Share airport to xp

I've been trying to share my leopard 1.6 ethernet connection through the AirPort card to a Windows XP computer, but it doesn't work. I've tried anything i could find and nothing at all worked. I've tried without any encryption, i've tried wep with various keys and even used a wep key maker software with the hex key workaround. NOTHING worked. Yet again apple has disappointed me.
Has anyone had any luck establishing a wireless connection from an XP computer to the mac? If so, could you describe in detail what you did?
Thank you, i'm out of ideas

My question is, will the Time Capsule allow the PC laptops wireless access shared files and printers hosted by other PCs in the workgroup, as opposed to printers connected to the Mac Mini/Time Capsule?

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    The AirPort Express will only handle 10 wireless connections.
    You will need to consider an AirPort Extreme....which will handle up to 50 wireless connections.

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    You probably would have better luck posting here since there is more expertise on how to make Windows share.
    Microsoft Support

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    Yep, looks like you cannot share from Airport to Airport.
    See if the hotel can provide a wired Ethernet connection for you or change your room to one with better reception.

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    It disables the DHCP server on the AEBS and therefore the AEBS does not create a subnet nor distribute IP addresses. The devices that connect to the AEBS request an IP address from the network that the AEBS is connected to. If the AEBS is connected directly to a DSL/cable modem, your ISP provides one IP address so therefore there is only one AEBS client allowed.

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    As I recall internet sharing is not a feature in OS 9, but there was software that implemented it on those older systems. I used this software quite some time ago - IPNetRouter by Sustainable Software.

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    I understand now about the IP address but every address that makes a direct connection to the Internet must be unique so I don't understand how you and your neighbour can have the same IP address. You may be on the same subnet, first three groups of number in IP the same, but it is impossible to have the exact same address otherwise the Internet would be broken for both of you. Are you sure the last group of numbers is not different? In the following sequence the number represented by DDD should be different between you and your neighbour.
    AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD <-- DDD must be different
    Anyway, it appears that things are mostly working. If you can access the Airport base station to configure it remotely then you should also be able to access the hard drive remotely.
    When you are at a remote location does the name of your Airport Base station stay on the Finder sidebar? If it does what happens when you click on it to select it? If your AirPort disks are protected by a password it should ask you for your password and then the disk should become available.

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    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.0.x)  

    If you configured your Airport Base Station to use WEP security, you should read the hints and tips for getting this to work with Windows XP in the articles posted at . In particular, see the tip with regard to usage of the Base Station's hexadecimal format "network equivalent password" found at

  • Cannot share airport connection to ethernet

    Hello everybody,
    I am getting a wifi signal on my BlackBook [OSX10.5.8], I am browsing and sending emails. My partners little 12" PowerBook [OSX10.4.11] can't connect to the signal due to distance and inferior antenna.
    1] So I am sharing the incoming wifi signal on my BlackBook over the Ethernet and I don't use the firewall.
    2] I connect both computers via a patch cable.
    3] Now when I set the PowerBook to automatic location it should work. At least that has been the case at previous ocasions, but now it only shows 3 green dots instead of 5?
    4] So I thought going about it the manual way. Looking up the IP address on the BlackBook of the outgoing Ehternet port.
    in Terminal [type: dig] I am finding the Router address:
    5] On the PowerBook in the Network pane at the Build-in Ethernet tab I set it to manual and fill in the numbers. I understood that for the IP address I had to add one number, I did. I am guessing the DNS Servers to be the same as the Router address:
    6] All but the Network Settings are green.
    Still not being able to connect the PowerBook to the internet. What am I missing, and why is it so difficult?
    Adventurous greetings,

    Hello Bob,
    Thank you for taking time to look into this, I really appreciate it.
    So let me start afresh:
    - MacBook [10.5.8] recieving wifi from and has got everything working. Firewall turned off.
    - Sharing is turned on on the MacBook
    -  And is giving out the folowing IP:
    - I checked in the Activity Monitor and 'bootpd' and 'named' are both running:
    Now I go over to the PowerBook [10.4.11] which I can interact with, I see the Desktop on my MacBook.
    - I have locations on automatic and I see that it is getting a address:
    - this is the Network window showing Ethernets TCP/IP settings:
    But still no connection?
    Now before I go futrther, I would like to have some feedback. Am I doing something wrong here? This is as I have done it numerous times before and it worked. The only thing I can think of is that in Brazil we were getting wifi from some giant media station and the guys entered some proxies in the Network pane, in my automatic location. But I have cleared all that. Is there a way to make sure everything is clean, like a reset sort of thing? Or is that overkill?
    What is my next step into getting closer to a solution?
    Adventurous greetings,

  • My internet connection is Airport - how to share to my LAN

    Our internet connection is unusual - always via Airport wi-fi as we live on our boat!
    How do I set up Internet Sharing via either ethernet (preferred) or Firewire to the other Tiger & XP computers on our LAN?
    On earlier OS X versions I've followed the simple "Sharing your Internet connection" procedure, which worked fine (my recall is I had to use manual IP addresses for the LAN side).
    Now on 10.4.3 I can't get it to work with the LAN running on either ethernet or Firewire. My config is
    G4->internet, Airport DHCP (en1)
    G4->LAN, DHCP Manual (en0)
    G4- Firewall off (to simplify)
    G4- Internet Sharing: Share Airport to Built-in Ethernet
    G4- Services: Personal Web Sharing, Printer Sharing
    iBook->LAN, Ethernet (first port) Manual
    iBook-> Services: Personal File Sharing
    The iBook can ping G4 at
    The G4 cannot ping iBook at
    I've first tried both G4 & iBook ethernet TCP/IP set to DHCP, that didn't work either.

    Duane, thanks for the further tips.
    You shouldn't set anything for that port.
    How can you have an active port that is not configured? Also when you add the ethernet port its default config is DHCP. I.e., turn off the port, then add it back.
    I just did that ethernet port test - oddly, this time Network panel shows using DHCP, but has no IP info filled in.
    The G4's Ethernet port is acting as an output port.
    How can another CPU on the LAN send packets via the G4 to the net if the G4 ethernet port is "output only".
    If you set it up as I described above and the iBook
    does not get on the internet, you can try manually
    entering DNS information in the iBook.
    I just tried that. First using opennic public DNS like, no joy. Then I tried the DNS as shown by System Profiler. That didn't work either.
    Back to basics: every time I've successfully configured internet sharing in the past, I could always verify the LAN connectivity by pinging both ways. If the "client" iBook and XP machines cannot ping the G4 I do not see how they can reach the wi-fi access point.
    Well, duh... the iBook couldn't lookup So I did the lookup on the G4, to try pinging the IP from iBook directly. That worked. Then lookups started working on the iBook - which is now net connected!
    What the ....?

  • Why does my iPhone not show up in iTunes on a mac that has a shared internet connection from another mac?

    I have what I would consider a difficult question. I called Apple Care and after she spoke to a senior advisor,the representative ended up saying it wasn't possible.
    Having said that, I'm sure this is not a difficult question for people with networking expertise.
    So...I have a MacBook receiving a WiFi signal via AirPort.
    In System Preferences, I have turned on Internet sharing (share airport over Ethernet).
    I connected the Ethernet port on my MacBook to the Ethernet port on my MDD PowerMac G4.
    At this point, I can successfully browse the web, perform software updates, and view other computers and iTunes libraries on my network from my G4.
    However, in iTunes on my G4 I would like to use iTunes DJ.
    So...I click on iTunes DJ.
    I set the settings (button in bottom right) to allow guest remotes, etc.
    I turned on iTunes Home Sharing (logged into the same account as by iPhone).
    However, from the Remote app on my iPhone, I am unable to see the library on my G4.
    Also, if I want to pair my iPhone Remote app with iTunes on my G4, I click add Library in the Remote app, but iTunes on the G4 never displays my iPhone in the left column (although I am able to see all other iTunes libraries being shared on the network).
    Thus, I cannot connect to iTunes as a guest Remote, nor can I connect as paired remote.
    I have successfully done both of these things with computers connected directly to my modem, as well as with computers connected via WiFi.
    The problem is connecting devices to computers that get their internet connection though another computer via internet sharing.
    So my question is about Internet sharing itself. Is it not a fully featured ad-hoc network? Does it only provide browsing capabilities and the ability to browse networked computers, but NOT devices such as an iPhone? I don't see the difference; my iPhone is on the same network as the computers, so why is there no communication between it and computers that gain their Internet connection through another computer?
    I really hope someone out there who is an expert in networking can help me out with this. Or if it truly is impossible, if someone could explain to me why that is the case, I would also appreciate it.
    ps. I usually have my MacBook sharing its Internet connection through an old router that I am using as a switch because I share the connection with three other computers. And if it isn't obvious, the modem is downstairs, and the MacBook, old router being used as a switch, and other computers are upstairs where there is no Ethernet wired.
    Thank you in advance for any help.

    Phone not recognised in itunes
    iPhone not recognised by iTunes on PC
    iPhone not recognised by iTunes on Mac

  • Add MAC Address to Time Capsule?

    Hey everybody--
    I have a MacBook Pro that connects to the Internet via a Time Capsule that is hooked up to a cable modem. I recently bought a Blu-Ray player that has a LAN port (no wireless), but it is miles away from the Time Capsule.
    I would like to share my MacBook Pro's wireless Internet connection by connecting an ethernet cable between the Blu-Ray player and the MacBook Pro. I turned on Internet Sharing and selected share Airport with computers using ethernet. I tested it out by seeing if my wife's MacBook could share the connection and it worked like a charm. (I turned off her Airport card and her computer accessed the Internet via an ethernet cable between our two computers.)
    Alas, the Blu-Ray player can't seem to share the connection.
    The Blu-Ray player uses DHCP but tt appears to receive a self-assigned IP address.
    The player manual says that if the connection fails "it may be necessary to set the MAC address of the unit at the router side."
    Does anyone know what this statement could mean? Can I add a device somehow to the Time Capsule. Any other thoughts on ways to make this work?
    Thanks in advance for the help!

    I found this how-to on the Web. I'm not too saavy with terminal, so these things always make me a bit nervous. Anyone have any concerns about following these steps to see if it works?
    The following procedure is confirmed to work as written.
    Start Internet Sharing if it's not already running.
    In Terminal, type cp /etc/bootpd.plist /tmp/bootpd.plist
    Stop Internet Sharing.
    Open /tmp/bootpd.plist for editing using TextEdit or whatever.
    Locate this section of the file, near the end:
    Change the value 4 to 0.
    In Terminal, type sudo cp /tmp/bootpd.plist /etc
    Start Internet Sharing.
    If you want to, check that your change to /etc/bootpd.plist hasn't been reverted.

  • Internet Sharing in System Preferences

    I have a late 2008 MBP. I tether to get my internet. I use internet sharing to share airport with my wife's MB. I am experiencing extreme unreliability with the Internet Sharing staying up and connecting to the MB. Does anyone have any experience with this method of wireless and any suggestions on stability?

    For a start, take a look at Apple's help article titled "Sharing your Internet connection" and found at
    MacOS 10.5
    MacOS 10.4
    Note these articles only apply to the Mac doing the sharing. The client Mac simply needs to connect to the wireless network that has been created by the sharing Mac, by selecting it from the Airport menu.

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