Setting Permission

A complete novice to mac
I can't repair permissions on any of my other hdd apart from main hdd.
If I get info on the hdd, unlock using the padlock, click on the plus to add myself to the list - window closes!

read this two minutes after posting - thanks.
In researching this issue I have read substantial post relating to permission issues on folders etc, more specific relating to an unknown user - I have followed advice and sort this out for the main hdd, but how does one remove the unknown user from other volumes.

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    I think you misunderstood the solution proposed by frederic, what he is suggesting is that the error doesn't come from your code but from the user account
    have you tried with another account ? (maybe the one you are using to log to your environment)
    With this information, it will help us to know if the problem comes from your code or from the user account
    Best regards, Christopher.
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    I'm not sure that I fully understand your question...
    If you want to delegate the control of a custom Client Setting to a specific administrator, you will need to do it via RBA.
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    more on RBA:
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    The views can either be personal or public. If the view is public it will be visible to users. You may either need to delete the view or create a new personal view similar to the public view before deleting it.
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    Depends on what you mean. If you want to programatically include/exclude a folder in a, say, File Open dialog that your program displays, then yes, absolutely. If you're asking whether can set an operating system security flag on a folder, then the answer is probably not (at least not without resorting to native code), and it will almost certainly not be portable across different operating systems.

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    This is something you will have to handle yourself. Its really not that complex, and if a particular user is not going to see the objects, ever, then theres no point creating them and just setting them invisible. That is a waste of memory. But if you don't ahve the permission level at the beginning, then you'll have to do the setVisible version.
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        ASCabPutInt( settings, kExtractImgCmdKeyColorSpace, kColorSpaceMonochrome );
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    Check this link

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    WebDav URL: http://*************/irj/go/km/docs/documents
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    If your MBP has Lion installed then you have iCloud by updating to 10.7.2.
    If you have a 2011 MBP then Lion should be pre-installed. If it is not then you can purchase and download it via the App Store if you have 10.6.6 or later installed. If you have older PPC-only applications such as Office 2004, then they will have to be upgraded because PPC-only applications will not run in Lion.
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    Hi Wen,
    Thank you for posting in Windows Server forum.
    In addition to Razwer comment, please check below articles.
    Introducing RemoteApp User Assignment (For reference)
    Distribution of Remote Apps and desktops in Windows Server 2012
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki

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    Project Leads: (PL1, PL2, PL3, PL4, PL5, PL6).
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    check this similar post
    Romeo Donca, Orange Romania (MCSE, MCITP, CCNA) Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if the post has been helpful for you.

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    Are you having this issue in both the Development Environment and the Run Time Environment? The second solution that I linked is for executables only, and only makes it so that you don't have to turn off the UAC because it has administrative privilages. Anything that an administrator is able to do, the executable will now have permission to do. To test if this solution will work at all, just right click on the executable and select "Run as Administrator". If you are still having issues when the executable is running as administrator, the above solution will not work. 
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