SetVector and GPU render mode

If i use the setVector method on a BitmapData in GPU render mode on a mobile device, it works very slow.
This changes if the render mode is CPU. The method is fast enough.
The problem lies in the fact that if I use CPU render mode the app i;m developing is getting very slow, while on GPU it works great.
setPixel32 is even slower,it even won't work with lock/unlock.
Where the problem lies? How can I bipass this since setPixel32 or setVector is a must have when working with bitmaps.
I've tested alot, and it seems the problem lies not with setVector method but with copying transparent pixels
You can find the code here since i've asked the question o stackexchange too:

Hi Lucian,
Unfortunately, I am unaware of any tutorials on the net I could recommend, though I am sure there are a few -- not on the subject of setting up render targets, specifically -- most likely-- but on setting up Stage3D + shaders.
One source I would recommend, though, if this is your first time setting up a Stage3D render pipeline, besides the code examples in the Stage3D Adobe reference, is this great book: sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1392715725
It's a quick read.  Nicely presented and explained.  I think in 3-5 days you could be up and running.
I would also browse this site.  You might get some ideas:
Regarding using render targets to identify areas that have changed and need further processing:
This is a fairly common practice when interactivity is key, and works well in some use-cases.
For example, in Photoshop, there is a filter called "Liquify", with which you can stretch and compress an image in real-time.  There are 2 ways to do this effect, live: one is to map the source -- undistorted-- image onto a grid of polygons, and start pushing and pulling the vertices.  The other method -- same principle, but finer -- is to paint the compression field into a render target ( a texture ), temporarily, while you work in real time by 'painting' the effect ( note: the displacement vectors are based off of the gradient of the compression field ).  Conceivably, you could also paint the vectors directly, as if painting a normal map.  Once the user is happy with the look, then the user clicks 'apply', and the render target is used one last time to bake the displacements into the source image.
Other example:  I once worked on a game where the player could use a laser beam to scar all the buildings of a 3D city.  The way this was done was that each building had its own render target ( usually a 256x256 ), into which the user could 'draw' ( even though the player never saw this render target, which was just a grayscale mask ).  The render target was then fed into the building's exterior shader, which would use it to identify which areas to show the destruction effect into.
Overall, the idea is to use a render target ( usually smaller that the source texture it will end up modifying ) to paint either a mask, or vectors ( like a normal map ), which is then used along with the source texture in the final shader to create the look you want.
Although I haven't had to use render targets for this particular situation, lately, I use render targets frequently, otherwise, to draw my assets into and apply shaders, and then draw the render target into the backbuffer, at the very end. 
The reasons for this is explained here ( along with other tips ):

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    There are definitely some bugs going on with the softkeyboard on Android. Check out my releated issue:
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    Last I heard, "auto" was never implemented. Auto=CPU mode.

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    Thanks and i look forward to any input or help or even a simple "click on this and yoru problem is solved" 

    harm, thats kind of funny actually, you show us a report of your dropped frames on playback then say you cant tell us how because of NDA, yet we obviously know you have an app that reports the dropped frames during playback
    But thats ok, anyways as far as your ppbm goes i love it and dont mean to desparage it in any way, i have been a big supporter and love the work you and bill have put into it. I am really just trying to have a better understanding of how it works.
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    i just want to make sure everyone else has the same tiny red sections that premiere feels it can't play.
    previously premiere has always either played in realtime at 30fps or shown a red line which needs to be rendered. then if you render it you get full 30fps playback on the entire timeline.
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    I know that the glow effect can't be visible with GPU render on IOS/ANDROID devices.
    But I heard that there was a way to appply a glow effect anyway. (I need the GPU render as my animations are smoother with it)
    My code was :
    private function itemGlow(isGlowing:Boolean):void{
                                  if (isGlowing){
                                            var glow:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();
                                            glow.color = 0xFFFF00;
                                            glow.alpha = .75;
                                            glow.blurX = 10;
                                            glow.blurY = 10;
                                            glow.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
                                            draggedItem.filters = [glow];
                                  } else {
                                            draggedItem.filters = null;
    And I decided to replace it, in order to make it work with GPU render, with this code :
    public function itemGlow(isGlowing:Boolean):void{
                                  if (isGlowing){
                                            var glow:Sprite = new Sprite();; // black color, 20, 20);;
    draggedItem.filters = [new GlowFilter(0xFFFF00, 1)];
    var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(50, 50, true, 0x00000000);
    var glowbit:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bd);
                                  } else {
                                            draggedItem.filters = null;
    No errors, glow visible on the simulation device. But when it's not working on real Android device....
    Any idea why ?
    Thank you very much,

    From what I see it's for the same reason the original code wouldn't work. You're applying a glow filter the same way. The only different thing you're doing is drawing a black 40x40 black circle, drawing it into a transparent BitmapData (which isn't big enough) while adding that circle as a Bitmap to the display list.
    Are you working in 3D? Either way in general the way you can utilize the graphics class is to draw the object using built in Flash classes, then draw that object into a BitmapData (so draw "draggedItem" into a BitmapData with the glow applied) and then use the BitmapData (in a Bitmap like you did for example).

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    Hi rhaughan,
    I see that you have concerns about your operating temperature of your computer while using resource-heavy applications such as gaming applications. I have an article that will address some of the concerns you have mentioned:
    Mac notebooks: Operating temperature - Apple Support
    While there are third-party utilities that measure the temperature of a notebook computer, it is important to understand that these utilities are not measuring the external case temperature. The actual case temperature is much lower. Never use third-party applications to diagnose possible hardware issues—instead, contact Apple or go to an Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    You should also see this article for even further information about your fans:
    Learn about the fans in your Mac - Apple Support
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    I am trying to print on the footer of the report the report file name and path as well as the report last modification date.
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    Thks. Philippe.

    Did you ever determine how to print report name and report last mod date?

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    Ok, I can't find anything similar to the question I have...but this forum goes on forever  
    As my system specs appear below, my machine was running quite comfortably a week ago, with same setup...minus the acrylic case and second 120GB hard drive.
    At that stage I had "nomal" benchmarking scores 3dmark03 - 5850, Aquamark3 41.000, PC mark 2002 - cpu7020 mem8438 hdd1050.
    Life was good and I loved my system
    Then I decided it would be cool to upgrade to an acrylic case (which has better cooling with 3 fans) and a second 120 GB HDD to make a striped raid array.
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    I got the new case and wearing those stupid white gloves, proceeded to move the components over and trash my "old" metal case.
    The windows NTFS format (full) flew by in 30 seconds and I was really impressed.
    Once windows xp and all it's drivers and updates were installed, incl sound and graphics etc. I did a 3Dmark 2001 test before upgrading to Dx9...what a bad mark! 3Dmark2001SE - 9950 (terrible for this system).
    I thought it was a DX I installed Dx9
    Then opened that corecenter program (the old one, the one that doesn't crash...)
    and my CPU was about 5c hotter than usual, it was running at 40-42c (I have standard intel cooling fan). It went up to 55 at times when running PC mark 2002.
    This didn't concern me too much a the system was stable at 32-34c and the northbridge read 60c (but we all know that's not true , more like 35ish.
    My PC mark 2002 is now cpu4200 - mem4800 - hdd1800
    (at least the HDD improved!) LOL
    I ran Aquamark3 next...29,900 (ouch!)
    Previously my CPU was 8,700 and GPU was 5300
    now the CPU read 4400 and the GPU 4600
    I don't really notice the speed loss when working, but games and benchmarks tell a different story.
    So, My question: What has happened? Why is my CPU power cut in half? and the graphics card slightly slower? The memory speed stayed the same and the HDD speed improved....not a worthwhile upgrade IMO
    What went wrong?
    Here are my theories.
    1) The CPU and system case is getting too hot
     Does the CPU "throttle" when it overheats? this could be the reason.
    Also both HDD get really hot and the fan in front blows air over them, this hot air could be going over the CPU or GPU. Maybe get 2 HDD coolers?
    should I buy a better CPU cooler like the Thermaltake spark7+ ?
    2) The PSU does not have enough watts
    I couldn't find traces of voltage lack or spikes...but it could still be a problem
    3) The RAID0 array is a strain on the CPU and chipset
      I'm not sure about this.
    My appologies for the lengthy thread, but I wanted to be sure that anyone trying to figure this out had as much info as possible  
    Thanks if u can help me figure this out.

    Originally posted by Reaver
    When I originally installed the intel p4 cooler, I used artic silver ceramique paste...and the CPU temp operates at 36-38c with no load.
    Perhaps I should upgrade the overall cooling. Get a Thermaltake copper fan and two HDD coolers.
    Well, your temps sound allright, no need to worry them, if they really operate at that level.
    The solution to set the FSB to 201Mhz sounds good. But do I set this in the BIOS or with Corecenter in windoze?
    Propably meant to adust your FSB at BIOS, at least that is what I would suggest.
    I will try to re-install the VGA drivers because something strange DID happen when I first installed them. I started with the hercules driver CD, this installed CAT 3.2 drivers. I then upgraded to CAT 3.7 and before it completed I got an error window (send, dont send).
    Remove drivers AND ATI control panel first, and then re-install. Use drivers from ATI site, and rather Catalyst 3.7. I Have had problems with 3.8 Catalysts.
    Still wouldn't explain why the CPU seems so crippled. I have managed to get a "normal cpu score of 7000+ in PCmark2002 by shutting down, restarting later and killing every process except explorer.
    Do you have any processes that seem to eat more juice thant hey should?  Arrange your processes by CPU usage and see if there is something strange.
    If this cant be fixed I will reinstall over the weekend. Does anyone know of the RAID0 array on the southbridge causing a system slowdown?
    I'm using Intel RAID and it works perfectly, no extra CPU usage is shown and it's pleasantly fast!
    And Install latest Intel INF updates and Application Accelerator from Intel site. That's what I'm using, and works fine.

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    When you say it goes into sleep mode you mean you actually see the white pulsing light?
    It may be that there is an application running (perhaps in the background) that is keeping your book awake. Printer software sometimes does this for example ...try logging out and seeing if it sleeps like that. If it does, then it very well may be a background process running.
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    Lê Đức Anh wrote:
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    If you put it into lost mode log in to and erase the phone. If someone else put it into lost mode with their Apple ID and you do not know the passcode for their Apple ID account the phone is useless to you.

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