Similar Java Code but in JavaScript...

Hi... My doubt is really simple... I have this Java Code:
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(this.getIdtFechaHastaField().getClientId(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()), new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Se necesita un valor", null));
That let me show a "balloon text message" (I didn't find the words but the code should be familiar) !; Is there any JavaScript code that let me do the same ?...
Thankx !.

I have two inputdates and I would to achieve the following before going to the server...
1. That they have the correct format
2. And that the first date isn't after the second date
So If I go the the server, with the code I posted It appears a balloon message showing a "certain message" according to the problem... So the thing is that I would like to this in the client side... But I would like to know if there is a JS Script to do that ?... Hope I was clear... Cheers

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            javax.naming.InitialContext initialContext = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
            java.sql.Connection conn = ( ( javax.sql.DataSource )initialContext.lookup( "daers" )).getConnection();
            java.sql.Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
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            while ( {
        } catch ( java.sql.SQLException e ) {
        } catch ( javax.naming.NamingException e ) {
    %>But when I try to execute the same sql query through the appropriate JSTL taglib I get a:
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            FROM users
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    I added a response in your original message:
    Let's keep to it since splitting things across two posts might be confusing.

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    <%@page import="java.util.*"%>
    <%@ page import="com.suuny.sard.pmt.pat.*"%>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function fun(){
         var ac=document.login.Projectname.options[document.login.Projectname.selectedIndex].value;
         var c = document.login.task1.value;
         return true;
    <form name="login" action="/pmt/jsp/Leavemanagement/Leave_Ems_HomePage.jsp" method="get" encType="x-www-form-encoded" >
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    <tr class="tablerow"><td colspan="6" align="center"><font class="pagehead" align="center">Create Tasks</font></td></tr>
         <tr class="tableheader">
              <th>Assigned To
              for(int i=1;i<2;i++){%>
                   <tr class="tablerow"><td align="center">
                   <select class="SELECT" NAME="Projectname" VALUE=" " onchange="return fun();" >
                   <!--<option value=""> </option>-->
                        ArrayList ar =null;
                        ArrayList projectids=null;
                        Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
                        ProjectNames pnames=new ProjectNames();
                   ht = pnames.getProjectNames();
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                        out.println("<option value=\""+projectids.get(j)+"\">"+ar.get(j)+"</option>");
                   out.println("<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"task"+i+"\"value=\"\" size=\"25\"></td>");
                   out.println("<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"taskname"+i+"\"value=\"\" size=\"25\"></td>");
              <td align="center">
                             <select class="SELECT" NAME="Projectname1" VALUE=" ">
                             <!--<option value=""> </option>-->
                                  ArrayList ar1 =null;
                             ar1 = pnames.getProjectResource("VXML02");
                                  for(int j=0;j<ar1.size();j++){
                                  out.println("<option value=\""+ar1.get(j)+"\">"+ar1.get(j)+"</option>");
                   out.println("<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"description"+i+"\"value=\"\" size=\"25\"></td>");
                   out.println("<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"milestone"+i+"\"value=\"\" size=\"25\"></td><tr>");
              out.println("<tr class=\"tablerow\"><td colspan=\"6\" align=\"center\"><input class=\"txtbuttonsmall\" type=\"submit\" value=\"save\"></td>");
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    Hi Marco,
    I "executed" some java code within XSLs file. I have quoted the word executed because I didn't really run java code, but I used a simply trick that I describe you below.
    Into your XSLs put an iframe which is hided (it has an height of 0 pixel). As src of the iframe put the address of a portal component which execute your code (in my case calculate some PCD URL of some pages into a defined role). As result of component execution, I use the response.write method in order to execute some jscript code, which is able to interact with the HTML generated by XSLs files, for example in my case response.write put the PCD URL into a drop down list placed into the "edit" form.
    This works fine. I don't know if is suitable also for your case, anyway could be a hint, but pay attention to Roland's recommendations.

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    kind regards,

    Hi Marco,
    I "executed" some java code within XSLs file. I have quoted the word executed because I didn't really run java code, but I used a simply trick that I describe you below.
    Into your XSLs put an iframe which is hided (it has an height of 0 pixel). As src of the iframe put the address of a portal component which execute your code (in my case calculate some PCD URL of some pages into a defined role). As result of component execution, I use the response.write method in order to execute some jscript code, which is able to interact with the HTML generated by XSLs files, for example in my case response.write put the PCD URL into a drop down list placed into the "edit" form.
    This works fine. I don't know if is suitable also for your case, anyway could be a hint, but pay attention to Roland's recommendations.

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            public String cmb_action() {
            // Add event code here...
            try {
                //getting source db connection
                InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
                DataSource ds = (DataSource) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/SourceConnDS");
                Connection sourceconn = ds.getConnection();
                String sql = "Copy from myschema/mypass@DB insert t_dept using select * from dept;"                       
                Statement stat = sourceconn.createStatement();
              catch (Exception ne) {
                // TODO: Add catch code
            return null;

    I have a requirement to transfer data from one db to another db from Java Application Layer.Maybe, maye not. We get all sorts of weird "requirements" - which are nothing but thoughts or proposed solutions.
    Did the "requirement" mention whether the table existed already or not in the target database? - If not, did it tell you to create it - drop/create it?
    Did the "requirement" deliver some explanation to why this copying was neeeded? - Are we talking replication? - Or a one time cloning?
    Etc, etc,
    Personally I would always argue against a "reuirement" like that. - It just isn't the way to do it. Period.
    P.S: If you are satisfied with what COPY does, then you could let Java make an OS call and do it from there?

  • Executing Java Code in ODI Procedure

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    I have following  java code which i need to write on ODI procedure but i am not sure which technology to chose (Jython,Sunopsis API or Java BeanShell).
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    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    String userName = "HXXXXXX";
    String CN1=null;
    String Dis_Name=null;
    String Mem_of=null;
    String Mail=null;
    String SGID=null;
    File file = new File("C:/Project/ODI/LDAPID.txt");
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "LDAP://,DC=ZZ,DC=if,DC=XYZ,DC=COM");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, new String("" + "\\" + userName));
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "");
    DirContext ctx = null;
    NamingEnumeration results = null;
    ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
    SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
    results ="", "(objectclass=person)", controls);
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile());
    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
       while (results.hasMore())
             SearchResult searchResult = (SearchResult);
             Attributes attributes = searchResult.getAttributes();
             Attribute attr = attributes.get("cn");
             String cn = (String) attr.get();
             bw.write(CN1 + " || " + Dis_Name + " || " + SGID + " || " + Mail);
    I am getting following error.
    The application script threw an exception: java.lang.NullPointerException BSF info: CODE_JAVA at line: 0 column: columnNo
    Please suggest what went wrong with the code.

    In Jython you don not need to declare the type so String userName = "HXXXXXX"; should simply read userName = "HXXXXXX" . Lots of your code need to be rewritten to work with Jython if you choose that as your technology.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Pranay P Parsatwar

    Function activities of type "External Java" were first introduced in Release 2.6. To use this type of activity, you would need to upgrade
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    I can use Java Workflow API to create and start Process in Java Code ,
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    I need some help hope you guys can help me.
    I've declared a variable "error" in a jsp. how do I access this variable in the java code whice resides in the same jsp page.
    I know I can use java variable in jsp code using
    <%= sVariable %>
    where sVariable was declared in the java code. but how do I access a jsp variable in java code??
    Thanks very much in advance

    Thanks for the reply.
    This is what I want to do.
    I've declared a variable "error" using <c:catch var="error">I want to check the value of this variable and suppose if it contains XYZ (error variable will have a long string so I just want to check if it contains a specific value) I want to do step1 and if the variable of error is not XYZ I want to do step 2
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    Can you guys suggest a better way to solve my problem.
    Thanks again

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    Mayur Mitkari

    The question doesn't make any sense to me. If Java needs the JAVA_HOME variable set, how is it ever going to execute any code that does so? And if it doesn't need it, why set it?

  • Need java code to make MySql Dump?

    Do anybody know how to write java code to make MySql Dump. I am badly need of this code very urgently!, do any body here to help me!
    Kindly help me out.

    Urgency means two things:
    - either your homework is late (do it yourself)
    - or you have a deadline on your job (ask a co-worker)
    Both isn't really making me want to answer your question. Your time isn't more valuable than that of the others.
    And the big question is probably not "how to write the Java code" but "how to make a MySQL dump", Java or not. RTFM for that, and then use either MySQL or Runtime.exec.

  • Is it possible to open a Jar within Java code

    I am just wondering if it is at all possible to get java to run a Jar within the code. So the Jar is my update to my program and I have got it downloading from my site using the java code but now i want the code to open it for the user so they don't have to double click in on. Is this possible?

    Sure. The java.util.jar package.
    You might want to take a look at service providers:

  • Java Code to query contact,

    Hi experts,
    Can anyone send me a sample Java code of extracting records? I can now insert the records to CRM ondemand with java code, but got error to query records.
    Thanks, Tiger

    the error is CODE: 500 Internal Server Error!
    the XML:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/product/10/2004" xmlns:query="urn:/crmondemand/xml/Product/Query"><soapenv:Header/><soapenv:Body><ns:ProductQueryPage_Input><query:ListOfProuct pagesize="100" startrownum="0" recordcountneeded="true"><query:Product searchspec="[ExternalSystemId]=P00018"><query:Id></query:Id><query:Category></query:Category></query:Product></query:ListOfProduct><ns:LOVLanguageMode>LIC</ns:LOVLanguageMode><ns:ViewMode>Broadest</ns:ViewMode></ns:ProductQueryPage_Input></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

  • How to get No. of rows affected by Update or Delete in Oracle in Java Code?

    I know that sql%rowcount can give me the rows affected. But I want to get this number directly after OracleCallableStatement.ExecuteUpdate?
    Thank you.

    I appologize for what I said.
    I gave a not clear question. And some rude words.
    One my colleague wrote below code in order to get the affected rows after update data in Stored Procedure in Oracle. But it didn't work, so another colleague had to change the code. I think the best way is not to change Java code but change code in Stored Procedure. You know it was Friday, we all supposed to fix that change this week, I got the link you gave and tried to fix that using return in Stored Procedure. But still couldn't work after tried many times. Because I told my colleague how to change code, I had to take the responsibility, I was too impatient to write those rude words. Sorry.
    int success = cs.executeUpdate();

  • Pls Help:Running a C executable from my Java Code

    I am trying to run a C/C++ executable a.out from my Java code but its not working pls help me out...Its very very important
    I am writing a segment of the code pls point out if i am making any mistakes
             public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent a)
              int i=c1.getSelectedIndex();
              Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime();
              }catch(Exception e){}
         }I am working in UNIX enviornment

    Before any other attempt read: [url]When Runtime.exec() won't.

  • Error -- Java code using OIM API to find no of users in OIM

    Hi Experts,
    I hav a requirement that I need to query OIM to find out the total no of active users in the system using a stand alone java program to determine some other process. So I have developed a simple java code but it fails in the below line
    rset=userIntf.findAllUsers(map);  -- It throws null pointer exception
    I have tried with deleteUser() instead of findUsers() , still it throws the null pointer exception on the same line.I have checked the other posts in the forum but could not find out where is the mistake. Can u please suggest me??
    Here is the code
    tcUtilityFactory utilityFactory = null;
    tcUserOperationsIntf userIntf = null;
                   tcResultSet rset;
                   ComplexSetting config = ConfigurationClient.getComplexSettingByPath("Discovery.CoreServer");
                   final Hashtable env = config.getAllSettings();
                   tcSignatureMessage moSignature = tcCryptoUtil.sign("xelsysadm","PrivateKey");
                   utilityFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env, moSignature);
                   HashMap map = new HashMap();
         catch(NullPointerException ne)
         catch(Exception e)
    Thanks & Regards

    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.util.*;
    import Thor.API.tcUtilityFactory;
    import Thor.API.Operations.*;
    import Thor.API.tcResultSet;
    import com.thortech.xl.crypto.tcCryptoUtil;
    import com.thortech.xl.util.config.ConfigurationClient;
    * @author Rajiv
    public class CreateBulkUsers {
    public static void main(String args[])
    System.setProperty("XL.HomeDir", "E:\\oim\\server\\xellerate");
    System.setProperty("", "E:\\oim\\server\\xellerate\\config\\auth.conf");
    System.setProperty("", "E:\\oim\\server\\xellerate\\config\\xl.policy");
              tcUtilityFactory utilityFactory = null;
    tcUserOperationsIntf userIntf = null;
    com.thortech.xl.util.config.ConfigurationClient.ComplexSetting config = ConfigurationClient.getComplexSettingByPath("Discovery.CoreServer");
    java.util.Hashtable env = config.getAllSettings();
    com.thortech.xl.crypto.tcSignatureMessage moSignature = tcCryptoUtil.sign("xelsysadm", "PrivateKey");
    utilityFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env, moSignature);
    // System.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append("utilityFactory = ").append(utilityFactory).toString());
    userIntf = (tcUserOperationsIntf)utilityFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf");
    HashMap map = new HashMap();
    map.put("Users.Status", "Active");
    tcResultSet rset = userIntf.findAllUsers(map);
    catch(NullPointerException ne)
    catch(Exception e)
    Include all the JARs to run this class from outside not only of OIm of JBoss or Weblogic also.
    eg: jboss\client and jboss\lib

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