Shared disk or not ?

The storage admin has given me two nodes and he is telling that
LUN's are created.
How can i check, if the disks are shared or not ?
if i say df -kh on both nodes, i see.
/dev/sdc1 4G 18M 3G 1% /shared1

- create file /tmp/test and edit some content.
$ cat /tmp/test
TEST- Node 1
> dd if=/tmp/test of=/dev/sda1
- then on Node 2
dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=1M count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out

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    remote disk doesn't appear in my finder.  also cd sharing option does not appear under preferences

    Hi i also had a recent problem with a stuck cd in my 12" powerbook slot loading drive. I would suggest attempting all the operating system problem solvers first that are covered in other discussions on this site, such as holding down alt + command(apple logo thingy) + F + O straight away when starting up your computer. This brings you to the open firmware where you type "eject cd."
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  • Shared Disks on AEBS - Secure Passwords - Multiple Users

    I posted this on the Digital Life forum. No joy. Not sure if this is an AEBS issue or a Leopard issue.
    I need to have different access rights to disks or folders on disks connected to the AEBS. One disk (or folder) is the Everyone shares disk (or folder) for Time Machine backups and shared files.
    And, I need to have a separate disk (or folder) for personal information that I can access but other users cannot access.
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    Anyone got a scheme to make this work?

    Yep. You solved my problem. Thank you!
    I did not go far enough.
    Just in case anyone else wants to try this, some notes.
    1.) I had to reformat (Partition and Erase) the disk. When making the conversion from a shared disk to accounts, it loses access to the previous data on the disk. In order to avoid losing that space, it was necessary to physically connect the drive to the computer, reformat, then reattach to the AEBSn; then set up the accounts.
    2.) I had to restart the computers to connect to the new shared drive.
    3.) This set up is using a separate drive (LaCie Quadra 300 gb) connected via USB to an AEBSn.
    I am a happy camper. Thank you for your assistance!

  • RAC with ASM and shared disks?

    Hi all,
    Can someone clarify this little point please. If I use ASM as my storage with a RAC database, I have to configure these nodes to shared disks. At least this is what the UG says ...
    When you create a disk group for a cluster or add new disks to an existing clustered disk group, you only need to prepare the underlying physical storage on shared disks. The shared disk requirement is the only substantial difference between using ASM in a RAC database compared to using it in a single-instance Oracle database. ASM automatically re-balances the storage load after you add or delete a disk or disk group.
    With my 9i databases, I used HCAMP to allow for concurrent VG access among the nodes. My questions are ...
    1) How can I share this storage as stated above without using HACMP? My understanding is with 10g I no longer have to use it.
    2) Can Oracle's clusterware be used to share storage? I have not seen any indication that it does.
    3) Does this mean I still have to use HCAMP with 10g crs to allow shared storage?
    Thank you

    "...meaning visible to all the participating nodes, which you don't need HACMP..."
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    Thank you

  • "Time Machine could not complete the backup. The backup disk is not availab

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    Let's say the name of my Airport Extreme Base Station is "Airport." If I remember correctly, under Leopard time machine would start a wireless backup not long after I turned on the Seagate drive. That no longer happens.
    I've erased and re-formatted the Seagate drive with 2 GUID partitions, one for my 24" iMac and one for my 17" MacBook Pro. Both computers are about 3 years old. In order to do the re-partitioning, I had to unplug the Seagate drive from the base station and plug it into one of the iMac's USB ports. If I didn't do this, nothing other than the iMac's drive appears in the left pane of Disk Utility, although the name of my base station, i.e, "Airport" does appear in the Finder and PathFinder (a replacement for Finder that I use).
    In fact, Time Machine works under 10.6.2. as long as the Seagate drive is plugged into the iMac's USB port. As soon as I plug the Seagate drive into the USB port of the base station, Time Machine no longer works. The backup is "delayed." When I click on "Back Up Now" a few seconds go by and I get the following dialog box: "Time Machine could not complete the backup. The backup disk is not available."
    In my Airport Extreme Base Station setup (Airport Utility version 5.4.2), the "Disks" pane sees both partitions on the Seagate drive. File sharing is enabled on the "File sharing" pane and "Secure Shared Disks:" is set to "With a disk password." "Airport Disks Guest Access:" is not allowed, nor is "Share disks over WAN."
    When the Seagate drive is plugged into the base station and I click on "Airport" in the Finder or PathFinder, I'm prompted for the password I mentioned above because the shared disks are secured with a password. Once the password is typed, both partitions on the Seagate drive appear in Finder and PathFinder. When I try a Time Machine backup at this point, I get the same error I described above, i.e., "Time Machine could not complete the backup. The backup disk is not available."
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    At this point I'm completely stumped. As I said, Time Machine works as long as the Seagate drive is plugged directly into one of the iMac's USB ports as opposed to the base station's USB port. But doesn't this defeat the purpose of having wireless backup? Once again, the wireless backup worked fine under 10.5.8.
    I hope my message is clear and a solution would be most welcome.
    Thank you,

    I'm having the same problem. If my TimeMachine drive is not connected, I'll get the "Time machine could not complete the backup" "The backup disk is not available" warning a couple times a day. This is extremely problematic if I'm giving a presentation. I have tried changing my TimeMachine drive, removing that drive, repairing permissions, and have not been able to solve the problem.
    Please help!

  • Extreme with shared disk and two users on same mac issue

    just got my airport extreme + a 1TB hard drive for disk sharing and everything worked great until my wife came home (not her fault )
    My setup:  I have 1 mac which we both share with two user accounts plus I have a Windows 7 machine. I setup the Airport Extreme drive sharing with 'accounts' as I thought/know this will work with Windows (smb I think) which it sure enough did and I could connect to my share from both my Windows machine and my macbook air and was rather pleased how easy it was.
    My wife then came home logged on and she could see the drive and even see the root folder in Finder but saw no files whatsoever and instead of the 'sharing icon' (not sure what to call it looks like a hard disk with wifi signals) she gets a circle with a red bar in it in the finder title... so I disconnected the shared disk in finder and reconnected entering the account details again and things worked for her.  I then signed into my account and now I had the same issue... I could see disk but see nothing on it which means I have to disconnect and reconnect etc. etc.
    I even setup two seperate accounts now in the AirPort Utility for disk sharing and use one for my account and one for my wifes but the issue remains, by the way no issue on the Windows 7 box.
    HELP    the whole reason why I got this is so we can share our pictures and videos etc. on 2 machines and 2 computers with 2 accounts.

    Yes, I'd like a solution to this one as well! Did you ever find the answer?

  • Copying Music failed. The disk could not be read from or written to.

    I just added a server to my home network. It's called "DELLSEVER" and is networked via TCP/IP on a Windows Network. I can copy files to and from it no problem. I created a shared folder on the server with public read/write access and no password called "Music".
    I wanted to move my iTunes music folder (~110GB) to the server's Music folder.
    I followed the instruction found on this forum and went into iTunes( preferences -> Advenced -> Itunes Music folder location -> clicked Change -> selected the directory from the available list -> clicked ok.
    Under "iTunes Music folder location" it now says "\\DELLSERVER\Music\iTunes", and clicked ok to close the preferences.
    I then clicked Advanced -> Consolidate Library -> Consolidate.
    I then get the error "Copying Music failed. The disk could not be read from or written to."
    I then tried to manually copy my library from dragging the folded from my PC to the server. That worked fine, but I can't get iTunes to use the server's copy of the music, it keeps going back to my PC's copy.
    Please help. I've only got about 30 Meg left on my PC's drive with iTunes and need to relocate my music to the server's drives.
    And if it matters, I am Administrator on both my PC and the server.
    I also tried de-authorizing my PC just in case. Made no difference.

    Thanks Katrina. Mapping the folder to a drive letter allowed iTunes to start copying the music across.
    Unfortuntely iTunes didn't notice that I manually copied the files across earlier, so it's overwriting them. I'm about two hours into the transfer with about another hour to go, but it looks like it's going to work.
      Windows XP Pro  

  • ITunes 9.0.3 "disk could not be read from or written to"

    Hi there,
    I'm using a MacBook (OS 10.5.8) and just recently downloaded iTunes 9.0.3 (15). Since then, I have not been able to properly sync any of my iPods: Classic 20GB (4th Generation), 2GB Nano (1st Generation) and a Classic 80GB (6th Generation).
    Upon connection, iTunes recognizes all of these devices, but when I try to sync them, I would say a good half of the songs in my playlists do not appear and I receive the error message "Attempting to copy to the disk "...iPod" failed. The disk could not be read from or written to."
    I have tried restoring one of them, which did not work at all and now it's playlists are even more sparse.
    I also have an iPhone 3GS 16GB, but have not tried syncing it, because I do not want my last device to end up in the same condition.
    I was thinking to uninstall 9.0.3 and go back to 8, and I have already saved all my playlists as .xml files for easy (re)importation. Can anyone confirm if this is a good idea / will it cause compatibility problems with my iPhone if I downgrade?
    Thank you so much for any advice.

    I wanted to let you know that from the link you shared, I was able to find out why I was getting that error message with iTunes:
    1) I needed to update certain software (I hadn’t received a notice for this like normal, so it never occurred to me). In any case, ‘apple’ → ‘software update’ did the trick.
    2) I also I had one corrupt music file, however, once I updated all the software, it detected which one for me.
    Merci pour votre aide!

  • ERROR - disk could not be read or written to

    I have reinstall software, updated IPOD to 2006 software, restored Ipod shuffle and when I try and Autofill using my own list of songs I get this message: The Ipod cannot be updated. The disk could not be read from or written to.

    I've gone right of iShuffles. Mine refused to play ball a couple of months ago so my wife kindly got me a new Video iPod - which I recommend) and my son's shuffle decided to shuffle off this mortal coild too. I used the online Apple service to get both replaced - really excelent service, replacements to my door and return service too. Full marks Apple.
    My replacement Shuffle worked just fine. My son's - zero marks Apple. disk could not be read or written.
    No kidding, I've been removing, re-installing, plugging, unplugging... for six hours straight now! I've definitely read all that Apple have to say, which isn't much.
    I've definitely stripped out all iPod and iTunes mentions and gone from the original install CD to latest versions - same result. Then just straight to latest versions after removing everything, same result.
    When I plug this same shuffle into my HP Laptop - it just works fine, no problem at all. This is what's kept me going all these hours - it MUST be a software issue on our shared home computer. I virus and shareware checked and cleaned, but no issues there. Some mentions on other forums showed users who's startup drive letter was not C: cured the problem by changing to C: but mine already is.
    So I'm completely at a loss now. What I am curious about is that the posts on this subject are all in the past few days - could it be an issue with the latest iTunes or Shuffle updater? My laptop on which it runs is has iTunes, but that was on the problem machine before I updated in the first attempt to cure the problem. So it isn't the iTunes version. And my HP has the latest iPod updater on it too, so can't be that simple either. And the Shuffle fails on one machine while working on the other with the same firmware in the Shuffle, so it can't be just that either.
    There's a story about Thomas Edison being positive in his search inventing a working lightbulb - along the lines that it took him 10,000 failures before he found a solution. At each point he celebrated having identified another way that did NOT work, bringing him one step closer to the answer. So in that vein... I can celebrate about 20 ways I have identified to NOT solve this problem. If it were left to me, we wouldn't have electric light - I'd have given up;-)

  • Time Machine says "The Backup Disk is Not Available"

    Line 0:  I have a 400 GB external Western Digital drive that I leave plugged into an Airport Extreme.  Previously, this worked mostly without a problem.  It took some massaging to get it to work at first (I had to create the backup with the drive directly connected to the computer, and then I moved the drive over to the Airport Extreme and it was fine after that), but after that, it worked forever.  This was in the previous version of the OS that I was running (snow leopard?).  I very recently upgraded to Lion and it seemed to be OK, but then suddenly it gave me an error that said it had not been able to do a backup for 10 days.  I thought "wow, that means it hasn't backed up since I upgraded to Lion." 
    So I told it to do a backup right away.  It failed with the error "The backup disk is not available."
    I unplugged the drive and plugged it back in.  No go.
    I tried to reselect the drive from within Time Machine preferences.  It would not appear and in fact it kept forcing me to go to the Airport Extreme software.  I did this and there was no obvious way to set anything up from within that software.  I left everything as it was ("Enable file sharing" checked, "Secure shared disks" was at "with device password," and it was remembering the password in my keychain). 
    Go back to Time Machine preferences and the disk still doesn't show up.  Force a reboot on the router, it still doesn't show up.
    I brought the drive over to the computer and plugged it in directly, and everything was fine.  It did a backup on the spot, it read the backup that was there, the drive showed up, etc.  I formatted it just for the heck of it and started over completely and it was happy.  I did a disk check and everything was fine.  After leaving it on all night to complete a new backup, I unmounted the disk, brought it over to the Airport Extreme, plugged it back in, and now we go back to line 0 and rinse repeat.
    Can someone please tell me how to get my drive to start working with Time Machine again?

    It should not have worked in the first place.. when you moved it from the PC to the airport extreme.. that is not correct.. I don't know how SL managed to work around it.. but Lion obviously cannot.
    You will need to start all over again..
    Also note.. the flakey nature of this setup.. according to well respected people here AEBS with USB drive does not give reliable TM backups.. I would pay close attention to what they are saying. Time Capsule is more than a AEBS with a hard drive inside.. although exactly the difference I don't know.
    But you can expect the current setup to not work, because it never should have.

  • Extreme + Shared Disk through a NAT?

    I've done a search on this topic but can't find a thread that answers my question - so I beg forgiveness if this has been asked and answered many times...
    I've got an Extreme base station hosting a shared disk for a small business LAN. It works great.
    This past weekend I put in a D-Link router into one of the offices to help reduce traffic noise (I've got an Ethernet-based interface for outboard automation and it was previously very laggy). The router does exactly what I need it to - except I can't use the Airport Disks menu to mount the Airport Disk.
    The Disk shows up in the menu but returns a "Connection Failed" dialog box. I can connect to the Disk directly through Finder > Go > Connect to Server
    I'm thinking some ports need to be opened up.
    Anyone know where I can find that info?
    Or perhaps something else is going on?
    - patrick

    Duane wrote:
    Please describe exactly how the D-Link and AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) are connected.
    Hi Duane,
    Thanks for taking this on...
    PowerMac & Control Surface (both static IP) -> D-Link (NOT DHCP, in the range)
    DLink -> Netgear GigaE 20-port switch
    the AEBS goes:
    AEBS -> same Netgear switch
    Netgear Switch -> Firewall/Router (static IP in range) -> DSL
    Are you trying to go through the D-Link to get to the disk attached to the AEBS?
    Yup. Punch through the D-Link to the AEBS.
    Is the D-Link configured so that it's DHCP server is enabled or disabled?
    - pi
    Message was edited by: Patrick Inhofer

  • Can MacOS9 connect to Airport Extreme shared disk?

    I have set up a network in my studio with an Airport Extreme. I attached a 1TB USB disk to it and shared it over the LAN. On the network, there is 1 Win98 PC and a good old PowerMac G4 running MacOS9.2.2. Is there any possibility for the G4 to connect to the shared disk on the AE? Right now, it says that the server I try to connect to uses an incompatible AFP protocol.
    Any idea?

    I am very disappointed by this issue. I have an Airport Extreme with an attached USB drive. I use this to store my movies because they clog up my laptop drive.
    I called to my local Apple Store to buy an Apple TV so I could watch these movies on my TV. I asked a 'stupid question' to ensure I could use the Apple TV for what I though would be a very basic and common task. I was astonished to hear that it could not carry out this functionality.
    I hope this is something that will be resolved very soon, to be fair Apple products are supposed to work together!

  • Shared disk (SAN EVA 4400) configuration for ASM on linux RHEL5

    Hi all,
    I want to install RAC database (oracle 10g on RHEL5). Now we are configurind shared storage for the both servers (nodes). In disk configuration (SAN on EVA 4400) we have created the volume group for the disk to use for ASM and present the disk group to the servers. Actually when we check the server we cannot see the disk (shared storage).
    [root@cdr-analysis01 ~]# ls /dev/cciss/ -lR
    total 0
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 0 Jul 1 2009 c0d0
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 1 Jul 1 14:29 c0d0p1
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 2 Jul 1 14:29 c0d0p2
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 3 Jul 1 14:29 c0d0p3
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 4 Jul 1 2009 c0d0p4
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 5 Jul 1 14:29 c0d0p5
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 6 Jul 1 14:29 c0d0p6
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 7 Jul 1 2009 c0d0p7
    brw-r----- 1 root disk 104, 8 Jul 1 14:29 c0d0p8
    (they are local disks not the shared disk)
    My questions are:
    - How to mount the disk to be seen in the server
    - How to configure the disk for ASM is there any document for this. In my knowledge the disk to use for ASM doesn't need to be formated with a file system and shouldn't see when we run the df command.
    Does anybody can help me as it's very urgent for us.
    Thank you

    Hi all,
    NOw the disk is presented to server. but my actual problem is how to create shared partition of this disk for the servers.
    Our actual status is we have created one volume group with 500 Gb in the sun and this volume group is called vg_oradata. we will use this storage for OCR, voting disk and the databse file (ASM). A si know from documentation i have to create one shared partition for OCR, one shared partition for Voting disk and another for database.
    That i want to do is creating for example :
    ocr_partition (25 Gb) : for OCR
    vote_partition (25 Gb): for Voting disk
    oradata_part1 (150 Gb): for database (ASM)
    oradata_part2 (150 Gb): for database (ASM)
    oradata_part3 (150 Gb): for database (ASM)
    My problem is how to create this partition because when i'm trying to create it from Logical Volume Manager of Linux i cannot find them in to servers.
    I mean i'm new in system administrator and our SAN vendors also doesn't know how to it in LInux system.
    Could you help me please if possible.
    My system is Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 and i'm going to use Oracle 1Og RAC.
    Thank you

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