Simple dispatch event doesnt seem to work

I've got 2 AS3 files going here, the document file "Main" and a "Fence" file...
Fence code
package  {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Fence extends MovieClip {
  public function Fence() {
   addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
  private function onAddedToStage(event:Event) {
   dispatchEvent(new Event("fenceAdded", true));
   removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
Then theres the Main code
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main extends MovieClip {
  public function Main () {  
   addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
   stage.addEventListener("fenceAdded", onFenceAdded);
  private function onFenceAdded (event:Event) {
For some reason the ping comes up, but the pong doesn't, it's starting to bug me now that the "onFenceAdded" wont even work, what have I missed? Is there some way to check if Flash is compiling correctly? I often find these weird problems where I'm sure I've done it all correct, but when I try to compile and run a swf it wont work!

Just forgot to mention. There is undocumented MainTimeline class. If you remove document class and place the following code:
import flash.utils.describeType;
var xml:XML = describeType(this);
You will see result similar to the xml below - it says that type is MainTimeline.
If you assign Main to it - it will state that type is MovieClip.
In both cases you will see a line:
<variable name="fence" type="timelineCode::Fence"/>
Here is an output without document class:
<type name="stageEvent_fla::MainTimeline" base="flash.display::MovieClip" isDynamic="true" isFinal="false" isStatic="false">
  <extendsClass type="flash.display::MovieClip"/>
  <extendsClass type="flash.display::Sprite"/>
  <extendsClass type="flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer"/>
  <extendsClass type="flash.display::InteractiveObject"/>
  <extendsClass type="flash.display::DisplayObject"/>
  <extendsClass type=""/>
  <extendsClass type="Object"/>
  <implementsInterface type=""/>
  <implementsInterface type="flash.display::IBitmapDrawable"/>
  <variable name="xml" type="XML"/>
  <variable name="fence" type="timelineCode::Fence"/>
  <method name="addFrameScript" declaredBy="flash.display::MovieClip" returnType="void">
    <metadata name="Inspectable">
      <arg key="environment" value="none"/>
  <method name="nextFrame" declaredBy="flash.display::MovieClip" returnType="void"/>
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    <parameter index="1" type="Object" optional="false"/>
    <parameter index="2" type="String" optional="true"/>
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    <parameter index="1" type="Object" optional="false"/>
    <parameter index="2" type="String" optional="true"/>
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    <parameter index="5" type="Boolean" optional="true"/>
  <method name="toString" declaredBy="" returnType="String"/>

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    Hi ChuckN,
    I have installed the update at home on an older 27" iMac, a new retina macbook pro 15", an older macbook air  and a recent 21" iMac and on none of them does the redeem by camera option show up.
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    Hi Dylan5084,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. I have read your thread on your HP ENVY TouchSmart 4-1203sa Sleekbook and sound issues. Here is a link to troubleshoot the sound.
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            new TopicClient();
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            try {
            } catch (JMSException ex) {
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    Hi Rhondafromrockville,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The first step would be to check the sound settings in your System Preferences on the iMac.  Click on the link below to see the screenshot in the section "Change your sounds."   If you click on the Input tab, you should see the Internal microphone (Built-in).  If it is not already selected, click on it and you should be able adjust your input volume.
    Mac Basics: Set your preferences
    Once you confirm that the internal microphone is working on your iMac, then you can open Garageband, and check the settings to make sure the internal microphone is selected as the input source:
    GarageBand '11: Record sound from a microphone
    GarageBand '11 - Record your voice
    - Judy

  • Editing Contacts Doesnt Seem to Work :(

    this is my editContact method: public void editContact(ContactPanel updatePanel){
                preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("update CONTACTS set NAME = ?, NUMBER = ?, EMAIL = ? where ID = ?");
                preparedStatement.setString(1, updatePanel.getName());
                preparedStatement.setString(2, updatePanel.getNumber());
                preparedStatement.setString(3, updatePanel.getEMail());
                preparedStatement.setInt(4, updatePanel.getID());
            }catch(SQLException ex){
        } for some reason it doesnt work. i use it like this in another class of my program: if(event.getSource() == doneButton){
            } any1know what the problem could be? thnx guys :)

    this is my editContact method: public void
    editContact(ContactPanel updatePanel){
    preparedStatement =
    connection.prepareStatement("update CONTACTS set
    NAME = ?, NUMBER = ?, EMAIL = ? where ID = ?");
    tch(SQLException ex){
    } for some reason it doesnt work. i use it
    like this in another class of my program:
    if(event.getSource() == doneButton){
    } any1know what the problem could be?
    thnx guys :)Sorry but I'm unfamiliar with the words any1know and thnx - could you please clarify them ?

  • Since going to the store doesnt seem to work....

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    Not only does the Charge have a horrible battery life, drop calls, completely lose "data accessibility", freeze, restart and randomly open programs, but it also likes to have a mind of its own and rifle through pages and either call some of my direct contact links or other battery depleting things.
    I have taken the phone in on multiple occassions because of one issue or another and was always given one excuse after another as to why random things would happen, most of the time it was my fault, or I dont "reset" the phone enough, and really nothing was answered in terms of why I have no data coverage for days at a time when Buffalo was just "blessed" with 4G LTE, something this phone is capable of, but I have yet to get it working on my phone
    I was lied to on pretty much all facets pertaining both kinds of phone ("Droid" and IPhone). The battery life (IPhone is superior), the security of the network (IPhone is superior), connectivity to my home computer (I still am not able to sync my computer to my Charge for some reason), and other issues.
    Oh, and my phone was outdated in a week by the Bionic, then the IPhone 4S and recently the Stratosphere.
    I have gone in lately with 3 seperate chargers. 1 was a "eco-green" one I spent $30 something dollars on. The other from my purchased phone and the other from a friend. 2 of the 3 are fried with the one coming with my Charge, almost starting a fire. Excuses were made as to why they couldn't be returned, and I was sent on my way once again.
    With the way the Better Business Bureau works, and Verizon no longer being number 1 in our "market", the way my money was spent for me, and not by me, is a key reason as to why for many.
    Think about it, a family that has been with your company as long as mine has spent tens of thousands of dollars, back to when there was a corded phone in our truck and the Zach Morris phone, prior to Verizon even owning the company. Loyalty is something rarely found in todays time and place, even less so in the grab bag of incentive laiden phone salesmen who will talk parents into spending outrageous money on a tablet device because of their kids pressure and the hidden gem of the salesman getting one for free after selling 5 of them. And yes, I talked to the rep about his "awesome incentives". That's fine and dandy, but when it came to getting some sort of q&a session about ways to handle my problems it always ended up with me shelling out more money, or leaving empty handed.
    All I want, simply, is to have a phone that meets my needs, and wont be irrelevant technology wise in the next few months. Selling me a phone that divebombed to half price in a months time and charging me fees after talking me into a different phone is a slap in the face. There has to be someone from Verizon, that can make me not feel ripped off (The price paid for the phone, is what it should be worth for a while, not a vastly depreciated value like purchasing a new car off the lot.) Follow the phone number to the bill and look up the past many years and see what I am talking about

    I've attempted to do such, I feel like I call collections agents. Almost to the point that it is very uncomfortable to explain my issues as though I am a knit picky person. That isn't the point. The principle of the matter is not feeling like I had the wool pulled over my eyes. My phone number is accessible via the information I initially filled out. Someone could've contacted me if they took the time to read my issues and had a real, viable way to handle the problem at hand. I wish a Verizon worker would read into my dilemma and attempt to rectify it. I have read that the Charge isn't a bad phone at all. But for what I asked for, and the amount of money I spent, I am kind of at a loss. And btw, who sells a phone with an HDMI jack on the side, but dont include a cord with it? Sounds like going to a parts place to buy headlights only to have some schmuck sell you dielectric grease for your headlights when most people have this stuff at home, trunk or garage just under a different name. 

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