Setting up navigation

Im trying to set up a left panel navigation bar.
I have thumbnail size pictures and used a map over that to link to the page I want the button to go to. so far so good.
then I wanted the button to change to letters when the mouse enters. I tried using the "actions" but that dident work so I made more buttons, this time with the words on them eg "Home" etc. then I linked the ON pictures through the Actions pallate.
In Preview, this worked, you roll over the first pic and the second pic aprears like its supposed to BUT...
when I "previewed in browser" I can only get the ON picture when the mouse is in an area that the MAP does not cover.
how can I make the buttons change to the ON image, but at the same time have them link to the corrosponding pages?

think about text links
there are four states - the basic link state, the hover state (GL calls this over) the down or click state and the visited state.
basically what you are doing here is substituting images for the text in these states (except the visited)
there is only one link
the three images - image.jpg, image_over.jpg and image_down.jpg are the three "states" of that link - they are not separate links rather all part of the same thing
not quite the holy trinity but you get the idea

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    Many Thanks Ken. I had a sneaking suspicion it might be the Crossover Mac program doing it.
    It's a great program but it does have its limitations.
    Thanks again.

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    Hi Eduardo,
        Thanks for reply.
    But i am working with WPC sites.
    So here i have only roles, there are no ivews and pages.
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    You can follow the below steps,
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         V_LOOP NUMBER;
         V_PREITEM VARCHAR2(100);
         END IF;
         V_PREITEM := 'TRANS1.T_DF1';
         END IF;     
         V_PREITEM := 'TRANS1.T_DF2';
         END IF;     
         V_PREITEM := 'TRANS1.T_DF3';
         END IF;     
         V_PREITEM := 'TRANS1.T_DF4';
         END IF;     
         V_PREITEM := 'TRANS1.T_DF5';
         END IF;     
         V_PREITEM := 'TRANS1.T_DF6';
         END IF;     

    hi Volberg
    thanks for your reply
    dear friend in my form, some of the block item i have to disable(make invisible).
    this is my requirement.
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    2nd V_PREITEM := 'TRANS1.T_DF2';
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    V_PREITEM := 'TRANS1.T_DF3';
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    Have you tried the hyperlink component?
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    I want to use the QUERY_VIEW_DATA Web Service to get data from BI through an existing BEx-query.
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    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
            <!-- This has no effect -->
            <!-- This works --> 
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    Thanks for your help!
    Best regards
    Heiko Braeske

    Dear Heiko,
    did you solve this problem?
    We are facing the same problem. Every parameter that requries "cmd" does not work. I guess we don´t use this paramter the right way.
    Best, Chris

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    I want to understand one point before I am going to perform a small enhancement.
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    can I make this change ? if yes any other additional effort?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Ryan,
    The attr needs to be marked and activated as Navigational Attr in the parent char first. Then you can mark it as nav attr in the cube (which contains the parent char). Does not matter if the cube contains can do this activity in a cube with data. Remember to reactivate the cube's update rules and any multiproviders that it is a part of after you make this change.
    Hope this helps...

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