Simultaneous surf and talk

Will the verizon iphone 5s support simultaneous surf and talk?

You can find the answer here: -voice-data-on-verizon-sprint.html

Similar Messages

  • Can Iphone5s surf and talk at the same time?

    Can Iphone5s surf and talk at the same time?

    You can find the answer here: -voice-data-on-verizon-sprint.html

  • Can I surf and talk at the same time on a verizon iphone?

    I've heard that Verizon iPhones don't allow users to talk and surf at the same time. Is that true? I'm not keen on going to AT&T. If it's true, will it ever change?

    Yes. It is true because Verizon runs on CDMA which doesn't allow for surf and talk at the same time. AT&T runs on GSM which allows for surf and talk at the same time.

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    So I see all these commercials saying AT&T has the fastest 3G network. I also see the commercials about being able to surf and talk at the same time.
    Now I was almost positive that was crap but figured let me test this out again just to be sure. Sure enough, on the Edge network (which might be the issue, might actually work on 3G which is very limited with AT&T it appears), the iPhone won't talk and do surfing at the same time. You get "Cellular data connections are not available during this call" as the message on your screen.
    So is this just an issue with the iPhone specific or is this just bad marketing on AT&T's part?

    This is possible when connected to AT&T's 3G network, which is not available in most rural areas. I do this often.
    Verizon's 3G network has better coverage, but it is fast as AT&T's EDGE network.

  • Surf and talk

    when will the Motorola turbo and Sony Xperia be approved to get  the advanced calling app 1.0.
    I work for Cellular Sales Verizon we are the leading independent dealer for Verizon wireless and I almost lost a new activation customer yesterday
      4 lines new activation the customer pre-ordered for droid turbos and they were unable to surf  and talk when we made a phone call the signal went from 4G to 1X now I realize the new network is still being developed but how come the Samsung devices and iPhone 6 can all surf and talk the HTC devices can surf and talk are they using CDMA and the 4G network it just seems like they released the turbo and the Sony Xperia too early some reps will tell you that being able to surf and talk is not a big deal but it is a big deal I have a lot of business customers that need that option when they are using their phone if you have any solid dates for when the update will come out I would appreciate it

    This is possible when connected to AT&T's 3G network, which is not available in most rural areas. I do this often.
    Verizon's 3G network has better coverage, but it is fast as AT&T's EDGE network.

  • Surf and Talk - hub connection question

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    Many thanks and sorry to be so vague.

    Hi Doodah,
    Thanks for the post. 
    If your sister has placed an order for BT residential broadband then she will receive a Home hub 2.0.  This router comes with 4 ethernet connections and 1 USB connection.  The USB connection is used for printers or storage devices so unfortunately this cant be used to connect to your PC.
    I would recommend purchasing a wireless adapter for the PC, these can be found on any high street store and prices start from about £15 onwards.  This will enable the PC for a wireless connection.
    Hope this helps
    BTCare Community Manager
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    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

  • Surf and Talk 5S?

    Will the iPhone 5S have the ability to surf on the internet while you are talking on the phone?
    I know a lot of phone's have this capability, but I heard on the verizon edition of the iPhone you weren't able to do this?

        Hi there prettysenshi2,
    I am so excited for the new iPhone 5s and I hope you are too! Due to the hardware of the iPhone 5s, it will only be able to complete simultaneous voice and data when connected to Wifi. As you mentioned, all of our other 4G LTE Android devices do have this option! If it's an important feature for you and you don't have Wifi access I would recommend comparing other devices here:
    Please follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    my iPhone 4 won't connect to our WiFi at home, but will at other WiFi spots.  However, my parent's iPhones work and connect just fine at home using WiFi.  I have called and talked to several people and no one seems to be able to help me.

    The two things to try first are renewing your network lease, forgetting the network and if that doesn't work to reset all networks. You might have tried one of these but I'll repeat the steps just to make sure.
    Settings > Wi-Fi > tap the blue arrow to the right of your network name > Renew Lease
    If that doesn't work then
    Settings > Wi-Fi > tap the blue arrow to the right of your network name > Forget this Network
    If that doesn't work
    Settings > General > Networks > Reset All Networks > then reset your iPhone by
    Press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously ignoring the red slider until the Apple logo appears. Let go of the buttons and let the device restart.
    I hope one of these will help.

  • I have the same problem in my iphone. i can receive call and talk and listen too otherwise no sound at all like ringer tone , on-off click soung , video-music soung , game sound.

    i have the same problem in my iphone. i can receive call and talk and listen too otherwise no sound at all like ringer tone , on-off click soung , video-music song , game sound.
    i have tried to clean the audio jack too but result is the same. Can any body help me please.

    No external sound or not sound at all - external or when using the earbuds?
    Standard troubleshooting steps in order are; power the iPhone off and on, Reset by pressing and holding the Home key and Sleep/Wake or On/Off key simultaneously until you see the Apple logo and then release - ignoring the slide to turn off prompt when doing so, Restore.
    i had it once before, restored the iPhone and it was solved, but i don't want to restore my iPhone every day.
    Does this happen every day? If not, when was the last time this happened?
    If you have sound when using the earbuds, another thing to try is insert the earbuds and start playing a song - making sure the sound can be heard with the earbuds. Without pausing the song, remove the earbuds.
    If no sound is available with the speaker and a the troubleshooting steps do not resolve it or one of the steps does resolve it but the same occurs again, time to give AppleCare a call (800) 694-7466 or make an appointment at an Apple Store if there is one nearby.

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    I have a nearly identical problem with my Ipad 3. Mine is the left channel. I've yet to find help, but have found a number of other posts on this and other forums discussing the issue. People have tried restore, reset etc. Also, cleaning the ports with compressed air or cotton swabs. It appears to be a software issue, but no one is sure.
    Along with the original poster, I'd appreciate any help.
    As far as the 'level 6' poster, if you're going to be rude, please don't bother. Hope it was just a bad day.

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    Will we ever see these features available to nokia n9? Maybe a better question would be: will nokia ever going to update this device to pack missing features or not?

    not at the moment.
    not too sure about what is coming in pr1.3 though...couldnt say if it will include voice operation...not that it is necessary.
    if nokia does indeed kill using the meego/harmattan os, the community will surely keep it alive somehow for a while.

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    The real-time snapshot data writing for these tables is enabled through the Unified CCX Administration pages (Tools > Real-time snapshot configuration menu option). The current updating frequency is configured as 15s
    Thanks Bro

    The SQL in Informix is not the same as Microsoft.
    In Microsoft: SELECT resourceID FROM Resource WHERE active = 1
    In Informix: SELECT resourceID FROM Resource WHERE active = 't'
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    i have a problem with FireFox keeps on crashing while i am surfing and loading pages. i always do the latest updates and i have the recent version.i would like to get help please.

    Do you see a Mozilla Crash Reporter dialog when you crash?
    For us to see your crash report that you have submitted:
    #Go to '''about:crashes''' in the Location Bar.
    #Copy the blue links (beginning with bp-) and paste them here.
    Do you have this problem when running in Firefox Safe Mode?
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in Safe Mode."''
    If it does not occur in Safe Mode, an extension is at fault. To find out which one, see [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]].

  • Simultaneously trigger and display two camera images with two frame grabbers

    When I try to simultaneously trigger and display two camera images, each with their own frame grabbers, Labview is only able to display one of the images at a time.
    My hardware:
    Two Sony XC-EU50 cameras (not in sync with each other)
    My Software:
    Windows XP and Labview 7.1 with IMAQ
    I connect each camera to its own frame grabber.  Both frame grabbers are in the same computer.  I input a trigger into each frame grabber.  Both trigger signals are identical.  Trigger rate is only 0.2 Hz. 
    I want to display and save both images at the same time.  The program i put together only displays one image at a time.  The image that is displayed alternates from one camera to the other.
    Please help with any suggestions.
    Shahab K.
    Attachments: ‏137 KB

    Hi Shahab.
    Without having triggered two cameras connected to two NI boards with LabVIEW yet: This shouldn't be a limitation in LabVIEW.
    Updating two Image Display Indicators in one run of a while loop definitely works properly, so this cannot be the reason for the problem.
    Your code uses the IMAQ This VI is not reentrant, so the both instances of this VI on your block diagram cannot execute at the same time.
    I could not find an appropriate example matching your scenario exactly. (Maybe someone else knows better?)
    I recommend to have a look at the examples in the "IMAQ Signal IO.llb" and do some copy and paste to get a VI that satisfies your requirements.
    The "Grab with two boards.VI" illustrates how to acquire images without using the not-reentrant "IMAQ Snap.VI".
    Hope this helps, Guenter
    P.S.: Do you know NI's Vision Forum?

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