SLES support for NSS in support pack 1?

I was just told by Novell presales that SLES SP1 adds nss support to SLES.
I told them we had LSBS9.0 and they said that NSS is available on SLES SP1.
Does any one know if SLES sp1 can be installed on Novell Linux Small
Business Suite 9.0?

IIRC, SP1 only adds a kernel driver for NSS, no other tools/utilities
(e.g. NCP). I don't think this update is designed to provide full support
for NSS, just basic file system mounting.
I am prepared to be pleasantly surprised though :-)
On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 18:43:47 +0000, JP wrote:
> I have a case opened up with Novell. They sent me the kl_nss package from
> teh Service Pack 1 iso. They are seeing if I am able to get the SLES sp1
> because of my current SBS 9.0 maintenence as compared with SLES maintenence.
> According to the Release Notes for SLES
> SP1(
> .txt) it includes:
> "Included support for Novell nss filesystem (km_nss) 2.10 New packages
> introduced with SP1
> -------------------------------------
> The following new packages have been introduced with Service Pack 1:
> o gcc_old
> o amtu
> o km_nss
> o novell-openwbem-authenticator
> o novell-ldapext (x86 only)"
> I will post ant new news when I get anything.
> Thanks for your help.
> "Barry Schnur" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]..
>> I heard nothing about this at Brainshare where they were doing
>> presentations of the product -- I will try to follow up on this.
>> --
>> Barry Schnur
>> Novell Support Connection Volunteer Sysop
Mark Robinson
Novell SysOp
One by one the penguins steal my sanity...

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    I am not sure about first two questions that you have asked.
    Whenever you applying support packages in your BI system, no trasaction code should be executed. otherwise you would short dumps in your BI system.
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    Hi Raj,
    For Application server what type of scenior you are using.
    Did you made share of /usr/sap/ or /sapmnt to you application sever.
    if yes, then you have to just upgrade the kernal in CI & not in Apps
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    Hi Arun,
    First u have to clear what is the exact component in Ecc6.0 ,u want to download ?
    and what is the existing version of the component u are going to download?
    for example ,goto to status in Easy access menu and in that screen ,click the components - here u can able to see the components and else u want the brief summary of the existing level of the Components -> goto transaction SPAM->select All Support packages and click display!
    You can download from>download>Support Packages and Patches> SAP Application Components> SAP ERP>SAP ERP 2005>Support Package Stacks-->target stack 11(12/2007) is the latest for ERP that u can find the latest patches for all the comnponents for ECC 6.0
    For quick uploading u dload all the supportpackages and move the dloaded supportpackages to usr/sap/<sid>/DVEBMGS<instance no.>/trans
    then use the command to uncar the patches at a time by SAPCAR -xvf "SAPK*" and upload it from goto SPAM->Supporpackages-> select from application server

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    RCMGT     601     0001     SAPK-60101INRCMGT

    Hi Senthil,
    of course it is always recommended to use the newest Support Package Stack,
    but if your system (your business processes) are working fine, I would recommend you to
    import support package only then when you have an error or you want to have a special fiunctionality.
    Some customers play support packages into the system only twice a year, because the business processes
    should be tested after the sp import.
    Kind regards
    Imre Takácsi-Nagy
    Senior Support Consultant II.
    SAP Global Support Center Austria
    Netweaver WEB Application Server ABAP / JAVA

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    Rajesh Banka wrote:
    > What should be the Support Pack level for R/3 4.7 and BW 3.5 with SAP CRM2007?
    > Regards,
    > Rajesh Banka
    Hi Rajesh,
    Please see the note '833438', it explains which pack is required in this scenario.
    "You cannont connect ERP (R/3) releases lower than 4.6C to CRM 5.0.
    All subsequent CRM releases (5.0 or higher) cannot be connected to ERP lower
    than (R/3) 4.6C.
    These types of system landscapes are not supported by SAP.
    If you are using CRM 5.0, you must have implemented Plug-in PI 2004.1
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    Nitin Sharma

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    The latest Support Pack for PI 7.0 is now SP 14
    You can confirm this from SAP service market.

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    1.  Run V3 for associated application(s), this will load any potential delta data to the delta queues.
    2.  Run the delta load for each datasource twice.  The second load will clear the delta repeat data so that there should not be any more data in the delta queues defined with the format of the current datasources.
    Does this help?

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    I am sure you will find relevant information in the link below.
    Manoj Chintawar

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    Have you configured Maintenance Optimizer , if not use the following link to see the documentation  for configuring MOPZ
    From the above link click on <b>SAP Tutor on Maintenance Optimizer</b> this will show you how to use Maintenance optimizer and <b>Step by Step Configuration of Maintenance Optimizer SP Stack 09</b>  will help you to configure Maintenance Optimizer. ( scroll down to bottom to see the links)
    Prince Jose

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    The latest support package stack that has been released is 10.
    This is the schedule for future support stacks
    SPS 14 Calendar Week 45, 2007 (planned)
    SPS 13 Calendar Week 32, 2007 (planned)
    SPS 12 Calendar Week 19, 2007 (planned)
    SPS 11 Calender Week 10, 2007 (delayed)
    See URL below for more info.

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    Hi All,
    Where can i see the latest support pack for srm 7.01.
    Abdul Raheem

    Hello Abdul,
    it will depend on your application components.
    See on the SAP market place:
    Software Downloads > Sofware Download Center > Browse our Download Catalog > SAP Application Components > SAP SRM > SAP SRM ENHANCE PACKAGE > EHP1 FOR SAP SRM 7.0

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    Hi Muthu,
    if we take e.g. note 1302207. This was created a short while ago after SP14 was delivered. It has to be included in the next support package.
    So the entry with SP15 here means that it is included in SP15 if it is released.
    Hope that i could help.
    Best regards,

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