Simple version of the raw dialog vs. non-simple

In the FAQ page there is this question: "When I open my Nikon NEF files, all I see is the simple version of the raw dialog."
Since I don't know what a 'simple version" versus a non-simple, or elaborate or whatever it is you would call it, I would appreciate it if the raw dialog can be defined, as to what it is supposed to be. This way I know if I have the same problem or not. (or in other words, what information does a simple version show, or what info is missing in the simple version)?
If important I have the latest version of camera raw 7.4 running on Photoshop CS6

The FAQ in question is the only FAQ which shows up on the 1st opening page and it links here:
What I was referring to is at the bottom of the page and the exact question and answer is:
Q: When I open my Nikon NEF files, all I see is the simple version of the raw dialog.
A: You are running Nikon's plug-in, not Adobe's. Delete from Photoshop's plug-in folder and all subfolders all copies of the "Nikon NEF plugin". Nikon automatically installs this plug-in in up to two places inside Photoshop's plug-in folder, and both must be deleted. Otherwise it overrides the Adobe plug-in. An alternative to the deletion is adding ~ in front of the Nikon plug-ins names.
Does this help any? So is this Q&A old and not something I should worry about?

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    What is the screen resolution you have set?
    On most windows systems you can right click on the desktop and choose Screen Resolution or Properties>Settings to find out the the screen resolution.

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    Thanks. D.

    You are welcome...I gotta tell ya that compared to ACR 2.4, ACR 7 in Photoshop CS6 is head and tails over the poor, crude thing known as ACR 2.4. I mean it was cool at the time, but since 2003/2004 a lot has changed and advanced in Camera Raw. It's pretty remarkable how much progess we've seen in raw processing!

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    There are several under "ios7 camera icon".  Here's one...

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    Fire away.....

    Answering this question:
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    Camera RAW file formats are compressed to a small file size using manufacturer proprietary information about the image sensor pixel layout. This provides a more efficient loss-less file compression algorithm than TIFF's LZW or ZIP compression algorithms. LZW or ZIP compression is not used when Lightroom exports and opens an image in Photoshop for editing, but you certainly have that option when saving the file after applying your PS edits. DNG files using loss-less compression can produce a file size slightly smaller than RAW format, but I have no experience with DNG.
    Answering this question:
    CS3 can't read Canon .CR2 RAW files (at least mine can't unless there is a plugin of some kind). 
    Support for newer camera models like your Canon 7D are only added to the then current (and later version) Adobe Camera RAW Converter and Lightroom. Newer Adobe Camera RAW converter versions (6.3) are not supported in older version of Photoshop like CS3. It is the nature of business marketing and also due to the large expense to support older application versions with "new" plug-in features. It would be a support nightmare!
    Hypothetical Example:
    "Why doesn't Adobe Camera RAW 10.3 work properly with my Canon 1600 D MK XV 45 Megapixel camera in Photoshop CS3?"

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    As far as i can tell, if you use Place>In Photoshop from Bridge with a camera raw file and don't have any other documents open, it skips the camera raw dialog, but does place (open as a smart object)
    and then you can double click on the smart object icon on the thumbnail in the l;ayers panel to open camera raw.
    If you already have a document open then Place>In Photoshop using a camera raw file opens the camera raw dialog before placing the photo.
    Also check the photoshop>Preferences>General and verify you have Place or Drag Raster Images as Smart Objects checked.
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    Kenny_777 wrote:
    Why does Adobe refuse to provide the latest version of Camera Raw (like my Canon 6d) that could be supported in Photoshop CS5 or earlier?
    Adobe's policy to to provide free updates (not upgrades) for currently shipping software, which means the current Photoshop CS6 and Camera Raw 7.x. Development on Photoshop CS5.x and Camera Raw 6.x stopped when Photoshop CS6 started shipping. While it may appear on the surface that's it's a ploy to force users to upgrade to the most recent version when getting a new camera, it's really a policy based on the technical issues of trying to provide backwards compatible software for application that are no longer being developed.
    Camera Raw is a plug-in for Photoshop and as such, it is dependent on the Photoshop SDK in which it's also dependent upon the system level APIs being used by the applications. Could Adobe keep upgrading old software? Yes, but it would be a technical nightmare.
    Your alternative is simply use the free DNG Converter if you want to use new cameras that weren't in existence when your old software was developed. Pretty simple really and it's not designed as insult to Adobe's actually an affirmative program to make sure current users are provided support.
    The problem of new camera support for old software is really a problem caused primarily by the camera companies spawning off new cameras whose file formats are undocumented and proprietary. If the camera makers adopted a standard file format that could be opened in standard applications (kinda like DNG) then tis problem would be mitigated. You really should place the lion's share of the problem at the feet of the camera companies...

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    Yeah, I realize that.
    Until Aperture 3 I used a split workflow: Aperture for my "award winning artsy photos" (lol) and iPhoto for my snaps –many of which were actually very good .
    That grew out of using iPhoto for the first years I had my Mac AND my little Lumix snapper Camera. I had a Nikon F2 (slides), but I used Photoshop for scanning and retouching the TIFs.
    Then, a few years ago I got my Nikon DSLR and Aperture.
    Hence, the divided workflow.
    Now I'm importing all my old snaps from iPhoto (jpg), and aside from keywords and GPS, it's not a problem, aside from being tedious.
    Now my NEW photos (2008-now) are all RAW, including my "snaps". And I'm just trying to save space where possible.
    Oh well. I guess I'll just have to be REALLY careful about which snaps I:
    a) keep
    b) export/import as JPG

  • I want to edit my raw images on cs5 photoshop.  But when I go to open the .CR2 file it says  '' Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw. Please visit

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    '' Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw. Please visit the Camera Raw help documentation for additional information.  '' 
    When I go to updates in photoshop help i try to update photoshop and photoshop camera raw but it then says 
    '' Updates could not be applied the error log file may help you in identifying the problem. Then, try updating again. If the problems persist, contact customer support for further assistance. 
    Photoshop Camera Raw 8.7.1(CS6) There was an error installing this update. Please quit and try again later. Error Code: U44M1I216 ''  
    I dont know how to get around this please help

    CR2 files from which Canon camera?
    Supported cameras are listed here
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras

  • When I make a Book in Aperture and print a PDF proof version, all the modified photos (marked with Badges) are totally distorted.  What is causing this? All other - non-modified photos - appear to be fine.

    When I make a Book using Aperture 3 and print a PDF proof version, all images that have been modified within Aperture are distorted in PDF form.  All other images appear ok.

    As if only the corrected layer would have remained on the photos.
    So the geometry of the pictures is correct - they are not skewed or something? Only the colors and intensities are wrong?
    . Only in printing when it is converted to PDF file some photos are unrecognizable.
    Is it the printed pdf or the pdf viewed on the screen? If it is the printed copy you need to fix your print settings.
    Does Aperture give a warning, that the high resolution images are not available?
    We had some cases of books not being able to be printed, and that was due to a broken reference to the original files. Only the book could not access the originals, all other parts of Aperture could. To check for this, try to add one more adjustment to one of the images in question. Is it possible? Are the edits reflected correctly in the pdf of the book?
    We were shooting with 3 cameras, Lumix5 shooting RAW, Cannon 100 shooting JPEG and SONY alfa850 shooting RAW.
    Have you tried to reprocess the raw of the edited images? (Photos > Reprocess Raw)
    Also try, to remove one of the images from the book and to add it again. That usually helps, if Aperture has lost the connection to the originals used in the book.
    If you no have done so already, repair (and if necessary rebuild) the Aperture library.
    See: Repairing and Rebuilding Your Aperture Library: Aperture 3 User Manual

  • I have a canon 70d and just purchased elements 12. It will not open a raw file for me. I have been advised to download the latest version of camera raw, i have done this and it still says my camera is not supported. I really need to open my raw files. Can

    i have a canon 70d and just purchased elements 12. It will not open a raw file for me. I have been advised to download the latest version of camera raw, i have done this and it still says my camera is not supported. I really need to open my raw files. Can anybody help me.

    You'll need to update to at least ACR 8.2 for the 70D to be recognized.  The normal way to update PSE12 to the latest CR is to use Help / Updates in the Editor which should update to ACR 8.5.
    According to Adobe's website PSE12 shipped with ACR 8.1 and you say it says yours is reported as ACR 8.0.
    Are you using PSE 11 and not 12?  PSE 11's maximum ACR version is 8.0.

  • I have Photoshop Elements 12 for both PC and Mac (I use both). I have a new camera, Nikon D810. I downloaded the latest version of Camera Raw, 8.8. My D810 is listed as a supported camera model. However, when I try to open a raw photo in Photoshop Element

    I have Photoshop Elements 12 for both PC and Mac (I use both). I have a new camera, Nikon D810. I downloaded the latest version of Camera Raw, 8.8. My D810 is listed as a supported camera model. However, when I try to open a raw photo in Photoshop Elements, I keep getting the message "Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw. I have tried reinstalling Camera Raw many times, and have tried to open many different raw files in Elements, and still get the same error message. Please help.

    How did you try to install ACR 8.8.  The only way I know of that works with Elements is to use the Updates Choice on the Help menu.
    There are two charts supplied by Adobe that explain your RAW dilemma.  This one tells you what your camera needs:   This one tells you what version of software you need:
    In your case, the Nikon D810 needs Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) 8.6 or Lightroom 5.6.  (Congratulations on buying a new camera!)
    To get to that level with Photoshop Elements, you will need to replace your Photoshop Elements 12 with version 13.   Adobe caps ACR updates on version 12 at 8.5.
    The most convenient way to get around it without spending any money is to use the FREE from Adobe DNG Converter.  Download and install it from here for FREE:  Once it is installed you can convert your D810 raw files to an Adobe RAW version with the .DNG file extension that most, if not all, versions of the various Adobe software programs can use.  That includes old versions of Photoshop, Elements and Lightroom.  DNG converter can be used as the tool to move your files from your memory card to your computer, is efficient, will convert in batches and is completely lossless.  There is no risk of any image quality degradation or RAW functionality.

  • Multiple versions of the same RAW image

    Hi All,
    It's posible to have multiple versions of the same RAW file. Let's say I work my RAW file and make some changes, can those changes become an independent file? I want to be able to go back to the original RAW file without loosing any other version already created.
    Best regards,

    Hi Kim,
    May be you can try this and see if this works for you. I am not 100% sure if it will work for you, but worth a try I guess. Create a Test WebDynpro project and try the following steps on this project. If they work  out correctly and serve the purpose for you only then try them on your actual Web Dynpro project.
    1. Create a test Web Dynpro project  say "TestWDProject" with Component say "Comp1" and the default views and windows etc.
    Also create some working application our of this component and Windows using the Context.
    2. Right click the "Comp1" and select Copy.
    3. Right click 'Components" node in the project structure and select "Paste"
    4.This step will try to paste the copy of Comp1 as a new Component.
    5. You can change the Name and Package of the Component.
    6.Similarly you'll get the prompts for views,windows etc.
    7.Once you have copied everything, Just check if everything looks good.
    8.Now you can create a new Application using this new component and the Component Interface View and Deploy it.
    9.Test whether the Application created out of this copy works same as the original component.
    You can also try to create another Web Dynpro project and paste the Comp1 in the Components node of that new project and perform the same steps.
    Again, try with these Test Projects and see if this serves your purpose before applying the steps on actual projects.

  • Feature request: make the "transform" dialogs non-modal

    Currently, the transformation dialogs accessible at Object>Transform are modal. I'm talking about "Move…", "Rotate…", "Reflect…", and so forth. These dialogs, when open, lock the user out of any interaction with the artboard other than the "preview" button, until the dialog is closed.
    Even more problematically, they lock the scroll and zoom factor of the current user view, so that there's no way to inspect how a precise numeric adjustment affects a part of the layout outside the current window (or within the current window but very small inside it) without committing the change, inspecting it, and then later undoing if necessary. This creates cycles of tedious user adjustments (especially on small monitors) that really should be possible in one user step, by toggling the preview button on and off, and zooming/scrolling.
    This is contrary to most modern UI design principles, which suggest avoiding modes unless they are truly and meaningfully necessary. I don't think this is one of those cases. Photoshop made dialogs for adjustment layers non-modal with CS4, and while there are issues with the newer interface (see John Nack's Configurator workaround), I think it's a win overall. Illustrator needs to catch up in this regard. I realize there is some pretty serious refactoring involved to do this, but it has to be do-able.
    In the words of Larry Tesler's immortal Subaru license plate: "NO MODES"!

    ...make the "transform" dialogs non-modal...
    What, and bring Illustrator out of the 1980s?! Are you mad, man?
    Just so you know you're not alone; I've been complaining about AI's archaic dependency upon modal dialogs for many years.
    ...I'm fully aware of the Transform panel...observing that there's another way to do it...doesn't really address any of my points here...
    But it's not "another way to do it," because the functionality is not the same. The modal dialogs include crucial functionality that cannot be done in the Transform palette. For example, moving something in terms of distance and direction (diagonally), instead of merely by lame X and Y factors. Or transforming about an off-object center of transformation, rather than merely by the 9-point proxy.
    ...the "preview" isn't updated on keyboard entry, and the "preview" checkbox need to be manually toggled on and off...
    But the preview does refresh (and does not have to be toggled) in response to keyboard entry if that keyboard entry is by the arrow keys. For example: Select something, doubleClick the Scale tool, click your cursor in the Uniform value field, and tap the up/down arrow keys (or press and hold them). The value will increment and the preview will update with each key tap. (Be sure to teach that to your students.)
    That does not, of course, negate the complaint, but it does ameleorate it somewhat. The increments are preset; there are no preference settings for them. (Don't even get me started on preferences that should be doc-specific settings, and vice-versa).
    Nor does the valid point that problematic dialogs abound beyond just those associated with the transform tools, but I do agree with it. For just one of many examples, it's nothing short of idiotic that the Scale fields of Transform Each do not have a uniform scaling lock, and that only percentage fields are provided and no explicit dimension fields. Illustrator is quite saturated with such inconsistencies and half-baked implementations.'re often arguing with the emotionally attached Illustrator devoted here. So I wouldn't recommend holding your breath. It would probably be more effective teaching Illustrator's shortcomings to your beginning students. Probably one of the easiest ways to explain the problem of modal dialogs is to point out that you can't change the current selection with the dialog open.

Maybe you are looking for