Showing or hiding buttons/ enabling text boxes depending upon security role in Portal

Hi All,
Is it possible to show or hide ceratin text box or buttons depending on the security
role of the user ? Let's suppose we have screen with buttons update, delete. Now
we want that when a administrator logs in he will see a screen with data in editable
text boxes and update and delete button. In case of normal user, only the phone
no. will be editable and he can't see the delete button.
Is it possible using portal feature ?
Any suggestion is welcome.

Not that I know of. If you'd like to eloborate on the feature you're
building I can log an enhancement request for you.
Daniel Selman
"sudarson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:3c5f698e$[email protected]..
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the reply. I think, I should elaborate my query.
Yeah, programattically we can do the stuff. But my question is that isthere any
such feature in weblogic portal so that in stead of using is UserInRoleand doing
it programatically, we can do it thru portal, thus having bettermaintainability.
"Daniel Selman" <[email protected]> wrote:
Yes this is possible. You can programmatically check the logged in user's
role within your JSP and react accordingly (all standard J2EE). You
do this with caution however as you could quickly create a maintenance
problem for yourself. Declarative security externalizes all security
settings (groups. permissions etc.) away from application code and is
usually to be preferred.
Programmatic security through EJB mechanisms such as the SessionContext
isCallerInRole and getCallerPrincipal methods and web-tier methods
getRemoteUser, isUserInRole and getUserPrincipal.
Daniel Selman
"sudarson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:3c5e81cf$[email protected]..
Hi All,
Is it possible to show or hide ceratin text box or buttons dependingon
the security
role of the user ? Let's suppose we have screen with buttons update,delete. Now
we want that when a administrator logs in he will see a screen withdata
in editable
text boxes and update and delete button. In case of normal user, onlythe
no. will be editable and he can't see the delete button.
Is it possible using portal feature ?
Any suggestion is welcome.

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    Hi all,
    How can show i multiple row values into one text box. here text box is multi line type.
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    my sample code here,
    --:block3.txt_to := :parameter.p_current_user||''||':'||:block3.txt_From;
    -- go_item('txt_from');
    insert into chat(fromid,toid,content)values(:block3.fromid,:block3.toid,:block3.txt_From);
    :block3.txt_From:= null;
    :block3.txt_to := :parameter.p_current_user||''||':'||:block3.txt_From;
    cursor c4 is select content from chat where toid = :block3.fromid;
    rec1 c4%rowtype;
    open c4;
    fetch c4 into rec1;
    exit when c4%notfound;
    end loop;
    --select content into :block3.txt_to from chat where toid= :block3.fromid;
    please give me some tips to solve it.

    Try giving CHR(10) for line feed.
         Str_Temp VARCHAR2(20);
         :BLOCK3.TXT_TO := '';
         OPEN C4;
              FETCH C4 INTO Str_Temp;
              EXIT WHEN C4%NOTFOUND;
              :BLOCK3.TXT_TO := :BLOCK3.TXT_TO || CHR(10) || Str_Temp;
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE C4;
    If this answer is helpful or correct, please mark it. Thanks.

  • Declarative security of servlet- html view changes depending upon  the role ??

              Hi All,
              There is acl for ejb methods and we can restrict roles to use certain
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    Servlet security is defined in the context of the web application containing
              the servlet, and web app security provides for the declarative protection of
              resources like servlets, jsps and html pages; so the answer is no.
              sudarson wrote:
              > Hi All,
              > There is acl for ejb methods and we can restrict roles to use certain
              > methods of the bean. Now my question is that
              > Is something possible in a declarative fashion so that user can have
              > certain options enabled and certain disabled in the jsp/servlet output
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              > For example, let suppose we have a servlet MyServlet that creates an
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              > and verything in declarative fashion ?
              > Any suggestion is welcome.
              > TIA,
              > Sudarson

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    I have a series of checkboxes on a form (each of which requires some additional information to be entered) and a series of text boxes further down the page to house any necessary detailed information. 
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    Here is the script I'm using on the checkboxes to achieve what I'm getting now:
    var useSet = this.getField("Set").value;
    var clrSet = this.getField("Clr").value;
    var useType = useSet + ".type";
    var clrType = clrSet + ".type";
    if (this.getField("CheckboxName").value != "Off") {
        this.getField(useType).value = "Check Box Desription";
        this.getField(useSet).display = display.visible;
    else if (this.getField("CheckboxName").value == "Off") {
        this.getField(clrType).value = "";
        this.getField(clrSet).display = display.hidden;
    and here is the script for the hidden boxes that determine what sets are filled and what sets are cleared and hidden:
    Custom Calculation Script for "Set":
    var sOne = this.getField("Act1.type").value.length;
    var sTwo = this.getField("Act2.type").value.length;
    var sThr = this.getField("Act3.type").value.length;
    var sFour = this.getField("Act4.type").value.length;
    var sFive = this.getField("Act5.type").value.length;
    var sSix = this.getField("Act6.type").value.length;
    var sSev = this.getField("Act7.type").value.length;
    if (sOne == 0) {event.value = "Act1"}
    else if (sTwo == 0) {event.value = "Act2"}
    else if (sThr == 0) {event.value = "Act3"}
    else if (sFour == 0) {event.value = "Act4"}
    else if (sFive == 0) {event.value = "Act5"}
    else if (sSix == 0) {event.value = "Act6"}
    else {event.value = "Act7"}
    Custom Calculation Value for "Clr":
    var cOne = this.getField("Act1.type").value.length;
    var cTwo = this.getField("Act2.type").value.length;
    var cThr = this.getField("Act3.type").value.length;
    var cFour = this.getField("Act4.type").value.length;
    var cFive = this.getField("Act5.type").value.length;
    var cSix = this.getField("Act6.type").value.length;
    var cSev = this.getField("Act7.type").value.length;
    if (cSev != 0) {event.value = "Act7"}
    else if (cSix != 0) {event.value = "Act6"}
    else if (cFive != 0) {event.value = "Act5"}
    else if (cFour != 0) {event.value = "Act4"}
    else if (cThr != 0) {event.value = "Act3"}
    else if (cTwo != 0) {event.value = "Act2"}
    else {event.value = "Act1"}

    Hi Andi,
    Please consider the following “solution” too.
    An indicator can be considered a variable in JavaScript.
    If P is an indicator, m(P) refers to the value of the indicator.
    Data for Control
    There are four checkboxes: C0, C1, C2 and C3.
    There is an indicator for each checkbox: CP0, CP1, CP2 and CP3.
    If checkbox Ci is checked then checkbox indicator CPi has the value i+1; in other words, m(CPn) = i+1. If checkbox Ci is not checked then checkbox indicator CPi has the value 0; in other words, m(CPn) = 0.
    There are four sets of detail fields: A0, A1, A2 and A3.
    There is a detail fields indicator for each detail fields: AP0, AP1, AP2 and AP3. If detail fields Ak have the details for the checked checkbox Ci then APk has the value i+1; in other words, m(APk) = i+1. If detail fields Ak do not have any details for any of the checked or unchecked checkbox then APk has the value 0; in other words, m(APk) = 0.
    The sets of detail fields are organized in sequence. The “top” or “first” set is AP0. It is followed by AP1. Then followed by AP2. The “bottom” or “last” set is AP3.
    Consider an example with one checkbox selected. In this case m(CP2) = 3; m(AP0) = 3; m(CPi) = 0 for i=0, 1, 3; and m(APk) = 0 for k=0, 1, 3. See the following diagram too (see Figure 1).
    Events, Processes and Additional Data for Control
    Computation begins when a user event is captured by the system (such as a mouse up event in an AcroForm field like a button or a checkbox).
    Checking Process
    If a checkbox is checked (TNj), it is noted with an indicator (P0).
    Shift Process
    Given a noted checkbox, the search for a candidate set of detail fields to use for the noted checkbox begins.
    The first candidate is the bottom of the sequence. This is also the current candidate, k. Thus k=3.
    The current candidate is remembered by marking (TSk,j) the detail fields indicator (APk).
    If k=0 then the shift process ends and the current candidate is the candidate.
    If k > 0 and m(APk-1) = 0, the current candidate becomes APk-1 and step 8c is repeated.
    If k > 0 and m(APk-1) != 0, then the shift process ends and the current candidate is the candidate.
    Unchecking Process
    If m(CPi) != 0 and m(CPi) = m(APk), then the checkbox can be unchecked (TRk,i).
    Shift Process
    If m(APk)=0 and m(APk+1) > 0 then shift (TSk,m(APk+1)). At the end of this shift, m(APk) > 0 and m(APk+1) = 0. Let k = k + 1.
    If m(APk+1)>0 then repeat 9a. If m(APk+1)=0 then the shifting process ends.
    Last Events and Proceses
    Details fields can be initialized (TIk,j) and displayed (TDk,j) or cleared (TCk,j) and hidden (THk,j). These actions depend only on m(APk). However it would be a good idea to trigger these functions right after a shift process ends and on affected details fields.
    Process Diagram of One Checked Checkbox
    Figure 1 is a process model of the checkbox process with one checked checkbox.
    Figure 1 Checkbox Process Model

  • Showing RSS feed in Dynamic Text box (with hyperlink)

    Hi all -
    I am currently trying to pull RSS data into a project for my first time and am trying to get 3 (potentially 4) boxes filled with rss data that will be updated. So far, I am going with Actionscript 3. So far I have the code below, but it puts data in a listbox. What is the easiest way to put the data in three dynamic text boxes inside a movie clip, so I have one for the title, one for description and one for link (shown as 'read more' text but a link using the url from the rss value)?
    I am really banging my head against the wall on this one and want to get it sorted asap, so any help would be GREATLY appreciated! I have also attached an image to show what I am trying to do:
    I also want to know if it's possible to show rss values only if they exist. For example, my xml feed currently only has 3 items that change, and i will be assigning these to boxes, but is it possible to display a fourth if it exists, and if it doesn't it just shows the first?
    My code so far:
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
    var xml:XML;
    function onLoaded(e:Event):void
        xml = new XML(;
        var il:XMLList =};
    loader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.rssfeedhere.xml"));

    you would create a movieclip (exported for actionscript and class = rssItem) with 3 textfields and the display shown in your message and use something like:
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
    var xml:XML;
    function onLoaded(e:Event):void
        xml = new XML(;
        var il:XMLList =};
        for(var i:uint=0;i<il.length();i++){
            var mc:rssItem = new rssItem();
            mc.x = 300*i%2;
            mc.y = 300*Math.floor(i/2);
            mc.titleTF.text = il[i].title.text();
            mc.descriptionTF.text = il[i].description.text();
            mc.readmoreTF.text = ?
    loader.load(new URLRequest(http://www.rssfeedhere.xml));

  • Creating radio buttons and text box in the screen

    Hi Guys,
    Need help asap. I am writing a report and I have to create text box for user to input GL account numbers for two types of customer. I have to make these fields required and take the data back from the screen and write it in a file. The second thing that I have to do is to make radio buttons for the user to select whether he wants the file written on the application server or the presentation server. and process the report accordingly. Now can somebody please given some code and tell me how I should do this. Both the things have to be done for the same report. Please help.

    TABLES: likp,
    TYPES: Begin of ty_likp,
           vbeln like likp-vbeln,
         end of ty_likp.
    TYPES: Begin of ty_lips,
           vbeln like lips-vbeln,
           posnr like lips-posnr,
         end of ty_lips.
    DATA:  i_likp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_likp,
           i_lips TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_lips,
           w_lips TYPE ty_lips,
           w_likp TYPE ty_likp.
    SELECT-OPTIONS:  s_delno FOR likp-vbeln,
                     s_type  FOR likp-lfart,
                     s_ship  FOR likp-vstel,
                     s_date  FOR likp-erdat.
    SELECT vbeln
             FROM likp INTO TABLE i_likp
             WHERE vbeln IN s_delno
             AND   lfart IN s_type
             AND   vstel IN s_ship
             AND   erdat IN s_date.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE i000 WITH text-002.
        " No valid deliveries for the selection parameters entered.
      IF NOT i_likp[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT vbeln
               FROM lips INTO TABLE i_lips
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_likp
               WHERE vbeln = i_likp-vbeln.
    format color 1 on intensified on.
      WRITE: /01(46) 'Following are the Hanging Deliveries/Invoices:'.
    format color off intensified off.
    format color 1 on.
      WRITE:  SY-ULINE(27).
      WRITE: /1       SY-VLINE,
              3(12)    'Document No.',
              16      SY-VLINE,
              17(8)  'Item No.',
              27      SY-VLINE.
    write:/1 sy-ULINE(27).
    format color off.
      sort i_lips by vbeln posnr.
      LOOP AT i_lips INTO w_lips.
          Read table i_likp into w_likp with key
                            vbeln = w_lips-vbeln
                            posnn = w_lips-posnr.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
          format color 2 on.
             WRITE: /1   sy-vline,
                    3(12)  w_lips-vbeln,
                    16  sy-vline,
                    17(8)  w_lips-posnr,
                    27  sy-vline.
            write:/1 sy-uline(27).
            format color off.
            clear w_lips.
    Try this one with ur own example.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Text flow into one or two column text boxes depending on the number of text lines

    Question InDesignCS3
    Is it possible to let text flow into one or two column textboxes depending on the number of text lines?
    Example 1)
    --Default text box--|
    | Text line 1 |
    | Text line 2 |
    | Text line 3 |
    | Text line 4 |
    ------------------- |
    If there are more than 4 text lines in the in the text box, this box has to become a two column box. like example 2
    example 2)
    |Text line 1 | Text line 4 |
    |Text line 2 | Text line 5 |
    |Text line 3 | Text line 6 |

    if (myTextFrame.lines > 4) {
    myTextFrame.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 2;
    } else {
    myTextFrame.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 1;

  • How to populate a default value in Text box depending on Poplist selection

    We have a requirement to populate a default value in a Text Box when user chooses a value from poplist (of type MessageChoice adjacent to the Text Box). This page is a Oracle Seeded Page. I understand that this is not possible using personalization. Can please someone guide me as to how should we proceed for this.

    Can I add PPR event to the standard page?
    YesAlso Can I change the Controller code of the standard page to catch the PPR event?
    You need not change the controller, you can extend the controller!Although Oracle discourages extension of controller, but as of now there is no other alternative! These controller extensions will mostly survive upgrades, as Oracle won't be removing all base controller classes.Is it allowed to make changes in standard XML page and import it once again?
    No, standard UIXML should not be changed. But y would u need that, you cando the Ui changes with personlization and if needed programitically in process request method of controller, by takeing control on that particular bean!
    I hope i have resolved your queries.

  • Acrobat Pro 9, blank lines in text boxes vanish upon save

    Since I upgraded from Acrobat Pro 8 to 9, whenever I put blank lines in a text box, the blank lines disappear as soon as the PDF is saved.
    Here's an example:
    - Open a PDF file
    - Click on text box tool in the toolbar (or from menu Comments->Comments and markup Tool->Text box tool
    - Draw a box on the PDF page somewhere
    - Enter "First line", then hit Return twice to add a blank line below, enter "Second line"
    - Right now my text box contains two lines of text separated by a blank line
    - Hit save
    - Blank line vanishes in the text box. Now the two text lines are on adjacent rows.
    This did not happen in either Acrobat Pro 7 or 8. I've been using textboxes consistently for years without this silly behavior.
    Any suggestions? I've looked through forums and knowledge bases and such to no avail.
    I have acrobat pro version 9.0.0 running on XPSP3.

    Hello Petros,
    I figured out how to make this work, at least on my computer.  Hold CTRL key and hit ENTER.  This leaves the space.  Hope this works for you.

  • Redirecting user to acustom page depending on security role after glassfish

    I have a JSF application using glassfish authentication mechanism. I'm planning to use a jdbc realm and form based authentication (I'm using a jsp page to get username and password) . I have 3 different user roles (student, admin and staff)
    However I cannot find how to redirect a user to a different page (Ex: staff report page if the logged in user is in the security role staff). I have configured sun-web.xml and web.xml to map the roles and groups. The problem is after authentication the user is always redirected back to the home page, which is the login page. I understand this is how the glassfish authentication works by default. But is there a way to navigate the user to a different page depending on his role.
    I'm new to EJB security. Please help me on this subject. Thanks a lot in advance.

    Check this blog post, which provides an alternate solution (You can choose the best possible solution based on your use-case).

  • Problem in populating 2nd combo box depending upon the selection of 1st

    Hi all,
    I have 2 combo boxes on my jsp page ,say continent and country . obviously the data in 2nd box is dependant on selection made in the 1st . I'm using MySQL with tomcat 5.0.7 . and JSP.
    The first combo box in one form and the 2nd in another. After submitting first i 'm populating the second combo also.
    But the problem is after submitting the first form the page gets refreshing and i can't see the selected continent in the first combo box.
    The javascript code used follows:
    function callCapture(form)
    var item = continent.cmbContinent.selectedIndex;[item].value;
    some one pls help me asap !

    Hi Reegz,
    that's what i'm also doing and i'm successfull till populating the second combo box but how do I keep the previous inputs on the page and reload the page based on the change of a selection box?
    Is their any mistake in the javascript code:
    Here is the code:
    function callCapture(form)
    var item = continent.cmbContinent.selectedIndex;[item].value;
    Pls help me...

  • How to disable and enable Check box based upon condition

    I wants to disable/hide the check box field before the required field is filled.   Kindly help me

    Hi Mohammed,
    Try to use customize InfoPath form, add rules. Go to list tab, click customize Form, then this opens the list form in InfoPath
    1.Select the check box field control, click add rules, select if is blank, show validation error action.
    2.Then go to conditions, click column name is blank, change it to the required column you want.
    3.Go to rule type, click validation, change it to formatting, select hide this control.
    4.Publish the InfoPath form.
    Best Regards.
    Kelly Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • OBIEE 11g: How to enable a filter dependent upon another filter

    Suppose I have two date fields and date1 is filtered over a range and date2 should always be between date1 - 2 and date1. How to enable a filter in this manner? Please advise.

    Try to see that you can do it using 'Limit values by'
    Or else try to port date2 logic in report, since all prompts end up with report.
    Is there any specific reason for date2 values in prompt?

  • Giving Text boxes the properties of buttons they are on top of?

    I am trying to create buy now buttons in adobe muse. But when I set my various roll overs for each button, the text box over rides it in preview mode. Is there a way to embeed the text into the button to give it the buttons properties? the roll over works fine on the outter edges of the button but once i hit the text box it goes away and i also lose the link. thanks!

    It sounds like you have a text frame on top of another page item: a rectangle, image, or a "Photoshop" button.
    You should be able to the eliminate these page items and style the text frames themselves as buttons.
    You can apply the standard attributes (stroke/fill/background image/rounded corners/opacity etc.) to text frames and use different state-specific values for each.
    For a future release, we are considering implementing a widget that imparts its state (e.g., rollover) to all the contained page items.

  • How to get multiple row values in one text box while clicking one row from grid?

    hi friends,
               i am working on flex4 web application i am using  one datagrid ,it have two records(bills),one button and one text box.
    customername      salesrepname   receipt no      amount
    venkat                         raj                         1102          10000
    ramu                          ramesh                   1102         20000
    here both receipt no is i want to select one of this receipt and click pay button which is place in outside the grid.
    now my need is after click the pay button in text box i need 10000+20000=30000,after click that button i want both receipts should be invisible...'
    how i will do this,
    any suggession,

    One way with 10g:
    select mgr,
           rtrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(empno,empno||',').extract('//text()')),',')  emps
    from emp
    where mgr is not null
    group by mgr;10g:
    -- define this function:
    create or replace
    function concatenate(c Sys_refcursor, sep varchar2 default null) return varchar2
      val varchar2(100);
      return_value varchar2(4000);
    --  open c;
      fetch c into val;
      exit when c%notfound;
      if return_value is null then
      end if;
      end loop;
      return return_value;
    select mgr,
           concatenate(cursor(select empno from emp e where e.mgr=emp.mgr order by empno),',')
    from emp
    where mgr is not null
    group by mgr;With 11g:
    select mgr,
           listagg(empno,',') within group (order by empno) emps
    from emp
    where mgr is not null
    group by mgr;

Maybe you are looking for