Singletons and Inheritance

Hello all,
I want to write a set of classes in the following way. Say I have a class called Base from which SubX, SubY, and SubZ are derived. I would like Base to be a singleton class, with a getInstance() method, so that one and only one of the subclasses can ever be instantiated. Which particular subclass to instantiate is determined at run time.
// Create (or load or initialize...) subclass dynamically at run time (let's say SubY)
// From now on, I cannot instantiate any more classes derived from Base in this VM (i.e. no instances of SubX, SubY, or SubZ).
// Base.getInstance() now always returns the SubY singleton.
Anyone have ideas on how to do this?
Thanks in advance...

I think the main problem here is that to do this within the hierarchy is that it means a base class must have knowledge of its derrived classes. This is a pretty big OO no no (one reason for this is that it makes extending your hierarchy pretty difficult).
I think that what you want is a third party who manages your constraint (i.e, only one translator should be used, and should be available to everyone).
Ive got a couple of solutions - the first one would leave your translators not being singletons, the other one would.......
Solution one:
Have a singleton TranslatorFactory who provides you with a single translator:
Heres some classes/interfaces we need to know about:
public interface Translator
  // Your translation stuff:
  public void doTranslate();
public class ConcreteTranslatorA
  public ConcreteTranslatorA()
    // Allow construction....
  public void doTranslate()
    // Some Translation stuff
// The manager - exceptions dealt with in terms of Exception in this example just for clarity:
public class TranslatorFactory
  private TranslatorFactory mInstance;
  private Translator mTranslator;
  private static final String TRANSLATOR_PROPERTY="TRANSLATOR";
  public static TranslatorFactory GetInstance() throws Exception
    // usuall singleton stuff - create/provide instance
  public TranslatorFactory throws Exception
    // Create the translator here. You might do this by getting the class name from system properties, or by any other method you like  
   String aClassName=System.getProperty(TRANSLATOR_PROPERTY);
  public Translator getTranslator()
    return mTranslator;
}If you really want to prevent your translator instances being instantiated, you can do this another way:
1) Make their constructors private.
2) Make the TranslatorFactory a registry of Translators. Each translator uses a static initialiser to make itself known to the registry (in terms of a Translator). The registry caches each instance against its class name. The factory can then configure which translator to use based on some property. This is a good approach to take if the property can change: I.e, different translators can be provided at different times without incurring extra creation.
public class TranslatorRegistry
  private Map mTranslatorMap;
  public TranslatorRegistry GetInstance()
    // usual singleton stuff....
  public void register(Translator aTranslator)
    // cache the instance against its class name in the mTranslatorMap.
  public Translator getTranslator()
    // decide which translator to use from the cache, and supply it.
public class ConcreteRegisteringTranslatorA
    // perform automatic registration:
    TranslatorRegsitry.GetInstance().register(new ConcreteRegisteringTranslatorA());
  protected ConcreteRegisteringTranslatorA
    // cant be constructed externally, but allow derrivation by keeping constructor protected
  public void doTranslation()
    // translation

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    Hi Diego,
    I fixed it modifying the managerId value from "4" to "101" and it works now!I'm glad you found the problem. It is usually best to get the assigned ID from the entity object after you call put(), and then use that value to fill in related fields in other entities. The primary key field (assigned from the sequence) is set by the put() method.
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    To find documentation, start at the first message in the forum, the Welcome message:
    This refers to the main JE doc page, the JE FAQ and a white paper on DPL queries. The FAQ has a section on the DPL, which refers to the javadoc. The DPL javadoc has lots of info on using cursors along with indexes (see EntityIndex, PrimaryIndex, SecondaryIndex). The white paper will be useful to you if you're accustomed to using SQL.
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    This doc will point you to info on configuring the sequence, if that's what you're interested in.

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    Hi Imam,
    Unde attributes
    You will find one Application Toolbar...
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    Hello Anand,
    I think that your question is for u201CWeb Dynpro Javau201D forum..
    Please use the correct forum for your question.
    In general::
    There is example at :
    u201CWelcome to Web Dynpro Java! u201C  Wiki :
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    ramsy wrote:
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    Not sure I understand all your design, but you seem
    to describe an architecture where requests are queued
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    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-08-01 08:45:08 -0700 (Fri, 01 Aug 2008)
    Log Message:
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    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 2703
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-08-01 08:45:08 -0700 (Fri, 01 Aug 2008)
    Log Message:
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    QA: Yes
    Reviewed by: Paul
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

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    If I define an attribute as private in the base
    class,then the subclass cannot access
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    If you do, you can always provide get/set methods.
    OR declare the data members as protected. That way they're package visible and available to subclasses.
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    There are two issues:
    a) is the singleton object safe for multithreaded use
    b) how do I safely create a singleton in a multi-threaded application
    The answer to (a) depends on the class. It sounds from your description that you are using an object (the XPathExpression) that might not be thread-safe. I can't tell you if it is or not. Assuming it is not you either need to synchronize this method so that all threads will go through it (and use the expression) one at a time - which may defeat the purpose of multi-threading - or else you need a way to use multiple instances of these expressions in different threads. As I'm not familiar with these classes I can't tell you what you can and can't do concurrently.
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    Thank you very much.

    A class is a class. Java doesn't have (and I wish it
    did) a static outer class. Any class can extend
    another class or implement an interface.A Class object cannot extend or implement anything - it is not under programmer control in any way. You can create a class which implements interfaces, but calling static methods is completely unrelated. Interfaces only affect instance methods, not class ones. I think all of your comparison to C++ is actually confusing you more. In Java, there is a real class object at runtime, as opposed to C++.
    YATArchivist makes a good point about being able to
    serialize, altho I've not met that desire in practice.
    Maybe a concrete example would help.
    mattbunch makes another point that I don't understand.
    A class can implement an interface whether it sticks
    its data in statics or in a dobject, so I guess I
    still don't get that one.See my comment above. Static methods are free from all contractual obligations.
    I prefer instance singletons to singleton classes because they are more flexible to change. For instance I created a thread pool singleton which worked by passing the instance around, but later I needed two thread pools so I made a slight modification to the class and poof! no more singleton and 99% of my code compiled cleanly against it.
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  • Imported and Inherited properties

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    Can anyone please explain me what are the imported and inherited properties in OCD?
    How are they created?

    You can try running following query in your instance.
    SELECT f.*
    FROM cz_xfr_fields f, cz_xfr_tables t
    WHERE t.order_seq=f.order_seq
    AND t.dst_table='CZ_PROPERTIES'
    AND f.xfr_group='IMPORT'
    AND t.xfr_group=f.xfr_group
    AND f.dst_field='DEF_VALUE';
    SELECT f.*
    FROM cz_xfr_fields f, cz_xfr_tables t
    WHERE t.order_seq=f.order_seq
    AND t.dst_table='CZ_PROPERTIES'
    AND f.xfr_group='IMPORT'
    AND t.xfr_group=f.xfr_group
    AND f.dst_field='PROPERTY_UNIT'
    If the NOUPDATE field returns value 1, then update it to 0 by preparing appropriate UPDATE query for it.

  • Logical Database PNPCE and inherited Sub Area

    I have asked this in the HR forum but no response......
    I have a report using Logical Database PNPCE to find some values from a couple of info types. When I select a unit (from the 'OrgStructure' button at the top of the screen), say 111, and all its sub-units with no selections in the selection screen, I get one person displayed. This is correct and this person is in a sub-unit 3 levels down (unit 333).
    I then added a selection to only display people in units with Personnel SubArea 'OTEC'. Now I get no results output. When I look in PPOME, I can see that unit 333 has Personnel SubArea 'OTEC' but it is inherited from '111'.
    In PP01, unit 111 has an Account Assignment entry (Info Type 1008) but 333 does not.
    Does anyone know how to report on this?
    Is there a flag somewhere that tells the LDB to check for inherited units?
    If not, any ideas if there is a function out there to find the superior unit for these sub-units?

    I am aware of that FM but how do I find the parent unit in a clever fashion?
    The structure could have multiple levels e.g.
    Unit 1 - Unit 2a - Unit3a......
           - Unit 2b
           - Unit 2c
    Unit 1 is the parent and all the below units inherit from it.
    The LDB is looping through an internal table with a list of the units. It finds Unit 1 but not the rest.
    So, when the LDB is looking for Unit 3a, how does it know that Unit 1 is the parent?
    If I use that FM, I think I would have to look for all units above it and see if there is an Info Type 1008 exists. Seems like a lot of processing for something that should be simple?

  • I worked for a company that closed down and inherited an ipad 2 linked to Vodafone uk as the carrier but no account details. So I factory reset, downloaded the ios7and added EE sim and Ipad does not work. what can I do? Voda/EE/Apple say NO SOLUTION?

    I inherited an Ipad 2 from a company that I had worked for in the UK but had closed down.
    It was an IPAD2 locked to the Vodafone UK network by a Vodafone SIM Card.
    No account details were or are available for the original account.
    So I removed the Vodafone SIM Card and then factory reset wirelessly using my wireless at home.
    I updated the system to IOS 7.0.2.
    I was then sold under a contract from EE another UK carrier a SIM card for the Ipad and when inserted the Ipad says Sim not applicable.
    I checked with Vodafone and EE shop and they said they cant unlock it, I checked with Apple who said the same!
    So I have an IPad I can use wirelessly at home, a sim card from EE which is an u
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    What can I do to sort this mess out? Please help!
    Thank You

    Steve, have you tried just going through the unlock form here?
    That's what the moderator in several older threads in Vodaphone's forum said was all that is necessary. Carriers often won't unlock for anyone but the original account holder, so if you don't have the details of the company's account, that might be the barrier in which case there will not be any way to get the iPad officially unlocked.
    Good luck.

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