NAME"), owner.toString());
    params.put(new String("START_DATE"), fecha);
    params.put(new String("ORG_UNIT"), orgUnit);
    params.put(new String("INSTRUCTION"), "");
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_HEADER_URL"), vinculo);
    recipients = IapiAccountLocator.lookup(session, collaborator.getPrincipal()); // This Changed.
    ( I also tried like this:
    IapiAccountIfc recipients = IapiAccountLocator.lookup(session, collaborator.getPrincipal());)
    sender = session.getAccount();
    mailTypeEnum = new MailTypeEnumType(MailTypeEnumType.ODP_WORKFLOW_APPROVAL_REQUEST_MSG);
    NotificationUtil.sendNotification(recipients,sender, mailTypeEnum,params,null,null);
    Thanks again!

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    Hi vikram!
    Sorry for the still inconvenience, but I'm getting this error:
    Error in method invocation: Static method sendNotification(,,, java.util.Properties, null, null ) not found in class''
    Im making the code the following way:
    Properties params = new Properties();
    params.put(new String("PHASE_NAME"), faseName);
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_TYPE"), docType);
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_NAME"), contractName);
    params.put(new String("RECIPIENT_FIRST_NAME"), nombre);
    params.put(new String("OWNER_FIRST_LAST_NAME"), owner.toString());
    params.put(new String("START_DATE"), fecha);
    params.put(new String("ORG_UNIT"), orgUnit);
    params.put(new String("INSTRUCTION"), "");
    params.put(new String("DOCUMENT_HEADER_URL"), vinculo);
    recipients = IapiAccountLocator.lookup(session, collaborator.getPrincipal()); // This Changed.
    ( I also tried like this:
    IapiAccountIfc recipients = IapiAccountLocator.lookup(session, collaborator.getPrincipal());)
    sender = session.getAccount();
    mailTypeEnum = new MailTypeEnumType(MailTypeEnumType.ODP_WORKFLOW_APPROVAL_REQUEST_MSG);
    NotificationUtil.sendNotification(recipients,sender, mailTypeEnum,params,null,null);
    Thanks again!

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    Does anybody know if it is possible to set the language of the workitem in the workflow to a different language than the log on language? By adding an extra step maybe?

    Hi Tugrul Basar
    The language of a workitem (BOR Object WORKITEM) is set in SWWWIHEAD when the workitem is instantiated as a database attribute, so the bad news is there is no clean method to do this.
    But, you can put some extra logic in the workitem description to enable different languages, even though the language attribute in the object is set to logon language of WF-BATCH user.  In simple terms, you create a standard text (in SO10) for your new language texts and then put a case statement in the description.  Use exactly the same method and syntax as you would for SAPScript.
    Regards and good luck

  • How to set the language of oracle universal installer

    Hi all,
    I have downloaded oracle9i database release 2 Enterprise/standard/personal edition for windows. so I got the them into 3 different folders as said in the oracle site. I have few questions.
    1.i have installed oracle using the universal installer, but my operating system is winxp german version.I want the installer to be in english so that i can easily navigate, how can i set the language. Does the installer automatically detects the OS and chosses the language.
    2. I have 2 sql scripts. One with Schema(tables for database with create statements) and other file with data(insert statements).That is Schema.sql, data.sql. How can i use these scripts for querying using the installed database.
    3. I am totally confused with SID, how to set it and what does it indicate(functionality).
    4. The login for SQL PlUS, i used scott and tiger. Because i think the installer did not installled completely, i could not create my own username/password. What will be the host-string while logging to sqlplus.
    Thanks and Regards

    1.i have installed oracle using the universal installer, but my operating system is winxp german version.I want the installer to be in english so that i can easily navigate, how can i set the language. Does the installer automatically detects the OS and chosses the language.From the control panel, regional setting, make default for English (United States) and English as default language. While installing oracle from OU, choose only english langauge.
    2. I have 2 sql scripts. One with Schema(tables for database with create statements) and other file with data(insert statements).That is Schema.sql, data.sql. How can i use these scripts for querying using the installed database.Once you have installed oracle and create database, make sure the following and then run your scripts.
    1. Check oracle services are started or not from the windows services. If yes, then do step 2, else, start services first and then do step 2.
    2. set oracle_sid=your_database_name
    3. sqlplus /nolog -- when you give this command, if you get reply that connected to idel instance, then, your database is not up, in this case, startup your database after step 4. (startup)
    4. connect / as sysdba
    5. run your script to create schema.
    --once schem created. connec to your newly created schema.
    6. connect username/password --
    7. run the script (insert records)
    3. I am totally confused with SID, how to set it and what does it indicate(functionality).ORACLE_SID is nothing bur your oracle database name. You will be asked to provide the database name while installing and creating oracle database.
    4. The login for SQL PlUS, i used scott and tiger. Because i think the installer did not installled completely, i could not create my own username/password. What will be the host-string while logging to sqlplus.As long as you want to do it on the database server, then, you dont need tnsname. If you want to access database from other machines, then, you need to create a tnsname to connect.

  • Set the language in the Webinterface of SkypeConne...

    Currently I "communicate" in Dutch via the webinterface with SkypeConnect/SkypeManager.
    For our customers I want to include screendumps with specific settings. These screendumps should be in English. How can I change the language to English in this case?
    Go to Solution.

    Hello EDouma,
    I see you want to change the language setting for your Skype Web Page.
    I the very top of your screen, there is a Current Language setting with a down arrow to the right.  Click that down arrow and you will see all of the Languages we support.  If you click English, the language will change to English.  When you want to switch back, just click on that down arrow again and switch.
    I hope we have answered you question on changing Languages while in the Skype webpage.
    Thank you for using Skype and the Skype Community Forums.
    Victor S.
    Skype Enterprise Support

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    Our HP Printer CP1510 got set to a foreign language, haven't a clue what it is, and since we can't read it to figure out what it says we don't know which buttons to push to get it set back to English.  Has anyone else encountered this?

    Thanks for the post.  I've included a link below that may assist in getting this printer back to a factory state and allow you to reconfigure.  Please note, bottom paragraph regarding the IP address after the reset.  Good Luck!
    I worked for HP but my posts and replies are my own....Thank you!
    *Say thanks by clicking the *Kudos!* which is on the left*
    *Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer with (Accept as Solution) if it solves your issue.*

  • How to set the language for a RFC call ?

    when calling from BSP (WAS620) to our R3 using RFC the results (units, ...) are always in DE. How do the call to get the results in EN?
    Language in RFC Destination/Logon&Security does not have an effect.
    thx for your support.

    I am not sure whether this is a logon problem.
    If you run the function module in transaction SE37 then you will get PC because there are some exits associated to it.
    When you call it from "outside", then the internal value is returned to the caller.
    The same happens when using BAPI from languages like Java or .Net
    The material field - in particular - is well-known for this behaviour.
    Hope someone else could testify because I haven't crossed the problem myself.
    Check this thread for instance: connector error
    If you have a doubt, then set an external breakpoint in the remote system for the RFC user. Then, check the content of the <i>sy-langu</i> field.
    Best regards,
    Message was edited by:
            Guillaume GARCIA

  • How to set the language in Safari? why is this so complicated?

    I have already installed Safari 5 but it is in French! I would like to change it into English. I don't find any language setting in the different menu/submenu/preference!
    I am using win7.
    While searching the web, I found that I have to that in the program file folder in the Safari.resources. When I deleted the fr.lproj nothing happened except reinstall the French language file!
    I tried to copy the content of en.lproj folder (which contains one file named bindict) and I put it in the fr.lproj but no change neither!
    Why changing the interface language is so complicated in Safari ?
    I think I will uninstall Safari and go back to Firefox.
    Message was edited by: ablar

    Hi there,
    Did you try the solutions described here:
    If so, did you try reinstalling Safari after following the steps?
    Hope that helps,

  • Howto set the language for logon screen?

    Hello all,
    recently I got a strange beahvior of SAP GUI.
    1. we installed SAP Frontend 7.20. According to the IT, this is a universal version for all languages.
    2. In the first screen, which shows a list of SAP systems, it's in German --> Correct
    3. However as we doulb clicked one system, the logon screen with Client/User/Password Input fields appears in english. --> not correct.
    The user language is set as German overall. That means after the successful logon, the system is again in German. But just the logon screen itself is always in english. Does someone know what setting it can be and how to fix it? many thanks in advance.

    logon language is controlled at SAP server level.
    parameter is login/system_language and you change that through RZ10. Ask your Basis about this.

  • How to set the language key in Sales document header text?

    Hi Guys,
    When I am creating a sales order I found in the header text tab only three languages English, Thai and Ukranian are mentained.. So can you please tell me how to add/ delete more language keys in language key field in a step by step process???
    Thanx and regards,

    Just select the "unwanted language" keys (By 'right clicking') on each & then use the "delete" icon (3rd icon) on the bottom half.
    you can also manintain as many languages as you want.
    Pls do the needful.
    Edited by: SUMANTH GURURAJ on Jan 21, 2011 6:21 PM

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