Shutdown with normal option

I have issued a command 'Shutdown normal' as Internal. It is not able to shutdown the oracle server. How do I stop as I don't know who are connected. It is waiting from long time.

I have issued a command 'Shutdown normal' as Internal. It is not able to shutdown the oracle server. How do I stop as I don't know who are connected. It is waiting from long time.

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    Thanks Drew!   You have some great thoughts there. Perhaps I should provide a clearer environment of each high school(4). All classrooms have a lock down Windows environment. (There are no Macs any where in any classrooms.) The mini-tower will be the only Mac on each high school campus. we're in Dell country. The desktops are locked in such a way that only the ghosted/installed software on each hard drive works and no other software can be installed. USB sticks can't run any exe, jar, or other executable file. Even the other drives on the network can't run them. This has been setup to prevent students from bringing games into the environment and running them. Only the single classroom in each high school, where Web Tech is taught, has a ftp tool installed. Students cannot bring and use their own laptops either. So there really isn't any stray ftp activity happening. You cannot "ftp" out of the network! And there is only the one Mac available per campus.  All this makes it certainly easier to maintain for sure. I am the only user in the school district they let run a personal laptop...mine has Ubuntu (tweaked).  My knowledge of Linux has led them to assign this project to me. They are MS based entirely and so is their knowledge base.
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         Remove/delete students as needed
         (I'll pre-install cgi-bin scripts on these to keep it simpler on the other teachers and myself.)
    With this in mind, you can see why a basic script or single command line to install these students would be great! I want to keep it simple to avoid mistakes the teachers might make adding users. Once I understand adding a user (in a terminal) better on a Mac, I may write a script to make it happen for them.
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    I hope this clear things up. Any help is much appreciated.    THANKS!!!

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    Sybrand Bakker
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    Hello .
    Some NLS charsets (such as UTF8) require more than one byte to store accented characters like "Ȩ", "ȿ", "�", "�", "ȵ", "ȭ" in the database.
    For example, when a 10 character string is inserted into a varchar2(10) column, the above messages may be signaled if your string contains accentuated characters such as "Ȩ", "ȿ", "�", �", "ȵ", "ȭ". used in languages like German
    One solution
    If the UTF8 NLS charset is being used with French, German ... characters in an Oracle database, then the size of the target column length should be set accordingly.
    Set the NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_CHARACTERSET database parameters.
    One approach is to change the Database settings as follows:
    According to the Oracle documentation, column length semantics determine whether the length of a column is specified in bytes or in characters. You use BYTE to specify that the length is in bytes, and you use CHAR to specify that the length is in characters. CHAR length semantics is also known as codepoint length semantics.
    Because some character sets require more than one byte for each character, a specification of 10 BYTE for a column might actually store less than 10 characters for certain character sets, but a 10 CHAR specification ensures that the column can store 10 characters, regardless of the character set.
    You set the length semantics for an Oracle database using the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS initialization parameter, and all VARCHAR2 and CHAR columns use the setting specified for this initialization parameter as the default. If this initialization parameter is not set, then the default setting is BYTE.
    Edited by: Mortus on Jun 28, 2011 2:57 PM

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    your MacBook Pro has booted into its Recovery mode. From the OS X Utilities menu, select Disk Utility. On the left-hand side of the Disk Utility window, select your internal disk’s boot partition (typically called “Macintosh HD”). On the right-hand side, press the Verify Disk button if it’s not greyed out; if it is greyed out, or if it reports that errors were found, press the Repair Disk button. Once the verification/repair is completed, exit Disk Utility and select Restart from the Apple menu to restart in normal mode. Does it get to the login screen now?

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    macbook pro, 2.4ghz intel core i5, 8gb
    mac os 10.6.8

    There is a small internal battery that needs to be replaced.
    Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider. You may have to leave the machine there for several days.
    Back up all data on the internal drive(s) before you hand over your computer to anyone. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional—ask if you need guidance.
    If privacy is a concern, erase the data partition(s) with the option to write zeros* (do this only if you have at least two complete, independent backups, and you know how to restore to an empty drive from any of them.) Don’t erase the recovery partition, if present.
    Keeping your confidential data secure during hardware repair
    Apple also recommends that you deauthorize a device in the iTunes Store before having it serviced.
    *An SSD doesn't need to be zeroed.

  • ORA-10827: database must be opened with MIGRATE option

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    oradim -new -sid PROD -intpwd Oracle -startmode a -pfile C:\oracle\OraDb\Neuropace\initPROD.ORA.
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    Any pointers?.

    You must not open normally your database after an upgrade, in short the method is
    1) startup migrate
    2) run the upgrade script (which one depends on your old database version)
    For step-by-step instructions see
    'alter database open resetlogs migrate' is only applicable to upgrades from version 7 to 9.2, hopefully your database is not corrupted now.

  • Innput field with Select option on custom screen

    I need to create an Input field with Select Option(No interval) button on Custom dialog screen .
    Is there any idea how can I create it on screen ?

    create a normal inputfield and place an icon next to it. then in the pai on click of that button use the following code.
    data: wf_tab_field like rstabfield occurs 0 with header line ,
          wf_exl_opt like rsoptions .
    refresh: wf_tab_field  .
        move: 'KOSTL' to wf_tab_field-fieldname ,
              'CSKS' to wf_tab_field-tablename .
        append wf_tab_field .
        clear wf_tab_field .
        move: 'X' to wf_exl_opt-bt ,
              'X' to wf_exl_opt-cp ,
              'X' to wf_exl_opt-ge ,
              'X' to wf_exl_opt-gt ,
              'X' to wf_exl_opt-le ,
              'X' to wf_exl_opt-lt ,
              'X' to wf_exl_opt-nb ,
              'X' to wf_exl_opt-np .
           title                   = 'Select Cost Centers'
           text                    = 'Cost Center'
    *         SIGNED                  = 'X'
    *         LOWER_CASE              = ' '
    *         NO_INTERVAL_CHECK       = ' '
    *         JUST_DISPLAY            = ' '
    *         JUST_INCL               = ' '
            excluded_options        = wf_exl_opt
    *         DESCRIPTION             =
            help_field              = 'CSKS-KOSTL'
    *          SEARCH_HELP             = 'KOST'
            tab_and_field           = wf_tab_field
            range                   = r_kostl
           no_range_tab            = 1
           cancelled               = 2
           internal_error          = 3
           invalid_fieldname       = 4
           others                  = 5
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
        if not r_kostl[] is initial .
          read table r_kostl index 1 .
          if sy-subrc eq 0 .
            move: r_kostl-low to wf_t_kostl .
          endif .
        endif .
    wf_t_kostl  is the screen field name.

  • Iphoto keeps crashing, even when starting with command-option,

    does anybody have an idea ???? tried the normal steps, with the disk permission, deleten plist, and tried twice to start with command-option...
    here is the crash-log....
    thanx, magdonnellen
    Mac OS X Version 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
    2011-01-03 08:12:59 +0100
    2011-01-03 08:13:01.541 SystemUIServer[79] lang is:en
    Main starting with pid 84 parent pid 60
    2011-01-03 08:13:04.718 Skype[84] SkypeApplication::init called
    2011-01-03 08:13:05.792 Skype[84] ChatCpntroller::loadWebViewHistory: could not load chat web view history, error (null)
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.533 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.601 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.602 iPhoto[179] Unable to export /Users/maggie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2004/01/07/CIMG1023.JPG
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.602 iPhoto[179] IPPhotoInfo::buildThumbnail failed
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.668 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.733 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.734 iPhoto[179] Unable to export /Users/maggie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2004/01/07/CIMG1024.JPG
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.734 iPhoto[179] IPPhotoInfo::buildThumbnail failed
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.800 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.939 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.940 iPhoto[179] Unable to export /Users/maggie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2004/01/07/CIMG1025.JPG
    2011-01-03 08:17:42.940 iPhoto[179] IPPhotoInfo::buildThumbnail failed
    2011-01-03 08:17:43.004 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:43.066 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:43.067 iPhoto[179] Unable to export /Users/maggie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2004/01/07/CIMG1026.JPG
    2011-01-03 08:17:43.067 iPhoto[179] IPPhotoInfo::buildThumbnail failed
    2011-01-03 08:17:44.520 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:44.595 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:44.596 iPhoto[179] Unable to export /Users/maggie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2003/12/31/CIMG0948.JPG
    2011-01-03 08:17:44.596 iPhoto[179] IPPhotoInfo::buildThumbnail failed
    2011-01-03 08:17:51.322 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:51.405 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:17:51.406 iPhoto[179] Unable to export /Users/maggie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2004/01/07/CIMG0965.JPG
    2011-01-03 08:17:51.406 iPhoto[179] IPPhotoInfo::buildThumbnail failed
    2011-01-03 08:18:15.596 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:18:15.662 iPhoto[179] Can't make new movie: -2048
    2011-01-03 08:18:15.663 iPhoto[179] Unable to export /Users/maggie/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2003/02/26/108-0885_IMG.JPG
    2011-01-03 08:18:15.663 iPhoto[179] IPPhotoInfo::buildThumbnail failed
    2011-01-03 09:54:58.086 Mail[207] WebKit Threading Violation - -[WebArchive initWithData:] called from secondary thread
    2011-01-03 09:54:58.087 Mail[207] Additional threading violations for this function will not be logged.
    2011-01-03 09:54:58.262 Mail[207] WebKit Threading Violation - -[WebArchive data] called from secondary thread
    2011-01-03 09:54:58.262 Mail[207] Additional threading violations for this function will not be logged.
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * vm_allocate(size=875970560) failed (error code=3)
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * error: can't allocate region
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * vm_allocate(size=842350592) failed (error code=3)
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * error: can't allocate region
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * vm_allocate(size=842350592) failed (error code=3)
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * error: can't allocate region
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * vm_allocate(size=300077056) failed (error code=3)
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * error: can't allocate region
    iPhoto(179,0xa000ed88) malloc: * set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
    Jan 3 10:23:16 marguerite-donlons-powerbook58 crashdump[215]: iPhoto crashed
    Jan 3 10:23:30 marguerite-donlons-powerbook58 crashdump[215]: crash report written to: /Users/maggie/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/iPhoto.crash.log

    That's not the crash log, it's some Console messages. Have a look here
    for the Crash log.

  • Problems with using Option key when starting up

    I have 3 internal drives using a PCI card (2 slots) that allows me to use large drives with more capacity than stock allowance on my G4 Quicksilver 867 mhz 1.5 GB RAM tower.
    All drives are Seagate Baracudas ATA: 2-400GBs and 1-200GB. I bought the 400s at the same time.
    My main drive has OSX 10.4.11 (#1), and it is backed up to Baracuda #2 (400GB) which is a slave to my Main drive (using SuperDuper All files for a mirror bootable copy). The 3rd drive has Leopard 10.5.1 for learning and trying Leopard.
    On the second PCI slot is the smaller 200GB Baracuda.
    After backing up using SuperDuper (Main to #2) as a mirror, I see #2 in the Apple > Prefs > Start Up Disk.
    After the first backup I can see all 3 drives when using Option key at startup, but instead of seeing the names of each drive under the normal hard disk icons, #2 has a SCSI icon underneath the hard drive icon, it's name (Mac BU) is missing and I can't start up to it. The other #1 and #3 looked as expected. I chose #1, it launched, fine.
    On second backup, #2 is still in Prefs > Start up Disk panel, but this time doesn't show up on when using the Option key at start up. I have replicated this, but erasing #2, rebacking up twice.
    With only the #1 and #3 drives showing at start up with Option key and #1 selected in the Start up Disk panel, I chose #3 (Leopard) in the Option window view, and my G4 froze at the gray apple screen. I hard shut downed, powered up and the G4 defaulted to Main (10.4.11)
    I selected #3 Leopard in Prefs > Start Up Disk, restarted OK.
    I restarted with the Option key (only #1 and #3 show) and now my main drive didn't have it's name only the SCSI icon under the normal hard disk icon like #3 was doing. UGH!
    Nervously, I chose #3 with Leopard and the G4 started up to it OK.
    I then reselected my Main #1 drive in the Start Up Disk panel, restarted to #1 OK.
    OK, problems summary:
    1) I can't use SuperDuper to create a blessed bootable #2 drive at Option start up, but I mention this for more info about a possible problem at Option startup, more than I want comment on SuperDuper potential bug / conflict.
    2) I didn't try choosing #3 in the Start Up Disk panel, as I was affraid the G4 would freeze and then I might not be able to select either of the other #1 or #3 at Option start up as something is wrong with using Option key start up, and #3 would have been selected in Start Up Panel, which I was afraid I might not be able to get to again.
    2) When I start up either of #1 or #3, I get momentary black screens after the gray apple screen at Option key start up and then again after the apple progress bar. This doesn't happen when I start up directly either drive when the drives are selected using the Start Up Disk panel
    When using the Option startup, I am experiencing the above problems.
    Whew, I know, but does anyone have any input and fixes?
    Thanks, in advance,

    Hi Dave.
    Well... good news / bad news
    Turns out, I have an Acard 6280M and have 3 drives connected to it as mentioned (#1 & 2 are mirrored using SuperDuper with 10.5.1, #3 is a clean install off a new Apple OSX disk 10.5, then updated to 10.5.1)
    I also have a Firewire external drive, that I used SuperDuper to make it a mirror of #1, using the same procedure backing up #1 to #2, to test SuperDuper.
    The firmware update directions tells you to start up off a drive not on the PCI card, I used #4.
    While running off #1, I selected #4 in the Start Up disk pref and it booted OK! This seems to rule out SuperDuper being the problem - of creating a mirror from #1 to #2 (both on the Acard) and then not seeing #2 in the Option key boot screen.
    I applied the firmware, which directs you to first update the Acard driver to 2.06, which is included in the folder with the firmware updater.
    I did this and then applied the firmware updater.
    I then applied the driver upgrade to drives #1 and #2 (10.4.11) while running off #4. I did not apply the driver update to #3 (10.5.1) and restarted, using Option key.
    All 4 drives appeared successfully on screen as expected with their names!
    Then I selected each drive one by one:
    #1 = kernal panic. Hard shut down, used Option key again
    #2 = kernal panic, same as #1
    #3 = froze at gray Apple screen - no spinning gear. Hard shut down.
    Tthankfully, left Start Up disk pref to be #4 external and on restart, let the system boot off without going to the Option screen. #4 booted OK. Whew...
    So all 3 drives on the Acard, won't boot. I was concerned it was the 2.06 driver, but since it wasn't applied to #3 Leopard drive, I'm assuming the firmware is the issue and perhaps not compatible with 10.4.11 or 10.5.1?
    Two things I've not tried:
    1) With #4 selected in Sys Prefs, then using Option key and selecting #4 there too to see if using the Option key selector is a problem too.
    2) Selecting any of #1, #2, or #3 drives in Sys Prefs and restarting without Option key selector.
    My fear is that if my last working drive #4 isn't the default drive set in Sys Prefs, if Acard isn't the problem alone and there is also a problem selecting any drive using the Option key - even #4, then if #4 isn't the default and all 3 Acard drives panic on regular boot (non-Option key) and I have to hard restart, will keep defaulting to whatever drive I set in the Sys Prefs and not be able to get back to #4.
    Should I just go to my local computer store and see if they have a newer model PCI card and trash my existing one as I may have ruined it with the firmware updater?

  • I have an issue with disappearing option for 1920x1080 in Preferences / Displays.

    Recently updated to 10.9 - have all updates installed - Mid 2010 iMac 21.5.
    I have an issue with disappearing option for 1920x1080 in Preferences / Displays. - After overnight shutdown, my iMac woke up and the screen resolution of my 2nd was set at 800 x 600 - the display a Samsung S22B150 was previously working properly at 1920 x 1080.  This option is no longer available in the system preferences - highest resolution available 1600 x 1200.
    I use my mMac for Photography and use the second monitor for the interface, leaving the iMac screen as a full work area for the photos.
    I have tried:
    Power down Monitor & restart
    Shutdown & restart
    Shutdown & restart in Safe Boot Mode (options same in Prefs)
    Power down Monitor & restart in Safe Boot Mode
    Ran Disc Utility - Repaired Permissions, verified both HDD & Mac OSX
    Udated Pram
    I am now at a loss, I guess I could try a recovery, and download/install  Mavericks again, but do not wish to do this if I can help it.
    I have searched the net to see if there are any Terminal commands to enable the resolution, but can find nothing.
    Anyone out there have any ideas, please.

    Back up all data. Quit System Preferences if it's running.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it, then copy the text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar. Paste into the box that opens (command-V), then press return. A folder should open. If it does, look for a file with a long name that begins "". There may be several such files. Move them to the Trash.

  • My macbook started crashing on startup. The startup tone wavers. I got it going with the option start keystroke. Is this apt to be software or hardware? I ordered new system software to see if a new install will solve.

    My macbook started crashing on startup. The startup tone wavers. I got it going with the option start keystroke. Is this apt to be software or hardware? I ordered new system software to see if a new install will solve.

    when you install the disc, do it with the machine powered off. Place the disc in the the slot, push it in while holding the power switch tp poer it up, while holding the "C" key down till the gear starts spinning. After the gear starts spinning you can release the C key and wait. This takes much longer than normal longer, then create a new account. Be ready to wait.

  • ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option

    Dear buddies,
    I just opened my database : startup upgrade and it started up.
    But couldn't perform a backup.
    Should I be running pupbld?
    Could this problem be due to some opatch?
    Here is a part of my alert log:
    Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1050
    Current log# 3 seq# 1050 mem# 0: D:\ORACLE\DATA\MIG\LOG_03.DBF
    Successful open of redo thread 1
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:15 2010
    MTTR advisory is disabled because either FAST_START_IO_TARGET or LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL is set
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:15 2010
    SMON: enabling cache recovery
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\udump\mig_ora_1564.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database
    USER: terminating instance due to error 704
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\bdump\mig_pmon_3088.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\bdump\mig_reco_1868.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\bdump\mig_psp0_2624.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\bdump\mig_mman_3312.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\bdump\mig_dbw0_2304.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\bdump\mig_lgwr_552.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:16 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\bdump\mig_ckpt_2300.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    Wed Aug 11 13:35:17 2010
    Errors in file d:\oracle\admin\mig\bdump\mig_smon_2136.trc:
    ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
    Instance terminated by USER, pid = 1564
    ORA-1092 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE OPEN...
    Please comment.

    I just opened my database : startup upgrade and it started up.
    But couldn't perform a backup.As you said you have started the DB in upgrade mode and trying to take the backup of database. I think you can't take the backup of DB in upgrade mode.Please shut it down first and start up it in normal mode and do the backup.
    Which backup strategy you are following?
    What you exactly want to do upgrade the database or trying to take a bcakup?

  • Laptop shutdown with more than 20% battery left

    I am using HP pavilion DVD laptop with Windows 7 home premium edition on it. It was working absolutely fine till a few months back when it started shutting down automatically when on Battery. Even though the settings are quite correct in advance power options, it most of the times shutdown (with any prompt) when there is more than 20% of battery left.
    Any suggestions against this behaviour are more than welcome.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    The "13 months old" is the trigger for "time for a new battery" suggestion.
    And HP is wondering why HP PC division is faring miserably? I have had one and only one HP laptop in my life and that will be the last! 
    The laptop case is cheap plastic, imperfections in the case clearly visible, battery issues (exactly like the one mentioned above) right after the warranty is over (just after 12 months), the LONE screw supporting the display hinge falls off resulting in cracked case/loose hinge and MORE!
    Need i say more? 

  • Could not find the record specified with data_record option

    Hi, we've got the same error in a couple of templates, but have no idea what can be the cause or solution. Does anyone know where I should look when I got "Could not find the record specified with data_record option" as message?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Raf,
    That is what it normally is.  I thought it might be related to a multi-record form, like in this blog
    That blog does not really go into it, but if your "record" is not the directly under the <xfa:data> element then you need a <record> element under config/data to say what the node is, something like <record>Worker</record>.
    You error message sounded familiar but I have not been able to reproduce it, but then I've moved on a couple of versions of Designer.
    Is it possible for you to share your form and seed data?

Maybe you are looking for