SH ARP command parameters in ACE

Hi ,
Could some one explain "sh arp" command in ACE.
IP ADDRESS      MAC-ADDRESS        Interface  Type      Encap  NextArp(s) Status
================================================================================     e1.5f.b9.a1.b8.ab  vlan1301  INTERFACE  LOCAL     _         up     e1.5f.b9.a1.61.1d  vlan1301  LEARNED    157    13287 sec    up    10.50.56.a6.00.04  vlan1301  RSERVER    16     82 sec       up   10.0b.fc.fe.1b.01  vlan1201  NAT        LOCAL     _         up     e1.5f.b9.a1.b8.ab  vlan1303  INTERFACE  LOCAL     _         up  vlan1299  GATEWAY    37     14 sec       up
whats is
1) Interface local ?
2) Learned  ?
4) NAT Local ?
5) Gateway ?
and when can or how do we use this table for ?

Hi Rajkumar,
1) Interface local ?  <<< IP address on that particular VLAN >>>
2) Learned  ?    <<< IP learned outside of ACE >>>
3) RSEVER ?   <<< Real server ARP entry >>
4) NAT Local ? << It should be Natted IP which is from NAT pool of ACE >>  ( Need to check )
5) Gateway ?  << Of course the default gateway >>>
Hope that helps.
Ajay Kumar

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    Good Day Guys,
    Apologies for the late response, I have been looking and trying the different suggestion you pointed out, unfortunately without any success
    Stored Proc
    Nrupal, I tried setting one up but I’m getting a error I cannot seem to get past, below is my condition, any help would be appreciated
    where cd1.Service_ID = @Service_ID
    and cd1.CallStartDt in (
      Case @RelativeDate
      When 'Today' then CONVERT (date, getdate())
      When 'Yesterday' Then DATEADD(DAY,-1,CONVERT (date, getdate()))
      When ‘Last Week’ then between @LastWeekStart and @LastWeekEnd       //sytntax before between, also tried using ‘IN’, same result
      When ‘Last Month’ then between @LastMonthStart and @LastMonthEnd 
    else between @CallStart and @CallEnd
    END )
    Crystal command parameter code
    where cd1.Service_ID in ({?Service_ID}) and
    convert(datetime,cd1.CallStartdt) in (
    Case {?RelativeDate}
    When 'Yesterday' Then GetDate()-1
    else  {?CallStart}
    I have tried both your proposed command parameters but still fail
    I’m getting an invalid column name ‘Yesterday’ error , I’m not sure if Crytsal takes this type of command formatting using the command parameters, would appreciate your help as I would like to stay clear of the SP, unless it’s the only altanative
    I will start working in your re
    Thanks Again

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    It's on the Communication palette. Anytime you're trying to find a function, you could search for it. On the functions palette, there's a search button.

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    Here is my vb code :
    ByRef p_vConnection As Variant, _
    ByVal p_sZlCle As String, _
    ByVal p_dDateDeb As Date, _
    ByVal p_iDiffdate As Integer, _
    ByRef p_sCodeErr As String, _
    ByRef p_sErrMsg As String, _
    ByRef p_lScenar As Long, _
    ByRef p_lSoc As Long _
    ) As Long
    On Error GoTo Err
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    Dim param As ADODB.Parameter
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    cmd.ActiveConnection = p_vConnection
    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("iZlCle", adInteger, adParamInput, , CLng(p_sZlCle))
    cmd.Parameters.Append param
    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("dDateDeb", adBSTR, adParamInput, , Format(p_dDateDeb, "dd/mm/yyyy"))
    cmd.Parameters.Append param
    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("iDiffDate", adInteger, adParamInput, , CLng(p_iDiffdate))
    cmd.Parameters.Append param
    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("nCodeErr", adInteger, adParamOutput)
    cmd.Parameters.Append param
    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("vErrMsg", adBSTR, adParamOutput, 200, String(200, " "))
    cmd.Parameters.Append param
    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("lIdScenar", adInteger, adParamInput, , CLng(p_lScenar))
    cmd.Parameters.Append param
    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("lIdSoc", adInteger, adParamInput, , CLng(p_lSoc))
    cmd.Parameters.Append param
    cmd.CommandText = "{CALL ApplicationScenario" & _
    this is what i have with 8i ( checking with SQL Monitor ) :
    BEGIN ApplicationScenario(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7); END;
    :1 = 1
    :2 = '01/11/2010'
    :3 = 6
    :4 = 0
    :5 = <NULL>
    :6 = 2602
    :7 = 1
    and this is what i have in 10g :
    BEGIN ApplicationScenario(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7); END;
    :1 = 1
    :2 = '0'
    :3 = 6
    :4 = 0
    :5 = <NULL>
    :6 = 2602
    :7 = 1
    If someone could help me find where i' m wrong, or maybe it's a known bug ?

    assuming you called the function from a sql select statement (select gf_test from dual;) then the error is as expected, you can't do DML inside a select. Parallel DML is unlikely to be your problem.
    I'm a little unclear what you are trying to do with this function though, you could hack it by declaring this an autonomous transaction, but it's unlikely that that is the best way to solve the business problem. If you are trying to find the value of a primary key that is generated from a sequence then the normal way of doing this is to have a before insert trigger that generates the pk for you and then have a pl/sql procedure to do the insert and return the pk to the calling application (which can be powerbuilder or any other language that can call pl/sql.
    Bill Mac wrote:
    OK I have managed to get some code to return an error number and this is it:
    ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query
    Cause: DML operation like insert, update, delete or select-for-update cannot be performed inside a query or under a PDML slave.
    Action: Ensure that the offending DML operation is not performed or use an autonomous transaction to perform the DML operation within the query or PDML slave.
    The code was:
    create or replace function GF_TEST return NUMBER is
    retval number;
    UPDATE parameters
    SET last_parent_co = last_parent_co + 1
    WHERE (row_no = 1)
    RETURNING last_parent_co INTO retval;
    retval := 1001;
    return retval;
    exception when others then
    return sqlcode;
    Does that now make any sense to any one? Am I a pdml slave?
    Edited by: Bill Mac on 07-Apr-2009 07:38

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    Dim appn As CRAXDDRT.Application
    Dim datcmd1 As New ADODB.Command
    Dim adocn As New ADODB.Connection   
    Dim sqltext As String
    Dim x As CRAXDDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition
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    Set creport = appn.NewReport
    Set x = creport.ParameterFields.Add("test", 2)
    x.AddCurrentValue 0
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    Set adocn = New ADODB.Connection
    adocn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=myDB;UID=xxx;PWD=xxx;"
    Set datcmd1 = New ADODB.Command
    Set datcmd1.ActiveConnection = adocn
    datcmd1.CommandText = sqltext
    creport.Database.AddADOCommand adocn, datcmd1
    creport.SaveAs "test", crDefaultFileFormat
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    Set adocn = Nothing
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    Set appn = Nothing

    Hello, Paul;
    If you add your database connection to the command object and put fields on your report without the parameter, do you get the report you expect?
    These are version 8/8.5 samples but the code is the same:
    [Note 1|]
    [Note 2|]
    Once you have added the database connection follow that with the parameter code.
    [Note 3|]
    [Note 4|]
    If you add the parameter and put the field on the report, can you pass the value successfully?

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    Hi Friends
    In My program I need to receive acknowledgement from external systems
    they will send some parameters thru FTP Commands to SAP
    my sap ABAP program need to receive when ever External system sends parameters
    and update them in SAP
    can anybody know how to handle the FTP commands and receiving them in
    SAP ABAP program, it should done automatically
    i will be very happy if any one send me some piece of code

    I think you will need to watch for the arrival of the file delivered via the FTP, rather than try to act on the FTP commands themselves (as they will be handled by the FTP server software)... for example, if you were to FTP into a subdirectory called "inbox" and then have a cron job or an ABAP program that runs every X minutes to see if the directory contents have changed, you could have an event triggered back job fire up automatically (i.e. using SAPEVT from the operating system, or FM BP_EVENT_RAISE in APAP... see links:
    for more on this.

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    we want to launch a transaction within SAP GUI from the Enterprise Portal. The transaction requires a lot of input parameters (the length of those parameters can reach up to 1000 characters). Unfortunately we found that using generated shortcut files as well as the transaction launcher iview we could not transfer more than 200 characters. All additional chars are simply ignored.
    Does anyone know of a possibility of launching the SAP GUI and transfering more than 200 characters (i.e. completely filling a dynpro containing several input fields).
    Best regards,
    Jan Aufdemkamp

    Hi Jan,
    we've investigated this. It is not only a limitation in SAP GUI, but also the server itself is not able to handle such a long command string. Which server release are you on?
    Best regards,

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    I need to configure the same as shown below in Cisco ACE Appliance. The requirement is logging all user access login (whether failed or succeeded) and also logging all commands that users issue.
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    logging buffered 307200 informational
    service timestamps log datetime localtime show-timezone
    logging trap debugging
    login on-failure log
    login on-success log
       log config
          logging enable
          logging size 500
          notify syslog contenttype plaintext
    If you guys have an idea please answear

    Hello Arun,
    we saw before the message you report, it's probably a symptom of:
    I would suggest opening a TAC case to get this properly investigated.
    Kind Regards,

  • Mixing SQL Command parameters and UI created parameters

    Post Author: shecter
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I'm using Crystal Reports XI.  I've created a report with an SQL Command - no other tables or views. I want to allow my users to be able to choose data from a dynamic parameter and have the SQL read that and spit out the results. I was able to add a parameter to the SQL using the Parameter column in the Command window. This allows my user to type in a parameter. However, when I run the report after creating a parameter using the UI (i.e. Field Explorer/Parameters/right clicking and selecting "new" and then adding the parameter to a field using the selection wizard), i first get a screen that shows me the parameter that I created in the SQL Command window, then I get a screen that shows me the UI created parameters. How can I make it show only one screen with all the parameters?  -Marc 

    Post Author: jenxia
    CA Forum: General
    SQL Command is :
    SELECT UNIQUE ContactID,  incomingAddress,applicationid,
    MediaStatus, MediaDirection, EndDateTime, StartDateTime
    FROM MMCAContactMediaViewwhere EndDateTime>= {?1-reportstarttime}  and  EndDateTime <= {?2-reportendtime}
    Order by ContactID
    Select formula using dynamic prompts as
    {Command.contactid} = {?ContactID} and{Command.applicationid} = {?ApplicationID} and{Command.incomingaddress} = {?IncomingAddress}

  • Show commands not showing - ACE module.

    After a few days of working fine the systems stopped answering SNMP and then the CLI began having problems with some commands. The easiest to see being "show running-config". At this point it shows nothing. It just waits and does nothing. I have to hit Ctrl-C to bring back the prompt.
    The applications being balanced are working fine but the management is not.
    The resources were allocated this way:
    resource-class ADMIN
    limit-resource all minimum 6.00 maximum equal-to-min
    resource-class CLA
    limit-resource all minimum 46.00 maximum unlimited
    resource-class MAS
    limit-resource all minimum 24.00 maximum equal-to-min
    resource-class OL
    limit-resource all minimum 24.00 maximum equal-to-min
    The version running is A2(1.3) and the same thing happened with an earlier release.
    It's a HA scenario and the problem appeared so far only in the CLA context which was active on different modules and did the same on both. That was just a test to discard hardware problems.
    One of the messages we saw was:
    ACE-CER/Admin# show resource usage summary
    Error: Called API timed out
    We are unable to show resources, running-config, etc. for the active context CLA.
    Do you have a suggestion? Is it healthy to allocate “unlimited” as the upper limit? Could this be the problem?
    Thanks a lot.

    If you mean a “get” for a probe, in this context I only have one and it's not that big. It goes like this:
    request method get url
    On the other hand, in a different context I have nine of these:
    request method get url
    3x, 6x and 16x mean that amount of letters.
    Are these long enough?
    To your knowledge, is this condition going to spread further and disrupt production traffic?
    So once you have reached this condition whether caused by "gets" or not, would you recommend opening a TAC case?
    Thanks a lot!

  • AAA command authorization in ACE

    How do we enable AAA command authorization in the ACE module on 6500 switch.i dont find any aaa authorization commands in it .
    Kind regards

    See the ACE Security Guide - Chapter 2. You need to set a CiscoAVPair. How you do this will depend on the RADIUS software that you are using. It sounds like you're being put into Network-Monitor role by default. Quote from the manual:
    "The user profile attribute serves an important configuration function for a RADIUS server group. If the user profile attribute is not obtained from the server during authentication, or if the profile is obtained from the server but the context name(s) in the profile do not match the context in which the user is trying to log in, a default role (Network-Monitor) and a default domain (default-domain) are assigned to the user if the authentication is successful."
    There are postings in this and other Cisco fora about exactly how to set these values (which depends on your RADIUS server implementation).

  • Runtime exec command parameters with SSH

    Im trying to run a unix command using Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
    It works fine until I tried to combine it with multiple commands.
    For example, I'm trying to run:
    ssh [email protected] 'ls -al'
    This returns a exit value of -1, command not found.
    ssh [email protected] ls works fine so I suspect its related to the extra parameters.
    I checked the Javadoc page for exec:
    The command argument is parsed into tokens and then executed as a command in a separate process. The token parsing is done by a StringTokenizer created by the call:
    new StringTokenizer(command)
    As expected, it tokenized:
    [email protected]
    Is there any way to bypass this default tokenization by exec to include quotes as one token?
    If anyone has any ideas, let me know! Thanks!

    thanks, solves that part.. but if i use execute command with ssh and bsub(a clustering job queue-submitter), it does ot return the correct value.
    For example, if i do ssh [email protected] bsub -I ls using exec and the waitFor() method, the waitFor waits indefinitely.
    I can tell it ran the job and ended, because i checked via bjobs and it finished. So why isn't the java app getting the exit code from waitFor() back?
    If I run the program on the targeted machine, bsub -I ls, it works correctly.
    If i type in the console, ssh [email protected] bsub -I ls, it returns back the results correctly.
    info regarding bsub and bjobs here

  • Repadmin command parameters

    I am trying to enable strict replication consistency on a domain controller.
    How do get the value of %ServerGUID%, and %DirectoryPartition%
    the name of my domain controller is DC1
    I am trying to run the following command
    repadmin /removelingeringobjects %ServerName% %ServerGUID% %DirectoryPartition% /advisory_mode

    For the GUID, here you go:
    For the Directory Partition, you can see this definition:
    "The distinguished name of the domain directory partition that might have lingering objects. For example, DC=RegionalDomainName,DC=ForestRootDomainName,DC=com.
    Also run the command against the configuration directory partition (CN=configuration,DC=ForestRootDomainName,DC=com),
    the schema directory partition (CN=schema,CN=configuration,DC=ForestRootDomainName),
    and any application directory partitions that are hosted on the domain controller you are checking for lingering objects."
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
    My Website Link
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    My MVP Profile

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