Silent Install of 1.5_06 question

Is there a way to specify the minimum and maximum amount of memory to use during the silent install. After the install we can access the console and specify -Xms ###m -Xmx ###m. But we would like to do this during the intial install so it would be come the default for the individual user setting.

I'm packaging the JRE 5.0 Update 8 client for our Windows XP SP2 desktops. I need to disable the update feature in the Java client. I packaged the previous version (5.0 Update 6) and disabled the autoupdate without any problems, but for some reason, it isn't working the same in Update 8.
The problem is, after I install the client while attempting to disable the autoupdate, if I open the Java Control Panel (if I leave the tray icon enabled) the Update tab is still there and the "Check for Updates Automatically" box is still checked and the following registry entry is set:
EnableJavaUpdate = 1
I've read the doc... . I've tried installing it with several different options, including:
jre-1_5_0_08-windows-i586-p-s.exe /s /v"/qb-! IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=Suppress JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 JU=0 SYSTRAY=0"
I also tried taking the .msi that's created in %temp% when you run jre-1_5_0_08-windows-i586-p-s.exe and applying a .mst that I created and setting the public properties (IEXPLORER, REBOOT, JAVAUPDATE, JU, UPDATECHECK and SYSTRAY) in the Property table of the mst.
Neither the command line switches or the .mst I created work.
How can I completely disable the update and remove the Update tab?
Thank you in advance.

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    It sounds like you are trying to use a retail serial as an enterprise serial and would like to bypass it's restrictions by deactivating it . . . I assume that's not possible, but perhaps I don't understand your issue.
    I doubt you'll get a good answer on the forum. Try support, your sales rep, or a help link on the licensing web site (if there is one).

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    In general, we don't support creating silent installers because InstallShield isn't our development product. However, I have some information that may be of help. A normal (non-silent) installation receives the necessary input from the user in the form of responses to dialog boxes. As you know, a silent installation does not prompt the user for input. A silent installation must get its user input from a different source. That source is the InstallShield Silent Response File (.iss file). A response file contains information similar to that which an end user would enter as responses to dialog boxes when running a normal setup. InstallShield Silent reads the necessary input from the response file at run time.
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    Shannon R.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Hello MartinManscher
    The KB entry you mentioned shows three different specfiles. Try to scroll through the one for NI-DAQ 7.2 where each feature is explained in more details.
    You have not mentioned if you are installing traditional DAQ or DAQmx?!
    You should just install the root for the DAQ driver and then the support for the LAbVIEW version and the root for MAX...
    Hope this helps you.

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    Hi there. I don't know the answer to your question, but maybe these docs can help:
    Kind regards,

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    File=Response File
    [File Transfer]
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    szDir=C:\Program Files\User Productivity Kit\UPK Developer 36Client
    Name=User Productivity Kit

    Hi Jason,
    A couple questions:
    1. Have you tried installing on more than one machine, and is this happening always, or just in some instances?
    2. Are you trying to perform the silent install on other XP SP2 machines, or are these different OSes? The response file should be made for identical OSes.
    The ResultCode=-3 is saying that "Required data not found in the Setup.iss file." I have a feeling that the environment where you recorded the response file had all the necessary third party applications installed, so that dialog was skipped during that "recorded" installation. It would have been a dialog after you selected the installation option (it's not listed in the dialog list in your response file, so that's why I'm figuring that machine was up to date).
    So, when you installed on the next machine with the response file, the setup.exe was now looking for this particular dialog in the response file, but it's not there. For that response file to work, you need to make sure the environment where you are using it has all the third party apps installed before running the silent install. If you look at the main installer location (where the setup.exe is) there is a "Third Party Files" subfolder, with all the third party apps UPK uses. Install those on these machines before running the silent installation.
    If any of these are not already installed, install them:
    .NET Framework 3.5 (in DOTNET folder)
    MS Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Library (in MS_Visual_C++_2008_Redist folder)
    MSXML 4.0 (in MSXML_4.0 folder)
    MS Primary Interop Assemblies 2005 (in Primary_Interoperability_Assemblies_2005 folder)
    Web Service Enhancements 3.0 (in Web_Services_Enhancements folder)
    Hope this helps,

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    What can I do to fix this?

    you are welcome, unfortunately you didn't mark this thread as a question so no stars for me .
    Nervermind, herewith the feedback on your questions :
    Should I make a dbca.rsp ? how would I pass it to my install command line?
    In silent mode, DBCA uses values that you specify in the response file or as command-line options to create a database. DBCA does not display any screens or information while it creates the database. It logs all messages (including information, errors, and warnings) in a log file.
    From the command line, enter the following command to see all of the DBCA options that are available when you use the silent mode:
    $ @ora_root:[bin] -help
    Read more in that document :
    I tried: ps -efd | grep -i run , alot of process appeared, how would I know if the installer is among them?
    try to grep with a much longer name i.e :
    ps -efd | grep -i runinstaller
    What is fuser * in the log directory ? is this a file I should create or what?
    No fuser is a unix/linux command that enable you to identify processes using a file or file structure. The fuser utility displays the process IDs of the processes that are using the files specified as arguments.
    So if the runinstaller still active you will see i.e.
    fuser silentInstall2008-08-08_10-50-48AM.log
    silentInstall2008-08-08_10-50-48AM.log: 14506o
    14506 is your process ID
    Hope this helps you!

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    I am trying to perform a silent install and configuration for Firefox 27.1 but I am not able to get the same results I got with versions 26 and below. For these previous versions I used the method described in this link:
    But for Firefox 27 creating the Mozilla.cfg and the other files doesn't seem to work. Could you please tell me how to silently configure the proxys and homepage on Firefox 27.1 during the install. I also need to add a bookmark during the installation. Could you please tell me how to do that as well? I found some methods saying I had to edit a bookmark.html file but I don't think this file is present on firefox 26 on.
    thank you in advance.

    thank you for your reply guigs2, unfortunately none of those links were helpful for me. As I mentioned in my question I already tried the silent install method using the Mozilla.cfg file. It worked for the previous versions but it doesn’t work for version 27 anymore. As for the INI file, that doesn’t help me either since I need to configure the homepage, proxies and bookmarks all during the installation, for the INI all I’ve seen is that you can configure INSTALLDIR, shortcuts etc. Configuring proxies, homepage and bookmarks through group policies as one of the solutions said is not an option for me, I need to do that during the silent install of Firefox 27.

  • Packaging IE 9 in SCCM 2007 using silent install switches

    Hello all
    I am planning on packaging IE9 to be deployed to some of our test computers then to our production environment of about 564 nodes. My goal is to run it as a silent install, no user interface.I use the follow commands but the Install box still comes up (see
    below).  msiexec.exe /i "ie9-windows7-x64-enu.msi" /quiet
    My other question is should I just push the upgraded IE9 with the next software updates patch cycle?
    Phil Balderos

    Hi Phil,
    when you run through the IEAK wizard, you choose the user experience you want to have.
    IEAK has the ability to output in MSIfile, or as setup.exe.
    The MSIfile, is a dumb one, in that it merely unpacks the setup.exe and launches that.
    When we packaged up IE9, we just used the setup.exe, and I selected silent+norestart and all that, inside the IEAK.
    The setup.exe generated, includes the necessary parameters. I created a package/program in CM07 with just that.
    Or, you can use: setup.exe /quiet /norestart
    I've not found the MSI of any benefit at all, ever. (maybe if I was using GPSI or something that might be where I'd use it)
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • Silent Install for Elements v.2

    I work in a school environment and have an (old) site license for Photo Elements version 2. I want to deploy the program to specific computers and not have it included in my school image. Therefore, I need either directions to do this or a link to an Adobe Customization Wizard for this product. The only Silent Install directions I can locate are for newer versions of the software. I tried the RapidInstall method of taking a snapshot then making a .msi, but when I deploy the .msi. I get error 1603, which I Googled and can be attributed to many different things. Can somebody out there give me some advise how to deploy this product successfully?
    Many Thanks!

      I think your question is a bit technical as this is mainly a user to user forum. I found some XML code albeit for PSE9 but it may provide the basis of a work around.
    Good luck.

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    Thanks in advance for answering this question.
    Joost Brenters
    Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
    The Netherlands

    Since in the silent install EULA is never accepted and user has not specified any country value, hence I don't believe you will be able to get away from seeing these two dialogs. For registration dialog, there is a way to suppress it during silent install.
    You can send a private message to Aanchal and hopefully, she will get back to you with more information.
    You are correct, silent install instructions for PSE 7 wont work for PSE 8.

Maybe you are looking for