Simultaneous connect to same iCal calendar

Here's the set up using iCal Server on Mac OS X Server 10.5.7:
User A (boss) has an account on the iCal server.
User B (admin asst) sets up an account in iCal with User A's account name and password and gets full access to User A's calendars.
In some brief tests of creating and deleting calendars, it looks as though this will work fine (simultaneous connection via the same account to the same calendar by multiple users) and accomplishes two goals:
--It allows either User A or User B to mark an event or to do as private. (When User B is a delegate of User A's calendars and has write privileges, User B still cannot make an event or to do private.)
--It allows User B to sync User A's calendar to her iPhone (something that can't be done if User B is merely a delegate of User A's calendar).
In other words, it seems to give you everything that making User B a delegate with read/write privileges for User A's calendar does, and then some. (Sorry that's quite a tangled sentence; read it slowly.)
To keep the calendars in sync to the greatest degree possible, both users have the calendar refresh every minute.
Has anyone seen a problem with a set up like this? Could two simultaneous users corrupt the calendar somehow?

Temporary google issue.

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    Could you please post the code, if you do not mind. Also if you could post the connection pool definition of both the pools that would help too.
    If the business method is coded in the following way
    m1() {
    conn1 = // get connection
    conn2 = // get another connection
    // do some thing with conn1
    // do some thing else with conn2
    Could you try modifying the code in the following way and see if that helps
    m1() {
    conn1 = // get connection
    // do some thing with conn1
    Basically start using conn2 after conn1 is used
    conn2 = // get another connection
    // do some thing else with conn2

  • Cannot drag reminders onto iCal calendar error

    Hi there,
    I am on the latest updates for my Mac and iPhone 4s.
    iCloud syncs perfectly. No complaints there.
    My iCal (iCloud) calendar set up on my Mac are as follows:
    To make it easier for me to associate the same as my calendar names on my iCal on my Mac.
    I have created Reminder Calendar using the same iCal Calendar for both name and color.
    However on my iCal on the Mac, when I drag any Reminder to the iCal calendar, there is an error prompt pop up.
    The Server responded with an error
    " is not a location that supports this request."
    [Go Offline]  [Revert to Server]
    Check the screenshot  image I have uploaded.
    Why is this happening? Is there a way I can set up so it won't have this problem?
    I even tried to change the names on my Reminder list in case it clashes with my iCal Calendars...but still same error appears.

    I get a similar problem, except mine says my iCloud password is incorrect (which isn't true, as everything else still syncs nicely).
    It seems like it only happens when i drag a reminder over into the calender: it's a minor problem, but it is irritating (i use my calendar for loads of different projects that i have running simultaneously, and i like to keep track of how many hours i've spent on each project, by allocating my time to each reminder).

  • ICal Calendar Colors Changing On Their Own; iCloud Connection

    Many in this forum have written recently about a problem ongoing for people with multiple iCal calendars where iCal calendar colors change "automatically" when you haven't selected those colors, or even "change back" before your eyes to some color your DIDN'T select after you select a new one.  If you log into iCloud on the Web and try to change the color of certain calendars, they refuse to change.  Try as you might, the color you want for your calendar won't "stick" and it is forced to be the wrong color on all your devices.  In some cases, even the names of some of the calendars cannot be changed.  On other calendars in your list, the colors and names will change fine. 
    Related symptoms:  Calendars you have deleted "come back."   Or, calendars you did not create yourself show up in your calendars list, such as "Calendar" or "Home" or even "Untitled."  Note that the problem seems to be most prevalent with calendars with names "Home," "Work," OR either of these words in the NAME of the calendar.  For instance, "Bob's Work" might get snagged (it can't be deleted without coming back or its color is stuck and "comes back"). 
    I spent a long time on the phone with a helpful Apple senior advanced specialist on this problem today.  We conducted a very large number of "experiments". Our family has two iPads, 2 iPhones, and 2 iMacs, so it was easy to rule things in or out.  I will present some information that may help.
    First, Apple has not resolved this.  But the problem appears to be related to iCloud, and NOT to individual devices.  After de-linking all of my individual devices from iCloud, I could change any of the colors or names at will on any given device, create new calendars and then change their colors to whatever I wish, delete calendars, change problem.  However, after re-linking calendars to iCloud, all the problems mentioned above returned.  The chances that my iMacs, iPhones, and iPads are all causing the problem independently is very low. They also have slightly different OS versions on them, so it is not likely an a particular device OS, though that could be indirectly related.  Also, the colors "change back" within about the same time (usually a few seconds to up to 30 seconds) that it takes to do a "refresh" (i.e. an update) to the iCloud servers.  This when iCloud is turned on, and the absence of it when iCloud is turned off (for calendars), strongly suggests that it is the iCloud server and its interaction with your devices that the fundamental cause of the problem.
    Apple has said that they are aware of this problem and their engineers are working on a fix.  Historically, this can mean just a few days, or it could be a few months, years, or "whenever."  They don't give estimates of when it will be fixed.  Exactly WHY this is happening is unclear, but my guess is that it is a modification to the iCloud server code that Apple implemented without testing it thoroughly enough to discover this problem.  Apple does not admit to that, of course and I don't know if I am correct.
    Please note this is a workaround and not a full fix.  Apple needs to run a patch on their iCloud server code.  Until then, I did the following which seems to have worked for me for now.  Read the whole list before deciding whether to proceed.  I don't guarantee it will work in all situations.
    Note...I found I was stuck for now with the color of ONE of my calendars.  If you are like me, you want to keep that one and work around it....
    Backup first... Make sure that your iCloud copy of your calendar data has the calendar event information you want to save - even if the color is wrong.  Log in at and do a refresh to sync to the Cloud.  Check over your calendars online to make sure the event data appears to be there for all of your calendars (even if their color or name is not what you want).
    1.     Go to every device that you have linked to iCloud separately. Go into Settings, iCloud, and then uncheck the "Calendars" option.  This delinks your calendars for that device to iCloud.  As you do this on each device, when prompted, select "Keep On My" ..iPAD...iPhone...iMac... etc.  This will preserve the calendar information on the device so it won't be deleted.  I think this is safer, but you can click on "Delete" if you want, too.  Note - if one of your devices is an iMac, with OSX Lion and before, you may be forced (I was) to delete the iCloud calendars from the iMac.  So again, make sure they are backed up to the Cloud first (or somewhere else).
    3.     With the iCloud Calendars Option on all your devices still turned off, go to the WEB and log into  You need to figure our which calendar iCloud won't let you change the color for.  You probably already know.  On, click on "Calendars," then click open your calendar list and select "EDIT" at the bottom of the dialog box.  One at a time, click on the color dots next to each calendar name and try to change the color (you can put any back after the test if you want). You will probably see a certain one that just goes right back to what you don't want.  This is the one for which the color is stuck, but you may be able to change the name of it now that your devices are unlinked from iCloud.
    4.     Still in, change the names and colors of any of the other calendars you wish to change.  Delete any empty calendars that mysteriously appeared without your wanting them.  Take note of all the calendars, names, and colors that are on the final list of calendars.
    5.     On EVERY device, BEFORE turning iCloud back on on ANY of them: Change the colors and/or names of calendars, delete calendars, etc. so that the calendar names and colors on the device are exactly the same as what you left in in the last step.
    6.   One at a time on each device, go back to Settings and then "iCloud" and check again the box for "Calendars."  You will be asked whether you want to "MERGE" your data with iCloud.  I selected MERGE to ensure I didn't lose anything.  Link each device again into iCloud one at a time.
    7.  When each device is back, go back to iCloud on the Web, or go into iCAL on one of your devices.  Set to view ALL calendars.  Look for duplicates of some of your events.  I found quite several as an artifact of "merging", but in my case it only took me about 5 minutes to go through quickly and delete the duplicates.  It deleted the duplicates on all of the devices at once, so I only needed to delete dups on one device.  I did not find that I lost any events as long as I kept one valid copy.
    Again, no guarantees...hope this works for others.  Good luck.

    I'm getting the same thing and it's really bugging me! Keeps changing colour to one I do not want and I have tried everything to get it to stay the colour I have chosen!!

  • ICal calendar sharing among users on same computer

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    Your best bet is to post a query on the 10.4 forum

  • In setting up my ICal calendar I have specific times (as new events) that I want to be included in the print out.  This doesn't happen.

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    These are two possible approaches that will normally work to move an existing library to a new computer.
    Method 1
    Backup the library with this User Tip.
    Deauthorize the old computer if you no longer want to access protected content on it.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.
    Method 2
    Connect the two computers to the same network. Share your <User's Music> folder from the old computer and copy the entire iTunes library folder into the <User's Music> folder on the new one. Again, deauthorize the old computer if no longer required.
    Both methods should give the new computer a working clone of the library that was on the old one. As far as iTunes is concerned this is still the "home" library for your devices so you shouldn't have any issues with iTunes wanting to erase and reload.
    I'd recommend method 1 since it establishes an ongoing backup for your library.
    Note if you have failed to move contacts and calendar items across you should create one dummy entry of each in your new profile and iTunes should  merge the existing data from the device.
    If your media folder has been split out from the main iTunes folder you may need to do some preparatory work to make it easier to move. See make a split library portable.
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library or a backup then then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device for advice on how to set up your devices with a new library with the maximum preservation of data.

  • How can I get Siri to not see some iCal calendars?

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    If it is your own conference bridge you can create a new contact named "My Bridge" and enter your 1800 number along with a "wait" command and pass code and #.  It would look something like this 1-800-555-5555;12345678#.  This way when you tell Siri to call "My Bridge" she'll dial and then you'll notice an option in the lower left to dial the pass code.  Press that and you're all set. You can do the same for frequent conference bridges you connect to.  Hope this helps.

  • Upgrading iCal Calendars...

    When I reboot my MacBook Pro running OS X Lion, iCal comes up and displays a dialog box saying "Upgrading iCal Calendars...". ". This window stays on forever and I finally force quit iCal and start iCal again. This time iCal starts up without any problems. Although this is not a major issue, I would like to get rid of this minor annoyance.
    Following is the information relating to this problem:
    iCal Version:          5.0.1 (1547.4)
    OSX Version:        10.7.2
    iCal connects to Microsoft Exchange Server at my place of employment. In addition it has three other personal calendars associated with my iPhone on it.
    Any help would be great appreciated.

    I've had the same message ("Upgrading iCal calendars...") for over 24 hours now.  It appears to be stuck at approx 75%.  The prgress bar has not changed in 15 hours, but I do see CPU Time increasing, the CPU% changing and the # of threads changing (from 6 to 7 to 6, etc.).
    How can I tell if it's really doing something?
    What happens if I FORCE it out or reboot?
    How long is too long to leave it be?
    - John

  • IPhone and iCal calendars all of sudden not synching

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    Any tips or tricks I can try?

    One thing that might help.
    On your mac, create a new login.
    Close itunes.
    Log into the new account.
    open ical and enter a test event.
    open itunes and go through the initial setup.
    Connect the iphone.
    Control click on the iphone under devices and choose back up. (create a safety net for yourself.)
    Now sync only calendars. You should get a message to merge data and about modifying more then 5% of the data on the computer.
    If the issue persists there could be an issue with the content on the iphone.
    If the sync goes fine, there could be an issue with the content in ical on the original account.
    Here is an article from the apple support website that might help out.
    Hope this helps.

  • All users share the same iCal

    I want all the users on my iMac to share the same Calendar. How do I do it?

    Here's how to share iCal calendars among multiple users on a single Mac.
    What you need to do is to move the iCal folder to a shared folder that is accessible to all users and then replace the iCal folder in each user's library folder with a "symbolic link' to the shared iCal folder. The symbolic link looks like an "alias", but if you try this using "aliases" to the shared iCal folder it will not work (trust me). You can create symbolic links using the Terminal, but I have no idea how, and the idea of using the Terminal scares me. The easiest way that I know of to create a symbolic link is with a shareware application called Cocktail. It allows you to do a number of different things including System Maintenance, Network Optimization, etc. It took me a while to remember how to do this; I originally found the information in the Discussions when iCal was first released, but apparently none of those original postings are listed in the forums anymore.
    Here's how to do it (you must have Administrator privileges):
    First locate your iCal folder (your user name > Library > Application Support > iCal) and make a copy of it (Finder > File > Duplicate). Drag the copy to your Desktop until you're sure iCal is being shared between users.
    Next move the original iCal folder into a Shared folder in the Users folder (Hard Disk > Users > Shared > iCal). To make sure all users can access the information, select the Shared folder, choose File > Get Info, click the little Lock icon, then under "Ownership & Permissions -> Details" make sure that the "Owner" is "System", "Group" is "Wheel" and "Access" for Owner, Group and Others is "Read & Write". Do the same with the iCal folder within the Shared folder, but this time, under "Ownership & Permissions -> Details" make sure that the "Owner" is "your user name", "Group" is "Staff" and "Access" for Owner, Group and Others is "Read & Write" and click the "Apply to Enclosed Items" button. I basing this information on what the Ownership & Permissions are for each of the folders in my system.
    Open Cocktail (I'm using version 3.6.5). Once the app is open (you must enter an administrator's user name and password) click on the "Files" button, then click on the "Links" button. Where it says "Create Symbolic Link" click on the "Choose" button. Navigate to the iCal folder (Hard Disk > Users > Shared > iCal) and click "Choose" again. In the "Save As" box that appears enter "iCal", then navigate to the Application Support folder in your Home folder (your user name > Library > Application Support) and click "Save". Quit Cocktail and open iCal. You should see all of your calendars as you did before.
    Log in under each additional User, move that User's iCal folder (user name > Library > Application Support > iCal) onto the Desktop, then create another Symbolic Link to replace it, using Cocktail as described above. In each case you should see the same calendar information as when you were logged in under your user name. As a test, add a New Event or To Do in iCal under one user, log out and back in under another user and you should see the changes when you open iCal.
    Once everything appears to be working, you can delete the iCal folders from each User's Desktop.
    As an additional maintenance measure, use Disk Utility to repair Disk Permissions.
    Unfortunately, if each User has his/her own calendars in iCal they will not be in the shared calendars. Only the calendars in the first iCal folder used to set up the shared folder will be available and I don't know of any way to merge or combine the other user's calendars into one.
    Hope this helps and good luck!

  • I need to have two time zones on the same iCal appointment

    I work accross four time zones, two of which do not observe Daylight Saving Time (DST). This means that when I'm booking my flights on iCal, it would be usefull to have two time zones in the same iCal appointment (Outlook, for instance, allows this). What I currently do is to choose one of the time zones as the iCal appointment and then I "translate" the other time to the one I'm using on iCal.
    This is quite a challenge, though:
    if I'm taking a flight from Luanda (WAT = GMT+1, no DST) to London (GMT with DST) I would like to book it on iCal exactly like it shows on the ticket , 21:00 (WAT) to 06:00 (GMT).
    Using the "translated approach", from May to October, this means 21:00 (GMT) to 06:00 (GMT).
    Using the same approach, from November to April it means from 20:00 (GMT) to 06:00 (GMT).
    If I include Jo'burg (CAT = GMT+2, no DST) and Frankfurt (GMT+1 with DST), booking flights in your calendar becomes quite a challenge!
    Does anyone know if this feature is planned for any future versions of iCal?

    This is not possible in iCal. The nearest thing would be to create two events, one for take off and one for landing.
    Also, this is a user to user forum. By posting here you are not guaranteed someone from Apple will read it. If you'd like Apple to know about your suggestion I reccommend you send them feedback.
    Best wishes
    John M

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    I am trying to sync my iphone and my husband's iphone to the same ical and I don't know how to? But we want to be able to to see eachothers calenders on our phones!

    Use iCloud Calendar:

  • Can I print my ical calendar in a orientation other than landscape?

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    iCal doesn't offer you this option. You might like to consider BusyCal, which does:
    It's like 'iCal Pro', with a lot of useful extra facilities: it uses the same database as iCal so for 'On My Mac' calendars it works immediately. It will also sync with MobileMe in the same way as iCal, though you will need to set it up separately. It's slightly cheaper in the Mac App Store than from their website.

  • How to fix a bug(?) in iCal/Calendar/Reminders?

    The iCal/Calendar (fox OS X 8)/Reminders (OS X 8) app has this very annoying bug It's quite minor but it's quite confusing sometimes. Whenever I try to add a new event, the window that appears that will let me set the date, time, etc. always has 2011 (xx/xx/11) for the year. For example, if I want to set the event for July 29, 2012 ("07/29/12"), it still shows "07/29/11". I've been having this problem ever since I was on the iCal app on OS X Lion but now that I've just upgraded to Mountain Lion, the problem's still there with the Calendar as well as the Reminders app.
    Please refer to the screenshot I included. You can see that I chose July 29, 2012 as the date for the Sample Event. But the date that shows on the "from" field is still 07/29/11. I don't know I they intended it to be like this but it is very confusing.
    PS: The same goes if I add an event before 2011. If I, for example, add an event on July 29, 2010, it still shows "07/29/11".

    The iCal/Calendar (fox OS X 8)/Reminders (OS X 8) app has this very annoying bug It's quite minor but it's quite confusing sometimes. Whenever I try to add a new event, the window that appears that will let me set the date, time, etc. always has 2011 (xx/xx/11) for the year. For example, if I want to set the event for July 29, 2012 ("07/29/12"), it still shows "07/29/11". I've been having this problem ever since I was on the iCal app on OS X Lion but now that I've just upgraded to Mountain Lion, the problem's still there with the Calendar as well as the Reminders app.
    Please refer to the screenshot I included. You can see that I chose July 29, 2012 as the date for the Sample Event. But the date that shows on the "from" field is still 07/29/11. I don't know I they intended it to be like this but it is very confusing.
    PS: The same goes if I add an event before 2011. If I, for example, add an event on July 29, 2010, it still shows "07/29/11".

  • Can an event in iCal be posted to multiple iCal calendars?

    I'm in a syncing nightmare! I just got an iPhone and in order to sync both with my Outlook calendar at work and my iCal calendar at home, I'm using Google Calendar as the intermediary. But I'm having trouble maintaining the integrity of my categories. I think I can get this to work if I delete all but my primary Google calendar and sync it with iCal. I tested it this morning by creating an iCal calendar with the same name as my primary Google calendar ([email protected]) and it worked. But I want to maintain my different iCal calendars ("work" "home" "health care" etc.), but I don't see a way to have an event show up in more than one iCal calendar. Is there a way to duplicate an event so that in iCal, it can be in both the [email protected] calendar and a "home" or other calendar?

    Yes, read Mac Advisor - iCal 102 Tutorial for additional information.

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