Setting order of sorting through JDBC

Hi there, could somebody please advice - we need to change order of sorting in Oracle 10g. We are using JDBC to connect to a database, and it is possible to have different language in the database rather than on the client computer. We found setting environment variable for language (for Unix - 'LANG') solves the problem, but we can't set this variable within our Java application, so we need some way to sspecify order of sorting through JDBC driver or soemthing like that.
We tried to create proxy JDBC driver and invoke "ALTER SESSION" after connection established, but that doesn't work for us.
Thanks in advance.

set NLS_LANG and NLS_SORT on the clientSorry, you mean do something from outside Java application? The thing we are not allowed to set some environment variables or do something else, we can only do something with JDBC driver I guess, or probably something from our Java application.

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    Rajesh Panchal wrote:
    I am using oracle 10g. I am trying to execute 'set scan off' statement through JDBC (java code) using below statement
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    Connection c = this.init(); 
    //create statement object
    Statement st = c.createStatement(); 
    //execute statement
    st.execute("set scan off");                              but it is throwing below exception.
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    Please let me know what is the issue.These are not SQL statements but specific Oracle commands. You would invoke them from PL/SQL through the command interpreter or by using Sqlplus on the commandline; if you try to execute this in a PL/SQL query window you'll get the same error.
    So no, you are not going to invoke them from JDBC.

  • Apple Script to Sort through the Address Book

    Dear All,
    I am quite new to Apple and just a learner on Apple-scripts. Its been quite a task to learn.. I would require some help on a few things..
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    After going through lots of scripts to sort through the address book and make a clean address book, i found they are quite slow in processing takes about 20~30 Minutes to get through 2000 Contacts..
    Hence after reading posting of Mr. Koenig & Mr. Hiroto and specifically on deep copy. I have written the following code which does the following on 2000 records within 6~8Mins.
    The Script work its way through all the contact is the address List.. and creates Groups
    1. Duplicate Email Id's — List of Contacts with same email ID's including Contacts where the email Id is entered twice.. (Strange.. Address Book Issue, copy of the email Id under work & home)
    2. Duplicate Phone — List of Contacts with same Phone Numbers including Contacts where the Phone Nos is entered twice.
    3. Duplicate Name — List of Contacts with Same Names
    4. Duplicate No Name — List of Contacts without the First Name and Last Name
    it also sort the Contacts under the following Group which you can edit later with all the information's..
    1. Only Email Ids — List of Contacts with Email ID and No Phone Numbers
    2. Only Phone — List of Contacts with Phone Numbers and No Email Id's
    3. No Email or Phone — List of Contacts with No Email Id's and No Phone numbers (some half completed contacts )
    My Question to the forum is why is the following code still taking too much time..
    set onlyDupEList to every person of group theGroupEmail
    repeat with j from 1 to count of Dup_email
    set tempdata to item j of Dup_email
    if onlyDupEList does not contain {tempdata} then add tempdata to group theGroupEmail
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    and the scripts slows down when the items in the list is quite large (over 800 or so )..
    Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance..
    -- the code ---
    global MsgTitle
    on run
    set MsgTitle to "Search for Duplicates in Address Book Contacts"
    display dialog ¬
    "This Script takes a while to finish" & return & "maybe 10 min or More..." & return & "Depending on the Address Book Contacts." & return & return & "Hence Allow it to run for the while" with title MsgTitle ¬
    with icon 1 ¬
    buttons {"Continue"} ¬
    giving up after 5
    set question to display dialog "Select the Duplicate Search Parameter " with icon 1 with title MsgTitle ¬
    buttons {"Contact Name", "Contacts on Phone & Email Id's", "Quit"} default button 3
    set rtnValue to button returned of question
    if rtnValue is "Quit" then
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    tell me to quit
    end if
    if rtnValue is "Contact Name" then
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    GetDup_byName("Duplicate Name")
    end if
    if rtnValue is "Contacts on Phone & Email Id's" then --Contacts on Phone & Email Id's
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    end if
    end run
    --- Search on Name Field ---
    on GetDup_byName(theGroupName)
    set question to display dialog "Do you want to search for duplicates based on Names? " with icon 0 with title MsgTitle ¬
    buttons {"Continue", "Quit"} default button 1
    set rtnValue to button returned of question
    if rtnValue is "Quit" then
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    tell me to quit
    end if
    tell application "Address Book"
    set biglist to {}
    set NoNameList to {}
    set theGroupNoName to "Duplicates No Names"
    set theGroup to theGroupName
    -- if not (exists (group "Dupilicate Entries")) then
    if not (exists (group theGroup)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroup}
    end if
    if not (exists (group theGroupNoName)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupNoName}
    end if
    set the_names to name of people
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the_names
    set theName to item i of the_names
    -- return theName
    if theName is not in biglist then
    copy theName to end of biglist
    set counter to (people whose name is theName)
    if (count of counter) > 1 then
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in counter
    set this_item to item i of counter
    -- display dialog this_item
    add this_item to group theGroup
    end repeat
    -- return counter as string
    end if
    end if
    -- captures the Contacts without Name ---
    if theName contains "@" then
    -- display dialog theName
    set counterList to (people whose name is theName)
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in counterList
    set this_item to item i of counterList
    -- display dialog this_item
    add this_item to group theGroupNoName
    end repeat
    end if
    -- save application "Address Book"
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set peopleCount to (count every person)
    -- set peopleCount to 50 -- only for testing --
    repeat with i from 1 to peopleCount
    set first_name to first name of person i as string
    set Last_Name to last name of person i as string
    if first_name is equal to "missing value" and Last_Name is equal to "missing value" then
    -- display dialog first_name & " : " & Last_Name
    set end of NoNameList to (id of person i)
    end if
    end repeat
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of NoNameList
    set tempdata to item j of NoNameList
    -- set testdata to person id tempdata
    -- if (name of groups of testdata does not contain theGroupNoEmail) then
    add tempdata to group theGroupNoName
    -- end if
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"*)
    display dialog ¬
    "This Script Finished Processing Address Book Contacts the Duplicates are in the group" with title MsgTitle ¬
    with icon 1 ¬
    buttons {"Continue"} ¬
    giving up after 5
    end tell
    end GetDup_byName
    on Get_dup()
    set question to display dialog "Do you want to search for duplicates based on Names? " with icon 0 with title MsgTitle ¬
    buttons {"Continue", "Quit"} default button 1
    set rtnValue to button returned of question
    if rtnValue is "Quit" then
    -- tell application "Address Book" to quit
    tell me to quit
    end if
    tell application "Address Book"
    set theGroupEmail to "Duplicate Email Id's"
    set theGroupPhone to "Duplicate Phone"
    set theGroupNoEmail to "Only Phone Numbers"
    set thegroupNoPhone to "Only Email Id's"
    set theGroupNoData to "No Email or Phone"
    -- set theGroup to theGroupName
    if not (exists (group theGroupEmail)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupEmail}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    if not (exists (group theGroupPhone)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupPhone}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    if not (exists (group theGroupNoEmail)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupNoEmail}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    if not (exists (group thegroupNoPhone)) then
    make new group with properties {name:thegroupNoPhone}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    if not (exists (group theGroupNoData)) then
    make new group with properties {name:theGroupNoData}
    save "Address Book"
    end if
    set ListofPeople to people --the_ID
    set ListofEmailID to value of emails of people --the_emails
    -- return ListofEmailID
    set ListofPhones to value of phone of people -- the_phones
    -- return ListofPhones
    set biglist to {}
    set ListEmail_Uniq to {}
    set ListEmail_Dup to {}
    set No_PhoneList to {}
    set No_EmailList to {}
    set No_dataList to {}
    set FlagEmail to false
    set FlagPhone to false
    -- repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the_emails
    repeat with i from 1 to count of ListofEmailID
    set thePersonID to item i of ListofPeople
    set theEmails to item i of ListofEmailID
    if theEmails is equal to {} then
    set end of No_EmailList to thePersonID
    -- set FlagEmail to true
    repeat with j from 1 to count of theEmails
    set tmpdata to item j of theEmails
    -- return tmpdata
    if tmpdata is not in biglist then
    set end of biglist to tmpdata
    set end of ListEmail_Uniq to {tmpdata} & {thePersonID}
    set end of ListEmail_Dup to {tmpdata} & {thePersonID}
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    -- return ListEmail_Uniq
    -- return ListEmail_Dup
    -- save application "Address Book"
    set biglist to {}
    set ListPhone_Uniq to {}
    set ListPhone_Dup to {}
    -- repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the_emails
    repeat with i from 1 to count of ListofPhones
    set thePersonID to item i of ListofPeople
    set thePhones to item i of ListofPhones
    if thePhones is equal to {} then
    set end of No_PhoneList to thePersonID
    -- set FlagPhone to true
    repeat with j from 1 to count of thePhones
    set tmpdata to item j of thePhones
    -- return tmpdata
    if tmpdata is not in biglist then
    set end of biglist to tmpdata
    set end of ListPhone_Uniq to {tmpdata} & {thePersonID}
    set end of ListPhone_Dup to {tmpdata} & {thePersonID}
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    -- return ListPhone_Uniq
    -- return ListPhone_Dup
    set the Dup_email to {}
    -- Find the Duplicates from the sorted list --
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of ListEmail_Dup
    set tempdata to item i of ListEmail_Dup
    set dataEmailDup to item 1 of tempdata
    set dataPersonDup to item 2 of tempdata
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of ListEmail_Uniq
    set tempdata to item j of ListEmail_Uniq
    set dataEmailUniq to item 1 of tempdata
    set dataPersonUniq to item 2 of tempdata
    -- display dialog mainEmail1 & "=" & mainEmail2 & " " & mainID1 & "=" & mainID2
    if dataEmailDup is equal to dataEmailUniq then
    set end of Dup_email to dataPersonDup -- & "," & dataPersonUniq
    set end of Dup_email to dataPersonUniq
    end if
    (* -- the code takes lot more time if add to group was used --
    if dataEmailDup is equal to dataEmailUniq then
    set testdata to person id dataPersonDup
    add testdata to group theGroup
    set testdata to person id dataPersonUniq
    add testdata to group theGroup
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    -- return Dup_email
    set the Dup_Phone to {}
    -- Find the Duplicates from the sorted list --
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of ListPhone_Dup
    set tempdata to item i of ListPhone_Dup
    set dataPhoneDup to item 1 of tempdata
    set dataPersonDup to item 2 of tempdata
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of ListPhone_Uniq
    set tempdata to item j of ListPhone_Uniq
    set dataPhoneUniq to item 1 of tempdata
    set dataPersonUniq to item 2 of tempdata
    -- display dialog mainEmail1 & "=" & mainEmail2 & " " & mainID1 & "=" & mainID2
    if dataPhoneDup is equal to dataPhoneUniq then
    set end of Dup_Phone to dataPersonDup -- & "," & dataPersonUniq
    set end of Dup_Phone to dataPersonUniq
    end if
    (*if dataPhoneDup is equal to dataPhoneUniq then
    set testdata to person id dataPersonDup
    add testdata to group theGroup
    set testdata to person id dataPersonUniq
    add testdata to group theGroup
    -- save
    end if*)
    end repeat
    end repeat
    -- return Dup_Phone
    set onlyDupEList to every person of group theGroupEmail
    repeat with j from 1 to count of Dup_email
    set tempdata to item j of Dup_email
    if onlyDupEList does not contain {tempdata} then add tempdata to group theGroupEmail
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set onlyDupPList to every person of group theGroupPhone
    repeat with j from 1 to count of Dup_Phone
    set tempdata to item j of Dup_Phone
    if onlyDupPList does not contain {tempdata} then add tempdata to group theGroupPhone
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set onlyPhoneList to every person of group theGroupNoEmail
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of No_EmailList
    set tempdata1 to item j of No_EmailList
    if No_PhoneList does not contain {tempdata1} then
    if onlyPhoneList does not contain {tempdata1} then add tempdata1 to group theGroupNoEmail
    end if
    (*set flagE to false
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of No_PhoneList
    set tempdata2 to item i of No_PhoneList
    if tempdata1 is equal to tempdata2 then
    set flagE to true
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    if flagE is false then add tempdata1 to group theGroupNoEmail*)
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set onlyEmailList to every person of group thegroupNoPhone
    repeat with j from 1 to the count of No_PhoneList
    set tempdata1 to item j of No_PhoneList
    if No_EmailList does not contain {tempdata1} then
    if onlyEmailList does not contain {tempdata1} then add tempdata1 to group thegroupNoPhone
    end if
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    set onlyList to every person of group theGroupNoData
    repeat with i from 1 to count of ListofPeople
    if (item i of ListofEmailID is equal to {}) and (item i of ListofPhones is equal to {}) then
    set tempdata to item i of ListofPeople
    if onlyList does not contain {tempdata} then add tempdata to group theGroupNoData
    end if
    end repeat
    save application "Address Book"
    display dialog ¬
    "This Script Finished Processing Address Book Contacts the Duplicates are in the group" with title MsgTitle ¬
    with icon 1 ¬
    buttons {"Continue"} ¬
    giving up after 5
    end tell
    end Get_dup
    on quit
    --set MsgTitle to "Change Email ID's Domain Name"
    save application "Address Book"
    display dialog "Contact Srikanth Kamath at [email protected] for any Help" with title MsgTitle with icon 1 buttons "OK"
    continue quit
    end quit

    Hello Srikanth Kamath,
    I'm not sure you're still following this thread, but anyway here's sample code I said I'd post later.
    on main()
    script o
    -- input data
    property xx : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -- list of parents
    property yy : {{"g", "h"}, {"a", "b"}, {"b", "e", "f"}, {"e"}, {"c", "d"}} -- list of children per parent
    -- work list
    property pp : {} -- list of children tagged by parent; i.e, lits of {child, parent}
    property qq : {}
    property rr : {}
    -- (1) build list of children tagged by parent
    repeat with i from 1 to count my xx
    set x to my xx's item i
    set y to my yy's item i
    repeat with p in y
    set end of my pp to {p's contents, x}
    end repeat
    end repeat
    --return pp -- {{"g", 1}, {"h", 1}, {"a", 2}, {"b", 2}, {"b", 3}, {"e", 3}, {"f", 3}, {"e", 4}, {"c", 5}, {"d", 5}}
    -- (2) sort tagged list by child as key
    msort(my by_key1, my pp)
    --return pp -- {{"a", 2}, {"b", 2}, {"b", 3}, {"c", 5}, {"d", 5}, {"e", 3}, {"e", 4}, {"f", 3}, {"g", 1}, {"h", 1}}
    -- (3) retrieve parents with duplicate child
    (* retrieve list of {child, parent} for duplicate child *)
    set my qq to uniq(my eq_key1, my pp, {_dup:true})
    --return qq -- {{"b", 2}, {"b", 3}, {"e", 3}, {"e", 4}}
    (* retrieve list of parent *)
    repeat with q in my qq
    set r to q's item 2
    if r is not in my rr then set end of my rr to r
    end repeat
    return rr -- {2, 3, 4}
    end script
    tell o to run
    end main
    on by_key1(x, y)
    msort's comparator for list of lists
    key = item 1, ascending
    returns true iff x and y are out of order
    return x's item 1 > y's item 1
    end by_key1
    on eq_key1(x, y)
    uniq's comparator for list of lists
    key = item 1
    returns true iff x and y are considered equal
    return x's item 1 = y's item 1
    end eq_key1
    on msort(cmp_, aa) -- v1.2f2
    Basic recursive merge sort handler having list sorted in place.
    handler cmp_ : comparator
    * cmp_(x, y) must return true iff list element x and y are out of order.
    list aa : list to be sorted in place
    script o
    property parent : {} -- limit closure to minimum
    property xx : aa -- to be sorted in place
    property xxl : count my xx
    property yy : {}
    property cmp : cmp_
    on merge(p, q, r)
    property xx: source list
    integer p, q, r : absolute indices to specify range to be merged such that
    xx's items p thru r is the target range,
    xx's items p thru (q-1) is the first sublist,
    xx's items q thru r is the second sublist.
    (p < q <= r)
    local i, j, k, xp, xr, yi, yj, ix, jx
    if r - p = 1 then
    set xp to my xx's item p
    set xr to my xx's item r
    if my cmp(xp, xr) then
    set my xx's item p to xr
    set my xx's item r to xp
    end if
    return -- exit
    if p < q - 1 then merge(p, (p + q) div 2, q - 1)
    merge(q, (q + r + 1) div 2, r)
    end if
    At this point, sublits xx[p, q-1] and xx[q, r] have been already sorted (p < q <= r)
    if my cmp(my xx's item (q - 1), my xx's item q) then
    else -- xx[p, q-1] & xx[q, r] are already sorted
    end if
    set yy to my xx's items p thru r -- working copy for comparison
    set ix to q - p
    set jx to r - p + 1
    set i to 1
    set j to q - p + 1
    set k to p
    set yi to my yy's item i
    set yj to my yy's item j
    if my cmp(yi, yj) then
    set my xx's item k to yj
    set j to j + 1
    set k to k + 1
    if j > jx then
    set my xx's item k to yi
    set i to i + 1
    set k to k + 1
    repeat until k > r
    set my xx's item k to my yy's item i
    set i to i + 1
    set k to k + 1
    end repeat
    end if
    set yj to my yy's item j
    set my xx's item k to yi
    set i to i + 1
    set k to k + 1
    if i > ix then
    set my xx's item k to yj
    set j to j + 1
    set k to k + 1
    repeat until k > r
    set my xx's item k to my yy's item j
    set j to j + 1
    set k to k + 1
    end repeat
    end if
    set yi to my yy's item i
    end if
    end repeat
    end merge
    on cmp(x, y)
    (* primary comparator *)
    return x > y
    end cmp
    local d, i, j
    if xxl ≤ 1 then return
    if cmp_ = {} then set my cmp to cmp -- comparator fallback
    my merge(1, (xxl + 1) div 2, xxl)
    end script
    tell o to run
    end msort
    on uniq(eq_, aa, {dup:dup}) -- v0.21
    handler eq_ : comparator eq_(x, y) that returns true iff x and y are considered equal
    list aa : pre-sorted list
    (precisely, a list organized such that any duplicate items are adjacent to each other)
    boolean _dup : option whether return unique items or duplicate items
    return duplicate if true, unique otherwise.
    script o
    property parent : {} -- limit closure to minimum
    property xx : aa
    property yy : {}
    property eq : eq_
    on eq(x, y)
    (* primitive comparator *)
    x = y
    end eq
    if eq_ = {} then set my eq to my eq -- comparator fallback
    local t, x, _on
    if (count my xx) < 2 then return my xx's contents
    if _dup then
    set _on to false
    set t to my xx's item 1
    repeat with i from 2 to count my xx
    set x to my xx's item i
    if eq(x, t) then
    set end of my yy to t
    set _on to true
    else if _on then
    set end of my yy to t
    set _on to false
    end if
    set t to x
    end repeat
    if _on then set end of my yy to x
    return my yy's contents -- return duplicate elements
    set t to my xx's item 1
    set end of my yy to t
    repeat with i from 2 to count my xx
    set x to my xx's item i
    if eq(x, t) then
    set end of my yy to x
    set t to x
    end if
    end repeat
    return my yy's contents -- return uinque elements
    end if
    end script
    tell o to run
    end uniq
    In order to apply it to your current Address Book problem, replace the main() handler with something like the following one.
    --SCRIPT2a (part)
    on main()
    script o
    -- input data
    property xx : {} -- list of parent; given later
    property yy : {} -- list of children per parent; given later
    -- work list
    property pp : {} -- list of children tagged by parent; i.e, lits of {child, parent}
    property qq : {}
    property rr : {}
    -- (0) get input data from AB
    tell application "Address Book"
    tell people
    set xx to its id
    set yy to its every email's value
    end tell
    end tell
    -- (1) build list of children tagged by parent *)
    (* omitted (same as the previous) *)
    -- (2) sort tagged list by child as key
    (* omitted (same as the previous) *)
    -- (3) retrieve parents with duplicate child
    (* omitted (same as the previous) *)
    -- (4) group the retrieved people in AB
    tell application "Address Book"
    repeat with r in my rr
    add person id r to group "duplicate email"
    end repeat
    end tell
    end script
    tell o to run
    end main
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: Hiroto

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    Jamie Jones.

    when you restart your database, the modification will take effect..

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    t.table_name AS table_name, t.column_name AS column_name,
    DECODE (t.data_type,
    'CHAR', 1,
    'VARCHAR2', 12,
    'NUMBER', 3,
    'LONG', -1,
    'DATE', 91,
    'RAW', -3,
    'LONG RAW', -4,
    'BLOB', 2004,
    'CLOB', 2005,
    'BFILE', -13,
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    'INTERVAL DAY(2) TO SECOND(6)', -104,
    'BINARY_FLOAT', 100,
    'BINARY_DOUBLE', 101,
    ) AS data_type,
    t.data_type AS type_name,
    DECODE (t.data_precision,
    NULL, t.data_length,
    ) AS column_size,
    0 AS buffer_length, t.data_scale AS decimal_digits,
    10 AS num_prec_radix, DECODE (t.nullable, 'N', 0, 1) AS nullable,
    NULL AS remarks, t.data_default AS column_def, 0 AS sql_data_type,
    0 AS sql_datetime_sub, t.data_length AS char_octet_length,
    t.column_id AS ordinal_position,
    DECODE (t.nullable, 'N', 'NO', 'YES') AS is_nullable
    FROM all_tab_columns t
    WHERE t.owner LIKE :1 ESCAPE '/'
    AND t.table_name LIKE :2 ESCAPE '/'
    AND t.column_name LIKE :3 ESCAPE '/'
    ORDER BY table_schem, table_name, ordinal_position
    All other activity on app and database is fine.
    Kindly need a suggestion soon regarding this.

    which is easier to read & understand?
    SELECT NULL                                        AS table_cat,
           t.owner                                     AS table_schem,
           t.table_name                                AS table_name,
           t.column_name                               AS column_name,
           Decode (t.data_type, 'CHAR', 1,
                                'VARCHAR2', 12,
                                'NUMBER', 3,
                                'LONG', -1,
                                'DATE', 91,
                                'RAW', -3,
                                'LONG RAW', -4,
                                'BLOB', 2004,
                                'CLOB', 2005,
                                'BFILE', -13,
                                'FLOAT', 6,
                                'TIMESTAMP(6)', 93,
                                'TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE', -101,
                                'TIMESTAMP(6) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE', -102,
                                'INTERVAL YEAR(2) TO MONTH', -103,
                                'INTERVAL DAY(2) TO SECOND(6)', -104,
                                'BINARY_FLOAT', 100,
                                'BINARY_DOUBLE', 101,
                                1111)                  AS data_type,
           t.data_type                                 AS type_name,
           Decode (t.data_precision, NULL, t.data_length,
                                     t.data_precision) AS column_size,
           0                                           AS buffer_length,
           t.data_scale                                AS decimal_digits,
           10                                          AS num_prec_radix,
           Decode (t.nullable, 'N', 0,
                               1)                      AS nullable,
           NULL                                        AS remarks,
           t.data_default                              AS column_def,
           0                                           AS sql_data_type,
           0                                           AS sql_datetime_sub,
           t.data_length                               AS char_octet_length,
           t.column_id                                 AS ordinal_position,
           Decode (t.nullable, 'N', 'NO',
                               'YES')                  AS is_nullable
    FROM   all_tab_columns t
    WHERE  t.owner LIKE :1 ESCAPE '/'
           AND t.table_name LIKE :2 ESCAPE '/'
           AND t.column_name LIKE :3 ESCAPE '/'
    ORDER  BY table_schem,

  • Change the user/system status when PP order is packed through COPP1

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement to set the system or user status for a PP order. The flow is the transaction COPP1 is used to pack the order for different dates. Now there is a button available on the toolbar when the second screen comes and it shows the data for different dates.
    Is there any user exit or badi available to change the user or system status when tcode COPP1 is used. We want to change the status when the order is packed through tcode COPP1.
    Has anyone of you come across such kind of requirement before if yes then guide me how to solve this problem. If there is other way out also let me know.

    I am not aware about COPP1 transaction and fuctionality but production order change (automatic) is possible from Status profile settings. Create a status profile with your desired statuses and assign this to ordey type.

  • Error indentifying table in database through JDBC

    I have the following table defined in the
    'starter' Oracle database after default installation:
    Table name = employees
    Schema = SYSTEM
    Tablespace = USR
    I can add, read, delete records in this table
    using SQL*Plus with the following sign on credentials:
    password = SYSTEM
    username = MANAGER
    connection string = ORACLE
    However, when I try to manipulate the same
    Employees table through JDBC using the following credentials:
    driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@chupamonkey-ny:1521:ORACLE"
    password = "change_on_install";
    password = "manager";
    username = "sys";
    username = "system";
    I consistently get the following error:
    main (11:15:58): DatabaseUtilities.createTable error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    What is the trick to setting the table you want to manipulate using JDBC to be visible in BOTH SQL*Plus and JDBC?

    I do things like that every day, there's nothing wrong with the general approach (assuming your database is an Oracle database.)
    Specifically, what problems are you having? "It didn't work" is a very poor problem description...


    I was wondering if anyone knows how to set spool on in oracle through JDBC.
    I want to set spool (oracle 10g)on through JDBC and to write the output to the file C:/output.txt.
    The problem is that when i give that command to java:
    stmt.execute("spool to C:\output.sql");
    The compiler gives my a errorInvalidEscapeChar errorso i dont know how to do that.
    If someone could please tell me how to set spool on in the C:\output.txt file i would be gratefull.
    THanks in advance,

    Hello mate,
    Maybe you know a way of doing it through JDBC probably mate?
    I am trying to find in the internet but i cand find anything at all.

  • TS1398 I set up my ipad through my windows XP PC, now when i try to access itunes on my Ipad 3, i get an error saying 'Cannot Connect to itunes'

    I set up my ipad through my windows XP PC, now when i try to access itunes on my Ipad 3, i get an error saying 'Cannot Connect to itunes'

    Try this:
    Go to Settings>General>Date & Time and change the date to a few months in the future and then re-try.

  • Date & time in sql through jdbc URGENT!!!

    How do I enter date & time in this format "16 MAR 2002 12:54:23 pm" in the database of oracle through jdbc-sql?
    Please help me out.
    Its urgent.
    Deepa Datar

    If you are familiar with Oracle, you can use PL/SQL to do the work for you. I didn't test this, but it's probably pretty close.
    String sql = "INSERT INTO TBLA
    VALUES(TO_DATE('16 MAR 2002 12:54:23 P.M.','DD MON YYYY HH24:MI:SS P.M.'))";
    I'm assuming that you know how to insert data, you are only wondering about the specifics of dates?
    This can also be done using a prepared statement. You would code the insert statement something like this:
    String sql = "INSERT INTO TBLA
    I would suggest that if you can convert the time military (24 hour) time, it is easier to handle. The data format model for this is HH24. Otherwise you will need two prepared statements, one for A.M. and one for P.M.
    Good luck.

  • Relational queries through JDBC with the help of Kodo's metadata for O/R mapping

    Due to JDOQL's limitations (inability to express joins, when relationships
    are not modeled as object references), I find myself needing to drop down to
    expressing some queries in SQL through JDBC. However, I still want my Java
    code to remain independent of the O/R mapping. I would like to be able to
    formulate the SQL without hardcoding any knowledge of the relational table
    and column names, by using Kodo's metadata. After poking around the Kodo
    Javadocs, it appears as though the relevant calls are as follows:
    ClassMetaData cmd = ClassMetaData.getInstance(MyPCObject.class, pm);
    FieldMetaData fmd = cmd.getDeclaredField( "myField" );
    PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = pm.getPersistenceManagerFactory();
    JDBCConfiguration conf = (JDBCConfiguration)
    ClassResolver resolver = pm.getClassResolver(MyPCObject.class);
    Connector connector = new PersistenceManagerConnector(
    (PersistenceManagerImpl) pm );
    DBDictionary dict = conf.getDictionary( connector );
    FieldMapping fm = ClassMapping.getFieldMapping(fmd, conf, resolver, dict);
    Column[] cols = fm.getDataColumns();
    Does that look about right?
    Here's what I'm trying to do:
    class Foo
    String name; // application identity
    String bar; // foreign key to Bar
    class Bar
    String name; // application identity
    int weight;
    Let's say I want to query for all Foo instances for which its bar.weight >
    100. Clearly this is trivial to do in JDOQL, if is an object
    reference to Bar. But there are frequently good reasons for modeling
    relationships as above, for example when Foo and Bar are DTOs exposed by the
    remote interface of an EJB. (Yeah, yeah, I'm lazy, using my
    PersistenceCapable classes as both the DAOs and the DTOs.) But I still want
    to do queries that navigate the relationship; it would be nice to do it in
    JDOQL directly. I will also want to do other weird-ass queries that would
    definitely only be expressible in SQL. Hence, I'll need Kodo's O/R mapping
    Is there anything terribly flawed with this logic?

    I have a one point before I get to this:
    There is nothing wrong with using PC instances as both DAO and DTO
    objects. In fact, I strongly recommend this for most J2EE/JDO design.
    However, there should be no need to expose the foreign key values... use
    application identity to quickly reconstitute an object id (which can in
    turn find the persistent version), or like the j2ee tutorial, store the
    object id in some form (Object or String) and use that to re-find the
    matching persistent instance at the EJB tier.
    Otherwise, there is a much easier way of finding ClassMapping instances
    and in turn FieldMapping instances (see ClassMapping.getInstance () in
    the JavaDocs).
    Ben Eng wrote:
    Due to JDOQL's limitations (inability to express joins, when relationships
    are not modeled as object references), I find myself needing to drop down to
    expressing some queries in SQL through JDBC. However, I still want my Java
    code to remain independent of the O/R mapping. I would like to be able to
    formulate the SQL without hardcoding any knowledge of the relational table
    and column names, by using Kodo's metadata. After poking around the Kodo
    Javadocs, it appears as though the relevant calls are as follows:
    ClassMetaData cmd = ClassMetaData.getInstance(MyPCObject.class, pm);
    FieldMetaData fmd = cmd.getDeclaredField( "myField" );
    PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = pm.getPersistenceManagerFactory();
    JDBCConfiguration conf = (JDBCConfiguration)
    ClassResolver resolver = pm.getClassResolver(MyPCObject.class);
    Connector connector = new PersistenceManagerConnector(
    (PersistenceManagerImpl) pm );
    DBDictionary dict = conf.getDictionary( connector );
    FieldMapping fm = ClassMapping.getFieldMapping(fmd, conf, resolver, dict);
    Column[] cols = fm.getDataColumns();
    Does that look about right?
    Here's what I'm trying to do:
    class Foo
    String name; // application identity
    String bar; // foreign key to Bar
    class Bar
    String name; // application identity
    int weight;
    Let's say I want to query for all Foo instances for which its bar.weight >
    100. Clearly this is trivial to do in JDOQL, if is an object
    reference to Bar. But there are frequently good reasons for modeling
    relationships as above, for example when Foo and Bar are DTOs exposed by the
    remote interface of an EJB. (Yeah, yeah, I'm lazy, using my
    PersistenceCapable classes as both the DAOs and the DTOs.) But I still want
    to do queries that navigate the relationship; it would be nice to do it in
    JDOQL directly. I will also want to do other weird-ass queries that would
    definitely only be expressible in SQL. Hence, I'll need Kodo's O/R mapping
    Is there anything terribly flawed with this logic?
    Steve Kim
    [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

  • How to save Chinese&Japanise Character through JDBC or Hibernate in ORACLE

    Dear all,
    How to save chinese and japanise character in oracle 9i database through JDBC or Hibernate.
    Please let us know if you have any source code.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Calling Stored Procedures through JDBC

    I would like to implement a call to a stored procedure through JDBC. This call I suppose to embed in JavaBean to import Bean as model.
      A) Shoud this call be implemented inside ordinaly JavaBean or inside EJB?
      B) How can I determine DataSource? Is it possible through JNDI?
      C) Is there any tutorials or examples?
      D) Could anybody give some code texts on this theme?

    we use quite a similar architecture here (2 ORACLE DBs, a DB link from one instance to the other). However, we use the db links in functions (not in stored procedures). but a simple select using the db link also works with JDBC. do you use the very same db instances / schemas / users+passwords on all your different test environments? so far, we havent' noticed any problems with ORACLE queries (stored procedures, functions, etc.) that work in sqlplus/worksheet but not with JDBC. do you use the latest ORACLE JDBC drivers (

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  • SAP Integrator

    Hi all, I have a problem importing the design of a table from our SAP-System to owb 10.2. I used SAP (se11) to create a table, put that table into a package and into the class 'C' (customizing table). Now I need this table in OWB. When I click on imp