Set Permission on RemoteApp 2012 R2

How can I set 2012 R2 RemoteApp to allow certain users\groups accessing certain application and not other application without creating a new COllection

Hi Wen,
Thank you for posting in Windows Server forum.
In addition to Razwer comment, please check below articles.
Introducing RemoteApp User Assignment (For reference)
Distribution of Remote Apps and desktops in Windows Server 2012
Hope it helps!
Dharmesh Solanki

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    hello again,
    i didn't really dare to delete the blue home folders before, just in case everything went wrong, but now i think i have so little space that i can't afford to lose 2.25gb!
    one thing that slightly worries me is the fact that the 'proper' library folder (in the home icon) is 2.09gb, whereas the 'wrong' one (from the blue folder forenamesurname) is 2.24gb - this is the one i would be deleting. just seems odd to delete a larger file than the one i presume i'm using.
    "Move everything you want to keep out of the blue folders, and then place both of the folders on your desktop. If everything works properly after a few days, delete both folders. If you are asked for your administrator password at any point or if either folder is copied instead of moved when dragged, don't delete that folder."
    by 'everything you want to keep', does this include the library folder? 'cause there doesn't seem to be much else, and i'm not sure if deleting the library folder would ruin all my preferences.
    i've put both of the folders on the desktop, it didn't ask for the admin password or try to copy them, so i guess that's good news. what kind of things should i be looking out for to act differently?
    are the folders not in use now that they are on the desktop?
    also if i put them in the trash will they have no effect? i.e. the same as permanently deleting them, so i could put them in the trash as a test.
    cheers, stephen.

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    How to fix this?

    I think you misunderstood the solution proposed by frederic, what he is suggesting is that the error doesn't come from your code but from the user account
    have you tried with another account ? (maybe the one you are using to log to your environment)
    With this information, it will help us to know if the problem comes from your code or from the user account
    Best regards, Christopher.
    Blog |
    Please remember to click "Mark As Answer" if a post solves your problem or
    "Vote As Helpful" if it was useful.
    Why mark as answer?

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    I'm not sure that I fully understand your question...
    If you want to delegate the control of a custom Client Setting to a specific administrator, you will need to do it via RBA.
    Create/use a custom scope (not Default) and assign the scope to the custom client setting. Then assign the Security Role (e.g. "Operations Administrators") to the admin user and restrict it to the scope.This is so that the admin only has permissions on client
    setting(s) that are linked to the select scope.
    more on RBA:
    If the settings "All instances of the objects that are related to the assigned security roles" is working, it could be that you did not create a scope to assign when using another option (e.g. "Only the instances of objects that are assigned to the scpecified
    security scopes and collections" or "Associate assigned security roles with specific security scopes and collections").

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    One technique for this is to set the Custom User Interface group policy setting to logoff.exe.  You would have the GPO apply to normal users, but not applied to Domain Admins (or other users that you need to have full desktop).
    User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System
    Custom User Interface     Enabled
    Interface file name: %systemroot%\system32\logoff.exe
    You should also use NTFS permissions, group policy settings, AppLocker, etc., to further restrict what users are able to do.

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    What i have to do to correct this problem?
    Thanks and sorry my english.

    When you say "The internet explorer shows the credential prompt always and i can not access to the server" do you mean it simply keeps re-prompting you to login and doesn't get any further, or are you getting any error messages?
    Since you've already installed RDC 7.0, the other two things to check are that the XP machine is running SP3, and that you've enabled CredSSP on there (as it's not enabled by default on XP). To check this, click Start > All Programs > Accessories >
    Remote Desktop Connection, then click the little computer icon in the title bar, left of the words "remote desktop connection", then choose "about", or "help > about". If it says "Network Level Authentication not supported"
    or has no reference to this at all, you need to enable it. If it's not enabled then have a look at which has instructions for enabling it.
    Depending on the options enabled on the 2012 server, it's possible however that you simply can't connect from an XP machine at all. Some of the newer features on 2012 RDP don't support XP as they rely on functionality that is missing from XP. Annoyingly
    I can't find a reference to what those features at right now, but I know with our setup (with those features disabled currently) we're able to support XP clients, but have are intending to end support for it so we can enable those features and improve functionality
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  • RemoteApp 2012 and File Type Associations

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    -> Current Associations column, I see the name of the collection, which includes Excel ... but it does not work. After updating the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections on the client, the RDP file with Excel noticed a new line:
    remoteapplicationfileextensions: s:. csv,. xls,. xlsx,. xltx
    How do I make it work? I know that in RemoteApp on Server 2008R2 you could export the MSI file that took care of File Type Associations, but what to do in case of Server 2012?

    Unfortunately, the feature to install file type associations for RemoteApp programs in your GPO-pushed RemoteApp and Desktop Collection is only supported on Windows 8 clients. Several improvement were made over the old MSI-based file type associations, and
    those improvements rely upon changes in the Windows 8 OS.
    Ultimately file type associations are controlled with registry keys, all of which are documented on MSDN. RemoteApp programs are pretty much the same as any other local program, except the file type is associated with mstsc.exe with some special parameters.
    Although the way we register those file type associations in Windows 8 won't work for you, the way the old MSIs used to register them would. You could in theory register the RemoteApp file type associations yourself in the same way that one of the old MSIs
    would have done (you could use some sort of GPO-pushed script on the clients).
    The easiest way to do this would be to track down one of those old MSIs, install it, and do a before-and-after view of the registry to see what changes it makes.
    Hope that helps,
    Travis Howe | RDS Blog:

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    According to the description, I know the you are able to find the instance in the Browse for Servers window from another computer after turning on the ‘Hide Instance’ setting in SQL Server Configuration Manager. Are you able to connect to the instance as
    Make sure that the HideInstance has been set to 1 in the below registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.instancename\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib
    Note: You may take a backup of the key before make any changes on the registry keys.
    For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

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       Is there any setting for Restrict permission for update GRN before add,for example user want add GRN only based on Purchase order (Quantity,price,tax,item...)he should edit the GRN,he can only ADD

    Make a seperate approval procedure for the GRPO. then he(End User) can add GRPO. but the manager can reject are approve the docuemtns like wise you can restrict the user.
    it means it is draft mode this will not create the journal entry. once the document gets approve then it will create teh journal and inventory gets updated.

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    How do I set the permission levels to achieve the same.
    Many thanks in advance.

    The views can either be personal or public. If the view is public it will be visible to users. You may either need to delete the view or create a new personal view similar to the public view before deleting it.
    Blog | SharePoint Learnings CodePlex Tools |
    Export Version History To Excel |
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    the problems we are facing some of them are.. we dont have central command for example one sofware in repairing center has another version and in head office another which make a lot of problems some of the times.and printing any body can print whatever he
    wants and there is no record of printing.
    please advise me if we purchase a server 2012 can our problems be solved and what hardware and software we need ....and is it possible a user from our repairing center send a print from the printer of our head office. or if you can refer me a link where i can
    find all the functions i tried to google it but the language was so technical i cant understand too much...
    Best Regards

    1. This question is too general one. More specific information is needed. I do recommend reading something about the infrastructure and hire someone knowledgeable who will set the system.
    2. Consider using RDS. This will centralize your services. Software should comply with RDS requirements (RDS <-> terminal server)
    3. Consider what type of network connection you will use. This will influence the cost.

  • Exchange 2013 CU2, Alert for OWA Health set unhealthy from SCOM 2012

    I am facing issue in Exchange 2013 CU2, I got this alert from SCOM 2012 atleast 5-6 times a day, OWA health set is unhealthy, I have done all the steps mentioned in this web link. Authentication type for OWA Virtual directory is integrated windows and Basic.
    I have 2 CAS servers, and this alert generated from both of them.
    Alert: Health Set unhealthy
    Source: EX-CAS - OWA
    Path: EX-CAS;EX-CAS
    Last modified by: System
    Last modified time: 1/5/2014 8:15:08 PM
    Alert description: Outlook Web Access logon is failing on ClientAccess server EX-CAS.
    Availability has dropped to 0%. You can find protocol level traces for the failures on C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging\Monitoring\OWA\ClientAccessProbe.
    Incident start time: 1/6/2014 4:05:08 AM
    Last failed result:
    Failing Component - Owa
    Failure Reason - CafeFailure
    System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.ScenarioException:
    Failure source: Owa
    Failure reason: CafeFailure
    Failing component:Owa
    Exception hint: CafeErrorPage: CafeFailure Unauthorized Inner exception: Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.CafeErrorPageException
    ErrorPageFailureReason: CafeFailure, RequestFailureContext: FailurePoint=FrontEnd, HttpStatusCode=401, Error=Unauthorized, Details=, HttpProxySubErrorCode=, WebExceptionStatus=
    Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.CafeErrorPageException: An error occurred on the Client Access server while processing the request
    WebExceptionStatus: Success
    GET https://localhost/owa/ HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; MSEXCHMON; ACTIVEMONITORING; OWACTP)
    Accept: */*
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    X-OWA-ActionName: Monitoring
    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    request-id: 211474d2-a43e-4fab-8038-3aab35353568
    X-FailureContext: FrontEnd;401;VW5hdXRob3JpemVk;;;
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
    WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate,NTLM,Basic realm="localhost"
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    X-FEServer: EX-CAS
    Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 04:14:47 GMT
    Content-Length: 0
    Response time: 0s
     ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.CafeErrorPageException: Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.CafeErrorPageException
    ErrorPageFailureReason: CafeFailure, RequestFailureContext: FailurePoint=FrontEnd, HttpStatusCode=401, Error=Unauthorized, Details=, HttpProxySubErrorCode=, WebExceptionStatus=
    Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.CafeErrorPageException: An error occurred on the Client Access server while processing the request
    WebExceptionStatus: Success
    GET https://localhost/owa/ HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; MSEXCHMON; ACTIVEMONITORING; OWACTP)
    Accept: */*
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    X-OWA-ActionName: Monitoring
    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    request-id: 211474d2-a43e-4fab-8038-3aab35353568
    X-FailureContext: FrontEnd;401;VW5hdXRob3JpemVk;;;
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
    WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate,NTLM,Basic realm="localhost"
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    X-FEServer: EX-CAS
    Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 04:14:47 GMT
    Content-Length: 0
    Response time: 0s
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.BaseExceptionAnalyzer.Analyze(TestId currentTestStep, HttpWebRequestWrapper request, HttpWebResponseWrapper response, Exception exception, Action`1 trackingDelegate)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.HttpSession.AnalyzeResponse[T](HttpWebRequestWrapper request, HttpWebResponseWrapper response, Exception exception, HttpStatusCode[] expectedStatusCodes, Func`2 processResponse)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.HttpSession.EndSend[T](IAsyncResult result, HttpStatusCode[] expectedStatusCodes, Func`2 processResponse, Boolean fireResponseReceivedEvent)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.HttpSession.EndGet[T](IAsyncResult result, HttpStatusCode[] expectedStatusCodes, Func`2 processResponse)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.Authenticate.AuthenticationResponseReceived(IAsyncResult result)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.BaseTestStep.EndExecute(IAsyncResult result)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.Owa.OwaLogin.AuthenticationCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Net.MonitoringWebClient.BaseTestStep.EndExecute(IAsyncResult result)
       at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Bool
    States of all monitors within the health set:
    Note: Data may be stale. To get current data, run: Get-ServerHealth -Identity 'EX-CAS' -HealthSet 'OWA'
    TargetResource                     HealthSet                    
    AlertValue     ServerComponent    
    NotApplicable       OwaCtpMonitor                                                             
    Unhealthy      None               
    States of all health sets:
    Note: Data may be stale. To get current data, run: Get-HealthReport -Identity 'EX-CAS'
    AlertValue     LastTransitionTime      
    NotApplicable       ActiveSync                   
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:21:13 AM     
    NotApplicable       AD                           
    Healthy        11/24/2013 6:54:18 AM  
    NotApplicable       ECP                          
    Healthy        1/5/2014 3:03:05 AM     
    Healthy        11/20/2013 10:06:37 AM  
    NotApplicable       Autodiscover                 
    Healthy        1/3/2014 10:18:17 PM    
    Healthy        11/20/2013 10:06:37 AM  
    11/21/2013 6:16:08 PM    4                  
    Healthy        11/20/2013 10:06:37 AM  
    Healthy        11/24/2013 6:54:28 AM   
    Healthy        11/19/2013 7:14:34 PM   
    Healthy        11/20/2013 10:06:37 AM  
    NotApplicable       EDS                          
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:19:56 AM     
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:21:27 AM     
    RWS.Proxy                     Healthy       
    1/3/2014 5:20:09 AM      10                 
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:21:12 AM     
    NotApplicable       EWS                          
    Healthy        1/3/2014 10:18:17 PM    
    Healthy        1/5/2014 3:47:09 AM     
    Healthy        1/5/2014 3:47:09 AM     
    NotApplicable       Monitoring                   
    Unhealthy      1/5/2014 4:05:57 AM     
    NotApplicable       DataProtection               
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:25:42 AM     
    NotApplicable       Network                       Healthy       
    1/4/2014 1:51:16 PM      1                  
    NotApplicable       OWA                          
    Unhealthy      1/5/2014 8:05:08 PM     
    NotApplicable       FIPS                         
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:21:12 AM     
    Healthy        1/5/2014 4:11:00 AM     
    NotApplicable       RPS                          
    Healthy        11/20/2013 10:07:12 AM  
    NotApplicable       Compliance                   
    Healthy        11/20/2013 10:08:10 AM  
    NotApplicable       Outlook                      
    Healthy        11/21/2013 6:12:54 PM   
    Healthy        1/5/2014 3:47:10 AM     
    NotApplicable       UserThrottling               
    Healthy        1/5/2014 4:16:42 AM     
    NotApplicable       Search       
    11/24/2013 6:55:06 AM    9                  
    NotApplicable       AntiSpam                     
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:16:43 AM     
    NotApplicable       Security                     
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:19:28 AM     
    NotApplicable       IMAP.Protocol                
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:21:14 AM     
    NotApplicable       Datamining                   
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:18:34 AM     
    NotApplicable       Provisioning                 
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:19:56 AM     
    NotApplicable       POP.Protocol                 
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:20:44 AM     
    NotApplicable       Outlook.Protocol             
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:19:46 AM     
    NotApplicable       ProcessIsolation             
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:19:26 AM     
    NotApplicable       Store                        
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:20:38 AM     
    NotApplicable       TransportSync                
    Healthy        11/24/2013 6:53:09 AM   
    NotApplicable       MailboxTransport             
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:21:11 AM     
    NotApplicable       EventAssistants              
    Healthy        11/21/2013 6:22:01 PM   
    NotApplicable       MRS                          
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:20:29 AM     
    NotApplicable       MessageTracing               
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:18:15 AM     
    NotApplicable       CentralAdmin                 
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:17:25 AM     
    NotApplicable       UM.Protocol                  
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:17:08 AM     
    NotApplicable       Autodiscover.Protocol        
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:17:13 AM     
    NotApplicable       OAB                          
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:20:51 AM     
    NotApplicable       OWA.Protocol                 
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:20:52 AM     
    NotApplicable       Calendaring                  
    Healthy        11/24/2013 6:56:59 AM   
    NotApplicable       PushNotifications.Protocol   
    Healthy        11/21/2013 6:16:05 PM   
    NotApplicable       EWS.Protocol                 
    Healthy        1/3/2014 5:19:07 AM     
    NotApplicable       ActiveSync.Protocol 
    1/3/2014 5:20:16 AM      3                  
    NotApplicable       RemoteMonitoring             
    Healthy        1/5/2014 3:47:09 AM     
    Any solution for this alert, how to rectify it, but OWA is running perfect for all users.           

    Sorry for the late reply.
    Do we have Exchange 2010 coexistence?
    If it is the case, I know the following known issue:
    Release Notes for Exchange 2013
    Please note the "Exchange 2010 coexistence" session.
    If it is not related to our problem, please check the IIS log.
    If there is any detailed error code, like 401.1, 401.2, please let me know.
    Hope it is helpful
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Depends on what you mean. If you want to programatically include/exclude a folder in a, say, File Open dialog that your program displays, then yes, absolutely. If you're asking whether can set an operating system security flag on a folder, then the answer is probably not (at least not without resorting to native code), and it will almost certainly not be portable across different operating systems.

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