Simple ActionScript in Flash file breaks in Captivate

This is sooooo frustrating! Can anyone help!? :p
I've got a little flash file that has a text box in which I
use a bit of ActionScript to put the current date into.
When I preview the SWF in flash, or publish the SWF, etc. it
works fine!
Then I go to my Captivate project and import the SWF file
It looks like it's working, I place it where I want on the
slide and I actually can see the date has been displayed (as per
the preview on the captivate slide)
But when I publish the Captivate file or preview the project,
the date is nowhere to be seen! SO ANNOYING!.
This is the code on my flash file behind the date display
text box (added line numbers for convenience):
1. quizcompletedate=new date();
2. month = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
"November", "December");
3. quizcompletedate=(month[quizcompletedate.getMonth()]+"
"+quizcompletedate.getDate()+", "+quizcompletedate.getFullYear());
All works fine in flash, just not when it's inserted into a
captivate slide.

wow! OK, I actually didn't think that would make much of a
difference! but I'm a step closer...
now the textbox is appearing at least! Thanks Paul_D, but now
a new problem...
When I preview the captivate project now, the text box says:
"undefined undefined, undefined undefined:undefined" - but
remember, it is working in Flash, and it even works in Captivate
when I'm in design view (while I'm working on the slides) it just
doesn't wok in the final product.. any more suggestions???

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    If you sent the published output files to people inside a zip archive make sure you tell everyone to unzip the contents to a folder on their hard drive before trying to launch the HTM file and play.  I find a lot of people just double-click the zip file, which opens up the archive to browsing, and then just double-click the HTM file.  Unfortunately, because the objects inside a zip archive don't always retain relationships, things don't necessarily work this way.  So the only sure fire way for all the files to find each other properly is to unzip completely and then try to play them.
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,0,0','widt h','746','height','591','title','Schedule
    Me','vspace','5','src','Resources/Sched_LM_skin','quality','high','pluginspage','','movi e','Resources/Sched_LM_skin'
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    <param name="quality" value="high" />
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    Then I made the adjustments as per Heinz and also included a
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    Ned Murphy Thank you very Much .It is working .Great advice

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    Is the SWF published for AS2 or AS3?  Captivate only accepts AS3 nowadays.
    The other likely issue is that perhaps you have inadvertently used a symbol name for your button, or some of your AS code functions/variables etc, that happen to be reserved by Captivate for its own use.  These types of conflicts can cause issues.

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    Provide the name of the program you are using so a Moderator may move this message to the correct program forum
    The Cloud is not a program, it is a delivery process... a program would be Photoshop or Lighroom or Muse or ???

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    That depends mostly on what you did in the Flash file.  You should ideally NOT fade out the animation at the end and it should terminate with a stop(); action inside the Flash file on its last frame.  Have all of the animation on the main timeline in Flash so that it's not buried down inside a symbol, which would just continue to loop.  Then in Captivate, don't use fade out there either.


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    Is it possible to export the whole flash file in Captivate? Please help.
    Thank you very much!

    If this was all developed in Flash then the best bet is to use the Pipwerks SCORM wrapper to make your Flash file compatible.
    More info here:
    You may be able to insert your Flash file as an animation into Captivate, but this won't make it SCORM compatible.  You might be able to recode the Flash file as an interactive widget and make it have a Success result when the user passes the module.  Then when you insert it into Captivate you can set the interactive widget to have a score.
    More information about coding widgets can be found here:

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    Hi SaSQuaCh69247,
    Issue 1 :- Select the SWF file in library, right click, and
    select update.
    Issue 2 :- Actually it could be valid for Issue 1 also. It
    seems like SWF file you are trying to import, does some action
    like, importing another swf or connecting to server on the first
    frame itself. Captivate will try to play the first frame of SWF
    when you import them. Try creating a keyframe with the stop action
    as the first frame in your SWF, and see if you still have the
    Issue 3 :- The approach I am mentioning over here is
    generally the last approach which I will take in such scenerios,
    but since you have already experimented a little, so try this.
    Go to C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application
    Data\Adobe\Adobe Captivate
    Rename captivate_v20.dat as captivate_v20_org.dat.
    Restart Captivate Application.

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    Hi jonturkle
    I'm going to crawl way out here on this shaky little limb and
    say that this is factored into the mix. I say that because I
    recently saw a post where someone needed to output Captivate in
    Flash 6 format. Captivate 3 outputs in Flash 7 format as a minimum.
    They were saying that when they attempted to run the Captivate
    files, the users were being prompted to install a newer version of
    the Flash player.
    Cheers... Rick

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    If you do not have the FLA then there is no easy way - and
    technically anything you view in your
    browser is actually on you hard drive in a temporary Internet
    files folder - location differs
    depending on browser and OS.
    If you find the SWF(s) and if it is not protected at time of
    publish - then you can try importing it
    into Flash - this will not allow you to edit it like the
    original but it may import some assets
    depending on how the original file was setup and what kind of
    assets were used.
    You have a slightly uphill battle here - kind of like asking
    how to get the egg back in its shell
    after it's been made into an omelette.
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert
    Ray Dar wrote:
    > Hi Rex,
    > Thanks for the reply. Doesn't really answer my question
    though. How can I save
    > a flash page from the internet, and then use the data
    from that flash page to
    > build an html page?
    > There is no copyright issue with this. The info
    contained on the site belongs
    > to my client, I want that info to give his website a
    static html function for
    > people on slow connections.
    > Cheers
    > Ray

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    Unfortunately I'm new to flash so you'll have to forgive this
    Q) What is the correct script to end a flash file once it
    reaches a specific frame (e.g If you want to end a Flash
    presentation when it reaches a certain point!?).
    If anyone can help with this, it would be much appreciated!!

    Captain Elgy,
    > Unfortunately I'm new to flash so you'll have to forgive
    > this question,
    No worries. :) Every one of us was new at some point.
    > Q) What is the correct script to end a flash file once
    > reaches a specific frame (e.g If you want to end a Flash
    > presentation when it reaches a certain point!?).
    What do you mean by "end a flash file"? Do you mean stop? If
    so, a
    stop() action may be all you need -- that will stop the
    timeline. Do you
    mean quit and close the browser window? If so, you'll be
    stepping outside
    the realm of Flash, so you'd have to trigger JavaScript to
    close the window.
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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    Oops. I totally forgot about that...
    Thanks for the help!

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    way to break the file up, or even to get it open so that I can do

    Thanks for the reply.
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    my site is
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