Silverlight - Give generic Error, closes when you click on application storage - Windows 8

Silverlight errors on websites and won't load bubble test.Also if you go into silverlight settings and click on application storage it doesn't open the box below just closes.
I've tried deleting the file that saves silverlight cache, fix-it tool, registry cleaner and reinstall. Silverlight still won't load on windows 8 machine.

Tricky one really.
I work in businesses where the desktop set ups are well known.
I'll try and offer some suggestions since you have zero replies.
Kind of unsurprising though - there should be some sort of consumer orientated support somewhere rather than the only option being developer forums.
If you try that bubble site I posted and it doesn't work then Silverlight is broken or you're using it in a browser it's just not going to work in.  ( That's just a random Silverlight site I found by the way ).
Exactly what error do you see?
The default browser settings for IE 11 stop my Silverlight business apps working, but there's a relatively friendly warning.
You're using the desktop version of internet explorer?    If it doesn't have a house star and cog top right and looks all metro then it's not desktop.
Other browsers are unreliable to fatal.
Sounds like you did this:
You definitely have windows 8 pro?
It is never going to work on win rt.  I never saw anyone trying to  install on win rt so I don't know what happens but neither the plug in or the Silverlight .net framework work on win rt.
Other than that.
Good luck.
Hope that helps.
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    at mx.containers::Accordion/focusInHandler()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\ mx\containers\]
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            showFocusIndicator = focusManager.showFocusIndicator;
            // When the accordion has focus, the Focus Manager
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         protected function instructionsButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
              if(this.instructionsDialog == null)
                   this.instructionsDialog = new InstructionsDialog();
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    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
               xmlns:mx="library://" width="400" height="400">
                   import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
                   protected function mainTitleWindow_closeHandler(event:CloseEvent):void
              <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
         <s:TitleWindow left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0" id='mainTitleWindow'
                           close="mainTitleWindow_closeHandler(event)" title="Instructions">
              <mx:Accordion id="accordion" color="0x323232" width="100%" height="100%">
                   <!-- Define each panel using a VBox container. -->
                   <s:NavigatorContent label="Header 1">
                        <mx:Text width="100%">
                                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a magna non urna ultrices facilisis. Aenean venenatis volutpat enim eget vehicula. Suspendisse eu diam tortor, sed tincidunt augue. Vestibulum interdum sem eget dui suscipit rutrum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce ullamcorper ipsum sed elit tempor eget interdum ipsum tempus. Nulla convallis eleifend mattis. Donec nec hendrerit dui. Vivamus nec urna eget lectus gravida porttitor quis ut lacus. Fusce rutrum, justo a vestibulum tempus, eros tellus vestibulum sem, laoreet consequat lectus urna vitae eros. Ut pulvinar porttitor quam, ut scelerisque arcu pharetra vel. Praesent leo felis, eleifend quis tempor vitae, venenatis at erat. Donec nec risus sed enim dapibus pretium quis vitae velit. Nulla pulvinar semper magna non pulvinar. Proin dictum tristique lacus. Morbi eget urna velit. Aliquam massa dui, dapibus pretium interdum sit amet, ultrices sed lorem. Vestibulum et eros a dolor sagittis pretium at ut mauris.
                   <s:NavigatorContent label="Item 2">
                        <mx:Text width="100%">
                                  Sed ultricies elit vel dui aliquam faucibus faucibus lacus ullamcorper. Phasellus odio est, tristique quis lacinia id, accumsan at lacus. Pellentesque consectetur, libero quis dignissim interdum, mi velit semper nunc, nec auctor metus nulla non lorem. Nunc scelerisque eros nec libero elementum pellentesque. Maecenas et dolor libero, non ornare libero. Curabitur ante nunc, eleifend eget imperdiet facilisis, venenatis nec urna. Nullam nulla magna, ultricies at vestibulum non, auctor quis eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc nunc, dapibus quis posuere ut, tristique in dui. Curabitur at tincidunt turpis. Cras molestie quam nec lacus viverra fermentum. In bibendum varius augue id feugiat. Quisque id pretium turpis. Cras et velit nisi. Nunc sodales libero ut magna convallis interdum adipiscing magna vehicula. Phasellus elementum turpis vitae ipsum ultrices dictum. Aenean porttitor nibh sit amet est ullamcorper vitae rutrum dolor molestie.
                   <s:NavigatorContent label="Item 3">
                        <mx:Text width="100%">
                                  Quisque cursus posuere porttitor. Mauris eros eros, sagittis et ultricies vitae, scelerisque ac neque. Integer vel diam id nisl lacinia auctor ac quis orci. Quisque consectetur elementum orci. Etiam mollis dui id urna commodo vel porta neque tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur odio urna, tincidunt in volutpat ut, lobortis nec quam. Integer et est at ante pharetra dapibus. Mauris tempus laoreet euismod. Nunc luctus tincidunt augue, quis iaculis mauris scelerisque nec. Nulla laoreet viverra ipsum, vitae gravida arcu pharetra nec. In rutrum ligula ut massa egestas in varius tortor suscipit. Cras posuere nibh ligula.
                   <s:NavigatorContent label="Item 4" >
                        <mx:Text width="100%">
                                  Duis urna libero, suscipit ut laoreet a, consequat sit amet tortor. Vestibulum accumsan purus viverra mauris fermentum elementum. Vivamus quis lacus mi, quis mollis mauris. Praesent interdum ornare nulla eget scelerisque. Etiam et nibh metus. Vivamus ante tellus, gravida accumsan congue vel, commodo vel nibh. Maecenas placerat pellentesque blandit. Nunc nec faucibus quam. Fusce facilisis risus non nisi blandit eget commodo eros vehicula. Proin pharetra, tellus vel ultrices rutrum, metus libero pulvinar felis, non vulputate orci sem vitae dui. Proin sodales, purus vitae aliquam ultrices, elit mi rhoncus tellus, at dictum magna quam non massa. Phasellus tincidunt augue ut urna scelerisque in posuere mi vulputate. Ut porttitor, ipsum non ornare laoreet, augue tortor imperdiet turpis, sit amet blandit arcu turpis eu leo. Vivamus fringilla, nulla quis porta placerat, ante augue pellentesque leo, in mattis felis ante ac dui.
                   <s:NavigatorContent label="Item 5" >
                        <mx:Text width="100%">
                                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget diam ipsum, nec malesuada elit. Mauris in placerat lectus. Quisque nec nulla elit. Donec ultrices turpis ac magna accumsan commodo. Aliquam blandit libero sed massa pulvinar eu aliquam ante feugiat. Pellentesque odio velit, ullamcorper posuere tristique et, pretium at enim. Curabitur vulputate metus a eros elementum pulvinar. Curabitur augue tellus, dignissim quis sodales ut, gravida in dolor. Suspendisse consectetur, neque eget iaculis feugiat, dui turpis fermentum enim, sit amet mattis leo elit a felis.
                   <s:NavigatorContent label="Questions?" >
                        <mx:Text width='100%' textAlign="left">
                             <mx:htmlText><![CDATA[<div style='text-align: left;'><a href='mailto:[email protected]'>Email <u>[email protected]</u></a></div>]]></mx:htmlText>

    Flex harUI wrote:
    Popups that need focus should be in a container that implements
    As I was thinking about it, I figured that must be the solution... but the problem is, I have no idea which container is the right one to use.  I tried SkinnableComponent, but it wouldn't even compile, saying that I couldn't have TitleWindow as a child of SkinnableComponent since TitleWindow didn't implement mx.core.IUIComponent.
    So, I tried SkinnableContainer, and now it seems to be working.  I'm guessing that implements IFocusContainerManager in a satisfactory fashion for the Popup system, then, yes?
    Anyway, hopefully this will be useful to somebody else if they run into this same issue!

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    a terminal server"" and apps gets closed.
    Please help me on this ASAP.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sachin Shinde

    As mentioned in ths article below, run for Office 365 products on to a Remote Desktop Session Host server is not supported. You can install Office products for Office 365 to a virtual desktop, but the virtual desktop must be assigned to a single user.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    I received this email from Apple and this corrected the problem for me...  I only had to reset the iTunes cache
    1) Open iTunes
    2) At the top menu, click File > Preferences (iTunes > Preferences on a Mac)
    3) In the Preferences menu, click the Advanced tab
    4) In the Advanced menu, you should see a button that says "Reset Cache". Please click this button.

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    It was opening the proper size and now it doesn't

    Works normally for me. The script that runs when you click the link will check to see if it already opened a window and try to switch to it, but if you are starting from scratch, this shouldn't be an issue.
    There probably are quite a few add-ons that affect popup window behavior. To see whether an add-on could be responsible, you could test the page in Firefox's Safe Mode.
    First, I recommend backing up your Firefox settings in case something goes wrong. See [ Backing up your information]. (You can copy your entire Firefox profile folder somewhere outside of the Mozilla folder.)
    Next, close Firefox, hold the Shift key, then restart Firefox. You will get a [ Safe Mode dialog]. Just click "Continue in Safe Mode" and do not "reset" anything just yet.
    If the window displays at the specified size in Safe Mode, one of your other add-ons (especially in the Extensions category) may be overriding it.

  • Since i upgraded to FF4 Beta. The suggestion bit in my Google toolbar, works but not when you click on a suggestion?

    It gives suggestions but when you click on them nothing happens they just disappear.

    Hi satorilori-
    You might try this:
    -> Clear Cookies & Cache
    -> Clear the Network Cache
    -> Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache.
    Press and hold Shift and left-click the Reload button.
    Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    Press "Cmd + Shift + R" (MAC)
    Check and tell if its working. Hope that helps!

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    I went through the forums and made sure that any blocks or copywrites weren't triggered by the file, it's clean and can be opened using a media player and other video editing software like windows MovieMaker. I keep getting "The importer reported a generic error" message and have no idea how to proceed. Can someone please help?

    Re: Why do I get "generic error" message when trying to upload a self-created, 1hr .wmv  file?
    This ARTICLE starts with a checklist on setting up a computer to run PrE best, then goes into a series of links for tuning up one's computer and OS, and then links on troubleshooting.
    There is also a link on posting all necessary info, to help others help you.
    Without knowing much more about your system, it is impossible to say much beyond that WMV's are tough assests to work with, requiring a lot of CPU horsepower.
    Good luck,

  • Display the second report as modalform and filter with primary key value of first report when you click on first report column link

    Hi All,
    I have two reports.
    1. order report
    2. order detail report
    when you click on the order report column it display the order detail report as a modal form.
    i was done below steps.
    1. In page header i was written the below code
    <link rel="stylesheet" href = "
    redmond/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" />
    <script src=""> </script>
    <script src=""> </script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $( function() {
    autoOpen : false ,
    width :470,
    height: 500,
    resize :false,
    function openForm1()
    function closeForm()
    $('#ModalForm1 input[type="text"]').val('');
    2. order report.
    3. order detail report
       select * from order_details where order_id = p_order_id;
    region header
    <div id="ModalForm1" title="Ordered Items" style="display:none">
    <p class="msg"></p>
    4. created the hidden item in order detail report.
    5. in order report column attributes i was given link like below.
    when i click on the order report column link it passing the row primary key value to hiddent and open the report as modal form. however it is not filter the report with hidden item. it showing the no data found.
    problem is hidden item value is not submitting. once we submit that value it showing the 2nd report with filter data.
    can any help me to achieve above requirement.
    apex: 4.2
    oracle 11g

    Issue 1: Your usage of $s() JavaScript API seems to be wrong. For the first parameter, you need to use the name of the hidden page item and not p_order_id.
    Issue 2: Seems like you are not setting the hidden page item's value in session state. Assuming your hidden page item is called P1_ORDER_ID, Under "Region Definition" tab of your "Order Detail Report" under "Source" tab, for page items to submit, enter the name of the hidden page item P1_ORDER_ID.

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    I have created the profile in Windows 7 and it works fine with all of the Microsoft Office programs. I use Thunderbird email.
    I've followed the corrective measures listed by Adobe to no avail. Can anyone offer some help?

    It is possible that even though you are using Thunderbird, Windows might have made outlook your default email client once you installed Microsoft Office. Since there is no email profile set in Outlook, it throws an error "No profiles have been created".
    A work around can be to make create an email profile in Outlook and make sure that it is set as default email client by selecting it as default in "Default Programs".
    Hope that helps.
    PS: Adobe does not officially support Thunderbird.

  • Consistently does not open, gives the error: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla\firefox.exe Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may no

    Installed FF 16, 17, 18. Will not open in normal administrator login, nor with "Run as administrator" but will in W7 safe mode. Changed permissions (had to do it in W7 Safe Mode, normal login would not allow (logged in as an administrator) could not delete the Mozilla files in normal login. On rare occasions, with a new install, I could get it to open once, then not again. Searched the reg for any mention of Mozilla or FF and cleaned it. Tried FF safe mode, no luck. Checked permissions after taking ownership and propagating full ownership rights to all FF files, many reboots, no luck. Chrome, IE and SeaMonkey work fine. Using a fairly new install of W7 Professional 64 bit, on a Dell Optiplex 990 i7, 16GB ram. Had the same problem with another user on an identical box. No problem on other computers No other program problems.

    I should have been a bit more definitive.
    I have uninstalled FF, with the windows uninstaller, by manually cleaning the files and the registry of any mention of FF or Mozilla, and by running Revo uninstaller - always rebooting and checking to see if the files are indeed gone. (I have set windows file preferences to see all files, including system files.) I have run 4 AV/malware scanners and found nothing but a few tracking cookies. I download, from, ( a fresh copy of the Firefox Setup 18.0.exe each time and install when logged in as an administrator and choose "Run as Administrator". I get the same result each time I try to open Firefox. Consistently does not open, gives the error: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla\firefox.exe Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." This happens even when I run the .exe file from the x86 program directory. I have also attempted to run in XPsp3 compatibility mode to no avail,
    I make the following assumptions:
    The system is not infected
    I am doing clean installs
    There is no existing trace of FF on the system
    I get identical results on one other W7 64 bit Optiplex 990 system with an i7 processor and 16 GB or ram.
    I CAN run in windows safe mode with networking.
    I have no other software or hardware issues.

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    I bought this os four days before,but unfortunately havent succed to download it,before it give me error and when i go back to my purchase order i cant find its link to download again

    You buy one and only one download.
    As it should have been transferred to your computer when you synced, you can contact itunes support and ask for an exception.

Maybe you are looking for

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