SID Table

Hi Expert,
I have a question about SID table. What does that mean if SID = 0 in the corresponding SID table for the infoobject. Where is the value of infoobject stored?
Thanks & regards,

Hi Ronney,
I found there are only key figure & Dim-ID in the F table. In the SID table only SID. So where is the transaction value for the infoobject ? (e.g. infoobject Flag ='X' ,no master table). Where can I find the 'X'. Is that any background table to store it ?
Thanks & regards,

Similar Messages

  • How to delete obsolete entries in SID table

    I have an Infoobject (0PCA_ITEMNO)  without master data and is used in a DSO. The sid table of the info object and its index has grown very large to about 207 gB. The DSO is periodically selectively deleted to hold the last 3 months data. How can I delete the the old and unused sid table entries to reduce the size. wouldn't want to delete the SID table values using custom code. This would potentially cause inconsistencies because you may inadvertently delete a SID value that is located elsewhere in your environment.
    For example, if you have an InfoObject with SID value 1 for actual value of A1 and it's deleted. However, there is an InfoCube that has SID value 1 for this InfoObject in a dimension table.
    To remove the values from the SID table for this InfoObject, your best bet is to use RSRV as stated before.

  • Can we delete a single row in SID table?

    I am having a problem with conversion exit in SID table. 
    These are the error messages.
    Value in SID table is TPV; correct value is TPV; SID in SID table is 875
    Message no. RSRV200
    The following data record either has an incorrect internal format or the characteristic value that is in the correct format appears as a corrected value of another incorrect value:
    ·     Characteristic value: TPV
    ·     SID: 875
    ·     Correct characteristic value: (see below) TPV
    ·     SID after correction: 875
    Value in SID table is TPV 2008; correct value is TPV; SID in SID table is 2887
    Message no. RSRV200
    The following data record either has an incorrect internal format or the characteristic value that is in the correct format appears as a corrected value of another incorrect value:
    ·     Characteristic value: TPV 2008
    ·     SID: 2887
    ·     Correct characteristic value: (see below) TPV
    ·     SID after correction: 875
    Now the row with SID 875 is causing the problem. Is it possible that I can delete only this row in the SID table.
    Thanks for your help

    Procedure :
    RSA1>>>InfoObjects >>Right Click on InfoObject >>delete Master Data >> u can see the option of deleting SIDs............
    Otherwise........u can delete value from a SID table......u can use tcode delete the entries.........
    Check this......
    deleting contents of SID table.
    But still I will suggest u not to delete may lead to inconsistency of data.........
    Try to repair SId using the program : RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL or RSRV...........

  • How to look at sid tables generated for an ods?

    Hi all,
    There  is atrns code : listschema which enables to have a look of the sid tables generated for infocubes.
    Is there any trsn code where we can see the list of sid tables generated for ods. if not let me know the procedure how to look at the sid tables generated for ods.

    i think u will try like this:
    go to transaction code SE11
    BI: MEANS business defined
    C: customer
    0 : SAP defined
    A: Active data table of ods

  • Deleting data from SID Table

    I have deleted master data of an info object but it does not remove all the data from the SID table.
    I have selected with SID's option but not all data was removed.
    I am getting the error below when transporting
    "SID Table /BIC/ S2QKHITIND Contains Data : Characteristic ZQKHITIND Cannot be activated. "
    What needs to be done to get the charecteristic activated.

    Hi Selva,
    Thank you for the info. I have deleted data from all the infoproviders but still get the message
    The system is unable to delete all the master data as, because some of it is still in use.  (See log:
    Object RSDMD, sub-object MD_DEL )
    Do you want to delete the data records that are no longer in use?
    What does this mean. is it due to the query open in some place or something else.
    While I am not able to delete the SID table entries as the delete is not active. Please help.

  • Line item dimension wont insert sid values in infoobject sid table

    Hi all,
       I have a strange problem, whenever I load data into a cube which has a line item dimension on 0customer without first loading the master data I am getting inconsistency in RSRV saying that no corresponding DIMid exists in sid table.
    So there are Dimids in the fact table but the dimension table, which is same as the sid table in the the case of line item dimension, doesnt have them.
    Can someone explain me why is this happening?  I thought if a characteristic value doesnt exist in the master data but comes in through the transaction data it inserts the same in the sid table. 
    Is there a different rule for line item dimensions? Can someone point me to some OSS or documentation?

    Thanks all..
    To clear up a few questions:
    1. What I mean by <i>"So there are Dimids in the fact table but the dimension table, which is same as the sid table in the the case of line item dimension, doesnt have them"</i> is:
    the line item dimension table /bic/D<cubename>9 which is really a view on the sid table for characteristic /bic/s<ch. name> does have all the sid values (or all the dim values) as the fact table.
    So fact table has more entries for that dimension than the sid table.
    2. Yes we are facing reporting errors where we cannot drill down by that infoobject and LISTCUBE doesnt show us any cube data when that characteristic is chosen for display.
    3. I have checked notes where it seems to be a RSRV bug but in our case it doesnt seem to be as observed in the actual table mentioned in #1
    Now it is apparent that I am right both from link and what I am observing that for line item dimensions master data HAS TO BE LOADED FIRST for the characteristics used as a line item.

  • Need help on exact SIDs generation in different SID tables (S,Q & Y tables)

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    Matgroup is a time-dependent attribute to Material. MatGroup is included in material dimension of cube C01. Cube C01 is loading with transactional data, which has both fields, Material and MatGroup, with the option of generate master date.
    As a result..
    Material SID table (S table) - Get Updated
    MatGroup SID table (S table) - Get Updated
    Now the question is whether material master tables (Q & Y tables) contains the new Material - MatGroup relationships with their validity time interval or not. i.e. are attributes of master data tables (Q & Y tables) updated?
    Actually my requirement is I need to add the new time-dependent attribute to a characteristic, and I want it to be populated while transactional data loading into cube. Would to be possible? Please give the solution if it is possible.

    I am a bit confused. this also works without numbers in the C3 column.
    drop table tablea;
    drop table tableb;
    create table tablea as
    (select 1 C1,'B' C2, 'descA' C3 from dual union
    select 1, 'B', 'descB' from dual union
    select 2, 'x', 'descC' from dual union
    select 3, 'y', 'descC' from dual
    create table tableb as
    (select 1 C1,'B' C2, 'descC' C3 from dual union
    select 2, 'x', 'descB' from dual union
    select 3, 'y', 'descC' from dual
    merge into tableb t1
    using (
               select tablea.C1, tablea.C2, max(tablea.C3) C3
               from tablea, tableb
               where tablea.c1 = tableb.c1
               and     tablea.c2 = tableb.c2
               and     tablea.c3 != tableb.c3
               group by tablea.C1, tablea.C2) t2
      on (t1.C1 = t2.C1 and t1.C2 = t2.C2 )
    when matched  then
    set T1.C3 = t2.C3;
    select * from tableb;
    C1     C2     C3
    1     B     descB
    2     x     descC
    3     y     descC

  • Primary key in fact/Dimention/SID table?

    Hello sap gurus,
    2 Questions....
    Which is primary key in
    -Fact table (probably answer is .... combination of DIM_ID keys)
    -Dimention table ( probably answer is .... DIM_ID key)
    -SID table ( probably answer is .... SID_ID key)
    Thnx in advance

    You already have the answers. A very simple way to figure out the keys is to use the transaction LISTSCHEMA, it will list the tables in an Infocube. Once you have the tables , you can use se11/se12 to check the keys.
    For ODS information in BI 7, check the link below.
    For ODS information in BW 3.5 , check the link below

  • The attributes SID table(s) could not be filled

    I am trying to change an attribute to a navigational attribute for 0MAT_PLANT and I am receiving this error upon activation.  I have tried the following:
    1)  Deleting Master Data and reactivating
    2)  Program RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL
    3)  Activating in the background
    4)  Fill Attribute SID Table
    When I try to fill the attribute SID table, I get a SQL error.
    SQL Error: "/BI03503" in R3DBWDATA type *FILE not found. MSGI D= Job=753132/DBW00/WP14
    Can someone tell me how to correct this error?

    Likely there was data in these tables, and DB system can't adjust the table with changes you have done.
    If you can, try dropping all master data for the IOBJ and then reactivate.
    If this doesn't work or is not feasible, identify which table is having this issue (/BIxxxx), display it in SE11, go to utilities-->Database object --> Database utility; on the next screen try to do a Activate and Adjust Database (first with save data, and if unsuccessful then with Delete data option).

  • SID's of MD object not reflected in Attribute SID table

    Hello Experts,
    I happened to delete the SID table of a display attribute of a MD characteristic and then re-loaded the master data. The SID's for the MD object is being created, but no SID's exist for the display attribute. I have a query having the display attribute as selection criteria and no values are being populated.
    I ran an RSRV test (Elementary) for the display attribute Infoobject and it gave me the error 'Missing initial entry in table /BIC/SZ*. 'Correct Error' in RSRV didn't help.
    Could you please advise on fixing the issue and having the SID table for the display attribute populated?

    Go to Se14 and rebuild SID table or adjuct the entries .
    Then try to reload data to taht MD object.
    2. Run RSRV for that MD object with test type master data attributes
    Hope this helps.

  • Where clause on right side table of a left join

    I was told by someone that a where clause on the right side table of a left join is bad SQL.  I have looked around and found a great article for DB2.  I am not sure if this is 100% correct for SQL Server so would like to find a good detailed
    article on the topic.  
    Thank  you

    I was told by someone that a where clause on the right side table of a left join is bad SQL.  I have looked around and found a great article for DB2.  I am not sure if this is 100% correct for SQL Server so would like to find a good detailed
    article on the topic.  
    Thank  you
    I'm going to be blunt here so if you get offended easily please stop reading now.
    That has got to be some of the dumbest advice I've seen in a while.  Such a query serves a specific purpose, there's no good or bad to it.  Following is a classic example:
    select distinct
    from Customer as c
    left join Orders as o
    on c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
    and o.OrderDate > dateadd(day, -90, getdate())
    where o.CustomerID is null
    The above hypothetical query, which includes a where clause which targets the right table in a left join, returns all customers which have not placed an order in the past 90 days.  It's a perfectly valid query which serves a key business purpose and
    I challenge anyone to justify why they claim it is "bad SQL".
    Such a query will execute efficiently given appropriate indices.  There's simply no justification for such a blanket statement about where clauses and outer joins.

  • How SID table will get the data?

    Any one can please let me know, how the SID table will get the data. I am not able to trace.
    Thanks in Advance.

    SID will not have data it will only contains data
    when the masterdata loads it will also create corresponding SID's  which can be later used to link master data table to fact table

  • Mismatch between Master data table /BIC/P and SID table /BIC/S

    Hello All,
    in our master data table we have logsys in key
    after a system copy we had a problem with logsys name, when we have copied our bw prod system in test system we find prod logsys like value, the BDLS doesn't change all values for all structures and some master data table still have prod logsys instead of test logsys but some records have test logsys values
    for example:
    our production logsys is: BIP300 and our test logsys is BIT300
    in our master data test table we find had some records logsys value like BIP300 and others with BIT300
    all our ODS and CUBE have the right logsys value in test "BIT300"
    we have developed an ABAP report to execute on selected tables to change logsys from BIP300 to BIT300
    we execute the report on only P master data table like /BIC/PZCOOR and it's work fine and has changed all the records values
    from BIP300 to BIT300 and this program has eliminated all duplicate records
    the problem is when on our master data try to view data we find that bw return data from SID table /BIC/SZCOOR
    in fact if we go to control data on /BIC/SZCOOR table we find that there still are records with logsys BIP300 and BIT300
    and the same if we execute our query on ZCOOR we have values with BIP300 and BIT300
    how should we fix this problem?
    if we execute our ABAP report on /BIC/SZCOOR to change logsysname we can fix that or we could have problem?
    please can give me some useful help
    thanks a lot

    Hi ,
    Follow the sequence of deletion .
    1.Delete data from cube YMM_*
    2.Delete data from 0pur_c*
    3.Delete data from 0material .
    4.Delete data from info_rec .
    Best option would be do selective deletion for these four materials and run a repair request then after to update into data target.
    Hope that helps.
    Mr Kapadia

  • No records in SID table for 0matl_group

    After loading new data for 0matl_group the records doesn't appear in the SID table, we decided to check and fix it with RSRV transaction, the records now appear in the SID table but all the flags are unchecked as result of this only texts for 0material are loaded not attributes.
    Thanks in advance.

    I had this problem too. There seems to be a bug that sometimes doesn't add SIDs when only texts are loaded. If you have a reproduceable example you should open an OSS message. And if SAP supplies a fix and you'll find the time to send me the notes number I'd be really glad.
    Best regards

  • How do you position side by side tables so they print correctly on separate sheets?

    How do you position side by side tables so they print correctly on separate sheets?

    Hi CJ,
    I just saw this solution by Jerry:
    It is non-intuitive how to get there, but Menu > File > Print... to get to Print Preview. Then Click on Print.. at bottom right. This does not print, but opens a dialogue where you can choose to Open PDF in Preview (click on PDF bottom left).
    Have fun!

  • Oracle Data Compression on SID tables and Dimension Tables

    Hello Community,
    We have had great success with Oracle compression on ODS tables that are no longer loaded.
    We'd now like to move on to other types of BW tables that are very large.
    OSS Note 701235 provides answers to questions concerning the possible use of Oracle compression together with SAP BW.
    But the Note does not give suggestions for (or against) Oracle compression on SID tables or Dimension tables.
    I believe both table types would exhibit the same behaviour : mostly inserts of new SID IDs and new DIM IDs, but few updates to existing SID or Dimension records.  If this is true, then both are good candidates for oracle compression. 
    Do you also agree that this is the typical behaviour for SID tables and dimension tables ?  And that these types of tables are good candidates for Oracle compression in a large BW system ?
    Thanks kindly!
    Keith Helfrich

    Hi all,
    Although this is an old thread I stumbled on during my own investigations I can provide some answers to your questions.
    Table candidates for compression are found by these criteria
           - Table size big enough?
           - Long lifetime of object planned ?
          - No or only rare structural changes for the table   ?
          - u201EUpdateu201C rate low : is your data mostly kind of u201Cread onlyu201D ?
    --               for the wideley used rolling window partition techniques of
                      tables in BW this is not a problem: mostly INSERTu2019s in the
                     current partition not affecting other partitions
    BW tables that can benefit from compression (see SAP notes 105047,701235)
           - PSA tables with data that must be saved for a longer time
           - ODS change log (no Updates of old data, only Inserts of new data)
           - u201Ehistoricalu201C cubes wich get no changes in table structure anymore
             - normal Insert or Update statements are stored ALWAYS in uncompressed
                    format and must be compressed separately ( <= Oracle10g )
             - Slight CPU overhead of compression, butu2026
             --      CPU consumption is more than compensated by doing less I/O as
                   for Bulk loads or parallel processing
             --      SAP BW transformations took a significant amount of CPU for
                       overall load-time into cubes caused by the application server not
                       the database
              - Table must have not more than 255 fields
              - Adding columns with an initial value or dropping columns require
                   uncompression of the complete table (strongest limitation)
    Consider all this above and you can decide that tables that going through UPDATE's are
    not good candidates for compression or tables that can change it's structure (like
    Fact- or DIM tables) .
    Now, my questions to you:
    Wich Oracle version do you use?
    Wich tool do you use for  Oracle compression?
    BRspace (can you give an example ?)

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