Skype Error Message

Everytime I start Skype I get the following error message accompanied by the system 'error' sound. Line : 1 Error : XLMHttpRequest is undefined. 
I've tried debugging but get this 
var msrCryptoVersion="1.2",msrCrypto=msrCrypto||function(){"use strict";function dt(){function f{var t,i=null;if(arguments.length&&typeof arguments[0]!="number"){if(typeof arguments[0]=="object")for(i=new Array(n.length),t=0;t<n.length;t+=1)i[t]=n[t]}else for(i=new Array,t=0;t<n;t+=1)i[t]=0;return i}function it{for(var i=new Array(n.length),t=0;t<n.lengthi[t]=n[n.length-t-1],t+=1;return i}function st(n,t){var i,f,r,e;for(n=n.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""),i=[0],f=[0],t=t||10,r=0;r<n.length;r+=1){if(e=parseInt(n[r],t),isNaN(e))throw new Error("Failed to convert string to integer in radix "+t.toString());v(i,t,f);b(f,[e],i);u(i)}return i}function ht(n,t){var l,a,y;if(t=t||10,r<=t)throw new Error("DIGIT_BASE is smaller than RADIX; cannot convert.");var p=n.length,h=[],v=[],w=[],b=[],o=[],e=[],f,i="",c="0";for(o[0]=t;Math.floor(r/o[0])>=to[0]=o[0]*t,c=c.concat("0");for(f=0;f<p;f+=1)e[f]=n[f];do{for(l=!0,f=0;f<e.length;f+=1)if(e[f]!==0){l=!1;break}if(l)break;s(e,o,h,v,w,b);u(h,e.length,!0);a=v[0].toString(t);i=c.substring(0,c.length-a.length)+a+i;y=e;e=h;h=y}while(1);while(i.length!==0&&i[0]==="0")i=i.substring(1,i.length);return i.length===0&&(i="0"),i}function ct{var i=Math.ceil((n+1)/,t=f(i);return t[0]=Math.pow(2,n%,t}function lt{for(var r=f(n.length*,u=0,i=n.length-1,t;i>=0{for(t=0;t<8{var e=1<<t,o=(n[i]&e)===e?1:0,s=8*(n.length-i-1)+t;o===1&&(u=s+1);r[s]=o;t+=1}i--}return r.slice(0,u)}function rt{for(var i=r>>>1,u=t;u-->0{if((n&i)===i)break;i=i>>>1}return u}function at{for(var r=0,t=0,i,u;r<n.length{if(t===0)for(i=7;i>=0&&t===0u=1<<i,(n[r]&u)===u&&(t=i+1),i--;else t+=8;r+=1}return t}function vt(n,r,u,f){var p=n.length*t,o,s,a=n.length,w=a-1,c,e;if(f.length!==p+1)throw"nafDigits length must = bitwidth + 1";if(r<=1)throw"w must be greater than 1";if(r>=t)throw"w must be less than "+t.toString();for(o=0;o<a;o+=1)u[o]=n[o];for(var h=0,b=(1<<r)-1,k=r-1,d=1<<r,nt=(1<<r-1)-1,v=0,y=l(u);!y{if((u[0]&1)!=1)g(u,u),v++;else{if(c=u[0]&b,g(u,u,r,w+1),c>nt&&(c-=d),c<0&&(e=u[0]+1,u[0]=e&i,e=e>>t,e!==0))for(s=1;s<a;s+=1)if(e+=u[s],u[s]=e&i,e=e>>t,e===0)break;for(;v>0;v--)f[h]=0,h++;for(f[h]=c,h++,s=0;s<k;s+=1)v++}for(y=!0,o=0;o<a;o+=1)if(u[o]!==0){y=!1;break}}return h}function e(n,t,i,r,u){while(u-->0)i[r+u]=n[t+u]}function l{for(var t=0;t<n.length;t+=1)if(n[t]!==0)return!1;return!0}function yt{return(n[0]&1)==0}function pt(n,t){if(n.length!==t.length)return!1;for(var i=0;i<n.length;i+=1)if(n[i]!==t[i])return!1;return!0}function d{var o=Math.floor((n.length+h-1)/h),i=new Array(o),u;i[0]=0;var t=0,e=0,f=0;for(u=n.length-1;u>=0;--u)t=t+y[f++]*(n[u]&255),y[f]===r&&(f=0,i[e++]=t,t=0);return t!==0&&(i[e]=t),i}function wt(n,t,i){var u,f,e,r=[0];for(typeof t=="undefined"&&(t=!0),u=0;u<n.length;u+=1)for(e=n[u],f=0;f<h;f+=1)r[u*h+f]=e&255,e=Math.floor(e/256);if(r=it(r),i===undefined&&(i=1),t)while(r.length>i&&r[0]===0)r.shift();return r}function a(n,i){var f,u;for(typeof i=="undefined"&&(n<=1?i=1f=Math.log/Math.LN2,i=Math.ceil(f/t))),u=[];n>0u.push(n%r),n=Math.floor(n/r);while(u.length<i)u.push(0);return u}function c{for(var t=n.length-1;t>=0;t--)if(n[t]!==undefined&&n[t]!==0)return t;return n[0]===0?-1:0}function o(n,t){var i=0,r=c+1,u=c(t)+1;if(r>u)i=1;else if(u>r)i=-1;else while(r-->0&&i===0)i=n[r]-t[r];return i}function u(n,t,i){var r=c;if(n.length=t||r+1,i)while(++r<n.length)n[r]=0;return n.length<=0&&(n[0]=0,n.length=1),n}function g(n,r,u,f){var o,s,e;if(u===undefined)u=1;else if(u>=t||u<0)throw new Error("Invalid bit count for shiftRight");for(f===undefined&&(f=n.length),o=f-1,s=t-u,e=0;e<o;++e)r[e]=(n[e+1]<<s|n[e]>>>u)&i;r[o]=n[o]>>>u}function nt(n,r,u,f){var o,e;if(u===undefined)u=1;else if(u>=t||u<0)throw new Error("bit count must be smaller than DIGIT_BITS and positive in shiftLeft");for(f===undefined&&(f=n.length),o=t-u,r[f]=n[f-1]>>>t-u||r[f],e=f-1;e>0;e--)r[e]=(n[e]<<u|n[e-1]>>>o)&i;r[0]=n[0]<<u&i}function b(n,r,u){var s=n,o=r,h,f,e;for(r.length<n.length&&(s=r,o=n),h=s.length,f=0,e=0;e<h;e+=1)f+=s[e]+o[e],u[e]=f&i,f=f>>t;for(e=h;e<o.length;e+=1)f+=o[e],u[e]=f&i,f=f>>t;return u.length=o.length,f!==0&&(u[e]=f&i),f}function ut(n,r,u){var o=r.length,e,f;if(n.length<r.length&&(o=c(r),n.length<o))throw new Error("Subtrahend is longer than minuend, not supported.");for(f=0,e=0;e<o;e+=1)f+=n[e]-r[e],u[e]=f&i,f=f>>t;while(e<n.length)f+=n[e],u[e++]=f&i,f=f>>t;return f}function v(n,t,u){for(var s=typeof t=="number"?[t]:t,h=Math.max(n.length,s.length),e,o,f=0;f<h;f+=1)u[f]=0;for(f=0;f<s.length;f+=1){for(o=0,e=0;e<n.length;e+=1)o+=n[e]*s[f]+u[f+e],u[f+e]=o&i,o=Math.floor(o/r);u[n.length+f]=o&i}return u.length=n.length+s.length,u}function s(n,f,o,s,h,l){var b=c+1,a=c(f)+1,g,k,tt,it,w,p,v,ut,d,y;if(b<a){e(n,0,s,0,n.length);s.length=n.length;u(s);o[0]=0;o.length=1;return}if(a===0||a===1&&f[a-1]===0)throw new Error("Division by zero.");else if(a===1){for(w=f[0],k=0,v=b-1;v>=0;--v)it=k*r+n[v],o[v]=it/w&i,k=it-o[v]*w&i;o.length=b;u(o);s[0]=k;s.length=1;return}for(ut=t-1-rt(f[a-1]),d=h||[],d.length=a,nt(f,d,ut,a),y=l||[],y.length=b,nt(n,y,ut,b),y[b]=y[b]||0,o.length=b-a+1,s.length=a,v=b-a;v>=0;--v){for(g=Math.floor((y[v+a]*r+y[v+a-1])/d[a-1]),k=y[v+a]*r+y[v+a-1]-g*d[a-1];if(!(g>=r)&&!(g*d[a-2]>k*r+y[v+a-2])||(g=g-1,k=k+d[a-1],!(k<r)))break;for(tt=0,p=0;p<a;p++)it=g*d[p],w=y[p+v]-tt-(it&i),y[p+v]=w&i,tt=Math.floor(it/r)-Math.floor(w/r);if(w=y[v+a]-tt,y[v+a]=w&i,o[v]=g&i,w<0){for(o[v]=o[v]-1,tt=0,p=0;p<a;p++)w=y[p+v]+d[p]+tt,y[p+v]=w&i,tt=w>>t;y[v+a]=y[v+a]+tt&i}}for(p=0;p<a;p++)s[p]=(y[p]>>>ut|y[p+1]<<t-ut)&i;u(o);u(s)}function bt(n,t,i,r,u){return s(n,t,[],i,r,u),i}function ft(n,t,i,r,u,f){var e=[];return v(n,t,e),s(e,i,e,r,u,f),r}function et(n,t,i,r,f){var c,p,h,k;if(l)return e(t,0,f,0,t.length),f.length=t.length,0;if(l(t))return e(n,0,f,0,n.length),f.length=n.length,0;o(n,t)<0?(c=n.slice(0),e(t,0,f,0,t.length),f.length=t.length)c=t.slice(0),e(n,0,f,0,n.length),f.length=n.length);u(f);u(c);var d=new Array(f.length),g=new Array(f.length),a=new Array(f.length),nt=r!==undefined,y;nt&&(y=new Array(f.length),y[0]=1,y.length=1,r[0]=0,r.length=1);h=new Array(f.length);k=i!==undefined;k&&(p=new Array(f.length),p[0]=0,p.length=1,i[0]=1,i.length=1);for(var tt=-1,it=i,rt=r,ut=f,w;!l(c)s(f,c,d,g,h,a),k&&(v(d,p,h),b(h,i,h),u(h),w=i,i=p,p=h,h=w),nt&&(v(d,y,a),b(a,r,a),u(a),w=r,r=y,y=a,a=w),w=f,f=c,c=g,g=w,++tt;return k&&(e(i,0,it,0,i.length),it.length=i.length),nt&&(e(r,0,rt,0,r.length),rt.length=r.length),e(f,0,ut,0,f.length),ut.length=f.length,tt}function kt(n,t,i){var r=n,f=t;return o(n,t)>0&&(r=t,f=n),et(r,f,undefined,undefined,i),u(i)}function dt(n,t,i){var r=new Array(t.length),s=new Array(t.length),f=new Array(t.length),h=et(n,t,s,r,f);return i=i||[],o(f,w)!==0?(i[0]=NaN,i.length=1)(h&1)==1?ut(t,r,i)e(r,0,i,0,r.length),i.length=r.length),u(i)),i}function gt(n,t,i,r){if(r=r||[],o(t,k)===0)r[0]=1;else if(o(t,w)===0)e(n,0,r,0,n.length),r.length=n.length;else{var f=new tt(i);u(n,f.s,!0);f.modExp(n,t,r);r.length=i.length}return r}function tt{function et{for(var f=1,r=2,u=3,e=u&n,o=2;o<=t;o+=1)r<e&&(f+=r),r=r<<1,u=u<<1|1,e=n*f&u;return(~f&i)+1}function b(n,u,f,e){var b,l;e=e||this;for(var c=0,a=e.m.length,v=a-1,k=e.mPrime,d=e.m0,g=n[0],s=0,y,p,h,w,o=0;o<a;o+=1)f[o]=0;for(o=0;o<a;o+=1){for(y=u[o],s=g*y+f[0],f[0]=s&i,s=Math.floor(s/r),h=1;h<a;h+=1)s=n[h]*y+f[h]+s,f[h]=s&i,s=Math.floor(s/r);for(c=c+s,p=f[0]*k&i,s=Math.floor((f[0]+d*p)/r),h=1,w=0;h<a;h+=1,w++)s=e.m[h]*p+f[h]+s,f[w]=s&i,s=Math.floor(s/r);c+=s;f[v]=c&i;c=Math.floor(c/r)}if(!(c===0&&f[v]<e.m[v])){for(b=e.temp1,l=0,o=0;o<a;o+=1)l=f[o]-e.m[o]+(l>>t),b[o]=l&i;if(l=(c&i)+(l>>t),l=(c>>>t)+(l>>t),l>>t!=-1){for(o=0;o<a;o+=1)f[o]=b[o];return}}}function ot{var i=f(n.length),t;for(this.montgomeryMultiply(n,this.rSquaredModm,i),t=0;t<this.s;t+=1)n[t]=i[t]}function st{this.montgomeryMultiply(n,,this.temp1);for(var t=0;t<this.s;t+=1)n[t]=this.temp1[t]}function ht(n,r,f){for(var s=2,b=i>>>t-s,c,l,y,d,o=r.length-1;o>0&&r[o]===0;--o);for(c=o*t+rt(r[o])+1,c=c+(s-c%s),l=c%t-s,l<0&&(l+=t),y=b<<l,o=1;o<h.length;++o)ft(h[o-1],n,this.m,h[o],a,v),u(h[o],this.s,!0);var k=new Array(this.s),w=f,p=v;for(e(this.rModM,0,p,0,this.s);c>0this.montgomeryMultiply(p,p,w),this.montgomeryMultiply(w,w,k),d=(r[Math.floor((c-1)/t)]&y)>>>l,this.montgomeryMultiply(k,h[d],p),c=c-s,l=l-s,y=y>>>s,y===0&&(y=b<<t-s,l=t-s);return this.montgomeryMultiply(p,,f),f}var l=n,y=l[0],o=l.length,k=f(o),w,ut,h;k[0]=1;var d=et,g=f(2*o+1),p=f(o+1),a=f(2*o+1),v=f(2*o+1),nt=p;nt[o]=1;s(nt,l,g,p,a,v);var tt=u(p,o,!0),c=f(2*o+1),it=c;return it[o*2]=1,s(it,l,g,c,a,v),u(c,o,!0),w=f(o),ut={m:l,mPrime:d,m0:y,temp1:a},b(c,c,w,ut),h=new Array(4),h[0]=tt,h[1]=new Array(o),h[2]=new Array(o),h[3]=new Array(o),{m:n,m0:y,mPrime:d,rSquaredModm:c,s,rModM:tt,rCubedModm:w,one:k,temp1:a,convertToMontgomeryFormt,convertToStandardForm:st,montgomeryMultiply:b,modExp:ht}}function ni(r){function w(t){var i=d(t);if(n.compareDigits(i,this.m_modulus)>=0)throw new Error("The number provided is not an element of this group");return u(i,this.m_digitWidth,!0),s(i,this)}function b{var t=a(n,this.m_digitWidth);return s(t,this)}function k(t){return n.normalizeDigitArray(t,this.m_digitWidth,!0),s(t,this)}function g{return o(this.m_modulus,n.m_modulus)===0}function nt(r,u,f){var e,c=this.m_digitWidth,h=f.m_digits,l,s;for(n.add(r.m_digits,u.m_digits,h),l=o(h,this.m_modulus)>=0?i:0,s=0,e=0;e<c;e+=1)s=h[e]-(this.m_modulus[e]&l)+s,h[e]=s&i,s=s>>t;h.length=c}function it(r,u,f){var e,h=this.m_digitWidth,s=f.m_digits,o=n.subtract(r.m_digits,u.m_digits,f.m_digits);if(o===-1)for(o=0,e=0;e<h;e+=1)o+=s[e]+this.m_modulus[e],s[e]=o&i,o=o>>t}function rt(t,i){n.modInv(t.m_digits,this.m_modulus,i.m_digits)}function ut(t,i,r){return n.modMul(t.m_digits,i.m_digits,this.m_modulus,r.m_digits,v,y)}function ft(n,t,i){if(i=i||s([],this),o(t,c)===0)i.m_digits=a(1,this.m_digitWidth);else if(o(t,l)===0){for(var r=0;r<n.m_digits.length;r++)i.m_digits[r]=n.m_digits[r];i.m_digits.length=n.m_digits.length}else this.montmul.modExp(n.m_digits,t,i.m_digits),i.m_digits.length=this.montmul.s;return i}function s(n,t){return{m_digits:n,m_group:t,equals:function{return o(this.m_digits,n.m_digits)===0&&this.m_group.equals(this.m_group,n.m_group)}}}var h=d(r),e=h.length,c=a(0,e),l=a(1,e),v=f(e),y=f(e),p=new tt(h);return{m_modulus:h,m_digitWidth:e,montmul,createElementFromInteger:b,createElementFromBytes:w,createElementFromDigits:k,equals:g,add:nt,subtract:it,multiply:ut,inverse:rt,modexp:ft}}for(var k,w,t=24,h=Math.floor(t/,i=(1<<t)-1,r=1<<t,ot=i,y=[1,256],p=2;p<=h;++p)y[p]=y[p-1]*256;return k=[0],w=[1],{DIGIT_BITS:t,DIGIT_NUM_BYTES:h,DIGIT_MASK:i,DIGIT_BASE:r,DIGIT_MAXt,Zero:k,One:w,normalizeDigitArray:u,swapEndianness:it,bytesToDigits:d,stringToDigits:st,digitsToString:ht,intToDigits:a,digitsToBytes:wt,sequenceEqualt,isZero:l,isEven:yt,powerOfTwo:ct,shiftRight:g,shiftLeft:nt,compareDigits,computeBitArray:lt,bitLength:at,computeNAF:vt,IntegerGroup:ni,add:b,subtract:ut,multiply:v,divRem:s,reduce:bt,modInv:dt,modExp:gt,modMul:ft,MontgomeryMultiplier:tt,gcd:kt}}function gt(){function t{var t,i=null;if(arguments.length&&typeof arguments[0]!="number"){if(typeof arguments[0]=="object")for(i=[],t=0;t<n.length;t+=1)i[t]=n[t]}else for(i=[],t=0;t<n;t+=1)i[t]=0;return i}var u=n.bytesToDigits,h=i,e=function(t,i,u,f,e,o){var s=t.length,h=r(this,!1,e,o,null,!1);return{p:t,a:i,b:u,order:f,generator:h,allocatePointStorage:function(){return r(this,!1,n.intToDigits(0,s),n.intToDigits(0,s))},createPointAtInfinity:function(){return r(this,!0,n.intToDigits(0,s),n.intToDigits(0,s))}}},o=function(t,i,r,u,f){var s=n.intToDigits(3,t.length),o;return n.subtract(t,s,s),o=e(t,s,i,r,u,f),o.generator.curve=o,o},s={"256":
I've had to reduce the error message due to the 20,000 character limitation
This has only started happening since I upgraded to the latest version of Skype. Can anyone suggest how to resolve this problem please ?

What version of Windows are you on (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 )? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit? What is the version of Internet Explorer installed on your computer? In Internet Explorer go to Help -> About Internet Explorer. P.S. Please, don’t say that you are not using Internet Explorer. This is irrelevant. Skype depends on Internet Explorer.

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    the skype help connection wizard gives 2 options:
    1. contact network administration; 
    2. restart skype wait 2 minutes for it to reconnect automatically.
    This I have done dozens of times and it doesnt happen. I am still without skype connection and have money invested in their account.
    My question:  is there anyone I can contact by mail, phone, at SKYPE ADMINISTRATION to solve this problem soon? I need to contact my handicapped son everyday through Skype we live in different countries, he needs my help daily.
    I don´t know what else to do or who to ask for help.
    Thanks a million for any hints.

    jazzie_97 wrote:
    Ugh I thought so :/ Well because I have a school laptop I can't download programs unless I ask the techy guys at my school and school is over til Feb. So is there a way i can get the files for the new version on my laptop because thats how I got theversion I have now.
    If this is confusing, I'm sorry.
    Try this  Lessmsi  method:​​ssible-to-install-v6-13-0-104-Error-1603/m-p/287...
    Be aware that if you want to install the currently latest version, then you should use SkypeSetup_7.0.0.102.msi file in order to extract Skype.exe and files.
    SkypeSetup_7.0.0.102.msi file can be downloaded using this link:
    Note that should not run the SkypeSetup_7.0.0.102.msi but save this file to a folder on your computer.
    Using Lessmsi application you should extract Skype.exe and files from this saved msi-file and then paste these 2 files to Skype installation folder.
    Be aware that there is now a new link to the Lessmsi application:

  • Get error message that skype has problem loading when computer is turned on the first time every day. this started when the latest firefox v6.0 was downloaded.

    get error message that skype has problem loading when computer is turned on the first time every day. this started when the latest firefox v6.0 was downloaded.

    ''mbratlie [[#question-1055011|said]]''
    It was working fine and I had no problems, and then one day I tried opening a window and it froze. When I tried quiting the program my whole window went black. The x to the close the window doesn't work. The only option I have in my tool bar is Firefox and nothing happens when I try to quit firefox. Every time I try to shut down my computer Firefox prevents it. I haven't updated Firefox yet, so it's an older program, but only by a month or two. What's going on and how do I fix it?
    This is the first time it's ever happened. I downloaded the new operating system for Firefox but I can't install it until the Firefox currently running on my laptop quits, which it won't.

  • I get an error message when i try to make a skype call to a landline

    when i try to make a call to a phone from Skype i get an error message that says firefox does not know how to open this address ....

    Try resetting the SMC and PRAM first, if that doesn't help try a cleaning disc.....and then buy an inexpensive external burner. Slimline super drive failures are all too common.
    To reset the SMC
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord.
    Wait fifteen seconds.
    Attach the computer's power cord.
    Wait five seconds, then press the power button to turn on the computer.
    Resetting NVRAM / PRAM
    Shut down your Mac.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command (⌘), Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

  • Skype using 1GB ram and Error Message

    I get the below error message on verion 7.30 of skype:
    'Not enough storage to process this command'
    PC Spec below:
    Intel Core i7-4790K 4.00GHz (Devil's Canyon) Socket LGA1150
    Asus Z97-A Intel Z97 (Socket 1150) DDR3 ATX Motherboard
    Kingston HyperX 16GB (2x8GB) PC3-17100C11 2133MHz Dual
    Channel Kit
    SuperFlower Leadex GOLD 650W Fully Modular "80 Plus Gold"
    Power Supply
    Samsung 256GB SSD 850 PRO SATA 6Gbps 3D NAND Solid State
    Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB SATA 6Gb/s 64MB Cache - OEM
    Corsair Hydro H80i High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler
    Asus GeForce GTX 980 "Reference Design" 4096MB GDDR5
    PCI-Express Graphics Card
    Windows 8.1
    Anyone any ideas on the error message?
    Once it's poped, you can't get rid of it, it gives you an 'Ok' option, but if you press it, it just loads again, and you can't press the 'x' or it just comes back.
    In order to get Skype working again I have to 'End Process' in task manager (Where I see it using 1GB Ram), and then re-start skype and it's fine.

    Please,  run the DirectX diagnostics tool.
    Go to Windows Start and in the Run box type dxdiag.exe and press the OK button. This will start the DirectX diagnostics program. Run this diagnostics and save the results to a file. Please, attach this file to your post.
    Be aware that you will have to zip this file before attaching it here.

  • Firefox won't start, there is no error message and it is not already running.

    When I try to click on firefox, the little wait icon appears and then disappears. Nothing opens, not even safe mode. I've looked at the "Firefox won't start and there is no error message" help section and looked at my task manager processes. It seems that when I click firefox, it briefly appears on my processes and then disappears. This happened yesterday while I was in the middle of using it. At the same time, my Skype also crashed, which makes me think the two are correlated. The two programs still don't work. The only way that I can open firefox is if I install it all over again with the "launch firefox now" option checked at the end. When I have a firefox window open, I can open other firefox windows just fine. When I close it, nothing opens. Thanks for your help.

    1) Start Task Manager
    2) Open Processes (make the description area large enough to see)
    3) look for a description that says ''firefox''
    4) Select it and press End Process
    '''Now Firefox should work properly.'''

  • I just moved my itunes library from a win 7 computer to a win 8.1 computer. Getting an error message "iTunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. Audio/Video playback may not operate properly. Can't play CDs or get audio file from web!

    Help! I just moved my itunes library from a Win 7 computer to a new Win 8.1 computer following the instructions on the itunes website. Everything is good except I'm getting an error message on the Win 8 computer if I try to play a CD or get an audio file off of the internet. I get an error message that says "iTunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. Audio/Video playback may not operate properly. I don't know where to look for or fix the audio configuration on the win 8 computer. As far as I can tell the iTunes configuration looks the same as on the other computers in the house. At this point I don't dare plug my ipod touch into the Win 8 computer for fear it will get messed up.

    I have the same problem and I know that it is due to my PCI Audio driver not being compatible with WIndows 8.1.
    iTunes isn't the only program that can't direct sound to the built-in speakers anymore. The obvious solution would be to update the drivers, but unfortunately Dell does not provide an updated driver for my model, so I am stuck with that.
    However, saying that, only my laptop speakers are affected by this. I can use sound fine on applications where I can choose the output device and direct sound to the head phones, but for some reason iTunes does not let you choose the audio device manually.
    To listen to music I imported the iTunes Library in Windows Media Player and changed the audio output using the following instructions:
    However, I would also like to rent movie's from iTunes, 
    Would be great if iTunes would let you choose the output device, too, like most other applications using sound  from Skype to Windows Media Player,...

  • Safari and Chrome "can't connect to webpage" error message

    I recently purchased this macbook on the 26th and it was working completely fine the first day. Today i was using my macbook and it was working completely fine, then about 20-30 minutes after turning on and using my macbook webpages failed to load. In safari I would refresh the page and the page would stop loading at about 40%, and when i tried doing using the search bar instead of the URL bar, i would recieve a "Can't connect to server error" saying that safari was unable to connect to Google. On Chrome i tried opening the same page, such as twitter or youtube, and the page would fail to load as well and it would give me the "unable to connect to webpage" error message. Anything connected to the internet won't load as well, such as the app store or even skype. Whenever i restart the computer it begins working fine again, but returns to its previous state after 20-30 mins again. I have tried restarting my router and even connecting to a different router. I have also checked my proxies and nothing is selected. I am just wondering what to do at this moment, should i take my computer in so soon? Or should I give the computer some time to get "broken in."? My macbook is running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4
    PreferencesI r

    Do you have Little Snitch installed?

  • Firefox 11.0/12.0 does not launch and provides no error message, how can I fix this? Windows 7/8

    Running Windows 7 on one partition, and Windows 8 Consumer Preview on another, Firefox does not open for either.
    Firefox crashes upon opening without an error message. I have reinstalled and manually cleared profile information. If I create a new profile, it works until I close and try to relaunch requiring me to make a new profile.
    I have tried removing/reinstalling java as well (just in case), as I had been editing some of the java installation from my Windows 7 partition.
    As I launch the Firefox, if I watch the task manager, Firefox.exe appears for a moment, but disappears almost immediately.
    No files appear in 'C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Crash Reports' directory with the exception of the 'InstallTime*********' file.
    *Information posted in the "Troubleshooting Information" section below is from the Windows 8 Consumer Preview partition. There are some errors with my display driver not being updated properly, but Firefox -was- working on Windows 8 Consumer Preview until just recently, so I am assuming that is not part of the issue.

    Regarding Naomi Internet Filter, I verified that it was -not- something installed (I hadn't heard of it before, but I made sure nevertheless in case it piggybacked on something).
    As far as system restore software, I keep none =x
    Never have, and I change over OS's relatively often (I went from 7 this past fall to 7/Kubuntu/BTLinux, to 8DeveloperPreview/Kubuntu/BTLinux, to overwriting Kubuntu with 7 a few weeks later, overwrote 8DevPrev to 8ConsumerPreview, and then removed both linux partitions and remerged with a fresh install of two separate partitions for 7 and 8 (I help with some OS compatibility/stress testing for a friend's software development company).
    As far as software that monitors or interacts with online connections..
    Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin, Apple Application Support, Apple Software Update, Bonjour, Google Chrome (not that it's preferred over FF, just over IE ;]), Java(TM) 7 Update 3, Microsoft Security Essentials, Microsoft Silverlight (I started having issues not long after I installed Silverlight, however I don't feel like this is causing any issue, as I tried removing it and reinstalling everything from scratch, but no luck), Mozilla Firefox 11.0 (x86 en-US)/Mozilla Firefox 12.0 (x86 en-US), Mozilla Maintenance Service, No-IP DUC (tested this and found no difference or ability for it to hinder FF), (previously) Skype 5.8, TortoiseSVN (32 bit), and WinSCP 4.3.7.
    None of which I've found to have issues with Firefox in the past, as well as FF was working with them until just recently.
    As far as I can tell, automatic updates were disabled for everything (including my OS), and no changes had been made to any of the software, with the exception of I had installed Silverlight, but as mentioned earlier, I didn't find any issues with this.
    Like you say, my best guess at this point would be that there's something funky set up with my partitions, and so I may just do another fresh wipe and try again (it just takes forever to get everything installed that I need for school, so I'll probably just wait it out for a while).
    The only reason in which I would go against it being a partition setup issue, is that it -was- working. However, I do recognize that something could have come up after a while (not sure how, but I don't doubt it).
    I hadn't thought about downgrading past 11, but it's definitely worth a shot, and I'm more than willing to try. once I'm done with stuff today I'll give it a shot and post the results here.
    Thanks so much for your suggestions.

  • Looking for some help with an error message when exporting master file. I'm stuck and would even pay to get this sorted out!

    Hey guys, I'm really in a bind here and need some urgent help tonite. I would even be willing to pay for some actual help and not some vague information that i may not be able to understand if we could do something via skype or some other way that would be much quicker than a message board. Of course I have to have the project done by tomorow . so I'm new to fcpx, but have succesfully exported 2 other projects. I've also ran into this predicament before (error message not allowing me complete export) and have been able to solve that by converting the files i imported off my camera (canon g20) to a different file type (prores).
    so where I'm at now: i have a 13 min short, all shot on my canon g20, imported and converted to prores422 with the brorsoft video converter with all the shots in a single event in fcpx. i'm using fcpx version 10.0.08. I have one main video track in my timeline that is completely full of very fast edits. (all quick 2-5 second clips, sped up shots in 2x, 4x, or 8x, tons of transitions, titles, and a little fx. theres 2 audio tracks, one is narration/speech and the other is an ongoing music track that constantly ducks everytime the subject speaks (tons of ducks/edits). Have you seen mtv cribs? Well i filmed an EXACT replica. So If you've seen one of those episodes, its literally the same exact same thing. I have all of my work completed, everything has been fully rendered, and i have it exactly as I want it.
    I'm including all this information in case it may help. my successful projects ive exported in the past were rather simple, and this one is very complex and full of edits. here is what it looks like in the timeline:
    Ive tried exporting the master file using almost all the different ways with no luck. My primary objective is to get it on youtube by any means by tommorow for a showing to a potential buyer (long story) and so I've been told using the h.264 is the best format for that. This, along with the other methods give me the same error message:
    It think it gives this error message when i reach 24% everytime during export.
    So first of all, what is that error message? Do i need to be concerned about the specifics of it, or is there something major that I'm missing? Like i said, i dont care how, but I need to get this video up on youtube tonite for an important viewing tomorrow. Conceptually, I think if i can figure this one out I shouldnt have any more trouble in the future doing something so basic, yet critical, such as exporting my 40+ hours of work for someone to see.
    anyway, I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge with this software, and for my extremely long winded question which will probably have the opposite effect for me as most wont want to take the time to read all this, BUT i figured if i was as thorough as possible it might help actually getting a concrete answer, instead of a "read the manual, exporting is on page 37." or "use the share button on the right of the timeline then just click export master file and it will work everytime."
    Cheers everybody, and thank you. Like i said if someone is up, and willing to talk via skype, phone, messanger or any other method that works for you I would be totally down and will compensate you generously for your time. thanks again.

    boom! that advice was correct and worked. i was able to export the full project as a quicktime movie and it can be uploaded to youtube.
    NOTE, theres is definately quite a few noticeable audio glitches/lags/pops that werent there before doing this. I believe, and will test to make sure, that having a project such as this one needs to render before exporting. I'm not sure if the advice requires the project to be unrendered before exporting for a specific reason, because if it will export fine after rendering the project that's the way to go. like i said the edited version i have in my timeline plays back perfectly but this exported version has quite a few noticeable audio glitches (a few video glitches too). I'm going to retry doing the first few steps of your advice, but then at the end render, then export and compare the results...
    OK, so this leads to a big question, Is this something that is standard for everyone when trying to export? If its not, what causes this error?
    is there any way of preemptively avoiding it in future projects?
    thanks again, and hopefully this information will help others as exporting seem to be one of the biggest problems in fcpx. any word on a new patch or firmware update?

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