Sharing itunes account.  Lost my music.

My son and I are sharing an itunes account.  All my music, and movies have disappeared from my phone and from the library.  All his music is in the library and on his iPod.  What do I do to get mine back again? 

(apologies for the duplicate)

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    I suspect that you are saying that you can't download/install the latest version of iTunes. 
    All I can say is try removing and reinstalling the Apple software using the following:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
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    See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer covering the different methods and software available to assist you with the task of copying content from your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes.

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    Hi - I'm new to Mac and iTunes all together (finally joined the cult... and love it!)
    Anyways, My ideal setup is to have 2 User Accounts and 2 Separate iTunes Accounts so my bf and I can buy our own music, obtain separate libraries, yet share SOME music. I want to see all of MY music in the Music Library when I log in, but I still want to be able to transfer some of his music to my phone's playlist and vice versa.
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    Any suggestions on how we can both maintain our separate libraries/accounts but share some music (not just listen to each other's music).

    In the Finder. I should have said "In the Finder, create the folder /Users/Shared/Music".
    In case it wasn't clear, all of the instructions should be carried out in the Finder. iTunes should definitely not be running when you move your library and create the aliases.
    A few additional points:
    1. There's nothing significant about the folder location /Users/Shared/Music. You can substitute the name of any folder you want, provided all users will be able to read and write to it.
    2. Beware of having two or more users accessing your shared Music library *at the same time*. (Since you mentioned you want to share your music between two users on a single MacBook, I assumed only one user would access the library at a time.) This only becomes an issue if at some time in the future you share a library in this way between two computers over a networked drive. If two or more users are making simultaneous changes to the same iTunes library, they will stomp all over each other's changes, and very likely corrupt the library. Note that it's also possible to corrupt your music library if you both are simultaneously logged in on your MacBook via "Fast User Switching", and are both simultaneousy running iTunes and making changes to the library. So don't do that. (Not that you ever would.)

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