Should I Backup Camera Cards?

Every time I come back from a shoot, I always archive the footage from my card to my hard drive, but then when I import into Final Cut X, it copies all of my original files and converts them into a folder called "Original Media" using filename (id).mov. Then, if I want to optimize the footage, FCX makes yet another copy of the footage. This is taking up a lot of space on my hard drive, and usually I just delete the FCX files once I’m done with the project, but now what happens when I want to work with those events again? Is there a way to reconnect the missing files with my original archived footage on my hard drive?
Is it worth it to continue making straight backups of my cards? Or should I just import to FCPX straight from the card and use the "Original Media" folder as my backup? Can I trash the transcoded ProRes 422 media files when I'm done editing the project, assuming I can recreate them if I ever revisit it?
Also, does anyone have better alternatives to backing up thier work other than Excluding all the "Render" and "Transcoded Media" folder from Time Machine manually? This is very annoying and time consuming.
In FCP 7 all of this was very easy, but that has unfortunately changed in this version. Any help is appreciated.

The situation in which I am shooting requires me to keep backups of my footage, in case I need to revisit the project and make changes. In FCP 7 my workflow allowed me to make these backups of my cards, and then convert this backup to ProRes 422 while I edited, then discard the ProRes version when I was done editing. Then, if I ever had to revisit the project, it would automatically recreate the ProRes files from my card backup.
This felt like an elegant solution. I didn't waste disk space with the massive ProRes files, yet I could go back anytime and automatically recreate them if I wanted. Furthermore, I just set Time Machine to backup the folder with my card archives, but set it to ignore the Capture Scratch folder that contained those massive ProRes files that I didn't need to backup (because I could just recreate them).
What I want is an elegant solution like this in FCP X. The million dollar question is: Does such a solution exist, or is this ease and simplicity a thing of the past?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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    You can split into events when importing from the Finder/Desktop. Go into iPhoto's Events preference section and check the Finder check box. They will then be split in accordance with the criteria set in that section, i.e. 1-day, 1-week, etc.
    To try to find the problem try deleting the iPhoto preference file,, from your User/Library/Preferences folder.
    Next, if necessary, boot into Safe Mode and see if you can import successfully. If you can then your account is at fault. In that case one possible fix is the following:
    Trouble Shooting Preferences
    Go to HD/Users/Your_name/Library. Move the Preferences folder (in its entirety) to the Desktop and make a second copy of it so you have Copy A and B. Now try the the process again and determine if problem is fixed.
    If the problem IS fixed, then go to the new Prefs folder that the OS will have created and open it up.
    Open Copy B on the Desktop and select all of the items inside. Drag them into the open new library folder. When the Copy window comes up check the Apply to All check box and then click on the Don't Replace button as seen here. That will keep the new files created and bring back all of the others.
    If the problem is NOT fixed, trash the new Prefs folder and move the intact Copy A folder back to the Library folder .
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    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    Launch Lightroom and from the menu go to:
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    Camera card report lists down all the shots present in scenes in shooting order.
    If you are getting blank page:
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    2) Make sure that you are entering correct camera number in report creation dialog. This value should be same as "camera" field entered in above step.
    Let us know if you still find any problem in creating Camera Card.

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    Thank you,

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        I think that the best way to find out what you need to know would be to contact Sony.  We aren't as familiar with specific cameras as the camera manufacturers are.  Sony would know if it were possible for you to take images while the camera is plugged into the computer.  If you have questions about our software or want to know about our framegrabber cards let us know.  Thank you!
    -Allison S.
    Applications Engineering
    -Allison S.
    Calibration Services
    Product Support Engineer

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    To import the videos must follow a very strict naming convention.
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    Have upgraded to 10.5.1 and to iPhoto 7.1.1 and still no improvement.
    All was perfect in 10.4.10
    Any help suggestions?

    It is available but seems to be broken in your account. First delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder. See if that will fix it.
    If it doesn't, log into another account on your Mac and try importing there. If you don't have an account then create one as it's a great troubleshooting tool. Don't add any 3rd party enhancements to the account and make it non-admin.
    If the camera and iPhoto work in the other account there is something in your primary account that is the culprit. It could be some preference file, not iPhoto's. If that's the case here's a way to see if it is a bad preference file:
    Trouble Shooting Preferences
    Go to HD/Users/Your_name/Library. Move the Preferences folder (in its entirety) to the Desktop and make a second copy of it so you have Copy A and B. Now try the the process again and determine if problem is fixed.
    If the problem IS fixed, then go to the new Prefs folder that the OS will have created and open it up.
    Open Copy B on the Desktop and select all of the items inside. Drag them into the open new library folder. When the Copy window comes up check the Apply to All check box and then click on the Don't Replace button as seen here. That will keep the new files created and bring back all of the others.
    If the problem is NOT fixed, trash the new Prefs folder and move the intact Copy A folder back to the Library folder .
    (if you have problems moving files out of the Preferences folder post back as there is another way to get the job done)
    If the camera and iPhoto don't work in the new account a reinstall of iPhoto seems warranted. Do to so delete the current application and all files with iPhoto in the file name that reside in the HD/Library/Users folder. Install iPhoto from the disk it came on and apply the latest update, 7.1.

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    Hi cfgolf,
    Thanks for contacting Apple Support Communities. I agree with your assessment that something is going on with that previous backup. If you restored from that backup and the issue continues, I would recommend restoring and Set up as new. Before you restore, make sure you Transfer content so that you can sync it back after setting up as new. The instructions on how to Transfer content and Set up as new are both listed in this article.
    iOS: How to back up your data and set up your device as a new device
    2. Transfer content
    Before you erase your device, take a few minutes to transfer your content from your device to your computer to ensure that all your critical data is safe.
    6. Set up as new
    Complete the setup assistant. When prompted to set up your device, select Set Up as New iPhone and tap Next to continue.
    Skip the Apple ID sign-in, in case the original issue was related to any of your content on iCloud.
    Note: After setting up as new, you will need to enter the Visual Voicemail password for iPhone (on carriers that support Visual Voicemail). If you've forgotten the password, contact your carrier to help you reset it.
    After erasing and setting up as a new device, your device is now in a factory configuration. Test to determine if erasing and setting up as a new device resolved the issue. Content on the device may have caused unexpected behavior.
    If the issue is still present, you may want to contact Apple Support.
    If the issue is now resolved, sync one type of content at a time back to the device. For example, if you had an issue playing music, add songs from iTunes and confirm they will play. If your contacts weren't loading successfully, add the contacts back. After each sync, test to see if the issue has returned.

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