Should I uninstall CS5.5 for CS6?

I would like to know if I should uninstall my CS5.5 master collection before I install CS6 master collection. I was thinking i might not want to because there are programs such as Flash Catalyst that are in 5.5 but not 6, but I am not sure what to do.
Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks, but is there anything in 5.5 that i might want because it isn't in 6, or is 5.5 basically just taking up space on my hard drive?

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    Run the Creative Suite Cleaner Tool, reinstall.

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    Transferring programs does not work well with Adobe applications.  You should install them.
    As far as having the program on different machines goes, you are allowed to have two activated installations so if it is working on the original machine there is no reason to remove it unless you need the space.

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    Hi Stormy_Weather,
    It would be best to uninstall CS5 and CS6 before installing Creative Cloud applications as the previous versions are restored from a backup which might cause issues.

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    rcraighead thank you for getting back to me....Sorry I didn't add hat I was afraid if I uninstall CS5 that CS6 will be messed up and I would have no way to recover CS6 since i downloaded it online.
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    Run teh Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool, reinstall everything.

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    Whether or not to buy RIGHT NOW depends on a couple of things:
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    This comes up repeatedly, so you may want to do a forum search.
    In a nutshell:
    If you wanted to remove CS5, you should have done so before installing CS6.  The CS5 uninstaller is very likely to mess with and destroy the CS6 installation.
    Your best bet now is to use the CS6 uninstaller and uninstall CS6 first, then use the CS5 uninstaller to uninstall CS5, then run the Adobe CSClean script (downloadable from the Adobe site), and finally install CS6 again.
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    Any comments?
    Thank you,

    Ugh. I'm afraid I need to revise my remarks a bit:
    It's a bit tough to find the pricing details on the web, but call an Adobe volume licesning reseller and I'm sure they'll be happy to quote it for you.
    I was fooled by the nonfunctionality of the Discount calculator if you choose MultiNorthAmerican Language instead of Universal English. I turns out the rates are the same as at the Adobe Business Store.
    And I guess it's not-so-good for you. $119 for a CS5.5 InDesign upgrade, and $210 for 2 years of maintenance. $89 each for the InCopy upgrades, and $76 for 2 years of maintenence. So extended out for 1 InDesign and 7 InCopy, that's $1484. Coincidently that's $742 for the upgrades and $742 for for the Update plan (how do they do that)?
    But the kicker is, of course, if you had bought the upgrade plans at the same time as you bought the products, then you wouldn't be paying for the upgrade plans now. But of course, they only last 2 years...
    But we've heard that Adobe is moving to a 12-month release cycle, so you theoretically expect to get two version for that $742 Update plan (CS6 and then the next one, be it CS7 or CS6.5 or whatever). Except you're inelligable to buy it today, since you don't have CS5.5.
    So, umm, where does this leave you? I don't know. I guess I'm a fan of keeping current, because everything changes and you never know what you'll need. But the question is whether CS5.5 is worth it to you. So download the trial and see.
    But if you upgrade to CS5.5, you should buy the maintenance. CS5.5 came out in April/May of 2011, so CS6 should come out around the same time, if everything works "acording to plan." So if you buy the maintenance in, say, February, then you'll get CS6 for the same price you paid for CS5.5, as well as the version that comes after it, asuming Adobe sticks to the same timetable.
    Ugh. Maybe you should think about the subscription model, I don't know. Or increasing the number of seats so you make it over the TLP point restrictions and up to some actual discounted levels.

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    If you want to.
    I would hold onto 5.5 personally, as a "just in case 6 causes any problems" type of thing.

  • Do I need to uninstall CS5 before loading CS6?

    Do I need to uninstall CS5 before loading CS6? I purchased the full version of CS6.

    Hi pamelakirkpatrick ,
    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    You dont need to uninstall existing version to install new version.
    You might consider wiping the existing version if you no longer use it as storing multiple versions can occupy a lot of hard disk space.
    Please reply for any assistance.

  • Difficulty finding downloaded CS6 (upgraded to CS5) for Win after following all recommended steps

    Hi there - would appreciate a hand on what I am sure is a very basic request - I purchased upgrade CS5 to CS6 online about 3 days ago and signed in and located my order, clicked on it and proceeded to what I thought was 'download', waited for it to download and then the download window disappeared and I thought it would pop up with 'Run' or similar but nothing happens. This has happened 3 times. I have been using the Akamai net session - I checked in my downloads file each time and there is nothing there. My order and serial number now appear in the Downloads section of my account at Adobe so that apparently means it is downloaded but I can't find anything! Thanks folks
    I basically followed the steps suggested by this helpful forum note (which replicates what was in the email the Adobe Store sent me:
    Q: I can't find the product I downloaded, where is it?
    A: The following steps will help locate your software for download:
    Go to
    Click Sign In (in the upper right corner).
    Enter your Adobe ID and password, and then click Sign In.
    Click My Orders and then Order History.
    Locate the order number, and click the Download link in the Downloads column.
    Start the download by choosing one of the following:
    Click Download and follow the onscreen instructions.
    Click Akamai Download Manager and follow the onscreen instructions.
    If you prefer downloading directly in a browser, click Alternate Download Method. Then click the .7z and .exe files (Windows) or the .dmg file (Mac OS) to download the software to your computer.

    Hi seanlark,
    Please find the below document which should be helpful to locate the download link from your Adobe account:
    Find a download link on
    If you still face issue in locating the Download link from your Account then you can download your CS6 from the below link:
    Then use the serial number to activate your product.
    Thank you.

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