Shape Buttons - Include in Quiz?

Is it possible to have a Shape Button act as a normal button and get a reporting tab and the option to "Include in Quiz?"
I have a number of shape buttons I would like to use for scoring purposes but there doesn't seem to be a way to get them to advance the score like a normal button.
Thank you.

Let's see if I can explain my thought process.
I have a slide set up with four "answer" buttons (A-D).  I want the students to get a variable number of points depending on how many buttons they have clicked before getting the correct answer.  So, if they get it right the first time they get 3 points.  The second time, 2 points, etc.
I've done this in an advanced action that checks their answer and the number of buttons they have clicked and then shows a Shape Button that is "Included in Quiz" for the correct number of points the user has scored.  So I have four of these Shape Buttons - each adding a different number of points to the score from 0-3.
This worked GREAT on a single slide, but I'd like to do this 5 times in one exercise and I realized when I duplicated the slide that all of the buttons were copied and renamed.  That means I have to update all of my advanced actions.
Because you cannot nest actions, I have 4 set up (one for each answer button.)  That was painful enough, but I got it to work.
But to do this for 5 slides means I would have 20 advanced actions that all do ESSENTIALLY the same thing.  (Not being able to nest actions is silly.)  I don't want to maintain that.
So I thought that if I could have those score-incrementing buttons available on all slides through the presentation, they could keep adding the slide's results to the Quiz score, and I could refer to them by name in my 4 advanced actions only.  That's what I was trying to do.
My pain could be lessened by one of the two scenarios (neither of which, I'm learning, is possible):
Nesting actions
Incrementing the Score as part of an Advanced Action.
Is it possible to manually update the Score using JavaScript?  That was going to be my next trial but I was so frustrated last night that I just walked away.

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    What setting do you have in Quiz > Settings > Required?  If it's not set to Optional, do that.

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    Maybe yesterday you succeeded, passed. In that case the Continue button will work, because it triggers the action that you specified in the Quiz Preferences (Continue). But if you fail, you are stuck on the Results slide, because the Continue action for Failed will only be done after the attempts are exhausted. Why did you create an extra slide? You can edit the Results slide, but please, keep the buttons that are embedded in that slide because they provide the functionality that you need.
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    For your practice questions, on the Quiz Properties tab, have you set General > points to 0, and on the Reporting accordion unticked the Report Answers box?
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    Jabir, why should you create an advanced action from that shared action? It will be always the same action that is applied, no need to create a shared action IMO? At least if you time that shape button for the rest of the project. If you want a shape button on each slide, the shared action has sense, because you have one parameter: the shape button. And in that case there is no need at all to create an advanced action from that shared action, just apply that shared action directly to the On Enter event of each question slide. It has the advantage over advanced actions that you don't have to create multiple advanced actions each with a different label, and seems also not to increment the filesize in the same way.
    And moreover I think you should post a correct action: the system variable is not CpQuizReview mode but: cpInReviewMode and since it is a toggle, the possible values are 1 or 0, not 'one'. Above the preview of such an action.

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    Thanks I think I get it now after reading your post. Shape buttons can only shrink when they are pressed and nothing else. I was thinking a work round for me would be to use a regular button with the up, over, down state, put this regular button on the first slide and set the timing for 'display for rest of project.' However I don't see this option in the timing panel:
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    Kind regards, Gunilla

    @andreleal Just to rectify: in Captivate 8 you can replace the default captions by default shapes, there is a style for bot in the OSM. When you check this option, it is not only valid for Success/Failure/Hint captions on interactive objects but also on Question slides. I never use captions anymore when I can avoid them.
    But I don't think that is what the OP was asking for. He wants to insert a shape in the SHF captions to create a shape button that can trigger an audio clip. Inserting something interactive in a caption has never been possible. And inserting an interactive object on a question slides is only possible, within limits for shape buttons. Maybe some clarification, although not the exact solution in this blog post:
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    Thanks and Regards,

    Smart Shape buttons do not work in Firefox i'm afraid, it will leave the whole slide blank. We've had a good look at trying to find a fix/hack but unfortunately it looks like something Adobe and/or Mozilla need to sort out.

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    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I'm using a Mac (latest version).
    @devices: Android and iOS smartphones and tablets as well as Mac and Windows PCs.
    "Do you see this same issue on a blank project (With 2 or 3 Smart Shapes) ?"
    I'm not sure if I get you right, but the project I posted is nearly a blank project (created with CP7). So I think the answer is "yes".

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    Dave Stabley

    Hi Lilybiri,
    I always look to your blog for help.   This time unfortunately it didnt help me.
    as I expressed above all I am trying to do is create a button that will do a jump to page with in a quiz.
    I have some long quizes in the captivate projects that I create.   Once a person starts a quiz they might realize it is a bit more than they are ready for.  I am just trying to give them a way to click a buttong to get out of the quiz and back to a certain page.
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    I tell it to go to the correct page, and I set it up so that when you mouse over the smart object it shows a hand
    When I go to preview this, I mouse over the graphic and get the hand icon, but when I click it goes no where.  It seems to me that the quiz is waitting for an answer before it will accept the click.   The catch is when I give the answer it forgets click and moves on the the next question.
    Any thoughts?
    Thank you

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    1) is it possible to create round shape i.e circular shapes button using java program.
    2) is it possible to access the floppy and format it using java program. (if it is not possible to format it then plz. tell me how to access the floppy using java program).
    if possible plz. send me code of that programs on following address..
    [email protected]
    waiting for reply.
    (faculty of ssi)

    i have following questions, if possible plz. help me.
    1) is it possible to create round shape i.e circular
    shapes button using java program.
    Yes - GUI Components paint themselves through the invocation of their paint(Graphics) method. Create a subclass of JButton and override the method to paint a circle.
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
      //work out where you want to put the circle, x_pos, y_pos etc
      g.drawArc(x_pos, y_pos, width, height, 0, 360);
    }or some such. Note that since Java 1.2, the object that gets passed in to this method is actually a Graphics2D Object (subclass of Graphics). This provides extra methods.

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    This is reply I got from Adobe support.  I will try and let you all know what works best:
    Here is the workflow which you can follow to achieve this functionality.
    Puspendra: You can choose image button and then choose from the available image buttons, or click on the folder icon when you select the image button and choose from the Gallery of Captivate 6.
    Puspendra: Few image buttons change color on hover or onclicked, these effects are predefined in them.
    Puspendra: Or you can edit that button on which you are working, from properties Panel.
    Puspendra: The Post and Cancel button on this thread seems like a transparent button in Captivate with different fill and stroke color, and transparency is also less, and with corner radius of 0.
    Puspendra: You will find these all optionns, when you will click on that button and then click on the properties panel.

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    I uploaded an examle:
    Non scalable HTML5:
    Scalable HTML5:
    We have customers waiting for projects to be finished and I really rely on clickable smart shapes!
    I kindly ask for a solution

    I'm using a Mac (latest version).
    @devices: Android and iOS smartphones and tablets as well as Mac and Windows PCs.
    "Do you see this same issue on a blank project (With 2 or 3 Smart Shapes) ?"
    I'm not sure if I get you right, but the project I posted is nearly a blank project (created with CP7). So I think the answer is "yes".

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