Setting up 2 atv's

I have 2 atv's now, a 1st generation and a 2nd generation.  I'd like to set up the 1st gen. on another tv now.  Is this possible?  Right now I have them both connected to different tv's and only 1 atv is showing up in itunes?  Can someone help with this?
Thanks so much!

The first and second generation ATV's are two different units. The ATV1 was pretty much an iPod for your TV with all the same sync options as well as streaming. It could store media for playback when the computer is off so it needed to appear in iTunes to adjust the sync settings.
The ATV2 will not store media and only streams it through Home Sharing. There is no sync settings therefore there is no need for it to appear in iTunes.
You may not have to change anything on your ATV1, just connect it to a TV and continue using it as you have done before. With the ATV2 you will turn on Home Sharing in iTunes Advanced menu. Then you active it on the ATV's Settings/Computers menu. Then you can select and play anything in your iTunes Library in the ATV2's Computers menu and it streams from your computer. Since there is no storage space the computer must be on unless you have iTunes Match enabled.

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    Hey all,
    I have a TV with one HDMI in. My home theater receiver has an HDMI out and no HDMI ins. My apple TV HDMI out to the TV HDMI in works perfectly, but obviously I want to use my surround sounds/theater. I do have an optical cable, and my receiver has an optical jack.
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    you'll need to connect HDMI to your TV and optical to your home theatre.

  • Can't Get ATV to Stream from iTunes

    OK, I can't get my ATV to stream from my iTunes. when I initially set up the ATV, it synced to my iTunes. I actually don't recall any option to sync or stream, but makbe I missed it.
    Anyway, the help says the following:
    "Playing your iTunes library on your TV using Apple TV
    If you have an Apple TV, you can stream items from your iTunes library to your TV. You can also sync your Apple TV with your iTunes library so that content is automatically loaded onto your Apple TV.
    Syncing your Apple TV with iTunes
    If your Apple TV is synced with an iTunes library, it is already set up for streaming. You can also stream items from an iTunes library that isn't synced with your Apple TV. You can stream from up to five iTunes libraries, plus the library the Apple TV is synced with.
    To set up your Apple TV for streaming:
    Make sure the computer you want to stream from is on, and iTunes is open.
    On your Apple TV, choose Sources, choose "Connect to New iTunes," and make a note of the passcode displayed.
    In iTunes, select the Apple TV with "Click to set up" next to it, and enter the passcode.
    While content is being streamed, the computer must remain on and iTunes must remain open. If you stream content while Apple TV is syncing, the sync pauses until streaming stops.
    You can stream from only one iTunes library at a time. To stream from a different library, choose Sources on your Apple TV and then choose another source."
    Now, here is the problem:
    1. It says "If your Apple TV is synced with an iTunes library, it is already set up for streaming." NOT. No where do I see any stream or share selection. Only sync.
    2. It says "You can stream from up to five iTunes libraries, plus the library the Apple TV is synced with." Again, not that I can see.
    3. It says "On your Apple TV, choose Sources, choose "Connect to New iTunes," and make a note of the passcode displayed." I don't have a "Sources" option anywhere in ATV. How am I supposed to select it?? All I have is a "Computers" selection, which shows me my current selected computer for synching, and another option to share a library, with a new passcode. But, only to a second computer, not my main one (where all the files are!).
    I don't understand. It's like it's referring to some other device, with different menus. Now, I have ver 2.0 of ATV, and 7.6 of iTunes. WHAT IS GOING ON?
    I purchased this thing to take advantage of streaming, for photos and video. I only bought the 32 GB unit, but even the 160 would not be bug enough to have all my photos and HD video. So, streaming is a must. But, it would be nice to also sync the music files so I can listen to them without having the computer on. If the thing functed like the manual says, I would be happy. But, it doesn't.

    Good news- this is all so much simpler that you think. (I know because I too struggled with it for days.) It turns ou that you have to do NOTHING to set up streaming with 2.0. Once you have synced your computer, just leave your computer running and on your TV using ATV you will see whatever movies you have imported into iTunes in the movie menu even if you have not synced them. The only way that you can tell that they are not synced is that when you select them to play the streaming bar will appear briefly at the bottom of your TV screen to indicate that it is being synced. If you turn your computer off the movie that you have chosen would not even appear in the menu.
    Hope this helps- it is too bad apple doesn't give more info about using ATV!

  • Macbook i7 to ATV - Airplay BOGGS and won't stream iTunes movies

    I have a 2012 i7 Macbook 13 inch, and a 2012 (3rd Gen?) (it's brand new) 1080/WIFI/HDMI Apple TV. I have set up the ATV and updated all of the software. It is connected to my WIFI, which is fast and stable.  then:
    -I started home sharing on my ATV/Itunes. My movies AND music show up on the ATV in the "Computer" section. I can select both movies and music, and all the media information comes up on the ATV.
    -When I play music on ATV, the MUSIC loads and plays VERY SLOW and CHOPPY.
    -When I play MOVIES on the ATV thru Itunes, they usually do NOT even load. The ATV tries to load the movies, but the spinning wheel (of death) is usually all I see. Sometimes, a movie will look like it is going to load, and play, but the it just sits on one frame of the movie. That is as far as it goes. The movie freezes but ironically neither the ATV or MACbook are freezing.
    -AIRPLAY will mirror my desktop onto the TV, but that is as far as it will go also. The mouse will not even move on the TV. It basically just shows a frozen display of the screen
    -I was using Moutain Lion when i first tried to get this to work, but i have since updated to Maverick, hoping that would fix things. It hasn't. NOTHING has changed. My iTunes is up to date. ATV software is up to date.
    -It seems like this would be a problem with the network or the internet, except here is the strange thing:
    -I can use my i7 HP PC to stream movies/music thru iTunes FLAWLESSLY. The movies and music inside of iTunes on the HP stream PERFECTLY thru the ATV.
    This is really FRUSTRATING. I went out and got this new Macbook, and decided to use all MAC, since I love my iPhone and iPad.. and everyone always tells me how much better the OS on Macs are.. well, I'm not too impressed right now. I would expect ALOT more plug and play. I am very good with computers, albeit mainly PCs, but this should be alot easier to work. I really hope I am doing something really stupid, and someone knows a quick fix. I have searched the forums and don't see anything that was resolved from similar hardware situations. I don't get it.. Totally stuck... Could really use some help.. Trying to be a converted believer in the ways of MAC, so far, not going so good. It's been a serious headache.
    Wondering why I even bought ATV right about now? I could have easily just plugged my HDMI cord into EITHER MAC/PC laptop, and accessed ALL the same things.. no remote I guess... but so far it's totally not worth the headache. PLEASE HELP

    OK! I figured something out.. I got my MAC to start streaming movies and music finally!!!! It turns out that I need to shut off the WIFI on the PC that I am also homesharing thru iTunes on. I set both the PC and MACBOOK to homeshare their respective iTUNES, and they both simutaneously show up on the ATV. BUT... if I have them both running WIFI at the same time, while both signed into homeshare in iTunes, only the PC's streaming works correctly. (see above post for more detail of FAILURE) SO WEIRD. The MAC shows up stil on the ATV, but BOGGS down or fails to load files completely. As soon as I turn off WIFI on the PC, Mac streams perfectly thru the COMPUTER folder on the ATV..
    Can ANYONE please tell me how to use both PC and MAC on the ATV without shutting off one or the other? Or is that not possible? I guess it doesn't really matter, since I can only stream one thing at a time to the ATV . I like to keep both computer's WIFI running at the same time (downloading files in background), but I guess I can just shut off home sharing on the PC when I am using the MAC, and vice versa. Glad to know they both work thru the ATV. Haven't tried to use the mirrored display on the MAC yet.. gonna stick to watching movies thru the ATV's computer folder with my iTunes movie playlist for now. No need to frustrate myself anymore. Just gonna enjoy some technology for a minute.
    I guess I have answered my own question.
    Pretty surprised I didn't get even one response in 24 hours to my original post. This is my first time using any forum for TECH support.
    I thought this post made sense, but maybe it's a bunch of jibberish. Or maybe people saw the word "PC" and didn't want anything to do with this post.
    Truth is, the iTunes on my PC worked flawlessly with my ATV, right out the box, whereas the MAC was a little work to get going. Also, it (MACBOOK) loads content slower than the PC on the ATV. They are both i7 processors with 8 gigs of ram.  I still have yet to find something on this MAC that I can't do just as easily on a PC for a third the cost. I love the way the Apple stuff looks, and there are some cool things that MAC has gotten right (love the trackpad).. I love my iPhone, iPad, and now my ATV.. but my PC is still givin this MACBOOK a run for it's money. Just sayin.
    Hopefully this post can help someone if they are in a similar position: in a household that uses both MAC/PC and shares one Apple TV.  Like I said, this seems to be working now. Fingers crossed. If anything changes I will be sure to talk about it.

  • ATV 3.x Update & Issues

    I've read enough comments now to know that the problems I'm experiencing are not at all unique.
    The 3.x ATV software update absolutely *****.
    What I want to know is why the heck Apple's engineers felt the need to make such radical changes, and why the heck pre-release testing did not catch all of these problems. Does the ATV team even use a Beta testing cycle? It seems unlikely these problems would have gotten through to production if the software had been thoroughly tested.
    My setup includes the ATV connected to a Sony LCD TV via HDMI through an XtremeMac HDMI switch with digital audio output through a Bose home theater system.
    I have the ATV synchronized with a Mac Mini such that unviewed movies are moved to the ATV and the entire music collection from iTunes is moved there as well. So most of the time when I'm using the ATV the Mac Mini does not even have to be awake. I also have the ATV linked to several other Macs in the house.
    The problems I've experienced are:
    1. The ATV is causing the Mac Mini to stay awake constantly. With the update to Snow Leopard and the previous ATV software version, the Mac OS "wake on access" feature was working flawlessly; now it isn't working at all.
    2. When I listen to music, I turn the TV off since the sound is fed to the Bose system. But when I want to control the ATV and turn the TV on again, the ATV doesn't respond and provide a video signal unless I power cycle the HDMI switch.
    3. When I attempt to use the remote, especially when the ATV hasn't been playing anything for a while, it takes too long to show the main menu screen AND it acts as if it "doesn't do" remote...i.e., there are huuuuuge lags of time between pressing a remote button and getting a response. This is especially true when moving left/right/left on the main menu...i.e., going from Movies to Music or back. When I move from Movies to Music, the response to the remote button presses take anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds to register; once the remote is being responded to within a category it works fairly quickly, but those initial delays are absolutely maddening.
    I sure hope to see ATV 3.2 come out very soon to address all the issues Apple has created with the 3.0/3.1 release!
    Meanwhile, if anybody knows how I can step backwards from 3.x to the last release of 2.x I'd love to have a pointer to those instructions.

    Just to add to this - I have almost exactly the same setup as Mike incl HDMI switch etc. I have had all these problems the last couple of days and tried everything: connecting ATV directly to TV instead of through switch, swapping cables, power cycling the switch, restoring ATV to factory settings, changing the remote etc. None of these worked. Every time I switched to an alternative video input source, or switched off the TV, then the next time I wanted to see the ATV there was no video signal.
    The ONLY thing that has worked was changing the HDMI output to 720p which I did by pure chance because I noticed after every reset of the ATV the system initially outputted 720p (spotted it in the corner of the TV screen) before attempting to go to 1080i which was the setting on the ATV.
    Anyway, since I changed the resolution to 720p everything is working perfectly and I have tested all variations, switching everything off, etc and ATV works fine.
    This is far from ideal and Apple needs to sort this out but at least it's a tolerable interim workaround.
    Just logged on here to see others in similar situation so I thought I'd share.

  • The setting date and time is not working

    Bought an apple TV, installed it as per instruction, connected to my internet but the seting date  and time is not occuring and the activation cannot occur either.  Spent 1 hr on the phone with Apple support staff - they told me it may be a router blockage and to contact my internet provider.  contacted internet provider , they tell me everything is working from their end so must be the apple TV device.  I was told this was easy techonology and that I would not have issues - I have spent 3 hrs on this and truly frustrated as its not working .  any suggestions would help!

    That would be a network issue as you were initially advised. When the date and time can not be set it means it is having trouble connecting to the network.
    Make sure router is up to date, reboot router and ATV. Make sure location is set correctly via ATV and also DNS (settings - general - network - configure DNS - automatic)
    Make sure your router allows access over port 123.
    Failing that try a restore on the unit

  • Set date and time

    I recently updated the apple tv .It was fine after the update although i did not use it as i was on my way out after the update.Days later when i put in on it cant seem to open itunes.reason being network time cannot be updated.i tried sighning out and now i cant sighn in.I tried reset that just brings me to a halt on screen that says activating setting date and time.Does any one know whats going on.Is the time server down ? Or something .Itune store sighn in works well in my pc ,ipad and other devices no problem.
    And i tried putting off all firewalls in router but no luck.
    Its connected wirelessly to the same router which normally works
    Any idea guys

    I have tried everything possible such as router firewall settings changing DNS servers using WIFI and ETHERNET nothing works.Waited for more updates nothing so far.The only solution is to down grade the firmware through itunes .Using now 5.0.2 works like a charm .Don't wait any longer just search apple forum for procedure and follow.Use a mac better.It takes only 5 minutes for the process.All you need is a mac or windows pc,usb cable,the type that goes behind the apple tv,(I used a blackberry bold 9900 original cable),software known as ipsw.YOU DONT NEED TO POWER THE APPLE TV WHILE DOING THIS.IT WILL LIGHT THE LED FROM PC POWER.GO TO  Read procedure written by cwlown .JUST MAKE SURE FOR MAC HOLD OPTION KEY DOWN THEN CLICK RESTORE .POINT TO THE DOWNLODED ipsw AND RUN.FOR WINDOWS HOLD SHIFT THEN CLICK RESTORE .POINT TO Ipsw download and run.There is no neen to unzip or extract ipsw.I had a problem when using windows xp ipsw did not show up as an upgradeable firmware therefore could not run it.I did not want to waste time and used the mac instead.I think renaming the ipsw in windows could have cleared the problem.Another thing is after the downgrade itunes will say that your APPLE TV is restored to its factory defaults don't worry the job is done ,check your software on the APPLE TV THROUGH your tv LOCATED at general then about.SETTING up the ATV first connect the wifi or lan cable select location first THEN sign in.

  • Why won't my ATV go to sleep?

    I have my Apple TV set to go to sleep after 15 minutes but it rarely does. The LED is always lit up in the front. Any advice?

    Hi jdem!
    That is a total bummer.  Updating from my end,  I have not noticed widespread, rampant turning on, and staying on, of my ATVs.  But, I have noticed my ATV's turning on occasionally for no apparent reason.  But, except for once or twice, they have turned off in relatively short order.  Why they turned on at all is beyond me...voodoo?
    When I say, for no apparent reason I mean:
    1.  I have not turned on any electrical device somehow connected to my ATV...TV, amplifier, cable box...anything in my home theater system of which the ATV is a member and could trigger the ATV to turn on.
    2.  No one in the house has touched an iOS device (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch) in any way...let alone actived something like AirPlay which would definitely turn the ATV on.
    I have had my ATV's stay on for an inappropriate extended time on a couple occasions.  When that has happened this has fixed the problem.  You may want to try it.
    Disconnect the power cord and HDMI cable from the ATV.  Leave things unplugged for about 3 minutes.  (That amount of time is overkill, but if you're going to bother doing this, why take any chances.)  Then reconnect the powercord.  Then the HDMI cable.  Let it go through its complete reboot.  If you want you can turn on your TV and see how the ATV behaves after the reboot is finished.  Or, you can just wait and see if the ATV turns off after the amount of time you set in the ATV's settings.  I believe I have mine set to go off automatically after 15 minutes.  Hopefully, this reboot will fix the "always on" least for a while.  If it happens again, reboot again to fix.
    You might want to go into the ATV's settings and make sure you do have it set to go off automatically after a period of time that suits your lifestyle.
    Settings-->General-->Sleep After-->15 minutes is the least amount I believe.
    You might also want to check that your software is up to date.
    Settings-->General-->Update Software
    Let us know if this helps.
    Best regards, Mr. Luigi

  • Audio Set up

    I just purchased the ATV and hooked it up to my sharp 52" LCD TV; All went well, except the audio is coming out of the TV speakers ; I would like sound to come out of the JVC home theater speakers; The ATV is connected to the TV via the HDMI cable; Is there a different way to set up the ATV to accomplish this?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    if your home theater amp has HDMI switching then you can't connect HDMI to the amp then from the amp to the TV.
    if not then you need to do as Totem describes and keep the TV connected as is connect the optical/digital out (will allow you to get Dolby Digital 5.1) or stereo RCA (red and white plugs)... stereo will only allow for stereo or Dolby ProLogic output. basically you need to connect some sort of audio cable from the appleTV to the amp to get the amp to output audio. and you need to mute the TV so that just the amp is doing the audio.

  • ATV 160 & IP address issues

    Took delivery of the new 160g ATV yesterday, eventually got it setup, but can see issues ahead so could do with a bit of advice.
    The setup is the ATV is the lounge, a 1.66 Mini in the living room which is used as a media centre and will be the machine the ATV syncs with, a 1.42 Mini in one of the daughters rooms, my MBP and a couple of iPhones and Touch's too, all hooking into the wifi.
    Upon installing the ATV last night it could see my network but wouldn't connect to it. Did some Googling and made sure my router hit the usual restrictions, which I think it does. It's a BT supplied one BTW. Encryption is WPA Personal, according to my MBP.
    Anyway, eventually I decided to turn off all the machines in the house and just fire up the ATV, and it connected to the network fine. So next I fired up the Mini media centre, the one the ATV will sync with. As soon as this machine connected to the wifi it booted the ATV off. I kinda figured it was an IP issue (both seemed to want to use so played around with the setting on the ATV and managed to get it to apply a manual IP address (, booted up the Mini media centre again and it all worked fine, the media centre took the ip address
    Thing is, I've not yet booted up my macbook or the 1.42 Mini in the daughters room, or allowed any of the idevices to connect, my fear is when they do they'll mess up the IP addresses and the ATV will get kicked off the network again.
    When I set the ATV IP address manually if I'm honest I'm not 100% sure how I did it, as that level of stuff is a bit above my head, so working on the basis that it's working now, but once the ATV, or the Mini media centre is powered down and then back on (power cut etc.), or when the other Macs in the house are turn on it's all going to go pear shaped, anyone any advice on how to set things up on a permanent basis?
    I'm aware that a wired connection is the best, but that's not really an option. Well it is, but it'll mean drilling holes in the walls and I'd mostly be stabbed if I did that! (Woman and their nice wallpaper eh?)
    Thanks for any help.

    While you can set a manual IP on the AppleTv it is important to assign this to the AppleTV via the router too or the router may still allocate this to another device.
    The BT router has not had favourable comments. Try a search.
    If you want a wired solution consider some home powerline network adapters such as these: -adapters-uk-00939204-pdt.html
    I use an older version of these and they're great so long as it's all on the same mains ring.

  • Newly imported albums not showing up on aTV

    I am running iTunes 9.0 on a Mac Mini and aTV 2.4. I do not store any content physically on the aTV drive. I stream everything wirelessly from iTunes. All of the albums, artists, etc. that were in my iTunes library when I first set up my aTV are showing up in the My Music section of my aTV; however, I just added a few new albums to my iTunes library and they are not showing up anywhere on the aTV. I would think that the aTV would automatically refresh its list to mirror what is in my physical iTunes library on the Mac Mini, but obviously it is not doing that. How do I get it the aTV to refresh what it's list so that my new imports show up?
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    bmoore11 wrote:
    So this will update the list even though I'm technically not syncing (i.e. transferring) files to my aTV?

  • ITunes shuts down as soon as aTV begins syncing... HELP!

    i never had this problem before. the only changes i've made since the last time i synced is a learned a remotes commands to control the atv (not itouch or iphone) in order to take advantage of the extra commands.
    i've tried reseting atv to no avail, i've also restarted my pc. itunes opens and works fine so long as atv is unplugged and therefore no syncing is taking place.
    any help is greatly appreciated.

    I have the same issue:
    Background: Quad core PC with 4MB SDRAM
    Vista 64
    aTV 2.3
    iTunes works well until it attempts to sync with the aTV, at which points I get a message stating "iTunes has stopped working". It is not linked to the network, as I get the same issue when I link the aTV to the PC with a direct ethernet cable. I use Norton 360 and the firewall is on "Allow" for iTunes. I use the original white remote, set up for aTV.

  • Problems with 2 computers and one ATV.

    Hi All,
    I am still having a few problems setting up my ATV as I want to. I have searched the forums and learned loads, but I still have a couple of areas that I need help on.
    I have a 40Gb ATV.
    I have an iMac G5 and a PB G4 both connected wirelessly to my TC. The TC has the iTunes library on it and I use this on both the G5 and PB. The iPhoto library is here too.
    I have 2.2 on the ATV. I have set the ATV up on the G5 to sync photos and stream music and movies. This works fine and I set it up in settings/computers/new iTunes library, entered the 5 digit code and synced the photos etc.
    On my G4, the ATV is listed in the preferences/ATV, but is not visible in the devices. I guess this is because I have not told the ATV to look here.
    Now, to get the ATV to be able to be displayed on the G4, the only way to do it is to go through the settings on the ATV, link a new iTunes library. But this means my synced photos get deleted from the ATV.
    What is the best way to have both my iMac G5 and PB G4 display the ATV in the iTunes devices list without having to re-sync my photos each time. This is probably down to me not really fully understanding the whole ATV thing. So far I really am impressed by it, but I am yet to get the best of it.
    Thanks in advance.

    You can only sync one library, if the the G5 library is the one you want synced you must stream the library from the G4.
    ('Settings/computers/connect to shared library' and not 'connect to itunes....'

  • No Remote After Update to 4.2.2 ATV

    I updated my Apple TV to 4.2.2. I neglected to read that it resets all my setting, which included 2 of my home remotes that I had paired with the Apple TV.  I have not used the included remote since I bought it since I used my regular TV remote as the main control of the Apple TV.  So now that I have updated I'm unable to find my Apple Remote. Now what do I do?  How can I set up my ATV without the original remote?

    You can't you need the original.

  • Can see ATV on Mac but not XP

    Hi I wonder if anyone could please help. I can see and have set up my ATV on my wireless network to sync with my Mac mini and its working with no problems. I would like to stream content from two PC's running XP that are on the network but no matter what I try I cant get the ATV to show up in iTunes. I have tried on 3 different PC's with no luck, I have tryed most of the suggestions that I could find from searching (firewall off, turn syncing on and off on ATV, reset ATV and router, reboot PC). I would be very grateful of any suggestions. Thanks in advance

    When you set up for streaming content on XP computer did you request to connect to new itunes and receive a new password number. Once you receive this number Apple TV will show up briefly for you in the device list in itunes to enter the new password. Once you have entered this number Apple TV will disappear from the device list in itunes, but will appear in apple TV enabling you to stream content from your XP machine. Did you go through this procedure?

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