Show data based on date

My report details include work order number, setup times, and work order close dates. I want to display the setup time for the most recent date in the group header or footer. How would I accoplish this?

You have to be more specific in what you currently have grouped in your report.
There is no way for me to know that you had a Part ID grouping in your report in the first place.
Please elaborate how your report is designed so that we can further assist  you.
Zack H.

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    Hi Nicholas,
    Please check below links.
    query based print layout design
    Print Layout Designer \Custom Reports
    How to Make a Print Layout (PLD) Report from a SBO Query |
    Hope this help
    Atul Chakraborty

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    country  cluster  store  turnover   share
    =======  =======  =====  ========   =====
    belgium  1        a        20.000   66.7%
                      b        10.000   33.3%
             cluster total:    30.000  100.0%
             2        c        40.000   57.1%
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    =======  =======  =====  ========   =====
    belgium  1        a        20.000   66.7%
                      b        10.000   33.3%
             cluster total:    30.000   30.0%
             2        c        40.000   57.1%
                      d        30.000   42.9%
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             4        f        20.000   28.6%
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    902360 wrote:
    I'd like to know if there's a way to configure the Pivot Table "Show Data As - Percent of" precision.
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    TYPE B: 0%
    TYPE C: 0%
    TYPE D: 0%
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    RamonYup. Can do. Read this link:

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    thanks for the advice, i have tried the master detail form following the wizard and im getting some very unexpected results.
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    any further / other opinions would be most helpfull
    thanks again

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    Thanks in advance

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    Your responses are highly appreciated.
    Edited by: 917421 on May 15, 2012 10:12 AM

    Please refer the link.
    Hope it help's

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    Please help me to get those data, pictures and project files.
    thank you

    Then why aren't you posting this in the Windows 8 forums found @
    This is a Windows 7 forum for discussion about Windows 7.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

  • Discoverer Plus 10gR2 not show data when the script of view have package

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    SELECT d.price,,
    TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'q') quarter,
    k_xdcd_qry.f_xdc_obt_price (, --> package
    k_xpxpd_qry.f_xpeds_salary_ca_u (, xp --> package
    FROM px_prices_proc c,
    xp_sla_max d,
    xmp_sla_puc b
    WHERE =
    AND =
    AND = k_xps_tools.f_obt_prod --> package
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    Hi Tux,
    This appears to be a grant issue. Apparently, you have granted execute with respect to this package to the EUL owner or the view would not have compiled. If you have not given EUL owner the grant option, I would recommend doing this as well.
    This appears to be an Oracle APPS EUL (tell me if I am wrong). If this is the case, it goes without saying that APPS will need to be granted the execute privilege.
    Also, by default, a stored package executes with the privileges of its owner. If your custom package was designed this way, are the objects which it references received the appropriate grant? I assume you tested this, but I am concerned that the line, = k_xps_tools.f_obt_prod, in the where clause could be resulting in the Null set being returned.

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    Any response is highly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    found the problem

  • EXCEL  out put is not showing data

    Hi All,
    My report is working fine  it is showing data in XML but it is not showing data in Excel output.   Excel output is empty.
    i have attached  excel and xml files.  please help me.
    FYI: these are migrated reports from 10g to 11g.
    Thanks in advance for your time

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    after upgrade if i try to open excel it is not showing opening and showing action instead of excel name . I though  excel out put has corrupted. i downloaded excel layout from 10g and  uploaded in 11g report using upload layout.
    we did not make any changes in database.
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    ( (coalesce(null, :P_PPD_REGION) is null)  and kept(region.X_REGION in (:P_PPD_REGION) from following statement then i did report is working with multi  parameters.
    my doubt is is it correct thing i did ?  if not how can   my multi parameter will work .  we are using oracle as database.
    AND ( (coalesce(null, :P_PPD_REGION) is null) or (region.X_REGION in (:P_PPD_REGION)) )
    AND ( (coalesce(null, :P_COUNTRY) is null) or (region.REGION_CD in (:P_COUNTRY)) )
    AND ( (coalesce(null, :P_SITE_NUM) is null) or (ptcl_site.site_num in (:P_SITE_NUM)) )
    I really appreciate  for your support.

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    <b>Job started
    Step 001 started (program RMCBNEUB, variant &0000000000003, user ID TCS_SRM)
    Date fields for info structure S032 are not generated
    Job finished</b>
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    Thanks in Advance

    ODS Settings
    BEx reporting option --> If this indicator is not set, no SID's are generated for the new characteristics when the data in the ODS object is activated.This optimizes the performance of the activation process, but the ODS object is not available as an InfoProvider for queries. 
    Refer this link for more information...

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    How to show data vertical in ALV?
    such as :
    Moderator Message: Search for available information. Keywords - Dynamic Internal Table
    Edited by: kishan P on Dec 30, 2010 7:35 PM

    Transpose the contents of your internal table.
    A 1 1 1
    B 2 2 2
    A B
    1 2
    1 2
    1 2

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    Under development server, CFGRID show data , all is fine , correct. (CF9.0  version dev)
    Under production server , CFGRID does not show data, only a grey line (like a HR).
    How to debug this ?

    Kindly check below to troubleshoot this issue:-
    Is there any difference between your CF production & developement server setting summary?
    Is there any browser script level difference between your both CF server?
    Are you getting any relevant logging error in your CF server application.log & exception.log?
    Run a very simple cfgrid running app to check, either getting issue with that too or not.

  • Show data of last day of previous month against any day of current month

    I have fact table which contains data at date level (we have data for oct-2009 to april-2010). Our requirement is to show data of last day of previous month against any day of current month in obiee 11g. I am facing problem in Feb 2010 its picking data of 28-Jan-2010 instead of 31-jan-2010 and for April its picking data of 30-mar-2010 instead of 31-mar -2010.
    Any suggestion ???

    You're asking to filter your data set to only include rows between:
    1) last day of the previous month
    2) any day of the current month
    This can be achieved with prompting in OBIEE Answers.
    last day of previous month = TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_DAY , -(1), TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_DAY , DAYOFMONTH( CURRENT_DATE) * -(1) + 1, CURRENT_DATE)) . The problem is you need to make query work within Oracle's Answer syntax.
    In the prompt, select the operator type for your date dimension as 'between' and default to 'SQL Results'.
    For the 'last day of previous month' , use the query:
    case when 1=0 then Time."Fiscal Date" else TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_DAY , -(1), TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_DAY , DAYOFMONTH( CURRENT_DATE) * -(1) + 1, CURRENT_DATE))
    For the current date, use the query:
    case when 1=0 then Time."Fiscal Date" else CURRENT_DATE
    Another option is to create a last_date_pervious_month variable in the RPD and have that as the default value in your prompt.

  • How do I include/show data from a child table in a Modal Window?

    How do I show data from a child table in a Modal Window?
    I have an application where each customer might have multiple addresses and phone numbers which are stored in child tables.  When I show the customer in a record on a screen I can place a Modal Window button on the screen which can be pushed at runtime
    to display detail information for the particular customer parent table which works great. However, I would also like to display the data from the address and phone number child tables. Is there a way to do that?  Or can I just launch a hole separate screen
    which would automatically display the needed data for the particular customer? If yes, how? 
    Thank you for any help.

    I am not even sure how to describe my situation in such a way that this forum incident would be of benefit to other people as I think it is fairly unconventional. 
    The “add contactaddress” link does not show up on the right.  
    The contactaddress table is a child of the contact table. 
    The contact table is a child of the contactlink table.
    And the contactlink table is a child of the person table.
    I have it set up this way because the contact in the contact table may be a contact to multiple persons in the person table and I do not want to re-enter the contact info every time the contact is used. 
    In the list detail screen of the person table I can see the contactlink child collection so that I can see the name of the person in the contact table at runtime. However, the contactaddress collection is not related to the person table so it does not show
    up on the right hand side of the design screen as an “add contactaddress”; nor is there “add contact” link.
    What I would like to happen during runtime is that it is not necessary to switch screens from the person list detail screen to a contact list detail screen to see the addresses and phone numbers for the contact.
     Is my setup unnecessarily convoluted? Is there a better way? Please see the two snapshots below.
    Perhaps there is a way to call up a Detail screen from the List Detail at runtime? 
    Anyway, if you are still reading, thank you very much for your help.   

  • Show data from a database on an applet

    I have the following problem. I don't know how to show all data from a table.
    I can connect to the database, that is not the problem. But what I am looking for is an object that has rows and columns
    something like this:
    (this is a DBGrid in Delphi)
    Is there such an object in Java??
    If not, how to show data in a simular way?
    Thank in advance,

    You mean like JTable.

Maybe you are looking for

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