Sidebar Maintenance

My web page has hundreds of pages with the same sidebar information.  Upcoming events and calendar information is included in my sidebar and is updated and changed frequently.
I am new to web design and CS4, but I am sure there is a way to change all pages at once without manually updating the information on each page.  I cannot figure out how.  Any advice?

You will want to use Server Side includes (SSI) for this. Using find and replace to change the all of the pages would require that you upload hundreds of pages each time you make a change. With SSI, you will need to only change and upload one page. Unfortunately since the sidebar is currently hardcoded into each page, you will need to insert the SSI into all the pages and then upload each of them the first time. After that, maintenance will be much easier. You can probably use search and replace now to replace the hardcoded sidebar with the SSI code.

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    You can check for problems with the <b>places.sqlite</b> database file in the Firefox profile folder.
    *Places Maintenance:
    Note that "Recently Bookmarked" is a so called [[Smart Bookmarks folders|Smart Bookmark]] that shows the result of a place query in a list and isn't a real existing folder.
    * Smart folders show a list created by a query of the places.sqlite database that stores bookmarks and history in Firefox.
    * Smart folder lists show a maximum of 10 entries by default.
    * Bookmarks or history items that show up in a smart folder list are stored elsewhere in another folder and any changes made are applied to the real bookmark or history item.

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    Hi there!
    One week in the life of a corkscrew...
    So I performed all the tasks mentioned in my last post.*
    Then installed the 10.4.7 Combo Update.
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    Me wonder...
    Peaceout, thanks -
    * Macjack, I used the cache cleansing and maintenance commands provided by MainMenu
    ** And this (the ejection) apparently (and on my setup) happens not only when repairing permissions but from time to time... and MAYBE since my second disk is in "Slot A" it SEEMS unpredictable ('cause sometimes it's mounted first and all...) Maybe.
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    Hi again. Perhaps some maintenance would be good!
    Boot from your Install Disk, and select your Language. Do not press continue.
    Click the little arrow at the bottom of that page.
    When the Window opens, look up top at the Menu Bar, and select Utilities.
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    Click the First Aid tab, and Repair Disk. Reboot.
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    Did you open the Bookmarks Sidebar (F10: View > Sidebar > Bookmarks)?
    You can toggle that sidebar on/off with Ctrl+B

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    A possible cause is a problem with the file places.sqlite that stores the bookmarks and the history.
    You can also try to repair the places database with this extension:

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    I have seen the sidebar disappear if you untoggle the control on the upper right, or if you show none of the header items of the Finder window.  Edit your View menu settings when looking at a Finder window.  Some system maintenance software may disable preferences that allow the Finder to work properly after an update.

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    Hello ABAP Experts,
    We have a scenario where we would like to hide a maintenance view to an existing view cluster based on condition.
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    Hi Naresh,
    Yes, you can do it in events of a view cluster, define a subroutine and bounding it to event(02) in SE54,
    when you define the subroutine, it will ask you creat a mian program, in this main program, you need  'INCLUDE lsvcmcod'.
    Then you can access some standard data,
    INCLUDE lsvcmcod.
    FORM yourSubroutineName.
    DATA: viewname TYPE vclstruc-object,
            error_flag TYPE vcl_flag_type,
      viewname = 'ZTEST_VIEW1'.
    *  PERFORM vcl_set_table_access_for_obj USING    viewname
    *                                       CHANGING error_flag.
      ----> according your condition to change the view.
    IF xxx = yyy.
      DELETE vcl_struc_tab WHERE object = viewname.

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    Is there any way of dragging and dropping an iCal event showing in week view across to a date in the left sidebar monthly calendar?
    No, but you can use cut/paste. Cut (⌘X) the event, then click on the week where you want to move the event, and Paste (⌘V).
    If you have a suggestion for Apple to change that method use: Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback.

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    2. Also no lists? I hate the icon way to view it. It makes my eyes go wonky and I have a harder time actually looking for what I want.
    3. A LOT of my music and movies have disappeared. These are music and movies I owned that I did NOT purchase from iTunes so I can not re-download them.
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    See my answere to your post in the Mt. Lion forum.

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    Hello again,
    is it right that I can modify datasets even when there exists a generated maintenance view for the table?
    It was usual for me, that in the transaction SE16 don't allow that.
    Thank you for your answers!

    Depends on the setting for "delivery and maintenance" in SE11, should be set to "allowed with restrictions" for the underlying tables of the view. Also check the very good F1 help for this field.

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    Hello experts,
    Instead of perform/form, can I instead use classes and methods, etc for a given maintenance view event, lets say for example I want to use event '01' which is before saving records in the database. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot guys!

    Hi viraylab,
    1. The architecture provided by maintenance view
       for using EVENTS and our own code inside it -
       It is provided using FORM/PERFORM
       concept only.
    2. At this stage,we cannot use classes.
    3. However, inside the FORM routine,
       we can write what ever we want.
       We can aswell use any abap code, including
       classes and methods.
      (But this classes and methods won't have any
       effect on the EVENT provided by maintenance view)
    amit m.

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    Can anybody please advice on how to create and/or connect the variant to the maintenance view?
    Regards LL.

    Hi Mahalakshmi
    Thanks for reply.
    When I look into the procedure, there is a prerequisite: "The basis dialog for which the maintenance variant is created already exists."
    I am a little bit unsertain if I miss this 'Basic dialog'. Can you please advice on how to check / create this 'basic dialog' before I go on to create the variant. (I need this 'basic dialog' as input in the procedure you sent.)
    (Note: I have already created a 'maintenance dialog' for the view, but I have a feeling, that is something different...)

  • How to create transaction for a maintenance view, Thank you.

    How to create transaction for a maintenance view,
    Thank you.

    Hi Deniz,
    Go to se93.
    Then create the new T.code.
    Under that select parameter Transaction.
    Then give the sm30 in the t.code in default values tab.
    check the checkbox skip initial screen.
    in classification tab.
    click checkbox inherit gui attributes..
    Now below..
    In the default values..
    viewname and give ur table name.
    UPDATE= Xsave
    view - table name ( Should be upper case
    update X ( should be upper case).
    Hope this helps you.

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    Hi Tamas,
    I tried both the options suggested by you.
    I am updating the underlying structure, still its not visible when the screen loads again. But if you see the same field gets filled with DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE if an F4 help is used for teh first(editable) field and then my read-only field is also filled in the PROCESS ON VALUE REQUEST module.
    So my guess is that, since it is a table control, it loops through the rest of the table control which is empty and my underlying structure gets cleared. So the problem could be where I am actually filling the field.
    Is it possible to somehow fill the <EXTRACT> table so that teh value is not lost?

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