Shared Object save

Hey folks,
I made a program in Flash, that used SharedObjects to store
user data. I also made it possible for the user to store numerous
saved files based on a
file name that they give it. Basically, when they click a
"save as" button, it stores 2 simultaneous SharedObjects. 1 for the
actual data, and the another
adds the entered filename to a list.
The problem is that the latter will overwrite itself if any
of the user entered file names begin with the same character (i.e.
'name' and 'norman').
Can anyone think of a way to get around this issue?

Well, I have a list component that loads all the data from
the first SO using a '' loop. When there are 'saves' that
have the same first character, the latest save will replace the
former save in the list. I did check my hard drive and saw that all
the saves were in the local folder correctly.
I should point out that the first SO, called 'mtSaves' ,
stores a list of the saved names created by the user. This is the
SO that is giving me the trouble, not the second one that is
holding the actual data.
PS- thanks for replying by the way!!

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    Thanks in advance for helpful hints,

    HI Julian,
    if the area doesn't show up in the monitor, please try to start the constructor in transaction SHMM on your own by selecting the icon 'Start Constructor' as shown in the screenshot.
    Choose CL_RIS_SHM_AREA as area, select 'Default Instance' and 'Dialog' as execution mode. Then press 'Create'. Either this works or the system will tell you the issue with the instance creation (e.g. insufficient shared objects memory - see the other solution description).
    Best regards, Sebastian

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    Certain Firefox problems can be solved by performing a ''Clean reinstall''. This means you remove Firefox program files and then reinstall Firefox. Please follow these steps:
    '''Note:''' You might want to print these steps or view them in another browser.
    #Download the latest Desktop version of Firefox from and save the setup file to your computer.
    #After the download finishes, close all Firefox windows (click Exit from the Firefox or File menu).
    #Delete the Firefox installation folder, which is located in one of these locations, by default:
    #**C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
    #**C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
    #*'''Mac:''' Delete Firefox from the Applications folder.
    #*'''Linux:''' If you installed Firefox with the distro-based package manager, you should use the same way to uninstall it - see [[Installing Firefox on Linux]]. If you downloaded and installed the binary package from the [ Firefox download page], simply remove the folder ''firefox'' in your home directory.
    #Now, go ahead and reinstall Firefox:
    ##Double-click the downloaded installation file and go through the steps of the installation wizard.
    ##Once the wizard is finished, choose to directly open Firefox after clicking the Finish button.
    Please report back to see if this helped you!
    Thank you.

  • Having problem displaying remote shared objects on flash

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    For the client side,I am using openlaszlo platform, but using actionscript 3  classes for the shared object implementation. cilent application is connecting to the shared object on the red5 side successfully(as I see on the red5 logs).
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    <button id="sendButton">send
          <handler name="onclick" method="sendClicked" />
          <method name="sendClicked" args="v=0">
            if (message.text != "") {
        //Debug.write("Message sent!");
        message.setAttribute("text_y", 0);
    <method name="writeSharedObject" args="message">
    [B]//shared object send method is being called[/B]
    <!--this method writes the messages to the debug window which will be shown to all users-->
    <method name="writeMessage" args="username, msg">
        messageArea.addText(username+ " : "+msg+"\n");
    When I generate the flash object and try to use this application, nothing is being displayed although there is no problem on this issue on the development enviroment. Problem causes when I try to run the swf10 flash object.
    Is this maybe a flash security issue? Although I have added the corresponding locations as the trusted location on the flash settings manager. Still problem goes on. And I think this is not about the flash player, it might be a special problem about the flash object.
    Couldn't find the solution for a week,
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance 

    i can even gointo firefox and chrome and save the shared object. then open my i.e and see that object in the results page. but if i save the shared object in i.e it throws that error on the results page. So i'm pretty sure it must be the flushing of the object. Pasting my save code below:
    function makeResult(evt:MouseEvent):void{
          var flushstatus:String = new String();
 = o;
 = c;
 = t;
 = v;
          flushstatus = gSo.flush();
          if (flushstatus != null) {
            switch (flushstatus) {
              case SharedObjectFlushStatus.PENDING: //this is incase the user doesnt have enough space
                gSo.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onFlushStatus);
              case SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED:
    function onFlushStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
      switch ( {
        case "SharedObject.Flush.Success":
          gSo.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onFlushStatus);
        case "SharedObject.Flush.Failed":
          trace ("Shared object storage failed");
    function redirect() {
        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest('../node/2');// i supply a base parameter to the swf so the redirect works
        trace ("Redirect failed");

  • Can no longer clear Local Shared Objects (Persistent Identification Element)

    The equivalent of a cookie in Flash is the "Persistent
    Identification Element" which is also called a "local shared
    object." The Adobe TechNote titled "How to manage and disable Local
    Shared Objects" at url
    provides a link to control deleting Local Shared Objects. That link
    contained in the TechNote is "Website Storage Settings panel": l
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    the local shared objects. Today, however, the link leads to a
    totally different page of miscellaneous Adobe matters.
    Does anybody know the correct link to clear my Flash player
    of the local shared objects?
    Thanks very much.

    Your Template code is incomplete / corrupted. 
    That's why you can't edit it.
    Try opening your .dwt file in a plain text editor like NotePad.  Remove the editable regions from code.  Save.  Open in DW.
    You will need to SaveAs Template (same name as the one used by your child pages).  Add editable regions to match the ones in your child pages.  Save.
    Nancy O.

  • Shared Object data not saving?

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    var saveTest:SharedObject=SharedObject.getLocal("testFile","/");"testing"
    trace (
    and no, you cannot explicitly control where the sharedobject is saved.

  • Shared object help

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    Yes, that last part of what you said is what you need to do, where it is via a database or a shared object... "save every property of the item in a way where it can be re-created every time it's loaded"  The choice is wheteher you want to bear the burden of storing the data on a your server versus storing it locally on the user machine.

  • Shared object files no longer saving in Chrome

    Google Chrome     12.0.742.112 (Official Build 90304)
    Flash     10,3,181,34
    OS: Vista 64
    Shared object files (.sol files) stopped saving to my local machine some time since 10pm on 6/28/11 (EST).  I assume Chrome updated when my computer randomly shut itself off in the evening of 6/29/11, and that it was after this that this bug started to occur (after research, it looks like Flash updated and caused this problem?).  Prior to this random shut off, Chrome had not been closed/restarted in 4-6 weeks.  I know for a fact that .sol files were storing properly late on 6/28.
    I also know that .sol files are storing properly on Firefox.  And that my flash storage is still set to Unlimited for all websites.  I have confirmed that it is not website specific (tested on 2 different sites).  I could not find any odd setting in the Chrome Options panel that would be causing this either.
    Any suggestions?  I play flash game professionally, and not being able to have my games save means I can't use Chrome until this is fixed.
    Thanks very much!

    Hi, I've put together some info that gives some background on this issue. It's a little lengthy, but wanted you to have an idea the areas that are involved in this. Cutting to the chase: Don't delete browser cookies either manually nor automatically as this removes the LSO's as well. My question that I had back in May was answered by using a third party to remove browser cookies, as CCleaner. However, I've read that CCleaner is also removing the LSO's. So any third party browser cookies you might want to use, I'd make sure before hand any risk involved.
    I don't understand why when this was all implemented and set up, that a simple choice wasn't made. Delete History, Delete browser Cookies, Delete LSO's. That's my opinion on it.      LSO's and Global Settings
       In addition to Security updates in this, there is included a Flash Settings Panel Manager.
    Users now have a simpler way to clear local storage from the browser settings interface – similar to how users clear their browser cookies today. Flash Player 10.3 integrates control of local storage with the browser’s privacy settings in Mozilla Firefox 4, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and higher, Google Chrome 11 (Available in Chrome Dev Channel), and a future release of Apple Safari.
      Flash Player Settings Manager as relating to Cookies/History/LSO's    5/20/11
    Please uncheck the checkbox in your browser to delete cookies upon exit. Starting with 10.3, Flash Player has implemented the Flash Player LSO clearing feature to remove Flash LSOs (sometimes mistakenly called Flash cookies) from the browser context. Therefore, if this checkbox is checked, your Flash Player LSOs (saved games, saved logins) will be deleted as well.
    So far, browser vendors who have implemented this functionality have chosen to combine cookies with Flash LSOs with regards to clearing history. This should give you the granularity that you need: If you clear your history and you tell the browser to clear cookies as well, Flash LSOs will be cleared. If you clear your history but you don't select cookies, Flash LSOs will remain on the machine.
    Of the currently shipping browsers, IE8, IE9 and Firefox 4 have chosen to combine cookies and Flash LSOs. Earlier versions of these browser don't support this new functionality. Other browsers may support this functionality in future versions.
    Hi OreaTivona, Please unselect the option to delete cookies when closing the browser. This will otherwise delete your Flash "cookies" (the correct term is LSO - Local Shared Objects) when you close your browser. As mentioned earlier, this is new in Flash Player 10.3. The Flash Player is now more tightly integrated with browsers due to privacy concerns. This has the effect that if you choose to delete cookies (either manually or on exit of the browser), these LSOs will be removed along with the regular browser cookies. Thanks, Stephen Flash Player team
    Thread of OreaTivona:
    (eidnolb's question: Then if deleting browser cookies deletes the LSO's, how are cookies deleted? (Temp cookies?)
    (my answer above re: CCleaner)

  • Problem Assigning Local Shared Object

    I have created a swf that increments a dollar amount every
    five seconds. My clients want this dollar counter to be consistent
    between HTML pages. That is where the local shared object comes in.
    I can create it fine, and even read it (I know this by a trace() I
    used). But for the life of me I can't get the value from the shared
    object passed to the dynamic text field as soon as the swf is
    loaded. It always starts at the beginning increment of 0.192!
    I'm pretty sure what is messing me up is either the function
    that formats the number to a dollar format or the function that
    increments the dollar value up every five seconds and saves that
    value to the shared object.
    Using the code below, you can create a flash file with a
    dynamic text labeled 'money' and the actionscript copied into the
    first frame on the timeline.
    Any help would be great appreciated!

    aasimmomin wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have 2 files *.swf files. The first one is creating a
    shared object while
    > the second one reads the created shared object.
    > The files works perfectly on my local machine and on my
    server, but the second
    > file is not able to read the shared object on the
    client's server.
    > Although both files work perfectly well on the client's
    local machine.
    > I have checked and found that there is no synchronizing
    problem between the
    > writing and reading of the shared object.
    > Could there be some settings on the client's server
    which may be missing?
    do not post same question to multiple forums, post in one and
    stick to it.
    Adobe forums posting guidelines
    When posting messages...
    - in DON'T Section :
    Don't cross-post or double-post. Posting a message to more
    than one forum (i.e "cross-posting" is
    unnecessary, and creates extra traffic for you and others to
    read through. If you've already posted
    a question, please don't repeat your posts in order to get
    more attention- this makes it very
    difficult for others to see if and/or where your question was
    Happy New Year guys - all the best there is in the 2006 :)
    <web junk free>
    </web junk free>

  • Shared Objects, iCloud, and inApp Purchasing

    Here is the scenario:
    All game data is saved in a Local Shared Object. This includes game un-locks and items that the user has purchased using in-app purchaes.
    Will the player be able to down load this shared object from the cloud if they play the game on another device?  Does Apple require in-app purchased 'items' to be stored in  a special way?  I've read some people having issues with Shared Objects in the past, so I'm curious on what the current 'best practices' are.

    Dis, Hi.
    If you want to use non-consumable IN APP PURCHASE - you don't need use any saving for restoring on other devices.
    Non-consumable it's products, that you can buy once. For unlock for example from LITE to FULL version. Than you can save it as Local Shared Object.
    When you will buy it again - APP STORE will not get money again but will return product as Buyed (as new) and you will see it as 'restored'.
    App Store don't provide any downloads. It's return only JSON parameters like 'restored', 'purchased' and etc. All rest you do on your device

  • Shared Objects ios

    I created a simple game for mobile devices using AIR. I use shared objects to save a few achievements and high scores to the device. The problem is that this works perfectly for android devices but the very same code does not work for the iPhone. Anyone else have this problem?

    FIXED - For some reason I had to run flush() in the DEACTIVATE method. Didn't have to do this for Android.
    NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE , handleDeactivate, false, 0, true);
    function handleDeactivate(event:Event):void {
        volLevel = 0;
        volTransform.volume = volLevel;
        musicChannel.soundTransform = volTransform;

  • Shared objects failing

    Does anybody know why a Flash 7 projector file that saves
    shared objects would suddenly stop working? I have a multi-swf
    project that runs through a master projector (.exe) The master file
    loads in swf files as needed. Shared objects are saved to track
    progress and save user names etc. This has all been working
    perfectly. recently a number of users have reported that the data
    is no longer persistent. These users a seem to be using new
    machines so they have FP8 installed for their browsers. Is there a
    known problem with FP8 causing FP7 projectors to fail saving shared
    objects? I am unable to recreate the problem, but we are getting
    more and more reports of this behavior every day. I have found no
    mention of this problem after extensive searches on the web. I find
    it hard to believe that no-one else has seen this problem.
    Can somebody help me track this problem down?

    I am not able to reproduce the issue.
    I tried with the latest AIR 4.0 build on iPad version 7.0 and Flash Pro CC version
    Could you please share the Flash Pro version you are using?
    Also if possible, please share the sample app as it would help us in investigating the issue.

  • Shared Objects and IOS 5.0+

    So, I need a straight answer. Can I use Shared Objects for my game, or will apple fail me for using them?  Will Shared Objects be backed up with iCloud?

    From what I have found if your IPA/APK/SWF is the same name then shared objects data should retain.
    So if version 1 of your app was
    AppleApp.ipa published from a swf by the name of AppleApp.swf
    then when you update on your final publish save your swf and .ipa under the same name
    Dont do this
    First version is
    AppleAppV1.swf published out to AppleApp.ipa
    Second version is AppleAppV2.swf published out to AppleApp.ipa
    The swf is what the shared object is associated with so keep that the same from update to update.

  • Use a Shared Object in a game to store pairs player_name - player

    If I want to use a Shared Object in a game for a local
    computer to store
    pairs player_name - player_score (a string and a number) what
    would be the
    best approach to push the data in and retrieve them out as a
    Flash Help says that the properties created in a SO can
    enumerated in a loop - how do I use this?

    thank a lot
    "clbeech" <[email protected]>
    × ÎÏ×ÏÓÔÑÈ
    news:fvsrst$qkp$[email protected]..
    > I usually use an array and objects to store the pair or
    more stats, then
    > the array in the SO. it goes something like this:
    > var so = SharedObject.getLocal('mygame', '/');
    > var scores = [ ];
    > for(var i=0; 1<10; i++) {
    > var obj = {n:' ', s:o};
    > scores.push(obj);
    > }
    > function updateScores() {
    > if( == undefined) {
    > = scores;
    > }else{
    > scores =;
    > }
    > }
    > function saveScore() {
    > var obj = {n:name_ti.text, sc:playerScore}
    > scores.push(obj);
    > scores.sortOn('s', Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
    > if(scores.length>10) scores.pop();
    > = scores;
    > so.flush();
    > setScoreboard();
    > }
    > function setScoreboard() {
    > updateScores();
    > scores.sortOn('s', Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
    > for(var i=1; i<scores.length+1; i++) {
    > this['name_'+i].text = scores
    > this['score_'+i].text = scores.s;
    > }
    > }
    > setScoreboard(); //initialize the board
    > save_btn.onPress = function() {
    > saveScore(); //save the score input
    > }

  • Are Cross Domain Flash Local Shared Objects (LSO aka Flash Cookie) possible

    I found several solutions for creating Flash LSOs from JavaScript (for example: )
    If Page ( and the .swf file are from the same site, everything works fine.
    Now I'm trying to load the page form, which includes (different sites). But then I cannot read or store the LSO.
    I have tried several configurations (crossdomain.xml,  Security.allowDomain("...") ), but nothing works.
    Is this kind of cross domain access to a LSO possible?
    Can a flash based advertisement delivered by a 3rd party save a LSO on my disc?

    I 100% agree!  We have an application that the Government requires information to be stored on the users computer as part of Multi-Factor-Authentication.  We originally wrote it as a browser application and when everyone and their brother started deleting browser cookies because of security concerns, we totally re-wrote it as a Flash application to take advantage of permanent storage.  This new "feature" in Flash Player is causing much concern because thousands of users will need to start answering lots of security questions every single time they use the application (ie: daily) and our staff is having to handle technical support questions that shouldn't exist.  Right now it's only IE that's causing the issue, but I'm sure every browser and Internet Security program will soon be adding this to their products.  There should at least be a way for the USER to white-list a specific Domain so Flash could exempt those sites from ANY external program trying to delete ALL Shared Objects/Local Storage/Flash Cookies.  The USER should be given that choice.  This would satisfy the extra privacy you are putting in there and still allow information to be stored from sites that require it.

Maybe you are looking for