"should be declared abstract" error message Help !

Dear People,
I have two error messages in my program
"should be declared abstract"
"getAudioClip() not found "
Your advice is appreciated
"MyMusicApplet_1.java": Error #: 454 : class stan_my_music_applet_1.MyMusicApplet_1 should be declared abstract; it does not define method getStreamKeys() in interface java.applet.AppletContext at line 9
"MyMusicApplet_1.java": Error #: 300 : method getAudioClip(java.lang.String) not found in class stan_my_music_applet_1.MyMusicApplet_1
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MyMusicApplet_1 extends JApplet implements ActionListener, AppletContext
     //AppletContext myAppletContext =   new AppletContext();
     //Iterator i =   myAppletContext.getStreamKeys();
     JButton myJButton;
     AudioClip acSound_1 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk");
     AudioClip acSound_2 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk   ");
     AudioClip acSound_3 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk   ");
     AudioClip acSound_4 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk   ");
     AudioClip acSound_5 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk   ");
     AudioClip acSound_6 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk   ");
     AudioClip acSound_7 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk   ");
     AudioClip acSound_8 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk   ");
     AudioClip acSound_9 = getAudioClip("c:/Program Files/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Pro Audio 9/seashore.wrk   ");
     JButton myJButtonSound1;
     JButton myJButtonSound2;
     JButton myJButtonSound3;
     JButton myJButtonSound4;
     JButton myJButtonSound5;
     JButton myJButtonSound6;
     JButton myJButtonSound7;
     JButton myJButtonSound8;
     JButton myJButtonSound9;
  public void init()
       Container myContentPane = getContentPane();
       myContentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
        Dimension buttonSize = new Dimension(190,100);
       Font myFont = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD,14);
       Border myEdge = BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder();
                //create 1st button's object
                 myJButtonSound1 = new JButton("sound #1");
               //set the button's border and size, font background and foreground
                //create 2nd button's object
                 myJButtonSound2 = new JButton("sound #2");
               //set the button's border and size, font, background and foreground
                //create 3rd button's object
                 myJButtonSound3 = new JButton("sound #3");
               //set the button's border and size, font, background and foreground
                //create 4th button's object
                 myJButtonSound4 = new JButton("sound #4");
               //set the button's border and size, font background and foreground
               //create 5th button's object
               myJButtonSound5 = new JButton("sound #5");
             //set the button's border and size, font background and foreground
              //create 6th button's object
               myJButtonSound6 = new JButton("sound #6");
             //set the button's border and size, font, background and foreground
              //create 7th button's object
               myJButtonSound7 = new JButton("Choice #7");
             //set the button's border and size, font, background and foreground
              //create 8th button's object
               myJButtonSound8 = new JButton("Choice #8");
             //set the button's border and size, font background and foreground
              //create 9th button's object
               myJButtonSound9 = new JButton("Choice #9");
             //set the button's border and size, font background and foreground
               //add the buttons to the content pane
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         myJButton = (JButton)e.getSource();
        if(myJButton == myJButtonSound1)
        if(myJButton == myJButtonSound2)
        if(myJButton == myJButtonSound3)
        if(myJButton == myJButtonSound4)
        if(myJButton == myJButtonSound5)
         if(myJButton == myJButtonSound6)
                   if(myJButton == myJButtonSound7)
                   if(myJButton == myJButtonSound8)
                    if(myJButton == myJButtonSound9)

The "should be declared abstract" error message means that you have either extended an abstract class with abstract methods that you have not implemented, or you have implemented an interface and not implemented all of its methods. Non abstract classes have to implement all methods that their base classes or interfaces declare.
The "getAudioClip() not found" error message means that the compiler could not find the method getAudioClip(). Either your class or one of its base classes has to define this method.

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    public class newImplEOImpl extends OAEntityImpl -------------error line
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    Edited by: 945985 on Sep 10, 2012 11:32 PM

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  • Error "class should be declared abstract"

    i am having a problem.
    when i compile my program, there is one error,
    below is the error occurs:
    glay2.java:5:glay2 should be declared abstract; it does not define
    actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) in glay2
    public class glay2 extends
    Applet implements ActionListener
    what does this mean?

    below is my codes...
    I dun really understand what your are saying.
    i got my actionperformed right there? ^^;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class glay2 extends Applet implements ActionListener
    // buttons
    Button button1, button2, button3, button4, buttonpress,
    dsp1, dsp2, dsp3, dsp4,
    eable1, eable2, eable3, eable4,
    dable1, dable2, dable3, dable4;
    // texts
    TextField textfield1, pr1, pr2, pr3, pr4;
    // labels
    Label label1, label2, label3, label4, title;
    boolean in1 = true, out1 = false, can1 = false,
    dis1 = false, in2 = true, out2 = false, can2 = false,
    dis2 = false, in3 = true, out3 = false, can3 = false,
    dis3 = false, in4 = true, out4 = false, can4 = false,
    dis4 = false;
    int pump1[] = {0, 0, 10},
    pump2[] = {0, 0, 10},
    pump3[] = {0, 0, 10},
    pump4[] = {0, 0, 10};
    String state1 = "init",
    state2 = "init",
    state3 = "init",
    state4 = "init";
    String menu1[] = {"State: ", "Litres: ", "Price: "},
    menu2[] = {"State: ", "Litres: "},
    menu3[] = {"State: ", "Litres: "},
    menu4[] = {"State: ", "Litres: "};
    public void init(){
    // west panel
    button1 = new Button("0.01");
    dsp1 = new Button("Dsp 1");
    button2 = new Button("0.02");
    dsp2 = new Button("Dsp 2");
    button3 = new Button("0.03");
    dsp3 = new Button("Dsp 3");
    button4 = new Button("0.04");
    dsp4 = new Button("Dsp 4");
    // east panel
    eable1 = new Button("Enable 1");
    dable1 = new Button("Disable 1");
    eable2 = new Button("Enable 2");
    dable2 = new Button("Disable 2");
    eable3 = new Button("Enable 3");
    dable3 = new Button("Disable 3");
    eable4 = new Button("Enable 4");
    dable4 = new Button("Disable 4");
    // south panel
    buttonpress = new Button("Set Fuel Price(p)");
    textfield1 = new TextField(" ");
    // north panel
    title = new Label("Jeanifer and Yew Leng's Petrol Station");
    // set color for buttons
    // set color for dsp
    // set color for eable
    // set color for dable
    // define panel
    Panel pn = new Panel();
    Panel ps = new Panel();
    Panel pw = new Panel();
    Panel pe = new Panel();
    Panel pc = new Panel();
    // layout
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    // adding grid for west panel
    pw.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
    // adding grid for east panel
    pe.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
    // place button on south panel
    //place label on north panel
    // adding panel
    add("North", pn);
    add("West", pw);
    add("South", ps);
    add("Center", pc);
    // button action
    //dsp action
    //enable action
    // color in box for each decision
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    if (in1)
    else if(out1)
    else if(can1)
    else if(dis1)
    g.fillRect(150, 50, 100, 150);
    g.fillRect(170, 50, 80, 125);
    g.setFont(new Font ("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12));
    g.drawString(menu1[0] + state1, 150, 50);
         for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
         g.drawString(menu1[i] + pump1[i-1], 140, 100 + (i - 1) * 32);
         g.drawString("Pump 1", 140, 120);
    //action ae
    public void ActionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    if (e.getSource() == button1)
         if ( in1 == true )
                             out1 = true;
                             in1 = false;
                             can1 = false;
                             dis1 = false;
                             state1= "On";
                             out1 = false;
                             in1 = true;
                             can1 = false;
                             dis1 = false;
                             state1= "Off";
    else if ((e.getSource() == dsp1) && (can1== true))
         pump1[1] = pump1[2];
         state1= "pumping";
    else if ((e.getSource() == eable1) && (in1 = true))
         in1 = false;
         out1 = true;
         can1 = true;
         dis1 = false;
         state1= "Enabled";
    else if ((e.getSource() == dable1) && ( can1 = true))
         in1 = false;
         out1 = false;
         can1= false;
         dis1 = true;
         state1= "Disabled";
    else if ((e.getSource() == buttonpress) && (in1 = true))
         pump1[2] = Integer.parseInt(pr1.getText());

  • Class should be declared abstract

    i'm learning to use the JOONE(Java Object Oriented Neural Engine).I tried to run a sample program.On compiling it gives the following error.
    XorExample should be declared abstract; it does not define errorChanged(org.joone.engine.NeuralNetEvent) in XorExample
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import org.joone.engine.*;
    import org.joone.engine.learning.*;
    import org.joone.io.*;
    public class XorExample extends JFrame implements ActionListener, NeuralNetListener{                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    I don't know anything about JOONE, but the cause of the error is the XorExample class is specified to implement the NeuralNetListener interface, and apparently it does not implement the errorChanged method of the interface.

  • Error messages help need asap!!!!

    hi this is my code and I need help with what i need to do and how to do it to get rid of the error messages
    no_of_task_types (x NUMBER)
    my_val NUMBER;
    SELECT COUNT(distinct t.task_type_no)
    INTO my_val
    FROM employee e, assignment a, task t
    WHERE e.employee_id = x
    AND e.employee_no = a.employee_no
    AND t.task_id = a.task_id
    RETURN tasktotal;
    these are the error messages:
    Warning: Function created with compilation errors.
    8/1     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    13/27     PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended

    Welcome to the forum!
    Don't say things like "urgent" or "asap" (as in your title, "error messages help need asap!!!!"). It's rude.
    971848 wrote:
    hi this is my code and I need help with what i need to do and how to do it to get rid of the error messages
    no_of_task_types (x NUMBER)
    my_val NUMBER;
    SELECT COUNT(distinct t.task_type_no)
    INTO my_val
    FROM employee e, assignment a, task t
    WHERE e.employee_id = x
    AND e.employee_no = a.employee_no
    AND t.task_id = a.task_id
    RETURN tasktotal;
    these are the error messages:
    Warning: Function created with compilation errors.
    8/1     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    13/27     PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly endedIt looks like you're missing a semicolon at the end of line 13; that's why the statement beginning at line 8 can't be understood.
    Also, you store a number in my_val, but never use that number, and you have a variable called tasktotal that's never defined. Should my_val and tasktotal be the same variable?
    Perhaps this is what you want:
           no_of_task_types (x NUMBER)
        tasktotal   NUMBER;
        SELECT  COUNT(distinct t.task_type_no)
        INTO    tasktotal
        FROM    employee e, assignment a, task t
        WHERE   e.employee_id = x
        AND     e.employee_no = a.employee_no
        AND     t.task_id        = a.task_id;          -- ; at end is important
        RETURN tasktotal;
    /This question doesn't have anything to do with SQL*Plus, so maybe the SQL*Plus forum isn't the best place for it. This is strictly a PL/SQL problem; in the future, post questions like this in the PL/SQL. The FAQ page for that forum, {message:id=9360002} , can really help you.

  • When i try to download apps from the app store it gives me an error message help!!

    when i try to download apps from the app store it gives me an error message help!!

    Well this is my first time using the support community so I didn't know how it worked. It was giving me the error message 1004. I figured it out though thanks.

  • Missing method body or declare abstract error

    I have been working on this simple Java 1.3.1 program for three days now and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. If anyone has done the "Building an Application" tutorial in the New to Java Programming Center, you might recognize the code. I am trying to set up a frame with panels first using the BorderLayout and then the FlowLayout within each section of the BorderLayout. It will have textfields and checkboxes. I am working on the code to retrieve the user input from the text boxes and also to determine which checkbox the user has checked. Here is my code: (ignore my irrelivent comments!)
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.Color.*;
    import java.awt.Image.*;
    //Header Comment for a Routine/Method
    //This method gathers the input text supplied by the user from five text fields on the Current
    //Purchase tab of the tabbed pane of the MPGLog.java program. The way it gathers the text
    //depends on the current processing state, which it retrieves on its own. It saves the text to
    //a text file called textinput.txt.
    public class CollectTextInput extends JPanel implements ActionListener
    { // Begin class
         //Declare all the objects needed first.
         // These are the text fields
         private JTextField currentMileage;
         private JTextField numofGallonsBought;
         private JTextField dateofPurchase;
         private JTextField pricePerGallon;
         private JTextField gasBrand;
         // Declaring the Labels to go with each TextField
         private JLabel lblcurrentMileage;
         private JLabel lblnumofGallonsBought;
         private JLabel lbldateofPurchase;
         private JLabel lblpricePerGallon;
         private JLabel lblgasBrand;
         // Declaring the Checkboxes for the types of gas bought
         private JCheckBox chbxReg;
         private JCheckBox chbxSuper;
         private JCheckBox chbxUltra;
         private JCheckBox chbxOther;
         private JCheckBox chbxHigher;
         private JCheckBox chbxLower;
         // Declaring the Buttons and images needed
         private JButton enter;
         private JButton edit;
         //private JButton report; //Will be used later
         private JLabel bluecar;          //Used with the ImageIcon to create CRV image
         private JPanel carimage;     //Used in buildImagePanel method
         private JPanel datum;          //Used in buildDatumPanel method
         private JPanel gasgrade;     //Used in buildGasTypePanel method.
         //Declaring the Panels that need to be built and added
         //to the border layout of this panel.
         //private JPanel panlimages;
         //private JPanel panltextinputs;
         //private JPanel panlchkBoxes;
         // Class to handle functionality of checkboxes
         ItemListener handler = new CheckBoxHandler();
         // This is where you add the constructor for the class - I THINK!!
         public CollectTextInput()
         { // Opens collectTextInput constructor
              // Must set layout for collectTextInput here
              // Choosing a BorderLayout because we simply want to
              // add panels to the North, Center and South borders, which, by
              // default, will fill the layout with the three panels
              // we are creating
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              //Initialize the objects in the constructor of the class.
              //Initialize the textfields
              currentMileage = new JTextField();
              numofGallonsBought = new JTextField();
              dateofPurchase = new JTextField();
              pricePerGallon = new JTextField();
              gasBrand = new JTextField();
              // Initialize the labels that go with each TextField
              lblcurrentMileage = new JLabel("Enter the mileage at the time of gas purchase: ");
              lblnumofGallonsBought = new JLabel("Enter the number of gallons of gas bought: ");
              lbldateofPurchase = new JLabel("Enter the date of the purchase: ");
              lblpricePerGallon = new JLabel("Enter the price per gallon you paid for the gas: ");
              lblgasBrand = new JLabel("Enter the brand name of the gas: ");
              //Initialize the labels for the checkboxes.
              chbxReg = new JCheckBox("Regular ", true);
              chbxSuper = new JCheckBox("Super ");
              chbxUltra = new JCheckBox("Ultra ");
              chbxOther = new JCheckBox("Other: (Choose one from below) ");
              chbxHigher = new JCheckBox("Higher than Ultra ");
              chbxLower = new JCheckBox("Lower than Ultra ");
              //Initialize the buttons that go on the panel.
              enter = new JButton("Save Data");
              edit = new JButton("Edit Data");
              //Initialize the image that oges on the panel.
              bluecar = new JLabel("2002 Honda CR-V", new ImageIcon("CRVBlue.jpg"),JLabel.CENTER);
              // Now bring it all together by calling the other methods
              // that build the other panels and menu.
              // Once the methods above build the panels, this call to add
              //  them will add the panels to the main panel's border
              // layout manager.
              add(datum, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              add(carimage, BorderLayout.EAST);
              add(gasgrade, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         } // Ends the constructor.
            // This method creates a panel called images that holds the car image.
         public void buildImagePanel();
         { // Opens buildImagePanel.
              // First, create the Panel
              carimage = new JPanel();
              //Second, set the color and layout.
              carimage.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              // Third, add the image to the panel.
         }// Closes buildImagePanel
         //This method creates a panel called datum that holds the text input.
         public void buildDatumPanel();
         { //Opens buildDatumPanel
              // First, create the Panel.
              datum = new JPanel();
              //Second, set the background color and layout.
              datum.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 4, 20, 20));
              //Third, add the textfields and text labels to the panel.
              //Optionally - Fourth -set a border around the panel, including
              // a title.
              datum.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Per Purchase Information"));
              //Fifth - Add listeners to each text field to be able to
              //  know when data is input into them.
         }// Closes buildDatumPanel
         // This method builds a panel called gasTypePanel that holds the checkboxes.
         public void buildGasTypePanel()
         { // Opens buildGasTypePanel method
              // First, create the panel.
              gasgrade = new JPanel();
              // Second, set its background color and its layout.
              gasgrade.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 1, 10, 20));
              // Third, add all the checkboxes to the panel.
              //Optionally, - Fourth - set a border around the panel, including
              // a title.
              gasgrade.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Gas Type Information"));
              // Fifth - CheckBoxes require a CheckBox Handler.
              // This is a method created separately
              // outside of the method where the checkboxes are added to
              // the panel or where the checkboxes are even created.
              // This method (CheckBox Handler) implements and ItemListener
              // and is a self-contained method all on its own. See
              // the CheckBox Handler methods following the
              // actionPerformed method which follows.-SLM
         } // Closes the buildGasTypePanel method
    // Create the functionality to capture and react to an event
    //   for the checkboxes when they are checked by the user and
    //   the text fields to know when text is entered. Also to react to the
    //   Enter button being pushed and the edit button being pushed.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
    { // Opens actionPerformed method.
         if((evt.getSource() == currentMileage) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
              { // Opens if statement.
                // Retrieves the text from the currentMileage text field
                //  and assigns it to the variable currentMileageText of
                //  type String.
                String currentMileageText = currentMileage.getText();
                lblcurrentMileage.setText("Current Mileage is:    " + currentMileageText);
                // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
          if((evt.getSource() == numofGallonsBought) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
              { // Opens if statement.
                // Retrieves the text from the numofGallonsBought text field
                //  and assigns it to the variable numofGallonsBoughtText of
                //  type String.
                String numofGallonsBoughtText = numofGallonsBought.getText();
                lblnumofGallonsBought.setText("The number of gallons of gas bought is:    " + numofGallonsBoughtText);
                // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
           if((evt.getSource() == dateofPurchase) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
                     { // Opens if statement.
                       // Retrieves the text from the dateofPurchase text field
                       //  and assigns it to the variable dateofPurchaseText of
                       //  type String.
                       String dateofPurchaseText = dateofPurchase.getText();
                       lbldateofPurchase.setText("The date of this purchase is:    " + dateofPurchaseText);
                       // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
           if((evt.getSource() == pricePerGallon) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
                            { // Opens if statement.
                              // Retrieves the text from the pricePerGallon text field
                              //  and assigns it to the variable pricePerGallonText of
                              //  type String.
                              String pricePerGallonText = pricePerGallon.getText();
                              lblpricePerGallon.setText("The price per gallon of gas for this purchase is:    " + pricePerGallonText);
                              // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
           if((evt.getSource() == gasBrand) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
                       { // Opens if statement.
                         // Retrieves the text from the gasBrand text field
                         //  and assigns it to the variable gasBrandText of
                         //  type String.
                         String gasBrandText = gasBrand.getText();
                         lblgasBrand.setText("The Brand of gas for this purchase is:    " + gasBrandText);
                         // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
           // This provides control statements for the Edit button. If the
           //  Edit button is clicked, then the text fields are visible again.
           if(evt.getSource() == edit)
           { // Opens if statement.
             // If the edit button is pressed, the following are set to
             //  visible.
         }// Closes if statement.
    } // Closes actionPerformed method.
         private class CheckBoxHandler implements ItemListener
         { // Opens inner class
              public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e)
              {// Opens the itemStateChanged method.
                   JCheckBox source = (JCheckBox) e.getSource();
                        if(e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
                        }// Closes the itemStateChanged method
                   }// Closes the CheckBoxHandler class.
    } //Ends the public class collectTextInput classThe error I keep receiving is as follows:
    C:\jdk131\CollectTextInput.java:128: missing method body, or declare abstract
         public void buildImagePanel();
    C:\jdk131\CollectTextInput.java:142: missing method body, or declare abstract
         public void buildDatumPanel();
    2 errors
    I have looked this error up in three different places but the solutions do not apply to what I am trying to accomplish.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

    C:\jdk131\CollectTextInput.java:128: missing methodbody, or declare ?abstract
    public void buildImagePanel();^
    C:\jdk131\CollectTextInput.java:142: missing methodbody, or declare abstract
    public void buildDatumPanel();Just remove the semicolons.
    Geesh! If I had a hammer I would be hitting myself over the head with it right now!!! What an obviously DUMB newbie mistake!!!
    Thanks so much for not making me feel stupid! :-)

  • System Exec error message help

    I have a piece of code as shown in the attached jpg.  And I have it deployed just as shown, without the error cluster being wired.  I use this piece of code to ping a server to see if it's there, meaning to see if it responds with a correct ping response.  If so, I then move forward with writing a data file to that server that I write every half hour for days or weeks at a time.  If the ping response is not correct, I simply go on and return one half hour later with even a larger (appended) data file to write.  My main intent is to not have my code sit and wait, trying to write a file to a server that might not be there...  
    I've used this same code and technique for years without fail.  Until recently.  When it did finally fail, I got the worst of all possible outcomes where the ping command itself caused my code to hang with error messages I will provide shortly.  And I'm hoping someone can tell me what would even cause a message like those below in the first place...  The entire goal of using this ping of the server was to avoid having the "write file" command get held hostage by the server not being there...  But if the ping command itself causes the code to put up error messages (and no one is there to monitor this typically) then that constitutes a situation where my cure became my problem.  
    See in the jpg where I use
    ping -w 200 -n 1
    followed by the name or IP address of the server.  (that's what comes out of the "ping" control you see in the jpg).
    The -w 200 modifier is a 200 ms timeout to wait.
    The -n 1 is the number (1) of echo requests to send.
    When this code fails, it puts up, in sequence, four messages like the one below.  Note that this code is running from an executable that would be found on this Windows XP machine at
    C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxuser\My Documents\my_executables\
    The first of the four messages, each of which you have to click OK to to see the next one, is as follows.
    The file C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxuser\My Documents\my_executables\-w could not be opened.  No application was found to open that type of file
    The second message is identical to the above except the "-w" is replaced by "200" (without the quotes).
    Same with the third message except the "200" is now replaced by "1" (without the quotes).
    Same again with the fourth message except the "1" is now replaced by the full name of the server, eg., "myserver.abc.com" (without the quotes).
    Clearly the System Exec.vi (see that in jpg) is parsing up the ping command, but skipping over the "-n" component(???), and it thinks it's supposed to try to open some non-existent file at the same file location as the executable that is executing my code.  
    I get this result rarely so it's hard to figure out what's going on.  Anyone have any ideas what might cause such an error and any hints on how to prevent this show stopping error from occurring???  Do I perhaps just need to practice better programming and wire the error cluster on System Exec.vi???  
    Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated...  thanks.. bob.. 
    ping pic.jpg ‏19 KB

    It appears to me that your ping command is getting mangled on its way to the command shell, like something is interrupting it or trying to run at the same time.
    When it says the executable cannot be opened, I believe that is because it's trying to process that character or string as its own separate command, instead of as a flag of your ping command.
    I don't know why that would happen or what outside program could be interfering with your call to the command shell.
    I do think that Wart's suggestion is a good one: the cmd /c part should send the command through a slightly different channel that may preven this interference.
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified TestStand Architect

  • SMQ2 - Error messages - Help

    Hi All,
    We have R3AD_SALES queues failing in SMQ2 with SYSFAIL error status (Function Module: BAPI_CRM_SAVE), I have tried activating and unlocking them but still did not resolve. Below are the few SYSFAIL error message status texts
    1. Message type unknown
    2. You are not authorized to logon to target system
    Could anyone please help me ?

    Hi Shiva,
    Please check whether the RFC Connections are defined properly and make sure that the 'Remote Logon' is working properly. I think this should resolve your problem.
    Hope it helps.

  • Trying to Open PSE 9 and get Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error Message HELP please! :)

    Everything worked fine until I paid and downloaded a program called Rad Lab that works in Photoshop Elements.  I got that downloaded and then tried to open PSE and it won't open and I keep getting this error message.
    I've attached a screen shot of what the message is.  Also Adobe ran an update on my computer and it came up with an error message as well. Adobe Photoshope Elements 9.0.3. Update- "Patch cannot be applied. Please contact customer support"
    So I called customer support and the wait time is over 1 hour so here I am on this forum trying to get some answers! If anyone can help I would appreciate it so much!!!

    Well, uninstall that RadLab thing, reboot and see if PSE then works.

  • Have weird error message, help please.

    I've created two classes to interact with each other from a problem in my text book. Here is the problem from the book:
    Implement a class Employee. An employee has a name(a string) and a salary (a double). Write a default constructor, a constructor with two parameters(name and a salary), and methods to return the name and salary. Write a small program that test your class.
    I'm think the error is probably small, but I'm having trouble identifying it.
    Here is the code and error messages
    This class contains a constructor designed to construct an employee object with
    the parameters name & salary.
    public class Employee
       String name;
       double salary;
          This constructor, when called, constructs an object Employee,
          sets the initial name and salary.
       public Employee(String constructName, double constructSalary)
       name = constructName;
       salary = constructSalary;
       The method returns the value for name to the EmployeeTester class.
       public String employeeName()
          return name;
       This method returns the value for salary to the EmployeeTester class.
       public double employeeSalary()
          return salary;
    This class contains an executable program designed to test the functionality
    of the class Employee.
    public class EmployeeTester
       public static void main(String[] args)
             Employee rick = new Employee(rick,10000);
             System.out.println("The employee name is " + rick.employeeName + ".");
             System.out.println("The employee salary is " +rick.employeeSalary + ".");
    }C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Comp 1900 files\EmployeeTester.java:9: cannot find symbol
    symbol : constructor Employee(Employee,int)
    location: class Employee
    Employee rick = new Employee(rick,10000);
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Comp 1900 files\EmployeeTester.java:10: cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable employeeName
    location: class Employee
    System.out.println("The employee name is " + rick.employeeName + ".");
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Comp 1900 files\EmployeeTester.java:11: cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable employeeSalary
    location: class Employee
    System.out.println("The employee salary is " rick.employeeSalary ".");
    3 errors

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Comp
    1900 files\EmployeeTester.java:9: cannot find symbol
    symbol : constructor Employee(Employee,int)
    location: class Employee
    Employee rick = new Employee(rick,10000);The error message is telling you exactly what's going yon. You're trying to create a new Employee by passing an Employee and an int to the constructor. Employee does not have a c'tor that takes Employee and int as arguments. So either create such a c'tor, or call one that does exist. (Without looking at your code or what you're trying to do, I'll say that the latter is more likely the correct course.)
    Also, you've got a flaw there, in that at the point you say Employee rick, rick does not have a value, but then in the same line, you try to pass rick's value to the c'tor, but rick doesn't have a value yet. You're saying, "here's this new variable rick, give it a value based on it's current, nonexistent value."
    Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Comp 1900
    files\EmployeeTester.java:10: cannot find symbol
    ymbol : variable employeeName
    location: class Employee
    System.out.println("The employee name is " +
    rick.employeeName + ".");Again, the error message is very explicit. You're trying to use a member variable called employeeName where Employee has no such member variable.
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Comp
    1900 files\EmployeeTester.java:11: cannot find
    symbol : variable employeeSalary
    location: class Employee
    System.out.println("The employee salary is "
    rick.employeeSalary ".");Based on the above, you should be able to figure this one out.

  • Won't sync and no error message. help

    i plug my ipod in to the usb port, it lights up but the screen doesnt change to the normal connecting or syncing screen and it doesn't show up on itunes. there is no dinging sound for connection. no error messages. all my usb ports work, tried them out with other equipment but ipod wont' sync. please help.

    I have the same problem.  I have 64-bit Windows 7, all updates installed, anti-virus uninstalled, and have a specific firewall exception made just for iTunes, however the iTunes Store still refuses to load.  After waiting a (very long) period of time I get the following screen:
    Sometimes I won't get this screen at all, and iTunes will finish loading with a blank screen.  All of my other computers can load iTunes perfectly fine.  This error occurred directly following the iOS 5 update for my iPhone.  Seeing as that the only computer affected was the one updating my iPhone, I figure there's some connection between the two.  I have
    cleared catche, cookies, everything
    uninstalled and reinstalled all Apple software and components (and end processes)
    completely deleted my iTunes library
    tried creating a new account, but can't even do that becuase I can't connect to the store
    tired de-authorizing and re-authroized the account
    signing-out and signing back in
    disabled parental controls
    made sure I WASN'T behind a proxy server
    Apple Support tried to help with my request but for some reason refused to listen to the notion that this problem occured because of an iOS5 update (and iTunes 10.5).  The only thing I haven't done is wipe my harddrive, which seems to be the only option now. 
    Somebody please help.

  • CS4 will not install on Mac OS 10.8.2, AIR Error Message HELP!

    Brand new Macbook Pro.
    I pop in my CS4 and I get the error message about installing AIR.
    I install AIR with no issue.
    Open Set up for CS4, the installer runs for a hot minute then I get this error message:
    "This application requires a version of adobe air which is no longer supported. Please contact the application author for an updated version".
    Looked around on the forums and I couldnt really pinpoint this issue, if i missed a solution please link me!
    This is driving me crazy!
    thanks so much!

    here ya go!
    Nov 10 14:19:19 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: HFS: Vol: Adobe AIR Very Low Disk: freeblks: 0, dangerlimit: 323
    Nov 10 14:22:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2133]: Runtime Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 10 14:22:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2133]: Commandline is: -psn_0_2790057
    Nov 10 14:22:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2133]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 10 14:25:16 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2133]: Relaunching with elevation
    Nov 10 14:25:16 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2133]: Launching subprocess with commandline /Volumes/Adobe AIR/Adobe AIR Installer.app -ei
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local com.apple.SecurityServer[16]: Succeeded authorizing right 'system.privilege.admin' by client '/Volumes/Adobe AIR/Adobe AIR Installer.app' [2133] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Adobe AIR/Adobe AIR Installer.app' [2133] (13,0)
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local coreservicesd[71]: Application App:"Adobe AIR Installer" [ 0x0/0x2a92a9]  @ 0x0x7fcd39b6b0e0 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontASNs ( ( ASN:0x0-0x2b22b2:) ), so denying.
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[79]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to Adobe AIR Installer, psn 0x0-0x2a92a9, securitySessionID=0x186a4, err=-13066
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local com.apple.SecurityServer[16]: Succeeded authorizing right 'system.privilege.admin' by client '/usr/libexec/security_authtrampoline' [2148] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Adobe AIR/Adobe AIR Installer.app' [2133] (3,0)
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local authexec[2148]: executing /Volumes/Adobe AIR/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Runtime Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Commandline is: -ei
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Launching subprocess with commandline /bin/chmod -fRP +rw "/Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Adobe"
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Launching subprocess with commandline /usr/sbin/chown -hfRP kaeleasim "/Users/kaeleasim/Library/Application Support/Adobe"
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Launching subprocess with commandline /bin/chmod -fRP +rw "/Users/kaeleasim/Library/Application Support/Adobe"
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Launching subprocess with commandline /usr/sbin/chown -hfRP kaeleasim "/Users/kaeleasim/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/www.macromedia.com/bin"
    Nov 10 14:25:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    Nov 10 14:25:35 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Registering /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application Installer.app/Contents/Info.plist
    Nov 10 14:25:35 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Launching subprocess with commandline /usr/sbin/chown -hfRP root:wheel "/Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework"
    Nov 10 14:25:35 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Subprocess chown succeeded
    Nov 10 14:25:35 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Launching subprocess with commandline /usr/sbin/chown -hfRP root:wheel "/Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application Installer.app"
    Nov 10 14:25:35 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Subprocess chown succeeded
    Nov 10 14:25:35 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Launching subprocess with commandline /usr/sbin/chown -hfRP root:wheel "/Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Uninstaller.app"
    Nov 10 14:25:36 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Subprocess chown succeeded
    Nov 10 14:25:36 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2148]: Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    Nov 10 14:25:36 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2133]: Elevated install completed
    Nov 10 14:26:13 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2133]: Launching subprocess with commandline /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/Adobe AIR Updater -installupdatecheck
    Nov 10 14:26:13 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2133]: Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    Nov 10 14:26:14 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Runtime Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 10 14:26:14 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Commandline is: -installupdatecheck
    Nov 10 14:26:14 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 10 14:26:15 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Performing pingback request
    Nov 10 14:26:15 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Pingback request completed with HTTP status 200
    Nov 10 14:26:15 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Starting runtime background update check
    Nov 10 14:26:15 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/macos/x86/patch/
    Nov 10 14:26:15 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/macos/x86/patch/ to /Users/kaeleasim/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/Updater/Background
    Nov 10 14:26:15 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Runtime update not available
    Nov 10 14:26:15 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Unpackaging cancelled
    Nov 10 14:26:15 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2163]: Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    Nov 12 01:57:48 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[870]: Application Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 12 01:57:48 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[870]: Commandline is: -playerVersion=11,4,402,287 -sandboxType=remote -securityDomain=airdownload.adobe.com -https=false -fromUserEvent=false -- -isinstalled com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant adobe.com:air0.29339148150756955 onApplicationVersion
    Nov 12 01:57:48 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[870]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 12 01:57:48 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[870]: Application Installer end with exit code 0
    Nov 12 02:00:31 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Install Adobe Download Assistant[893]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 12 02:00:31 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Install Adobe Download Assistant[893]: Launching subprocess with commandline "AIR Application Installer" /Volumes/Install Adobe Download Assistant.app/Install Adobe Download Assistant.app/Contents/Resources/Adobe Download Assistant
    Nov 12 02:00:31 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Application Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 12 02:00:31 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Commandline is: "/Volumes/Install Adobe Download Assistant.app/Install Adobe Download Assistant.app/Contents/Resources/Adobe Download Assistant"
    Nov 12 02:00:31 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 12 02:00:32 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Validating app in folder /Volumes/Install Adobe Download Assistant.app/Install Adobe Download Assistant.app/Contents/Resources/Adobe Download Assistant/Contents/Resources
    Nov 12 02:00:34 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Application signature verified
    Nov 12 02:00:34 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Unpackaging/validation complete
    Nov 12 02:00:34 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: No app located for appID 'com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant' and pubID ''
    Nov 12 02:00:38 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Starting app installation to /Applications. Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.4 using the source file at file:///Volumes/Install%20Adobe%20Download%20Assistant.app/Install%20Adobe%20Download%20A ssistant.app/Contents/Resources/Adobe%20Download%20Assistant
    Nov 12 02:00:38 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Launching subprocess with commandline /Applications/Adobe Download Assistant.app
    Nov 12 02:00:38 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[896]: Application Installer end with exit code 0
    Nov 12 12:41:17 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[1724]: Runtime Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 12 12:41:17 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[1724]: Commandline is: -silent -eulaAccepted AdobeHelp.air
    Nov 12 12:41:17 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[1724]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 12 12:41:17 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[1724]: Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    Nov 12 12:41:17 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[1724]: Launching subprocess with commandline /Volumes/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator CS6/payloads/AdobeHelp/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime "/Volumes/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator CS6/payloads/AdobeHelp/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/Frameworks" -silent -withRuntime -url -eulaAccepted file:///Volumes/Adobe%20Illustrator%20CS6/Adobe%20Illustrator%20CS6/payloads/AdobeHelp/Ad obeHelp.air
    Nov 12 12:41:19 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Application Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 12 12:41:19 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Commandline is: -runtime "/Volumes/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator CS6/payloads/AdobeHelp/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/Frameworks" -silent -withRuntime -url -eulaAccepted file:///Volumes/Adobe%20Illustrator%20CS6/Adobe%20Illustrator%20CS6/payloads/AdobeHelp/Ad obeHelp.air
    Nov 12 12:41:19 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 12 12:41:20 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Unpackaging file:///Volumes/Adobe%20Illustrator%20CS6/Adobe%20Illustrator%20CS6/payloads/AdobeHelp/Ad obeHelp.air to /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/FlashTmp.YT0mvD
    Nov 12 12:41:24 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Application signature verified
    Nov 12 12:41:24 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Unpackaging/validation complete
    Nov 12 12:41:24 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: No app located for appID 'chc' and pubID '4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1'
    Nov 12 12:41:24 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Converting unpackaged application to a native installation package in /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/FlashTmp.GBYsKV
    Nov 12 12:41:24 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Native installation package creation succeeded
    Nov 12 12:41:24 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Starting silent app installation to /Applications/Adobe. Installing app chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1 version 4.0.244 using the source file at file:///Volumes/Adobe%20Illustrator%20CS6/Adobe%20Illustrator%20CS6/payloads/AdobeHelp/Ad obeHelp.air
    Nov 12 12:41:25 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Launching subprocess with commandline /usr/sbin/chown -hfRP root:wheel "/Applications/Adobe/Adobe Help.app"
    Nov 12 12:41:25 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Subprocess chown succeeded
    Nov 12 12:41:25 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Launching subprocess with commandline /bin/chmod -R ugo+rx "/Applications/Adobe/Adobe Help.app"
    Nov 12 12:41:25 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Subprocess chmod succeeded
    Nov 12 12:41:25 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1728]: Application Installer end with exit code 0
    Nov 12 12:41:25 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[1724]: Subprocess app installer succeeded
    Nov 12 12:41:25 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[1724]: Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    Nov 12 12:41:26 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1736]: Application Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 12 12:41:26 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1736]: Commandline is: -updateUserState
    Nov 12 12:41:26 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1736]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 12 12:41:26 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Application Installer[1736]: Application Installer end with exit code 0
    Nov 12 13:28:10 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2437]: Runtime Installer begin with version on Mac OS 10.8.2 x86
    Nov 12 13:28:10 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2437]: Commandline is: -psn_0_1642897
    Nov 12 13:28:10 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2437]: Installed runtime ( located at /Library/Frameworks/Adobe AIR.framework
    Nov 12 13:28:16 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro.local Adobe AIR Installer[2437]: Runtime Installer end with exit code 6
    Nov 12 13:28:16 Kaeleas-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134] ([0x0-0x191191].com.adobe.air.Installer[2437]): Exited with code: 6

  • ERROR MESSAGE - The media being played is of an unsupported format...ERROR MESSAGE - HELP

    I recently download an app to watch movies on my phone from blackberrymovemachine.com.  I successfully downloaded this app and when I go to play movies it starts the download and then I get the error message: The media being played is of an unsupported format.  I have gotten this message too when trying to play some videos on you tube.  Any suggestions or help would be great?  Do I need to download another app to support this type of media? 

    See this KB for supported media formats:
    KB05482 Media types supported on the BlackBerry smartphone
    Now, that is for the native BB media player...if you are using this app you say you installed, then your query needs to be addressed to the app developer...
    Hope that helps!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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  • New iMac Intel, won't do transitions, error message HELP!

    My daughter just bought a new Intel iMac, specifically for the purpose of making movies with iMovie. She has run into a problem trying to do transitions, using primarily Cross-Dissolve. Sometimes she can put them in and iMovie renders them. Then, other times, doing the same thing with the cross dissolve on another photo or clip, she receives this message: "An unknown error occured - You may be able to continue without any probelms. You may also wish to save, quit and relaunch imovie HD"
    When she saves, quits and relaunches, the transition is not saved and she has to try placing it again. This has happened over and over; quit, relaunch. Inconsistent results in that sometimes she can put transitions in, and sometimes she cannot.
    She has repaired permissions, deleted iMovie's and iPhoto's plists. No resolution of the problem.
    This is a brand new computer. She did the iLife upgrades just after setting up the computer, when prompted to do so by Software Updater.
    No one else is using the computer. She has a huge hard drive.
    What can help?
    I saw that this same error message question was posted in November 06, with 0 responses.
    We need HELP!!!

    So far, she has just begun to create a new iMovie. Wants to transfer the video clips from the old project, as they are already edited. She is going to try that, knows it may be a problem, but thinks if she doesn't empty the trash, and reimports the photos, she might be ok.
    Thanks for the luck wishes.
    My daughter is my offspring who made an iMovie before I did using 'iMovie for Dummies' with v2.
    Other than that, she used her Mac computer only for school papers and emails. She used to call me from college and tell me the Mac had broken, and I would talk her through whatever problem she was having. She became quite good with Macs, but then switched to PCs after she got married to a software engineer. She now is great with them, but really wants to make movies and iMovie is much easier than the PC movie software. I was hoping that her project would go well, but she becomes frustrated so easily. She had just put in about three hours of work on her project when she ran into the transition difficulty. She has finally forgiven me for not mentioning the caveat about emptying the trash. I asked her if iMovie warned her first, but she said something about not understanding the message and just emptied the trash anyway. With 250GB on her drive, she has no need to free up space by emptying the trash!
    Will let you know how this new effort goes. Thanks for the support.

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