Simple database server

For school i need to develop an application.
Can anyone help me with a simple database server? I want to read data from my database.
Database: a simple employers table
I want to request for example all employers firstname.
How can i build the server?
How can i make the connection with the database?
Are there tutorials or examples?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

I'd say Hypersonic SQL (HSQLDB) is your simplest bet; easy to setup and no software installation required because it is a pure java database. All you need to know is on their website:

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    I am a php/MySql newb. Have designed static sites in DW since Macromedia DW 4 days.
    I have set up a testing server on my Mac running OSX 10.6.7 using MAMP 1.9.5 and Dreamweaver CS4 to  test my osCommerce store (I like to see what's happening visually, even if I just change a small variable in the code). Although I have imported the store database  from my remote server, and the connection tests in the DW Database  window to the store, mysql, and information schema databases in  Dreamweaver are successful, I still get "Unable to connect to the  database server!" when I try to preview a .php page with Live View or with a browser. I'm using the  correct ports in my site definition (8888 and 8889). MAMP shows Apache  and MySQL running, of course. Have tried logging in as root and as my ususal username witht the correct passwords. Everything seems to be right...but it's  still wrong.
    Do I also need to import the mysql and information  schema databases from my remote server to replace the ones that came  with MAMP? If so, where do I put the information schema db? Although it  shows as a database in PhpMyAdmin, I don't see a folder or doc by that  name anywhere in MAMP - it must be buried pretty deep! (I did find a  file called information_schema_relations.lib.php in  MAMP/bin/phpMyAdmin/libraries. Is that it?)
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    Have also posted this on the MAMP forum.

    Hi Kanstantin,
    Ieve tested the database connectivity through sqlplus using SYSTEM. But when I try to connect (Mount the repositiry server from MDM console, I facing  the problem mentioned.
    Please let me know if I need to do anything else.
    For your info:
    The following are the tnsnames entries
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = PLSExtProc)
          (PRESENTATION = RO)
    MD7 =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = mysapplm)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = MD7)
          (INSTANCE_NAME = MD7)
          (GLOBAL_NAME = MD7)
        (HS = OK)
    The following are the entries in listener.ora file
      (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
          (ORACLE_HOME = I:\oracle\MD7\102)
          (PROGRAM = extproc)
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = mysapplm)(PORT = 1521))
    Edited by: Varadhu on Aug 6, 2009 10:49 AM

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    whenever there is some insertion or updation on the table of base(main) database it should get updated to the remote database server
    on time base for example: every 2 hours
    please help me!!!!

    It all depends on waht you are going to do with the data on the remote.
    if tehre are no updates there, creating a simple materialized view on the remote to pull it's data from the local should suffice.
    If there are updates on the remote, you will more than likely want to look into either Multi-master replication, or updatable materialized views.

  • Database Server

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    Or a simple
    c:\document settings>TNSPING dbname
    Should give a cnnection string which will have the server IP but it uses the TNSNAMES.ora.

  • How to send e-mail with an attachment from remote database server.???

    Hi All,
    I have tried the simple mail sending and with the attachment using UTL_SMTP. But the problem is , it is sending the mail with attachment of the file name i give, it takes and creates that file and sends as attachment not from the actual file location. I am trying to attach the file which i stored in remote database server.
    The following code I tried. But not worked for attachment
       v_From       VARCHAR2(80) := '[email protected]';
       v_Recipient  VARCHAR2(80) := '[email protected]';
       v_Subject    VARCHAR2(80) := 'test subject';
       v_Mail_Host  VARCHAR2(30) := '';
       v_Mail_Conn  utl_smtp.Connection;
       crlf         VARCHAR2(2)  := chr(13)||chr(10);
      v_Mail_Conn := utl_smtp.Open_Connection(v_Mail_Host, 25);
      utl_smtp.Helo(v_Mail_Conn, v_Mail_Host);
      utl_smtp.Mail(v_Mail_Conn, v_From);
      utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_Recipient);
        'Date: '   || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
        'From: '   || v_From || crlf ||
        'Subject: '|| v_Subject || crlf ||
        'To: '     || v_Recipient || crlf ||
        'MIME-Version: 1.0'|| crlf ||     -- Use MIME mail standard
        'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'|| crlf ||
        ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Type: text/html;'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        'some message text'|| crlf ||     -- Message body
        'more message text'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Type: text/html;'|| crlf ||
        ' name="Fund Authorization report"'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| crlf ||
        ' filename="/usr/tmp/Test.html"'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        'HTML Attachment'|| crlf ||     -- Content of attachment
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND--'               -- End MIME mail
      WHEN utl_smtp.Transient_Error OR utl_smtp.Permanent_Error then
        raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unable to send mail: '||sqlerrm);
    END;How can I attach a file which is stored in database server and send it in a mail.
    Please someone help me in this.

    Try this code
    Regards Salim.
       mail_conn       UTL_SMTP.connection;
       crlf            VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
       msg             VARCHAR2(32760);
       sid_name        VARCHAR2(16);
       bdump_dest      VARCHAR2(128);
       smtp_relay      VARCHAR2(32) := 'MyMailRelay';
       recipient_address  VARCHAR2(64) := '[email protected]';
       sender_address     VARCHAR2(64) := '[email protected]';
       mail_port       NUMBER := 25;
       log_file_handle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
       log_file_dir    VARCHAR2(256) := 'ERR_LOG_DIR';
       log_file_name   VARCHAR2(256) := 'OracleErrors.log';
       maxlinesize     NUMBER := 32767;
       session_rec     sys.v_$session%ROWTYPE;
       audit_rec       sys.dba_audit_trail%ROWTYPE;
       auditing        BOOLEAN;
       LinesOfSQL      BINARY_INTEGER;
       offending_sql   DBMS_STANDARD.ora_name_list_t;
       CURSOR bdump_cur IS
          SELECT TRIM(value)
          FROM v$parameter
          WHERE name = 'background_dump_dest'
       CURSOR sid_cur IS
          SELECT TRIM(instance_name)
          FROM v$instance
       CURSOR session_cur IS
          SELECT s.*
          FROM v$session s
          WHERE s.sid = dbms_support.mysid
       CURSOR audit_trail_cur(AUDSID IN NUMBER) IS
          SELECT *
          FROM dba_audit_trail
          WHERE sessionid = AUDSID
          -- Ignore this error
          -- Ignore this error
          -- get the sid
          OPEN sid_cur;
          FETCH sid_cur INTO sid_name;
          CLOSE sid_cur;
          -- get the location of the alert log
          OPEN bdump_cur;
          FETCH bdump_cur INTO bdump_dest;
          CLOSE bdump_cur;
          -- get the session information
          OPEN session_cur;
          FETCH session_cur INTO session_rec;
          CLOSE session_cur;
          -- get the audit_trail information if it exists
          OPEN audit_trail_cur(session_rec.audsid);
          FETCH audit_trail_cur INTO audit_rec;
          auditing := audit_trail_cur%FOUND;
          CLOSE audit_trail_cur;
          IF session_rec.program = 'MyProgram.exe' THEN
             NULL;  -- ignore actions from MyProgram - that's where I do maintenance
             -- compose the message
             msg := 'Subject: Oracle error '||' on '||sid_name||crlf;
             msg := msg||'To: '||recipient_address||crlf;
             msg := msg||'For more information see the alert log file located at:'||crlf;
             msg := msg||bdump_dest||'/alert_'||sid_name||'.log'||crlf;
             msg := msg||'or the error log file: $'||log_file_dir||'/'||log_file_name||crlf;
             msg := msg||'Error Time='||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||crlf;
             msg := msg||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK||crlf;
             LinesOfSQL := sql_txt(offending_sql);
             msg := msg||'Offending SQL is:'||crlf;
             FOR loop_counter IN offending_sql.FIRST..offending_sql.LAST
                msg := msg||offending_sql(loop_counter);
             END LOOP;
             msg := msg||crlf||'----- PL/SQL Error Stack -----'||crlf;
             msg := msg||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_STACK||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SADDR='   ||session_rec.saddr   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SID='     ||session_rec.sid     ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SERIAL#=' ||session_rec.serial# ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.AUDSID='  ||session_rec.audsid  ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PADDR='   ||session_rec.paddr   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.USER#='   ||session_rec.user#   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.USERNAME='||session_rec.username||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.COMMAND=' ||session_rec.command ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.OWNERID=' ||session_rec.ownerid ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TADDR='   ||NVL(session_rec.taddr   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LOCKWAIT='||NVL(session_rec.lockwait,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.STATUS='  ||NVL(session_rec.status  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SERVER='  ||NVL(session_rec.server  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SCHEMA#=' ||session_rec.schema#||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SCHEMANAME=' ||NVL(session_rec.schemaname,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.OSUSER='     ||NVL(session_rec.osuser    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PROCESS='    ||NVL(session_rec.process   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MACHINE='    ||NVL(session_rec.machine   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TERMINAL='   ||NVL(session_rec.terminal  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PROGRAM='    ||NVL(session_rec.program   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TYPE='       ||NVL(session_rec.type      ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SQL_ADDRESS='    ||session_rec.sql_address  ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SQL_HASH_VALUE=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.sql_hash_value) ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PREV_SQL_ADDR='  ||session_rec.prev_sql_addr||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PREV_HASH_VALUE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.prev_hash_value),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MODULE='     ||NVL(session_rec.module              ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MODULE_HASH='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.module_hash),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ACTION='     ||NVL(session_rec.action              ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ACTION_HASH='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.action_hash),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.CLIENT_INFO='||NVL(session_rec.client_info         ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.fixed_table_sequence),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_OBJ#='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_obj#)  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_FILE#=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_file#) ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_block#),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_ROW#='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_row#)  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LOGON_TIME='     ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.logon_time,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LAST_CALL_ET='   ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.last_call_et)   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDML_ENABLED='   ||NVL(session_rec.pdml_enabled   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILOVER_TYPE='  ||NVL(session_rec.failover_type  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILOVER_METHOD='||NVL(session_rec.failover_method,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILED_OVER='    ||NVL(session_rec.failed_over    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP='||NVL(session_rec.resource_consumer_group,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDML_STATUS='    ||NVL(session_rec.pdml_status    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDDL_STATUS='    ||NVL(session_rec.pddl_status    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PQ_STATUS='      ||NVL(session_rec.pq_status      ,'Null')||crlf;
             IF auditing THEN
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OS_USERNAME='  ||NVL(audit_rec.os_username,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.USERNAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.username   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.USERHOST='     ||NVL(audit_rec.userhost   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.TERMINAL='     ||NVL(audit_rec.terminal   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.TIMESTAMP='    ||TO_CHAR(audit_rec.timestamp,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OWNER='        ||NVL(audit_rec.owner      ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OBJ_NAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.obj_name   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ACTION='       ||audit_rec.action   ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ACTION_NAME='  ||NVL(audit_rec.action_name   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.NEW_OWNER='    ||NVL(audit_rec.new_owner     ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.NEW_NAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.new_name      ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OBJ_PRIVILEGE='||NVL(audit_rec.obj_privilege ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SYS_PRIVILEGE='||NVL(audit_rec.sys_privilege ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ADMIN_OPTION=' ||NVL(audit_rec.admin_option  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.GRANTEE='      ||NVL(audit_rec.grantee       ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.AUDIT_OPTION=' ||NVL(audit_rec.audit_option  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SES_ACTIONS='  ||NVL(audit_rec.ses_actions   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_TIME='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_time)  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_LREAD=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_lread) ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_PREAD=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_pread) ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_LWRITE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_lwrite),'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_DLOCK=' ||NVL(audit_rec.logoff_dlock  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.COMMENT_TEXT=' ||NVL(audit_rec.comment_text  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SESSIONID='    ||audit_rec.sessionid   ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ENTRYID='      ||audit_rec.entryid     ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.STATEMENTID='  ||audit_rec.statementid ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.RETURNCODE='   ||audit_rec.returncode  ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.PRIV_USED='    ||NVL(audit_rec.priv_used,'Null')||crlf;
             END IF;
             msg := msg||'-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-'||crlf||crlf;
             -- write the message to the error log file
             log_file_handle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (log_file_dir, log_file_name, 'A',maxlinesize);
             -- send the message by Email
             mail_conn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection(smtp_relay, mail_port);
             UTL_SMTP.HELO(mail_conn, smtp_relay);
             UTL_SMTP.MAIL(mail_conn, sender_address);
             UTL_SMTP.RCPT(mail_conn, recipient_address);
             UTL_SMTP.DATA(mail_conn, msg);
          END IF; -- client_program = MyProgram.exe
       END IF;

  • A very simple database system with JSON

    If we need to store some data in a database, but without the need of advanced SQL features, can we use this scheme (written here in Javascript / node.js) :
    // the DB will be in RAM !
    var myDb = {};
    // read DB from disk if file exists
    try { myDb = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(DBFILENAME)); } catch(e) { }
    // serialize to disk every minute or when process terminates
    function serialize() { fs.writeFile('./myDb.json', JSON.stringify(myDb)); }
    setInterval(serialize, 60 * 1000);
    process.on('SIGTERM', serialize); process.on('SIGINT', serialize);
    myDb['record1'] = 'foo';
    myDb['record2'] = 'bar';
    the longer version here as a gist (8 lines of code).
    1) Does this DB practice have a name? Is it really so bad? Is it possible to use such a
    10-lines-of-code DB system, even in production of websites that have a < 1 GB database ?
    2) Scalability: until which size would this system work without performance problems?
    i.e. would it work until 2GB of data on a a normal Linux server with 4GB RAM? Or would there be real performance problems?
    Note: a minute seems enough to write a 2GB data to disk... Of course I admit it is 100% non-optimized, we could add
    diff feature between n-1th and nth writing to disk...
    3) Search: can I use ready-to-use tools to do some search in such a "simple" database? Lucene, ElasticSearch, Sphinx, etc. something else?

    Nothing is wrong with this for development. If it has a name, I suppose it would be a mock database. It is not uncommon to create a mock database that can emulate very basic functionality. You have the added advantage that you start from a scratch
    database each and everytime, thus you know that your program would work also for a potential empty nosql database for the same reason.
    However this is not a reasonable permanent solution by any means.
    Most programmers, due to the small overhead, will simply go ahead and make it work with a nosql database. It may take slightly longer, you are also programming directly to work in production and not being forced to adapt your program and test it beforehand.
    Scalability is a non-issue because you're always working in development. If you crash your own computer, it is not that big of a deal. The limit of such a database would be only that of your RAM (or the RAM of the computer running the server), however I
    think you'd find that you'll find that the program gets very slow before you even reach the point when your program will crash.
    Perhaps you could adapt some searching mechanism for the mock database, but if you're going to go through the trouble, just go ahead and use a proper nosql database. If you literally lose more than 1 hour working on this mock database, then you've wasted

  • Essbase Studio - Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server

    Hi all,
    I am new to Hyperion and am having trouble deploying what seems a simple cube in Essbase Studio.
    My environment is Windows 2003, EPM, SQL Server 2000.
    I have the following two issues which may be related.
    1. The EPM System Diagnostic tool says that Hyperion Foundation cannot connect to the SQL database.
    Failed: Connection to database
    Error: <server name: <server name>
    Recommended Action:
    Every other EPM application is able to connect to the database. I have tried re-configuring Foundation Services and checking the config files and nothing looks wrong. I would appreciate advice on how to fix this.
    2 In Essbase Studio, I was able to connect to the database where the source data is, build the minischema and create dimensions and measures. But when I run the cube deployment wizard I get the error:
    Message: Failed to deploy Essbase cube
    Caused By: Failed to build Essbase cube dimension: (Time)
    Caused By: Cannot incremental build. Essbase Error(1021001): Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    …ODBC Layer Error: [08001] ==> [[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.]
    I have checked the DSN as well as the connections set up within Studio, and they are all able to connect to the database. I am using the admin user for the Essbase server and have created a different user for the databases where the data resides and the shared services database. I tried using the same user all the way through and this didn’t help.
    Can you please advise what else I can check or change to resolve this issue.
    Also, can you work in EAS with cubes that are created in Studio? I tried looking at it and I got an error that the rule file couldn’t be accessed because it was created in Studio.
    After the above failures, I tried creating a cube in EIS, with mixed success. I have been able to load the members and data without errors. But when I try to view the data in the cube, I am seeing field names for the measures instead of the data itself.
    ...Definitely more questions than answers at this stage of my learning.

    I don't know if you found an answer to you question after so many months but I was hoping I could be helpful.
    The issue you are experience happens often when the dimension that you are getting an error on, in this case TIME, is built from a snowflake lineage and there is a bad foreign key reference. This dimension is most like high-up in your outline build process for Essbase Studio and this prevents the build from happening usually early on.
    Check your logs also. They are in Hyperion > Products > logs > essbase > essbasestudio.
    You can also make your logs more verbose by setting a configuration variable in the essbase studio file but that should only be used for debugging as it really saps performance.
    And, yes, you can of course edit an Essbase Studio deployed cube in EAS. However, any changes you make to the cube in EAS are subject to being wiped-out upon the next Essbase Studio deployment of that Applicaion/Database combo.
    If you want to provide more detail, screenshots, etc. I would be glad to help where I can.

  • Newbie: EL6 "database server" installed - how do I get the Gnome desktop ?

    I installed fresh EL6 on the same partition where EL5.6 was installed - did a reformat of "/" to take advantage of ext4.
    While installing EL6, I chose "Database Server" option - and did custom partitioning to preserve my other OS-es. The installation ran fine
    However I do not get Gnome ( or KDE will do too ) desktop.
    How do I add that ? Will I need to run install again and choose a "desktop" option (without formatting the root partition ) ?
    I have ULN registration if it matters
    Edited by: user8602532 on Feb 13, 2011 11:21 AM
    Edited by: user8602532 on Feb 13, 2011 11:22 AM

    There are lots and lots of RPM packages which make up the GNOME or KDE environment. Trying to install them all piecemeal is a daunting task. To address this, yum(8) has a feature known as "package groups" whereby you can install or remove all of the components making up that group in a single command. This how you want to do it.
    Unfortunately, neither ULN and appear to have support for these package groups. But, the RPM package groups are defined on the DVD installation media.
    This is the general approach:
    1) Make a clean install of the O/S and database product.
    3) With the installation DVD still present, create a YUM repository which points to it. Something as simple as:
    cd /etc/yum.repos.d
    echo '[dvd]' >dvd.repo
    echo 'baseurl=file:///path/to/where/you/have/the/iso/mounted' >>dvd.repo
    echo 'enabled=1' >>dvd.repo
    echo 'gpgcheck=false' >>dvd.reposhould do the trick.
    4) Check your work:
    # yum grouplist5) Install the GNOME group:
    # yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"6) Now, configure your ULN subscription at
    # /usr/sbin/up2date --registerThere are two tricks here:
    1. The package group information is available only on the distro media.
    2. To use the group information on the distro DVD media, all currently-installed packages must match the versions available on the media. Cannot mix-and-match between the distro media and up2date packages.
    Hope this helps.

  • XMF files or database server

    hi all,
    we have a need to set-up a JSF based web site for a sports club, requiring dynamic information related to news, match report, players, etc.
    Should we store all the information on XML files or database server.
    thanks in advance for any assistance

    It only depends on your requirement and taset. It should have nothing to do with the JSF per se.
    If you feel comfortable with basic XML APIs including SAX, then use XML.
    If you love writing SQL and handling sets of records as linear data sets, use DB.
    I love handling falt files of my own design when the project is simple and unique.

  • Compatibility: Oracle Database Server 10g on SLES 10 64bit

    Installation of Oracle database 10g Release 2 fails:
    Downloaded from :
    hro:/new64/database # ./runInstaller
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking installer requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, redhat-4, UnitedLin
    Failed <<<<
    Exiting Oracle Universal Installer, log for this session can be found at /tmp/Or
    ## Following is the kernel version:
    hro:/new64/database # uname -a
    Linux hro #1 SMP Tue May 6 12:41:02 UTC 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Is there a newer release of Oracle database server 10g which supports SLES 10 SP2? A download link would be of great help.

    Some suggestions.
    Edit /etc/SuSE-release to say:
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (i586)
    VERSION = 9
    Change it back after Oracle is installed & before applying latest 10.2 patch.
    Install the 'orarun' SLES package. (yast as root - Before Oracle Install)
    I also install 'gvim' 'Gnu C compiler' & ' Sun Java 1.4.2'. (also, yast as root b4 Ora install)
    Then load latest OPatch for 10.2.0.? (Patches are OK with SLES10 in 'release' file)
    Then latest CriticalPatchUpdate.
    I've had a long battle - and won - , getting 15GB SGA's running on 32bit Linux.
    Use 64bit hardware and OS and Oracle if you have a choice. Much simpler.
    Regards, Vin.

  • Install Oracle Application Server on same as database server

    How to Install Oracle Application Server.
    Can I install on the same server as database server
    Can some body provide a simple tutorial for Windows Installation.

    If there is no licensing issues - then I could advice SOA Suite installation - there should be AS as well and many other features (BPEL e.g.). Personally I cann't see any need for installation manual as all the installation and configuration assistance poceeds automatically. Documentation can be found - usually zip contains large library of pdf, installation manual including.
    Well - my problem is that I have installed partially SOA Suite (configuration assistants failed at web services) on machine without DB server, then I installed DB server and now I am trying to deinstall SOA Suite - but now for some days machine shows 100% CPU consumption and no any visible actions (no new errors as well)... What should I do? Kill the process and try to manually remove SOA? I plan after make another SOA installation after removal of this one.
    Thanks in someone can help me!

  • Looking for a simple database app.

    I have an Excel sheet that i use to store simple database data. Like a flat file database with only 4 columns, no relations, no calculations, just data storage.
    I don't want to download and install over a 100Mb of OpenOffice or NeoOffice just to be able to see my Excel sheet so i was thinking at converting it to a simple cardfiler-like database.
    Guess what? There are no simple databases for the Mac! There is OpenOffice and NeoOffice and there is FileMaker. But no simple, small, configurable card-filer. I checked VersionTracker, IUseThis, but i cannot find anything.
    That makes me think that it already needs to be available on the standard installed apps (please say that i'm right) and i just don't see it.
    Any suggestions? Any help? Am i really missing the point here?
    Thanks all!

    Haven't looked at Wallet. Looked at iData, but that is payware now. I'm trying now woth OmniOutliner which seems to look ok.

  • Performance issue with database server

    We have installed ECC 6.0 on HP UX 11.23 OS with Oracle as database.
    We have cluster environment in our production severs.
    One server as DB-CI installed and other as Dialogue Instance installed.
    After installation, the dialogue instance (Application server))works fine but if we login into DB server and execute any t-code It takes too much time or just stuck.
    and after that if I go to application and execute that t-code it works fine and after that if I go to database and execute that t-code now even in DB it works fine.
    Kindly guide me.
    Chandresh Pranami.

    Hi Chandresh,
    Check below things for your Database server.
    SM50 - Workprocess status busy or wait
    ST04 - Data buffer hit ratio
    SM37 - Any background job running there.
    Normally even if you are login through a diffrent app server the database side execution will happen in db server only.Application server will do the execution but the data read and to be updated will happen in db server only.When the sql request will go to db server may select update..types of sql then it willalways will be processed by db server.
    So there will be lot of load already thereIg you execute your work here it will take more time because more load for the application will be there.

  • Runtime Repository on local database server only

    This is a why question, as I have read the installation and configuration guides and don't see this answer. Please forgive me if I've overlooked it.
    I am installing OWB in a client/server fashion; the database server resides on a UNIX platform, the client on Windows. I ran the OWB Repository Assistant from my windows desktop, and the repository owner and its objects were created. However, I see in the manual that the OWB Runtime Assistant must run on the same machine where the database resides. I did so, started up the Runtime Assistant on UNIX and created the Runtime Repository into a new user schema, and then a Runtime Access user. All went well.
    It looks to me as if both of these wizards create database objects. Why can the Repository Assistant be executed from the desktop environment, but the Runtime Assistant needs to be executed where the database lives, in my case, UNIX. It seems that only database objects are created, it shouldn't matter where the wizard is run from, as long as a database connection can be made.
    I feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle, can anyone enlighten me. Perhaps a daemon or service is started that I need to know about?

    Perhaps a daemon or service is started that I need to know about?That's it! There are some java-services running outside the database. That's e.g. the reason why you can't deploy to an OS/390 system, because these services are not migrated for this JVM yet.
    Message was edited by:

  • How to FTP a file from client machine to database server using forms 10g

    I want to ftp a file from a client machine to the database server machine using forms 10G (or PL/SQL).
    could you please tell me how can I do this

    How to get up and running with WebUtil 1.06 included with Oracle Developer Suite on a win32 platform
    Assuming a fresh "Complete" install of Oracle Developer Suite,
    here are steps to get a small test form running, using WebUtil 1.06.
    Note: Oracle_Home is used as an alias for your real oDS ORACLE_HOME.
    Feel free to copy this note to a text editor, and do a global find/replace on
    Oracle_Home with your actual value (no trailing slash). Then it is easy to
    copy/paste actual commands to be executed from the note copy.
    1) Download
    and extract to a temporary staging area. Do not attempt to use 1.7 or 1.9.
    2) Copy or move jacob.jar and jacob.dll
    C:\webutile is the folder where you extracted Jacob, and will end in ...\jacob_18
    cd C:\webutile
    copy jacob.jar Oracle_Home\forms\java\.
    copy jacob.dll Oracle_Home\forms\webutil\.
    The Jacob staging area is no longer needed, and may be deleted.
    3) Sign frmwebutil.jar and jacob.jar
    Open a DOS command prompt.
    Add Oracle_Home\jdk\bin to the PATH:
    set PATH=Oracle_Home\jdk\bin;%PATH%
    Sign the files, and check the output for success:
    Oracle_Home\forms\webutil\sign_webutil Oracle_Home\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar
    Oracle_Home\forms\webutil\sign_webutil Oracle_Home\forms\java\jacob.jar
    4) If you already have a schema in your RDBMS which contains the WebUtil stored code,
    you may skip this step. Otherwise,
    Create a schema to hold the WebUtil stored code, and privileges needed to
    connect and create a stored package. Schema name "WEBUTIL" is recommended
    for no reason other than consistency over the user base.
    Open Oracle_Home\forms\create_webutil_db.sql in a text editor, and delete or comment
    out the EXIT statement, to be able to see whether the objects were created witout
    Start SQL*Plus as SYSTEM, and issue:
    CREATE USER webutil IDENTIFIED BY [password]
    CONNECT webutil/webutil@rcci
    -- Inspect SQL*Plus output for errors, and then
    CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM webutil_db FOR webutil.webutil_db;
    Reconnect as SYSTEM, and issue:
    grant execute on webutil_db to public;
    5) Modify Oracle_Home\forms\server\default.env, and append Oracle_Home\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar
    to the CLASSPATH entry.
    6) Modify Oracle_Home\forms\server\formsweb.cfg insde [default] add :
    also add :
    7) Modify Oracle_Home\forms\server\webutil.cfg and add :
    8) Start the OC4J instance
    9) Start Forms Builder and connect to a schema in the RDBMS used in step (4).
    Open webutil.pll, do a "Compile ALL" (shift-Control-K), and generate to PLX (Control-T).
    It is important to generate the PLX, to avoid the FRM-40039 discussed in Note 303682.1
    If the PLX is not generated, the Webutil.pll library would have to be attached with
    full path information to all forms wishing to use WebUtil. This is NOT recommended.
    10) Create a new FMB.
    Open webutil.olb, and Subclass (not Copy) the Webutil object to the form.
    There is no need to Subclass the WebutilConfig object.
    Attach the Webutil.pll Library, and remove the path.
    Add an ON-LOGON trigger with the code
    to avoid having to connect to an RDBMS (optional).
    Create a new button on a new canvas, with the code
    show_webutil_information (TRUE);
    in a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger.
    Compile the FMB to FMX, after doing a Compile-All (Shift-Control-K).
    11) Under Edit->Preferences->Runtime in Forms Builder, click on "Reset to Default" if
    the "Application Server URL" is empty.
    Then append "?config=webutil" at the end, so you end up with a URL of the form
    12) Run your form.

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