Showing File Information in InDesign

I hate referencing MS Word but here goes...
I was wondering if InDesign can automate showing information about the file in a header or footer, like MS Word does with its "Quick Parts". Our ministry is moving to an InDesign/InCopy workflow and some of the writers and editors who have always worked in MS Word are concerned about possible losing that functionality. They like the footer to show the path to the file, the date of the last save (with the name of the user who saved it) and the date it was printed (automatically "versioning" the hard copies). As the designer I would place all that on a layer that could be made invisible for the final publication but would be easily made visible during the workflow for anyone who uses a hard copy (like our managers and CEO who have difficulty with soft proofing). Thanks for any help.

I just downloaded the InCopy trial and found that. I was about to delete this thread when you replied. Thanks.

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    Revealing hidden files and getting that error are 2 completely different thing. Even though you can't see hidden files in a finder window doesn't mean they are inaccessible to programs and the OS. They are just hidden from view to the user.

  • Showing File Information in InCopy

    I hate referencing MS Word but here goes...
    I was wondering if InDesign can automate showing information about the file in a header or footer, like MS Word does with its "Quick Parts". Our ministry is moving to an InDesign/InCopy workflow and some of the writers and editors who have always worked in MS Word are concerned about possible losing that functionality. They like the footer to show the path to the file, the date of the last save (with the name of the user who saved it) and the date it was printed (automatically "versioning" the hard copies). As the designer I would place all that on a layer that could be made invisible for the final publication but would be easily made visible during the workflow for anyone who uses a hard copy (like our managers and CEO who have difficulty with soft proofing). Thanks for any help.

    Check out text variables.

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    Thanks Stefan

    And here is a more simple example — writes data to the history panel from ID to Thumbnail in Bridge:
    #target indesign
    myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    myFullname = myDoc.fullName;
    myPageRange = pageRange();
    var bt = new BridgeTalk; // create a new BridgeTalk message object = "bridge"; // send this message to the Bridge application
    myScript = 'var t = new Thumbnail (File ("' + myFullname + '")); var mdata = t.metadata; mdata.namespace = ""; mdata.History += ""Blah-blah-blah"\r"; mdata.Caption = "Pages. " + myPageRange;'
    bt.body = myScript
    function pageRange(){
      var myFirstPage =  myDoc.pages.firstItem();
      var myLastPage =  myDoc.pages.lastItem();
        if (myFirstPage == myLastPage){
        else {
            return + "–"  +;

  • Indesign CS4 in Mac 10.6.8, sometimes won't show files, sometimes won't show tools

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    I've done the thing of dicing the preferences, but so far the only workaround that has worked so far is quitting and restarting the program. I don't remember this happening so much until recently, in other words the problem seems to be getting more frequent.
    But I am wondering if this has happened with anyone else and if there are any other suggestions for avoiding it.
    Back in the good old days you would reinstall PageMaker and that would settle things for a while. But now I don't know if a program like Indesign CS4 actually gets corrupted and if it does I don't know what to do. Does the program get corrupted? And should you reinstall a fresh copy? If it's a good idea to reinstall the program how do you do that? Is it possible to download a fresh copy? And if I do, what happens when the fresh copy phones home? I've tangled with the Adobe Microsoft corporation before when Indesign phoned home and got a crossed line.

    Other things to try:
    Examine your specific version of Optima by going to Type menu > Find Font, clicking on the Optima font and choosing More Info (I think) and find the specific version number. See if you can uninstall the font and reinstall another Optima font with a different, preferably newer version number. There has (historically) been a bad version of Optima floating around for years. Maybe you have it.
    Use a free utility like FontNuke or FontFinagler to get your Mac OS to reset its font plists. Sometimes that makes the OS feel better.
    Use the built-in Disk Utility to repair file permissions. You never know.
    Export your old document out to IDML and reopen that resulting idml file back into a new freshly written INDD file. This might remove internal database corruptions.
    All these are chicken-soup things to try and they might be good for you.
    Mike Witherell in Florida

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    Have you tried trashing the prefs? See Replace Your Preferences
    And of course it's essential that the links be up to date.

  • Showing DMP file information in my application

    I would also like to be able to show information on the .DMP files located in C:\Windows\MiniDump or c:\windows\memory.dmp - i.e. in same sort of way as  and do it
    I have managed to do it for .WER files as per other forum post - but it is not so simple with .DMP files as you cannot simply see lines of information inside them - but it must be possible as the above tool Blue Screen View is only small/simple and somehow
    can show you information like in screenshot below - I would like to achieve something similar to that - so basically you can see list of the dmp files with date and at least information such as error (bug check string) and faulting module
    Any thoughts/ideas/guidance on how I could do this??
    Many thanks
    Darren Rose

    I have worked out how to achieve my requirements using files from the debugging tools download - still not sure how above programs do it without, but perhaps they have just integrated the files in their apps
    My code is below for anyone who is interested - probably not best code in world, but it does what I need
    It requires the following files from the standalone debugging tools (
    Imports System.IO
    Public Class Form1
    Dim ListViewDMPlog As ListViewItem = Nothing
    Dim arrayDMPlog(6) As String
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnScanDMPFiles_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnScanDMPFiles.Click
    ' disables scan button
    btnScanDMPFiles.Enabled = False
    ' create listview for showing dmp file details
    lvwDMP.View = View.Details
    ' Clear existing items from listview
    ' Create columns and set width
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("Crash Time", 120)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("File Name", 150)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("Caused By", 100)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("Error", 220)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("System Uptime", 100)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("Full Path", 250)
    lvwDMP.FullRowSelect = True
    ' Code to collect all .dmp files in c:\windows\minidump and add them to a list - courtesy of Frank L Smith :)
    Dim DMPFileList As New List(Of String)
    Dim dirPath As String = "C:\Windows\MiniDump"
    Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(dirPath)
    If Directory.Exists(dirPath) Then
    Dim qry As IOrderedEnumerable(Of String) = From fi As IO.FileInfo In di.EnumerateFiles("*.dmp") Select fi.FullName Order By FullName
    If qry IsNot Nothing AndAlso qry.Count > 0 Then
    DMPFileList = qry.ToList
    End If
    End If
    ' checks for memory.dmp in c:\windows and if exists then adds it to list
    If File.Exists("C:\windows\memory.dmp") Then
    End If
    For Each Path As String In DMPFileList
    ' working cmd when run from cmd prompt to analyze dmp files (or can use cdb)
    ' kd -z C:\Windows\MiniDump\042414-24632-01.dmp -c "!analyze -v;q"
    ' alternative version which downloads symbols (not used as very slow, not reliable and often gives no more information anyway)
    ' kd -z C:\Windows\MiniDump\042414-24632-01.dmp -y "srv*Symbols*" -c "!symfix!analyze -v;q"
    ' N.B. for some reason -v was being interpreted as ûv - so replaced - with Chr(45)
    Dim myprocess As New Process()
    myprocess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\DMP\kd"
    myprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-z " & Path & " -c ""!analyze " & Chr(45) & "v;q"""
    ' below version includes symbol download
    ' myprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-z " & Path & " -y ""srv*Symbols*"" -c ""!symfix!analyze " & Chr(45) & "v;q"""
    myprocess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
    myprocess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
    myprocess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
    Dim output As String = myprocess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
    Dim causedby As String = ""
    Dim bucketID As String = ""
    Dim bugcheckstr As String = ""
    Dim uptime As String = ""
    ' get date of .dmp file
    Dim filedate As String = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(Path)
    arrayDMPlog(0) = filedate
    ' gets filename of .dmp file by extracting it from dump file path
    Dim filePath As String = Path
    Dim slashPosition As Integer = filePath.LastIndexOf("\")
    Dim filenameOnly As String = filePath.Substring(slashPosition + 1)
    arrayDMPlog(1) = filenameOnly
    ' get name of file which caused crash
    ' changed from Probably caused by to IMAGE_NAME as more accurate??!
    ' causedby = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "Probably caused by")
    causedby = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "IMAGE_NAME")
    arrayDMPlog(2) = causedby.Trim
    ' get default bucket ID or bugcheck string - if bugcheck contains a 0x value rather than a string then show bucket ID instead
    bucketID = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID")
    bugcheckstr = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "BUGCHECK_STR")
    If bugcheckstr.Contains("0x") Then
    arrayDMPlog(3) = bucketID.Trim
    arrayDMPlog(3) = bugcheckstr.Trim
    End If
    ' get system uptime
    uptime = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "System Uptime")
    arrayDMPlog(4) = uptime.Trim & " hours"
    ' adds full path of dump file
    arrayDMPlog(5) = Path
    'add items to listview
    ListViewDMPlog = New ListViewItem(arrayDMPlog)
    ' enables scan button
    btnScanDMPFiles.Enabled = True
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    End Sub
    ' Function to retrieve selected string (information) from chosen log file
    Private Function GetStringFromDMPFile(DMPFile As String, Text As String) As String
    Dim lines As String() = DMPFile.Split(New String() {vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    Dim value = ""
    For Each line As String In lines
    If line.StartsWith(Text) Then
    Dim infos As String() = line.Split(":")
    value = infos(1)
    End If
    Return value
    End Function
    Private Sub lvwDMP_ItemSelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs) Handles lvwDMP.ItemSelectionChanged
    ' N.B. using more switches here so can show more detailed report i.e. ;r;kv;lmnt
    If Me.lvwDMP.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
    Dim myprocess As New Process()
    myprocess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\DMP\kd"
    myprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-z " & Me.lvwDMP.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(5).Text & " -c ""!analyze " & Chr(45) & "v;r;kv;lmnt;q"""
    myprocess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
    myprocess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
    myprocess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
    Dim lines As String() = myprocess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Split(New String() {vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    Dim value = ""
    For Each line As String In lines
    tbDMPDetails.AppendText(line & vbCrLf)
    End If
    ' scrolls back to top of text box
    tbDMPDetails.SelectionStart = 0
    End Sub
    End Class
    Darren Rose

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    Thank you!

    Fantastic John... thanks so much!  It's been nagging me for awhile and now I know I must have hit the 'i' button.

  • Batch importing Word files into separate InDesign files

    I have what I though would be a fairly common question, but I can't seem to find any information about it in this forum or on the web.
    I have a folder of Word files (over 100, which is why I don't want to do this manually) and one InDesign CS4 file that I'd like to use as a template (basically it's just a couple of pages with some threaded text boxes and a few images). I would like to write a script that will go through the Word files, one by one, and pull each into the text box in the InDesign file before saving it as a new copy (ideally with the same name as the Word file). So, if I have 100 Word files and one InDesign file in a folder, I'd like to be able to run a script and end up with 100 new InDesign files.
    I think I can deal with importing and placing the text, and saving the file again. It's mostly the question of using javascript to go through a folder to find all of the filenames so that I can pass the name to the import file command that is confusing me.
    Oh, I'm on a Mac with OS 10.6 and using InDesign CS4.

    Before reinstalling (which is most often unneeded) it would be useful to test the way the app behave when it is used in an other User Account.
    If it behave flawlessly, no need to reinstall it.
    If it doesn't, it *_may be useful_* to reinstall it but it's not sure.
    Nothing prove that the problem is really linked to the installed application's files.
    It may be linked to a file built on the fly like preferences or fonts cache…
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 3 décembre 2010 15:55:58

  • I have made a burn folder with photos exported from I-photo.  It now shows in information, that the date is created and modified is different from the original digitized date.  How can I get the original date to show in the info from Finder?

    I have made a burn folder with photos exported from I-photo.  It now shows in information, that the date  created and modified is different from the original digitized date.  How can I get the original date to show in the info from Finder?

    The Finder reports File information. The date and time of the photo are in the Photo's Exif metadata. The Finder has no awareness of this. All photos apps on any system do.

  • Can't open more than one file at once (Indesign CS3)

    hi there
    I have to deal with a strange problem, every time (well actually randomly) I try to open more than one indesign file at once, indesign just stays in the background and I can't get it to show up.
    the only thing I can to is force quite the application and restart indesign. Sometimes I'm able to see one of the open documents but I can't do anything with it (as there are no tools and no other indesign windows).
    Im not the only one having this problem, my work mate just updated his osx from 10.4 to 10.5, and now he is having the same problems...
    any suggestions why that is?
    (my system: mac 2x2.66ghz dual-core intel xeon, 1gb ram, osx 10.5.2, indesign cs3
    my work mates system: mac G5, 1gb ram, indesign cs3, osx 10.5.2)

    Every system has issues when its first released.
    What's the point of jumping to a new system on a production machine when everything works perfectly in the old system?
    Monitor these forums and other boards and as soon as Apple and Adobe have a fix jump to the new system.

  • Content of linked files in a inDesign-document refuses to update when edited.

    The problem:
    I have a question about linked files in an inDesign-document.
    We have a indesign-file (indd) wich contains text, linked map-illustrations and ads.
    One of the linked maps gets changed by an external map-producer via an VPN-tunnel. He works directly on one of the existing linked files (a map), and does not change the name or location of it after editing.
    After the change, we open the indd-file again, but no dialog-window appears telling us that a link needs to be updated. So we do it manually, but the changed content doesn't get updated in inDesign.
    If we target the linked file and choose to open it in illustrator for editing, all of the changes that was ment to be there, still is. It just doesn't show up in indesign. This also shows that the linking isn't the problem.
    The file is only placed at one spot in the document.
    1. If WE (not the external map-producer) open the linked file and save it again (same name, same location), inDesign instantly promts us to update the link and the graphics updates without problem.
    2. If we place the file in a another location of the same inDesign-file, the correct content shows. (But still, the existing one does not update.)
    Is there any way you can think of that could make this happen?
    If so, How can we solve it without having to use the workarounds?

    This will work if you all use the file syncing of the Creative Cloud desktop application and then you use the Collaborate option for the folder containing all the files. Then it will work on each of your desktops.
    Links to files will not work in the browser when viewing the InDesign document from

  • "Dependecies" tab doesn't show any information for a selected table version 4.0

    I work with SQL Developer I can see 20 tables in the list. When I select one table, in the tabs on the right side I can see information for "columns" and "data" and "constraints" and "indexes"... but the tab "Dependencies" doesn't show any information about references between this table and other tables in the schema.
    Oracle database is v11.2
    Can you please tell me what do I need to do in order to see information on "Dependencies" tab for a table?
    Thank you,

    Hi, here is my example of XML extension showing referencing tables:
    Save the following XML to a file.
      <item type="editor" objectType="TABLE">
        <title><![CDATA[*Referencing Tables]]></title>
      cfk.owner "OWNER",
      cfk.table_name "TABLE NAME",
      cols.column_name "COLUMN",
      cfk.constraint_name "CONSTRAINT NAME",
      cfk.delete_rule "DELETE RULE",
      'SQLDEV:LINK:' || cfk.owner || ':TABLE:' || cfk.table_name ||
      ':oracle.dbtools.raptor.controls.grid.DefaultDrillLink' "LINK"
      sys.all_constraints cpk,
      sys.all_constraints cfk,
      sys.all_cons_columns cols
      cpk.owner = :OBJECT_OWNER AND
      cpk.table_name = :OBJECT_NAME AND
      SUBSTR(cpk.table_name, 1, 4) != 'BIN$' AND
      SUBSTR(cpk.table_name, 1, 3) != 'DR$' AND
      cpk.constraint_type in ('P', 'U') AND
      cfk.r_owner = cpk.owner AND
      cfk.r_constraint_name = cpk.constraint_name AND
      cfk.constraint_type = 'R' AND
      cols.owner = cfk.owner AND
      cols.constraint_name = cfk.constraint_name
      cfk.owner, cfk.table_name, cfk.constraint_name,
    In SQLDeveloper select Preferences -> Database -> User Defined Extensions and click <Add Row>.
    In the "Type" field enter "EDITOR" and in the "Location" field enter the path to the file with XML.
    After restarting SQLDeveloper You should see a new tab "*Referencing Tables" for tables.

  • How to fix file when it says, "Cannot open file " ". Adobe Indesign does not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file may be missing, or file may be open in another application." It worked one second, I saved and closed the file, then tri

    How to fix file when it says, "Cannot open file " ". Adobe Indesign does not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file may be missing, or file may be open in another application." It worked one second, I saved and closed the file, then tried to reopen and now it won't work. I am using Adobe InDesign CS5. It is the only version on my comp. I have tried opening on another comp & copying the file – same error comes up. PLEASE HELP

    First check the version of the document with Jongware's script "Identify.jsx" (ExtendScript/JavaScript).
    You can find it here:
    [Ann] Identify Your InDesign File
    If it is CS 5.5 or above, you need someone to open it in the version the script says and export an IDML representation from that. Another way would be to install a 30days version of CS6 or above (CC) and do it yourself.
    In regards of the script showing a result for InDesign files higher than CS6:
    CS7 = CC v9
    CS8 = CC v10 = CC-2014 or CC2014.1

  • Missing File information

    I was trying to make a smart folder to house all the pictures in certain folders that were less than a month old. A bunch of these pictures were taken earlier today. Anyway, The "Created" option wasn't showing anything for the past month and after poking around a bit, I realized by opening the picture file's information window that under "Date Created" it just said "--". I tried to figure out in preferences in the finder but you know how limited those options are. I may not really need to know how to write in missing file information. That would be a bit of a pain. I was wondering where the problem was coming from. Why would my iMac not put a date and time stamp in the file's info when I got it off my camera? I need to make my Mac start doing that.

    Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that I tried "Date Modified" and it worked until I would open one of the files. Once they were closed and you went back to the folder, that file was gone. I'm not really sure why. I feel like there's a simple explanation for this and that I was missing something quite obvious. It's driving me nuts. I can't think of a reason that would happen. I tried everything time related. The key part of this is that I want the files to disappear once they are a certain age (I'm thinking about a month). Without that part of the equation, I don't really have a use for the folder at all. I was thinking for some reason that there was no way for a user to change anything in the file's information manually. The answer I think that would have to occur is to find a way to get my Mac to start stamping the date and time. The only reason I don't think it's the camera is that even if the camera didn't stamp the date and time, the OS should have when it came through. Oh yeah, this isn't a new camera and I have pictures from 3 to 4 months back that were successfully imported with the information. ALl the way back to the earliest image taken with this camera (and I've had this camera for a couple years!).

Maybe you are looking for

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