Shortest distance between two line segments

I am looking for the code of the "Shortest distance between two line segments". I would appreciate if anyone has and willing to share.
I can find some in the net but its in VB and i am not familiar with it.
THanks a lot.

There are a couple of things that are not clear:
What determines the rotation speed and lenght of each stick at any given time?
What is the program allowed to do to prevent collision (change speed/direction, change radius, stop everything)
Since you want to prevent collision, you need a predictive algorithm. Once they overlap, the collision has already happened. Too late!
What information does your algorithm get (e.g. r1, r2, theta1, theta2, delta-thetat1, delta-theta2, etc.), i.e. does the program only get static information and need  to construct the trajectory from sequential history data or does it get dynamic information about speed and direction?
The trivial answer would be to just keep r1+r2 < distance(P1,P2). This will prevent all "potential" collisions.
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
    public class ELine extends JPanel {
        Ellipse2D.Double red = new Ellipse2D.Double(150,110,75,165);
        Ellipse2D.Double blue = new Ellipse2D.Double(150,50,100,50);
        Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double();
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
        private void connect() {
            double flatness = 0.01;
            PathIterator pit = blue.getPathIterator(null, flatness);
            double[] coords = new double[2];
            double x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;
            double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            while(!pit.isDone()) {
                int type = pit.currentSegment(coords);
                switch(type) {
                    case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
                    case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
                        Point2D.Double p = getClosestPoint(coords[0], coords[1]);
                        double dist = p.distance(coords[0], coords[1]);
                        if(dist < min) {
                            min = dist;
                            x1 = coords[0];
                            y1 = coords[1];
                            x2 = p.x;
                            y2 = p.y;
                    case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
                        System.out.println("blue type: " + type);
            line.setLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        private Point2D.Double getClosestPoint(double x, double y) {
            double flatness = 0.01;
            PathIterator pit = red.getPathIterator(null, flatness);
            double[] coords = new double[2];
            Point2D.Double p = new Point2D.Double();
            double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            while(!pit.isDone()) {
                int type = pit.currentSegment(coords);
                switch(type) {
                    case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
                    case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
                        double dist = Point2D.distance(x, y, coords[0], coords[1]);
                        if(dist < min) {
                            min = dist;
                            p.setLocation(coords[0], coords[1]);
                    case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
                        System.out.println("red type: " + type);
            return p;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            final ELine test = new ELine();
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    Graphics g = test.getGraphics();
                    g.drawString("drag me", 175, 80);
        private MouseInputAdapter mia = new MouseInputAdapter() {
            Point2D.Double offset = new Point2D.Double();
            boolean dragging = false;
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
                Point p = e.getPoint();
                if(blue.contains(p)) {
                    offset.x = p.x - blue.x;
                    offset.y = p.y - blue.y;
                    dragging = true;
            public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
                dragging = false;
            public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                if(dragging) {
                    double x = e.getX() - offset.x;
                    double y = e.getY() - offset.y;
                    blue.setFrame(x, y, blue.width, blue.height);

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    Hi ,
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    --left region-------------------------------------------middle region------------------------------------------------------right region-------------------
    plot no,_________
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    state,__________                                   country,_________                                                  nothing in it
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    There is no logical complexity in your query besides knowing the basics of
    Also, the table name "Distance" cannot be more confusing; what you have is essentially "PointsOnSphere".
    select R*sqrt(
    (sin(pi-p1.lng)*cos(*cos(* (sin(pi-p1.lng)*cos(*cos(
    from distance p1, distance p2
    where R is the radius of Earth, and pi=3. Don't forget to convert angular degrees into radiants before you plug in them into the query above
    Correction: This was euclidean distance sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2) between the points (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2). Spherical distance is
    Message was edited by:
    Vadim Tropashko

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    thank you,   

    Exactly, there was no "rude" intention or the will to provoke you behind my previous answer.  In fact, I spent 15 minutes to find a ruler in order to measure the port distance on three different ATX Board to make sure I am not telling you anything wrong.  I would not have bothered to do that if I had been planning to write a rude reply. 
    [On the flip side: Personally, I find it kind of rude that you are accusing me of 'rudeness'.  However, I suggest we better drop the whole 'who is really being rude here' discussion.]
    The distance between the center lines of two neighbouring slots is always ~ 2.05cm.  There are two slots between the PCI-E-x16 slots of the P55-DG85.  Simply do the math!
    I am not a mathematician
    The distance between the center lines of the two PCI-E-x16-slots of the P55-GD85 is ~6.15cm (there are two more slots in between --> 2.05cm x 3).
    This means that this ...
    each VGA with modified fan is around 55mm in height.
    ... should actually fit.

  • Unable to find line break between two lines in attachment file.

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    I am trying to send mail through SMTP server with an attachment of oracle report, but I am unable to find line break between two lines, when I down load the attachment from mail and open attach.txt file by double click on it. Next line starts right after previous line ends, it should starts with new line.
    In order to send an attachment file, I am reading source file line by line and put MIME protocol’s attachment instance, contain of source file is being properly written into target file if I open that attachment on cmd prompt.
    Following code may help you to understand the case.
    Thanks in advance.
    My code is as follows:-
    create or replace procedure bec_file_test
    v_subject varchar2, -- Subject of the email
    v_body varchar2, -- Body of the email
    v_from VARCHAR2 default '', -- sender mail id
    v_to varchar2 default '', -- Field To of the email
    v_cc varchar2 default '' -- cc address
    ) is
    -- variable to hold the smtp server connection
    v_smtp_connection utl_smtp.connection;
    -- variable to hold the smtp host name
    v_smtp_host varchar2(100) default '';
    -- variable to hold the smtp port
    v_smtp_port number default 25;
    -- composite of {CR}{LF} caridge return and line feed.
    CRLF varchar2(2):=CHR(13)||CHR(10);
    cursor pr_rec is
    select requisition_no,line_no,release_no,a.contract,
    substr(a.Bal_qty,1,8) BAL_QTY,
    a.wanted_receipt_date WAN_REC_DT,
    a.latest_order_date LAT_ORD_DT
    from bec_pr_line_rep a
    where a.Bal_qty>0 and a.header_state not in 'Closed'
    and upper(a.state1) like 'RELEASED' and a.contract not in ('U1ENG','ULENG','U1FND','U2FND')
    and a.buyer_code='70306'
    order by a.part_no;
    v_msg_line varchar2(2000);
    -- v_buffer varchar2(20000);
    --ALTER SYSTEM SET utl_file_dir = 'D:\Database\temp'
    --COMMENT='Temporary change on Dec 14'
    SELECT name, value
    FROM gv$parameter
    WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
    --drop directory my_directory
    --CREATE or replace DIRECTORY my_directory AS 'D:\database\temp';
    --GRANT read,write ON DIRECTORY my_directory TO PUBLIC;
    begin ---writing data into a file.
    fHandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY', 'pending_pr_summry.txt', 'w');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Pending PR to process (detail report)');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle,TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SS AM'));
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt' );
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    for pr_temp in pr_rec loop
    v_msg_line:=to_char(rpad(pr_temp.requisition_no,12,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.line_no,3,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.release_no,3,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.contract,7,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(nvl(pr_temp.project_id,' '),7,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(nvl(pr_temp.act_seq,' '),12,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.part_no,12,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.description,35,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.bal_qty,10,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.uom,6,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.wan_rec_dt,14,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.lat_ord_dt,14,' '));
    end loop;
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Regards : IFSAPP ( Application owner ) ');
    UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(fHandle); ------------writing into file is successfuly done here!
    --Reading of file starts here containt will be added in attchment file
    fHandle :=UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY','pending_pr_summry.txt','R' );
    -- establish the connection to the smtp server
    v_smtp_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_smtp_host, v_smtp_port); /** OPEN CONNECTION ON THE SERVER **/
    -- perform a handshake with the smtp server
    utl_smtp.helo(v_smtp_connection, v_smtp_host); /** DO THE INITIAL HAND SHAKE **/
    -- set the 'from' address of the message
    utl_smtp.mail(v_smtp_connection, v_from);
    -- add the recipient to the message
    utl_smtp.rcpt(v_smtp_connection, v_to);
    -- send the email
    v_msg_line:='Date: ' || TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss' ) || CRLF ||
    'From: ' || v_from || CRLF ||
    'Subject: ' || v_subject || CRLF ||
    'To: ' || v_to || CRLF ||
    'Cc: ' || v_cc || CRLF ||
    'MIME-Version: 1.0'|| CRLF || -- Use MIME mail standard
    'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'||CRLF ||
    ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'||CRLF||
    CRLF ||'-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| CRLF ||
    CRLF ||v_body|| CRLF;     -- Message body
    v_msg_line:='-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: application/octet-stream;'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
    'name="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| CRLF ||
    ' filename="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF || CRLF;     -- Content of attachment
    -- check file is opened
    IF utl_file.is_open(fHandle) THEN
    -- loop lines in the file
    BEGIN -- Content of attachment
    END IF;
    --end of attachment containt     
    when utl_smtp.invalid_operation then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Invalid Operation in Mail attempt using UTL_SMTP.');
    when utl_smtp.transient_error then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Temporary e-mail issue - try again');
    when utl_smtp.permanent_error then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Permanent Error Encountered.');
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Exception: SQLCODE=' || SQLCODE || ' SQLERRM=' || SQLERRM);
    end bec_file_test;

    Pending PR to process (detail report)01-17-13 12:43:19 li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade |500|kg |30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 2| |NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | |1|NMDCJ|6001|100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1|pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    where as source file is like that:-
    Pending PR to process (detail report)
    01-17-13 12:43:19 PM li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt
    MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade | 5500|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
    MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
    MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1 |pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013
    Ignore alignment. It is well formatted in source file.

  • Spacing between two line types in smartform

    I have data in two different line types as below
    line type1
    but what my requirement is
    line item1
    line item2
    i had tried by changing the smart style but it dint work. Please help me out in reducing the space between the datas of the line types.

    Go to your smartstyle.
    Go to your paragran format.
    Click on tab Indents and Spacing.There you will see a field named LINE SPACING.In that you can adjust the spacing between two lines.

  • Distance between two objects

    Hi folks,
    Who knows how I can discover the distance between two selected objects without using neither guides nor grids?

    How do imagine this would working without using guides or grids? The way I normally do it is:
    1. Drag out a guide to point A
    2. Drag out a guide to point B
    3. Hold shift and put the mouse cursoe between the two -- it shows you the distance
    You could also use the measuring tool (click and hold the rectangle tool in the tool pallette.)
    Or even just draw a rectangle and look at the width in the property panel. That's a fast and easy method I use sometimes.
    Aaron Beall

  • Distance between two pixel in screen

    Hi all ,
    How can I get the distance between two pixel of the screen .
    Thanks and Regards
    Anshuman Srivastava

    You're welcome. Do spend more time with the API, there are a wealth of methods available in classes like Toolkit, SwingUtilities, Utilities and Robot that help solve many rather obscure problems.

  • Distance between two GPS points

    Is there an inbuilt function in PL/SQL for calulating the distance between two GPS (lat/long) points?
    I'm using Oracle 9i. There's a thing called SDO_GEOM available, but I'm not sure if this is what its used for or if it's the best option.

    If the earth is a complete globe and its circumference is 40000km,
    I make the function as follows.
    create ore replace
    function distance
    (a_lat number,a_lon number,b_lat number, b_lon number)
    return number is
    circum number := 40000; -- kilometers
    pai number := acos(-1);
    a_nx number;
    a_ny number;
    a_nz number;
    b_nx number;
    b_ny number;
    b_nz number;
    inner_product number;
    if (a_lat=b_lat) and (a_lon=b_lon) then
    return 0;
    a_nx := cos(a_lat*pai/180) * cos(a_lon*pai/180);
    a_ny := cos(a_lat*pai/180) * sin(a_lon*pai/180);
    a_nz := sin(a_lat*pai/180);
    b_nx := cos(b_lat*pai/180) * co s(b_lon*pai/180);
    b_ny := cos(b_lat*pai/180) * sin(b_lon*pai/180);
    b_nz := sin(b_lat*pai/180);
    inner_product := a_nx*b_nx + a_ny*b_ny + a_nz*b_nz;
    if inner_product > 1 then
    return 0;
    return (circum*acos(inner_product))/(2*pai);
    end if;
    end if;
    I rewrite it by using the factorization and the triangle function's sum and difference formulas:
    cos(x-y) = cos(x)cos(y)+sin(x)sin(y)
    As result, this function is same to the 1st method of Billy Verreynne.
    create or replace
    function distance
    (a_lat number,a_lon number,b_lat number, b_lon number)
    return number is
    circum number := 40000; -- kilometers
    pai number := acos(-1);
    dz number;
    dx2y2 number;
    inner_product number;
    if (a_lat=b_lat) and (a_lon=b_lon) then
    return 0;
    dz := sin(a_lat*pai/180)*sin(b_lat*pai/180);
    dx2y2 := cos(a_lat*pai/180)*cos(b_lat*pai/180)*cos((a_lon-b_lon)*pai/180);
    inner_product := dz*dz + dx2y2;
    if inner_product > 1 then
    return 0;
    return (circum*acos(inner_product))/(2*pai);
    end if;
    end if;
    Message was edited by:

  • Shortest path between two arbitrary point in the network

    Hi All,
    In oracle NDM, it's possible to find shortest path between two nodes (e.g. using SDO_NET_MEM.NETWORK_MANAGER.SHORTEST_PATH), but I need to find shortest path between 2 points which are on the network edges. I suppose I should use (Interface SubPath) in network java apis. However I want to do it via PLSQL api. Should I code it myself or there exists a function?
    Any help is appreciated.
    Edited by: Fa on Dec 15, 2011 2:51 AM

    pritamg wrote:
    I have to build an application in which the user will draw the graph by creating nodes and edges.and then the start node will be marked.Then the shortest paths to other nodes will be displayed.Give me any possible clue how to start.I am in deep deep trouble.I have to use Dijkstra's Algorithm.
    please help some one...pleaseDo you know Dijkstra's Algorithm for shortest path? I believe that one was also called the traveling salesman problem. You can easily Google to find out what it is.
    Did you listen to your instructor when he/she did his/her lectures on recursion and halting contitions? If not, then please go talk to him/her and read your book, the forum is not a place to try to learn a basic concept that you should have paid attention in class for the first time.
    If you have code and you have specific questions post them and we will be glad to help, but we are not here to develop your homework solutions for you, no matter how that may affect your future.

  • How to measure distance between two points uisng uiaccelerometer

    Hello all,
    I am trying to measure distance between two points.So for that i am used uiaccelerometer but its give only rotation changes. I am moving my whole device from one point to another point so for that all x,y & z changes remain same. So how can get the device movement for that?
    Thank you..

    UIAccelerometer does not give rotation changes, it senses acceleration in each of the 3 axis in g-force units. Moving in a plane from one point to another and stopping will result in a net g-force in that axis of zero. To get distance one has to measure the initial acceleration and then the time before a deceleration is detected. It gets really complicated in real life since the start and stop are not instantaneous.

  • How do you connect two line segments in illustrator cs6?

    I have been using adobe cs5 for a few years.  If I wanted to connect the corners of two line segments, you would select the first line segment with the select tool, then switch to the direct selection tool, and drag the anchor point to the other line segment anchor point till the cursor arrow went white (signifying the other anchor point being recognized).  Then you would choose "join" and it would give a nice right angle connecting the two line segments. 
    With adobe cs6, the direct selection tool doesn't change to white when you go over the other line segment anchor point.  Why is this? 
    (Unfortunately my screen capture doesn't show the black arrowhead that you see when you are dragging with the direct selection tool to the other line segment.)
    I have also attached a youtube video link that shows what how this recognition of anchor points looks in adobe illustrator cs5, and this was exactly what I used to do when I was performing the task shown in my screen capture but with adobe illustrator cs5.  Thanks and sorry for the essay!
    Anybody have any idea how to remedy the lack of anchor point recognition?

    You are welcome, zinders.
    Just a comment: you seem to use Butt Cap, so you can really see when line segments are not joined.

  • Distance between next line

    Dear experts,
    In sapscript if use the following code,i find that something like this is happening
    I have given code for the window i created myself ZWIN
    AS:   Mr Bob Williams
    AS:  12,Vincent Street
    AS   :London.
    But i find text comes on paper like this on printing.
    Mr Bob Williams
    12,Vincent Street
    There is a lot of distance between next line.Which attribute i need to control ?

    you can create customized paragraph format based on your requirement. But its better to understand each and every function in the styles so that you can understand the behaviour.

  • Find driving distance between two points without using API by use of Lat & Long?

    Using Google geocode API :
    We performed get distance between search criteria entered by user and all related clubs by lat & long  stored at db.
    2. Two different points such as  
    (origin: Lat1 & Long1) and (destination: Lat2 & Long2)
    We tried for to get distance between these two points,
     (Lat2 & Long2) to (Lat1 & Long1)
    But distance which we get by calculation is simple straight line distance 
    Origin Destination
    (Lat1 & Long1) (Lat2 & Long2)
    3. This is not driving distance as google shows in exact Km
    4. For that Google provide another API (distancematrix API)
    5. But there is limit for DistanceMatrix-Service without ClientID and client key
    100 elements per query.
    100 elements per 10 seconds.
    2 500 elements per 24 hour period.
    But as element request exceeds it shows : OVER_QUERY_LIMIT error  
    6. In case of Client ID and Client key
    In Distance Matrix 100 000 elements per 24 hour period,a maximum of 625 elements per query and a maximum of 1 000 elements per 10 seconds.
    As per this one there is option to get purchase these API but basic question is remain same for us if we are requesting single origin and multiple destination then how element calculation done by google?
    But in document google says :
    The information about each origin-destination pairing is returned in an element entry. An element contains the following fields:
    Status: See Status Codes for a list of possible status codes.
    Duration: The duration of this route, expressed in seconds (the value field) and as text. The textual representation is localized according to
    the query's language parameter.
    Distance: The total distance of this route, expressed in meters (value) and as text. The textual value uses the unit system specified with the
    unit parameter of the original request, or the origin's region.

    Any information that you see in a google map webpage can be retrieved using the API.  The best way of finding the tags on the webpage is to manually perform the query using an IE webpage.   Then capture the source and save to a file so you
    can use a text editor to look at results.  I often on a webpage use the menu : View -  Source and then copy the source to a text file.

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