Showing File Information in InCopy

I hate referencing MS Word but here goes...
I was wondering if InDesign can automate showing information about the file in a header or footer, like MS Word does with its "Quick Parts". Our ministry is moving to an InDesign/InCopy workflow and some of the writers and editors who have always worked in MS Word are concerned about possible losing that functionality. They like the footer to show the path to the file, the date of the last save (with the name of the user who saved it) and the date it was printed (automatically "versioning" the hard copies). As the designer I would place all that on a layer that could be made invisible for the final publication but would be easily made visible during the workflow for anyone who uses a hard copy (like our managers and CEO who have difficulty with soft proofing). Thanks for any help.

Check out text variables.

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    Revealing hidden files and getting that error are 2 completely different thing. Even though you can't see hidden files in a finder window doesn't mean they are inaccessible to programs and the OS. They are just hidden from view to the user.

  • Showing File Information in InDesign

    I hate referencing MS Word but here goes...
    I was wondering if InDesign can automate showing information about the file in a header or footer, like MS Word does with its "Quick Parts". Our ministry is moving to an InDesign/InCopy workflow and some of the writers and editors who have always worked in MS Word are concerned about possible losing that functionality. They like the footer to show the path to the file, the date of the last save (with the name of the user who saved it) and the date it was printed (automatically "versioning" the hard copies). As the designer I would place all that on a layer that could be made invisible for the final publication but would be easily made visible during the workflow for anyone who uses a hard copy (like our managers and CEO who have difficulty with soft proofing). Thanks for any help.

    I just downloaded the InCopy trial and found that. I was about to delete this thread when you replied. Thanks.

  • Showing DMP file information in my application

    I would also like to be able to show information on the .DMP files located in C:\Windows\MiniDump or c:\windows\memory.dmp - i.e. in same sort of way as  and do it
    I have managed to do it for .WER files as per other forum post - but it is not so simple with .DMP files as you cannot simply see lines of information inside them - but it must be possible as the above tool Blue Screen View is only small/simple and somehow
    can show you information like in screenshot below - I would like to achieve something similar to that - so basically you can see list of the dmp files with date and at least information such as error (bug check string) and faulting module
    Any thoughts/ideas/guidance on how I could do this??
    Many thanks
    Darren Rose

    I have worked out how to achieve my requirements using files from the debugging tools download - still not sure how above programs do it without, but perhaps they have just integrated the files in their apps
    My code is below for anyone who is interested - probably not best code in world, but it does what I need
    It requires the following files from the standalone debugging tools (
    Imports System.IO
    Public Class Form1
    Dim ListViewDMPlog As ListViewItem = Nothing
    Dim arrayDMPlog(6) As String
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnScanDMPFiles_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnScanDMPFiles.Click
    ' disables scan button
    btnScanDMPFiles.Enabled = False
    ' create listview for showing dmp file details
    lvwDMP.View = View.Details
    ' Clear existing items from listview
    ' Create columns and set width
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("Crash Time", 120)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("File Name", 150)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("Caused By", 100)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("Error", 220)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("System Uptime", 100)
    lvwDMP.Columns.Add("Full Path", 250)
    lvwDMP.FullRowSelect = True
    ' Code to collect all .dmp files in c:\windows\minidump and add them to a list - courtesy of Frank L Smith :)
    Dim DMPFileList As New List(Of String)
    Dim dirPath As String = "C:\Windows\MiniDump"
    Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(dirPath)
    If Directory.Exists(dirPath) Then
    Dim qry As IOrderedEnumerable(Of String) = From fi As IO.FileInfo In di.EnumerateFiles("*.dmp") Select fi.FullName Order By FullName
    If qry IsNot Nothing AndAlso qry.Count > 0 Then
    DMPFileList = qry.ToList
    End If
    End If
    ' checks for memory.dmp in c:\windows and if exists then adds it to list
    If File.Exists("C:\windows\memory.dmp") Then
    End If
    For Each Path As String In DMPFileList
    ' working cmd when run from cmd prompt to analyze dmp files (or can use cdb)
    ' kd -z C:\Windows\MiniDump\042414-24632-01.dmp -c "!analyze -v;q"
    ' alternative version which downloads symbols (not used as very slow, not reliable and often gives no more information anyway)
    ' kd -z C:\Windows\MiniDump\042414-24632-01.dmp -y "srv*Symbols*" -c "!symfix!analyze -v;q"
    ' N.B. for some reason -v was being interpreted as ûv - so replaced - with Chr(45)
    Dim myprocess As New Process()
    myprocess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\DMP\kd"
    myprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-z " & Path & " -c ""!analyze " & Chr(45) & "v;q"""
    ' below version includes symbol download
    ' myprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-z " & Path & " -y ""srv*Symbols*"" -c ""!symfix!analyze " & Chr(45) & "v;q"""
    myprocess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
    myprocess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
    myprocess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
    Dim output As String = myprocess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
    Dim causedby As String = ""
    Dim bucketID As String = ""
    Dim bugcheckstr As String = ""
    Dim uptime As String = ""
    ' get date of .dmp file
    Dim filedate As String = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(Path)
    arrayDMPlog(0) = filedate
    ' gets filename of .dmp file by extracting it from dump file path
    Dim filePath As String = Path
    Dim slashPosition As Integer = filePath.LastIndexOf("\")
    Dim filenameOnly As String = filePath.Substring(slashPosition + 1)
    arrayDMPlog(1) = filenameOnly
    ' get name of file which caused crash
    ' changed from Probably caused by to IMAGE_NAME as more accurate??!
    ' causedby = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "Probably caused by")
    causedby = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "IMAGE_NAME")
    arrayDMPlog(2) = causedby.Trim
    ' get default bucket ID or bugcheck string - if bugcheck contains a 0x value rather than a string then show bucket ID instead
    bucketID = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID")
    bugcheckstr = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "BUGCHECK_STR")
    If bugcheckstr.Contains("0x") Then
    arrayDMPlog(3) = bucketID.Trim
    arrayDMPlog(3) = bugcheckstr.Trim
    End If
    ' get system uptime
    uptime = GetStringFromDMPFile(output, "System Uptime")
    arrayDMPlog(4) = uptime.Trim & " hours"
    ' adds full path of dump file
    arrayDMPlog(5) = Path
    'add items to listview
    ListViewDMPlog = New ListViewItem(arrayDMPlog)
    ' enables scan button
    btnScanDMPFiles.Enabled = True
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    End Sub
    ' Function to retrieve selected string (information) from chosen log file
    Private Function GetStringFromDMPFile(DMPFile As String, Text As String) As String
    Dim lines As String() = DMPFile.Split(New String() {vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    Dim value = ""
    For Each line As String In lines
    If line.StartsWith(Text) Then
    Dim infos As String() = line.Split(":")
    value = infos(1)
    End If
    Return value
    End Function
    Private Sub lvwDMP_ItemSelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs) Handles lvwDMP.ItemSelectionChanged
    ' N.B. using more switches here so can show more detailed report i.e. ;r;kv;lmnt
    If Me.lvwDMP.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
    Dim myprocess As New Process()
    myprocess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\DMP\kd"
    myprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-z " & Me.lvwDMP.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(5).Text & " -c ""!analyze " & Chr(45) & "v;r;kv;lmnt;q"""
    myprocess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
    myprocess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
    myprocess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
    Dim lines As String() = myprocess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Split(New String() {vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    Dim value = ""
    For Each line As String In lines
    tbDMPDetails.AppendText(line & vbCrLf)
    End If
    ' scrolls back to top of text box
    tbDMPDetails.SelectionStart = 0
    End Sub
    End Class
    Darren Rose

  • Lightroom5, Develop module, file information showing in the upper left, how do I remove this?

    I tried searching in Help and looking in View... I cannot find how to remove the file information from the upper left.  Do you know?
    Thank you!

    Fantastic John... thanks so much!  It's been nagging me for awhile and now I know I must have hit the 'i' button.

  • I have made a burn folder with photos exported from I-photo.  It now shows in information, that the date is created and modified is different from the original digitized date.  How can I get the original date to show in the info from Finder?

    I have made a burn folder with photos exported from I-photo.  It now shows in information, that the date  created and modified is different from the original digitized date.  How can I get the original date to show in the info from Finder?

    The Finder reports File information. The date and time of the photo are in the Photo's Exif metadata. The Finder has no awareness of this. All photos apps on any system do.

  • "Dependecies" tab doesn't show any information for a selected table version 4.0

    I work with SQL Developer I can see 20 tables in the list. When I select one table, in the tabs on the right side I can see information for "columns" and "data" and "constraints" and "indexes"... but the tab "Dependencies" doesn't show any information about references between this table and other tables in the schema.
    Oracle database is v11.2
    Can you please tell me what do I need to do in order to see information on "Dependencies" tab for a table?
    Thank you,

    Hi, here is my example of XML extension showing referencing tables:
    Save the following XML to a file.
      <item type="editor" objectType="TABLE">
        <title><![CDATA[*Referencing Tables]]></title>
      cfk.owner "OWNER",
      cfk.table_name "TABLE NAME",
      cols.column_name "COLUMN",
      cfk.constraint_name "CONSTRAINT NAME",
      cfk.delete_rule "DELETE RULE",
      'SQLDEV:LINK:' || cfk.owner || ':TABLE:' || cfk.table_name ||
      ':oracle.dbtools.raptor.controls.grid.DefaultDrillLink' "LINK"
      sys.all_constraints cpk,
      sys.all_constraints cfk,
      sys.all_cons_columns cols
      cpk.owner = :OBJECT_OWNER AND
      cpk.table_name = :OBJECT_NAME AND
      SUBSTR(cpk.table_name, 1, 4) != 'BIN$' AND
      SUBSTR(cpk.table_name, 1, 3) != 'DR$' AND
      cpk.constraint_type in ('P', 'U') AND
      cfk.r_owner = cpk.owner AND
      cfk.r_constraint_name = cpk.constraint_name AND
      cfk.constraint_type = 'R' AND
      cols.owner = cfk.owner AND
      cols.constraint_name = cfk.constraint_name
      cfk.owner, cfk.table_name, cfk.constraint_name,
    In SQLDeveloper select Preferences -> Database -> User Defined Extensions and click <Add Row>.
    In the "Type" field enter "EDITOR" and in the "Location" field enter the path to the file with XML.
    After restarting SQLDeveloper You should see a new tab "*Referencing Tables" for tables.

  • Missing File information

    I was trying to make a smart folder to house all the pictures in certain folders that were less than a month old. A bunch of these pictures were taken earlier today. Anyway, The "Created" option wasn't showing anything for the past month and after poking around a bit, I realized by opening the picture file's information window that under "Date Created" it just said "--". I tried to figure out in preferences in the finder but you know how limited those options are. I may not really need to know how to write in missing file information. That would be a bit of a pain. I was wondering where the problem was coming from. Why would my iMac not put a date and time stamp in the file's info when I got it off my camera? I need to make my Mac start doing that.

    Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that I tried "Date Modified" and it worked until I would open one of the files. Once they were closed and you went back to the folder, that file was gone. I'm not really sure why. I feel like there's a simple explanation for this and that I was missing something quite obvious. It's driving me nuts. I can't think of a reason that would happen. I tried everything time related. The key part of this is that I want the files to disappear once they are a certain age (I'm thinking about a month). Without that part of the equation, I don't really have a use for the folder at all. I was thinking for some reason that there was no way for a user to change anything in the file's information manually. The answer I think that would have to occur is to find a way to get my Mac to start stamping the date and time. The only reason I don't think it's the camera is that even if the camera didn't stamp the date and time, the OS should have when it came through. Oh yeah, this isn't a new camera and I have pictures from 3 to 4 months back that were successfully imported with the information. ALl the way back to the earliest image taken with this camera (and I've had this camera for a couple years!).

  • Show file name

    Is there a way to show file names with the events, in the event library window?

    Sevy2205 wrote:
    ...  I imported a large number of files and I want to make sure I have them all and they are some I want to identify quickly, I am looking for a way to see the file name in the event library....
    that is beyond the CONCEPT of this 15€ consumer product
    iM is meant for camcorder-imports - cams give automatic file-names with very little information (clip001); the more important info are in the meta-tags (when, perhaps where, after analyzing who, what) .. so, from the intended perspective of this app, there's no need/function to display clip-names.
    the EVENT-concept structures on time-stamp, based upon the assumption, you record your movies on some 'daily' basis, think of vacations, city-trips, holidays ...
    for your workflow, using 'files', I would suggest to prep all files in Finder, create folders, re-name them, arrange them (you do know, in Finder hitting Space-bar when a file is selected, it shows a preview? video as motion pictures?), whatever to structure them, THEN import to iM for editing.-

  • When viewing a photo in full screen, how do I get the file information and data along the footer.  How do i get that to go off?  Preferences.....???

    Love full screen view, but my file information and data are showing along the footer.  How do I change me settings so this doesn't show?

    Anne, didn't the answers Frank and I gave in the other tread work? See:
    Re: How do I turn of the focus points in Aperture when viewing a photo in a non-thumbnail view?  Thanks!
    Or did you want to know something differently?

  • Opatch lsinventory not showing correct information

    Hi Gurus,
    I have just applied april 2013 PSU on Grid and Database home. But when I check opatch lsinventory from grid and ora11g user both shows different information. If anyone could please help me understand if anything went wrong.
    Our environment
    OS - Linux RHEL 6.3
    Oracle - 11gR2 stand alone with ASM.
    Patch Applied - APRIL 2013 PSU for both GRID and ORACLE user sepratly.
    uid=501(grid) gid=501(oinstall) groups=501(oinstall),502(dba),504(asmadmin),506(asmdba),507(asmoper)
    remedy-ebu-dev-db1*+ASM:/home/grid>opatch lsinventory
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home : /u01/app/grid/product/11.2.0/grid
    Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
    from : /u01/app/grid/product/11.2.0/grid/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version :
    OUI version :
    Log file location : /u01/app/grid/product/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-05-15_23-26-04PM_1.log
    Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/grid/product/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2013-05-15_23-26-04PM.txt
    Installed Top-level Products (1):
    Oracle Grid Infrastructure
    There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
    Interim patches (2) :
    Patch 16056266 : applied on Wed May 15 22:57:51 IST 2013
    Unique Patch ID: 15962803
    Patch description: "Database Patch Set Update : (16056266)"
    Created on 12 Mar 2013, 02:14:47 hrs PST8PDT
    Sub-patch 14727310; "Database Patch Set Update : (14727310)"
    Sub-patch 14275605; "Database Patch Set Update : (14275605)"
    Sub-patch 13923374; "Database Patch Set Update : (13923374)"
    Sub-patch 13696216; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696216)"
    Sub-patch 13343438; "Database Patch Set Update : (13343438)"
    Bugs fixed:
    13566938, 13593999, 10350832, 14138130, 12919564, 13561951, 13624984
    13588248, 13080778, 13914613, 13804294, 14258925, 12873183, 13645875
    14472647, 12880299, 14664355, 14409183, 12998795, 14469008, 13719081
    13492735, 13496884, 12857027, 14263036, 14263073, 13732226, 13742433
    16368108, 16314469, 12905058, 13742434, 12849688, 12950644, 13742435
    13464002, 13534412, 12879027, 13958038, 14613900, 12585543, 12535346
    12588744, 11877623, 13786142, 12847466, 13649031, 13981051, 12582664
    12797765, 14262913, 12923168, 13384182, 13612575, 13466801, 13484963
    14207163, 11063191, 13772618, 13070939, 12797420, 13041324, 16314467
    16314468, 12976376, 11708510, 13680405, 14589750, 13026410, 13742437
    13737746, 14644185, 13742438, 13326736, 13596521, 13001379, 16344871
    13099577, 9873405, 14275605, 13742436, 9858539, 14841812, 11715084
    16231699, 14040433, 12662040, 9703627, 12617123, 12845115, 12764337
    13354082, 14459552, 13397104, 13913630, 12964067, 12983611, 13550185
    13810393, 12780983, 12583611, 14546575, 13476583, 15862016, 11840910
    13903046, 15862017, 13572659, 16294378, 13718279, 14088346, 13657605
    13448206, 16314466, 14480676, 13419660, 13632717, 14063281, 14110275
    13430938, 13467683, 13420224, 13812031, 14548763, 16299830, 12646784
    13616375, 14035825, 12861463, 12834027, 15862021, 13632809, 13377816
    13036331, 14727310, 13685544, 15862018, 13499128, 16175381, 13584130
    12829021, 15862019, 12794305, 14546673, 12791981, 13787482, 13503598
    10133521, 12718090, 13399435, 14023636, 13860201, 12401111, 13257247
    13362079, 14176879, 12917230, 13923374, 14220725, 14480675, 13524899
    13559697, 9706792, 14480674, 13916709, 13098318, 13773133, 14076523
    13340388, 13366202, 13528551, 12894807, 13454210, 13343438, 12748240
    14205448, 13385346, 15853081, 14273397, 12971775, 13582702, 10242202
    13035804, 13544396, 16382353, 8547978, 14226599, 14062795, 13035360
    12693626, 13332439, 14038787, 14062796, 12913474, 14841409, 14390252
    16314470, 13370330, 13059165, 14062797, 14062794, 12959852, 13358781
    12345082, 12960925, 9659614, 13699124, 14546638, 13936424, 13338048
    12938841, 12658411, 12620823, 12656535, 14062793, 12678920, 13038684
    14062792, 13807411, 13250244, 12594032, 15862022, 9761357, 12612118
    13742464, 14052474, 13911821, 13457582, 13527323, 15862020, 13910420
    13502183, 12780098, 13705338, 13696216, 14841558, 10263668, 15862023
    16056266, 15862024, 13554409, 13645917, 13103913, 13011409, 14063280
    Patch 16315641 : applied on Wed May 15 22:56:35 IST 2013
    Unique Patch ID: 15966967
    Patch description: "Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update : (16083653)"
    Created on 1 Apr 2013, 03:41:20 hrs PST8PDT
    Bugs fixed:
    16315641, 15876003, 14275572, 13919095, 13696251, 13348650, 12659561
    14305980, 14277586, 13987807, 14625969, 13825231, 12794268, 13000491
    13498267, 11675721, 14082976, 12771830, 14515980, 14085018, 13943175
    14102704, 14171552, 12594616, 13879428, 12897902, 12726222, 12829429
    13079948, 13090686, 12995950, 13251796, 13582411, 12990582, 13857364
    13082238, 12947871, 13256955, 13037709, 14535011, 12878750, 14048512
    11772838, 13058611, 13001955, 13440962, 13727853, 13425727, 12885323
    12870400, 14212634, 14407395, 13332363, 13430626, 13811209, 12709476
    14168708, 14096821, 14626717, 13460353, 13694885, 12857064, 12899169
    13111013, 12558569, 13323698, 10260842, 13085732, 10317921, 13869978
    12914824, 13789135, 12730342, 12950823, 13355963, 13531373, 14268365
    13776758, 12720728, 13620816, 13023609, 13024624, 13039908, 13036424
    13938166, 13011520, 13569812, 12758736, 13001901, 13077654, 13430715
    13550689, 13806545, 13634583, 14271305, 12538907, 13947200, 12996428
    13066371, 13483672, 12897651, 13540563, 12896850, 13241779, 12728585
    12876314, 12925041, 12650672, 12398492, 12848480, 13652088, 16307750
    12917897, 12975811, 13653178, 13371153, 14800989, 10114953, 14001941
    11836951, 14179376, 12965049, 14773530, 12765467, 13339443, 13965075
    16210540, 14307855, 12784559, 14242977, 13955385, 12704789, 13745317
    13074261, 12971251, 13993634, 13523527, 13719731, 13396284, 12639013
    12867511, 12959140, 14748254, 12829917, 12349553, 12849377, 12934171
    13843080, 14496536, 13924431, 12680491, 13334158, 10418841, 12832204
    13838047, 13002015, 12791719, 13886023, 13821454, 12782756, 14100232
    14186070, 14569263, 12873909, 13845120, 14214257, 12914722, 12842804
    12772345, 12663376, 14059576, 13889047, 12695029, 13924910, 13146560
    14070200, 13820621, 14304758, 12996572, 13941934, 14711358, 13019958
    13888719, 16463033, 12823838, 13877508, 12823042, 14494305, 13582706
    13617861, 12825835, 13025879, 13853089, 13410987, 13570879, 13247273
    13255295, 14152875, 13912373, 13011182, 13243172, 13045518, 12765868
    11825850, 15986571, 13345868, 13683090, 12932852, 13038806, 14588629
    14251904, 13396356, 13697828, 12834777, 13258062, 14371335, 13657366
    12810890, 15917085, 13502441, 14637577, 13880925, 13726162, 14153867
    13506114, 12820045, 13604057, 13263435, 14009845, 12827493, 13637590, 13068077
    OPatch succeeded.
    remedy-ebu-dev-db1*REMDEV:/home/ora11g>opatch lsinventory
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home : /u01/app/ora11g/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
    Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
    from : /u01/app/ora11g/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version :
    OUI version :
    Log file location : /u01/app/ora11g/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-05-15_23-26-52PM_1.log
    Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/ora11g/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2013-05-15_23-26-52PM.txt
    Installed Top-level Products (1):
    Oracle Database 11g
    There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
    Interim patches (2) :
    Patch 16056266 : applied on Wed May 15 23:17:39 IST 2013
    Unique Patch ID: 15962803
    Patch description: "Database Patch Set Update : (16056266)"
    Created on 12 Mar 2013, 02:14:47 hrs PST8PDT
    Sub-patch 14727310; "Database Patch Set Update : (14727310)"
    Sub-patch 14275605; "Database Patch Set Update : (14275605)"
    Sub-patch 13923374; "Database Patch Set Update : (13923374)"
    Sub-patch 13696216; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696216)"
    Sub-patch 13343438; "Database Patch Set Update : (13343438)"
    Bugs fixed:
    13566938, 13593999, 10350832, 14138130, 12919564, 13561951, 13624984
    13588248, 13080778, 13914613, 13804294, 14258925, 12873183, 13645875
    14472647, 12880299, 14664355, 14409183, 12998795, 14469008, 13719081
    13492735, 13496884, 12857027, 14263036, 14263073, 13732226, 13742433
    16368108, 16314469, 12905058, 13742434, 12849688, 12950644, 13742435
    13464002, 13534412, 12879027, 13958038, 14613900, 12585543, 12535346
    12588744, 11877623, 13786142, 12847466, 13649031, 13981051, 12582664
    12797765, 14262913, 12923168, 13384182, 13612575, 13466801, 13484963
    14207163, 11063191, 13772618, 13070939, 12797420, 13041324, 16314467
    16314468, 12976376, 11708510, 13680405, 14589750, 13026410, 13742437
    13737746, 14644185, 13742438, 13326736, 13596521, 13001379, 16344871
    13099577, 9873405, 14275605, 13742436, 9858539, 14841812, 11715084
    16231699, 14040433, 12662040, 9703627, 12617123, 12845115, 12764337
    13354082, 14459552, 13397104, 13913630, 12964067, 12983611, 13550185
    13810393, 12780983, 12583611, 14546575, 13476583, 15862016, 11840910
    13903046, 15862017, 13572659, 16294378, 13718279, 14088346, 13657605
    13448206, 16314466, 14480676, 13419660, 13632717, 14063281, 14110275
    13430938, 13467683, 13420224, 13812031, 14548763, 16299830, 12646784
    13616375, 14035825, 12861463, 12834027, 15862021, 13632809, 13377816
    13036331, 14727310, 13685544, 15862018, 13499128, 16175381, 13584130
    12829021, 15862019, 12794305, 14546673, 12791981, 13787482, 13503598
    10133521, 12718090, 13399435, 14023636, 13860201, 12401111, 13257247
    13362079, 14176879, 12917230, 13923374, 14220725, 14480675, 13524899
    13559697, 9706792, 14480674, 13916709, 13098318, 13773133, 14076523
    13340388, 13366202, 13528551, 12894807, 13454210, 13343438, 12748240
    14205448, 13385346, 15853081, 14273397, 12971775, 13582702, 10242202
    13035804, 13544396, 16382353, 8547978, 14226599, 14062795, 13035360
    12693626, 13332439, 14038787, 14062796, 12913474, 14841409, 14390252
    16314470, 13370330, 13059165, 14062797, 14062794, 12959852, 13358781
    12345082, 12960925, 9659614, 13699124, 14546638, 13936424, 13338048
    12938841, 12658411, 12620823, 12656535, 14062793, 12678920, 13038684
    14062792, 13807411, 13250244, 12594032, 15862022, 9761357, 12612118
    13742464, 14052474, 13911821, 13457582, 13527323, 15862020, 13910420
    13502183, 12780098, 13705338, 13696216, 14841558, 10263668, 15862023
    16056266, 15862024, 13554409, 13645917, 13103913, 13011409, 14063280
    Patch 14275572 : applied on Fri Nov 02 16:12:28 IST 2012
    Unique Patch ID: 15379762
    Patch description: "Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update : (14275572)"
    Created on 12 Oct 2012, 00:27:42 hrs PST8PDT
    Bugs fixed:
    14275572, 13919095, 13696251, 13348650, 12659561, 13039908, 13825231
    13036424, 12794268, 13011520, 13569812, 12758736, 13000491, 13498267
    13077654, 13001901, 13550689, 13430715, 13806545, 11675721, 14082976
    12771830, 12538907, 13947200, 13066371, 13483672, 12594616, 13540563
    12897651, 12897902, 13241779, 12896850, 12726222, 12829429, 12728585
    13079948, 12876314, 13090686, 12925041, 12995950, 13251796, 12650672
    12398492, 12848480, 13582411, 13652088, 12990582, 13857364, 12975811
    12917897, 13082238, 12947871, 13037709, 13371153, 12878750, 10114953
    11772838, 13058611, 13001955, 11836951, 12965049, 13440962, 12765467
    13727853, 13425727, 12885323, 13965075, 13339443, 12784559, 13332363
    13074261, 12971251, 13811209, 12709476, 13460353, 13523527, 12857064
    13719731, 13396284, 12899169, 13111013, 13323698, 12867511, 12639013
    12959140, 13085732, 12829917, 10317921, 13843080, 12934171, 12849377
    12349553, 13924431, 13869978, 12680491, 12914824, 13789135, 12730342
    13334158, 12950823, 10418841, 13355963, 13531373, 13776758, 12720728
    13620816, 13002015, 13023609, 13024624, 12791719
    OPatch succeeded.
    Nikhil Mehta.

    Hi Alvaro,
    Sorry for being late on this.
    Please find below the output of your query and let me know if the DB is patched correctly or not.
    Oracle Application Express
    Oracle Enterprise Manager
    OLAP Catalog
    Oracle Multimedia
    Oracle XML Database
    Oracle Text
    Oracle Expression Filter
    Oracle Rules Manager
    Oracle Workspace Manager
    Oracle Database Catalog Views
    Oracle Database Packages and T
    JServer JAVA Virtual Machine
    Oracle XDK
    Oracle Database Java Packages
    OLAP Analytic Workspace
    Oracle OLAP API
    18 rows selected.
    Also normally opatch lsinventory from both the users should show same result.
    Nikhil Mehta.

  • Why is my File Information page blank in Photoshop Elements 13?

    I am trying to bring up the File Information tab in PS Elements 13... it comes up absolutely blank with a border around the box showing only the photo number across the top.  HELP!!!!  I need this page desperately and cannot access it.!

    Have you tried downloading Photoshop Elements 13 from here?
    There is only one file to download - which one depends on your system (32-bit or 64-bit).
    These are the trial versions but will convert to the full version when you supply your serial number.

  • Equivalent of WSUS "file information" in SCCM 2012 R2

    In WSUS, you could r-click on an update, select "file information" and see where in WSUSCONTENT an update was actually located. This was helpful; especically if the update was stored there in an executeable format (not a cab), and you could run
    the patch manually. This often works if it won't install through SCCM or WSUS. Does anyone know if it's possible to get this info through SCCM 2012 R2?
    Ben JohnsonWY

    Thanks everyone and I do appreciate all the input, I understand how this works, but...
    This is another case of where something that was quick, simple, and easy in WSUS has been made ridiculously complicated by MicroShaft in SCCM. The Content Info tab isn't what I want, I want to know where it physically is on my server. When you get to
    the content ID you can't stretch the column to read it, you have to mouse over it and the popup with a ridculously long path disappears after a few seconds. In the show members listing you can select the unique ID but not content ID and but in the package
    folders it uses content ID. Geez! Now if the content ID, with package, were selectable in the show members window it'd be easy. And to top if off, you can't tell by looking at the console which package an update is in. This is something else MS really
    needs to work on. It still boggles my mind how they keep removing simple and easy functionality from programs when they come out with new versions. No wonder I couldn't figure this out on my own.
    I don't pull updates from MS. I pull the from another source approved for us. They get dropped onto one of my servers. So.....
    I'm going back to what Peter suggested; I'm going to look them up using "file info" in WSUS because it's far quicker and easier.
    Ben JohnsonWY

  • Finder show more information like Date Modified

    When I do a an apple-F to find file modified by date (I used today in this scenario) it just shows file name, kind, and last opened, not modified date. How do I add that to the apple-F list? Or, in general, how do I change what information is displayed in Finder? Thank you, Ron

    rflan444 wrote:
    the only option I get is a checkbox that says "always open in list view" and nothing else.
    Apologies for raising your hopes. It seems it's a difference between OS X 10.5 and 10.6. In OS X 10.6 I see that plus options for icon size, text size, eight column options, and three other miscellaneous things, but I just verified that OS X 10.5 lacks those other options.

  • LR4 The wrong file information in the preview loupe

    I have not seen this mentioned in the forums but I keep getting a bug where the file information displayed in the preview window gets 'stuck'. The information sometimes hangs with that of a previous image. Ie it doesn't relate to the current image but a previous one I have viewed.
    Any one else found this? It's a bit of an anoying bug!

    Faces has identified the wrong person.
    Actually iPhoto does not identify people - iPhoto suggests and you confirm or reject so you confirmed incorrectly (which happens to all of us)
    How do I re-assign to the correct person?
    double click on the photo to open it and click on "name" and type the correct name for the person
    Mary and Jane are in a group picture and have been identified by iPhoto, not me.
    In Mary's Faces album, Jane's picture is the thumbnail. In a way, the group picture is correct. I would rather have all of Mary's thumbnails show Mary.
    The choice offered by iPhoto is accept or reject. Going into Edit for the pictures does not give the option to identify faces.
    If you reject the person will remain un-named- and in the confirm names mode (starting with version 8.0.2) if you right click (control click) on the photo you can accept, reject or name
    I am reluctant to reject because the group picture may not show up again.
    You can always make a smart album with name is unnamed and find all photos with unnamed people (started in version 8.0.2)

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