Slide Numbers in T.O.C.

Another easy yes/no question.  Can I have the slide numbers display in the T.O.C. without having them as part of the slide name?  I (or more correctly, the instructors) want the slide numbers in the TOC but I don't want them in the on-slide title which I populate via calling a variable since I have the number presented elswhere on the slide also populated via a variable "sldnumber of totalslides" (not the real variables but you know which one I mean).  I guess could manually enter the on-slide title if I had to have the number included in the slide name for it to display in TOC but would prefer not to.  Am I missing a check box somewhere?
Thanks in advance

The TOC items are populated by the Slide Name as shown in the filmstrip view.  The on slide title caption has no effect on the TOC.
Once you reset the TOC to show selected slide names, you can double-click items in the TOC to edit the name without affecting the slide names shown in the filmstrip.
Not sure if this was what you were after.  I found your description a little confusing.

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    Hi SharpieJeff,
    SG, who offered a simple script on another of your topics is one of the scripting wizards on the Numbers forum. I am beginning to find my way within a Numbers file but reading a bunch of files into 1 is something I haven't attempted yet. Numbers 3 is very script savvy so it can be a very useful tool. A script I am using with some frequency updates certain popups on several sheets in a file.
    One helpful website is
    You need to know that each Numbers file or document can contain many sheets. Each of those sheets can contain many tables. You might also hear a file refered to as a spreadsheet. The distinctions will be important if you being to script.

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    Adobe® Captivate® Version
    Adobe eLearning Suite 2.5
    Windows 7 Professional (x64) SP 1 (build 7601)
    2.67 GHz Intel Core i5 M 560
    3952 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory
    ATI FirePro M5800
    161.56 GB Hard Drive Free Space
    Microsoft Office 2010 Version 14.0.6026.1000
    Adobe Acrobat Version
    Adobe Bridge CS5.1 CS5.1

    Hello Michael,
    Cannot give you an answer on your first question.
    About your second question: are you showing the slide numbers to the user in a Text Caption? In that case the quickest way would be to calculate the number by an advanced action. It is possible to pass data from one file to another (like the total number of slides in the previous file), but then you'll need a widget from cpguru - Michael Lund:
    Save and Load Data Widget

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    You'll need a programmer to change the playbar (Flash) in that case.
    An alternative could be to put the playbar in overlay, don't stretch it over the total width of the slide, and add the solution with system variables at the same height as the playbar.
    TOC provides also slide numbers, and could act as an alternative for navigation.

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    Hi Tim,
    Insert the following text into a text caption.
    Go to Caption Properties, Options tab and change 'Display for' to "rest of project"
    Ravi Kishore

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    There are several system variables available. I have upgraded my list for CP8 and will publish it soon. But those you need are already in a post about CP6: System variables in Captivate 6 - Captivate blog
    For slide number you need cpInfoCurrentSlide, which starts with 1 (most numbering starts with 0). Insert that var in a text container, using the X button in the Style tab of the properties panel,
    the Character portion.
    As for the Quiz question:  you can uncheck to include a score in the Quiz total. Advanced Interaction panel (F9) is a good place to check all scored objects, and to see whether they are included in the Quiz total or not. Most quizzing system variables will adapt to the situation, score and percentage, maximum possible score will not take into account the questions that are not adding their score to the total score. However some variables will include the knowledge questions: total number of questions is one of them. This means that you have probably to tweak the score slide, to create a score slide yourself. Check the same list with system variables to create a custom score slide. Maybe this blog post can help, although the subject is bit different: Intermediate Score Slides - Captivate blog
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    Hi Joe,
    Numbers operates on WYSIWYG.
    Go View > Show Print View to see how the document will appear on the page(s).
    To see the margins and header/footer spaces, go View > Show Layout.
    If you have a single table that fits on a page, you can then select and drag the table to the center of the page.
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    When it's centered horizontally, a horizontal guideline will appear.
    Simulated appearance when the table is centered in the print space is as shown below:

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    If indeed creating scored interactions means they are included with the quiz progress bar, but you only want that progress bar to show the actual quiz slides, it seems you have two options:
    -use a different 'progress' method - either just put in a simple indicator (like hardcode the page or a graphic image on each slide) or try your hand at a widget.
    -don't include any scored interactions in the lesson outside the quiz slides.
    Out of curiosity, why do you want to have scored interactions outside the quiz slides? You want the final lesson score to include results of those interactions as well as the quiz itself? Is the learner aware of this? Or you simply want to get those interactions tracked to an LMS for reporting...?

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    X is possible.  From the Inspector Window, look in the slide tab (second from left) and click on appearance on the top.  There should be an option there for "slide number."  This option may need to be checked for every slide, which you can do all at once by highlighting every slide in the left frame (click on one slide, then command+A) and then going through the inspector to option in the "slide number."
    As for Y, you may have to place that in manually using a text box.

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    Hi Nick
    See if the link below helps.
    The site is that of fellow Adobe Community Expert Paul
    Dewhurst. If you like what you see, toss some change into his tip
    jar for his efforts!
    Cheers... Rick

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    welcome to the Keynote Discussions.
    Well, I think the border around the two slides I print is just enough to punch and file the paper.
    Oh, wait, I'm using [DIN] A4 format. Well, try this:
    * In the print dialog choose Layout from the "Copies & Pages"
    dropdown box and set "Pages per Sheet" to 2
    (you know that but I repeat it for other readers)
    * Choose Paper Handling from the same dropdown box and mark
    "Scale to fit paper size:". Select A4 from the corresponding
    dropdown box (yes, even if you don't use A4 format). Unmark
    "Scale down only".
    * Print you slides.
    There's no possibility to add page (sheet) numbers in the print dialog. You could prepare a file in Keynote or Pages that only prints a page number and print these numbers in a second run on you handouts. Not very elegant but maybe better than to paginate with a counter

  • Slide order in the timeline

    I have been shown how to do a very specific task in Flash Pro CS5. I have five slides in my timeline, with buttons that include links to product pages on our website. These five slides comprise a movie, with each slide being displayed for a few seconds and it repeatedly cycles through the five slides in a banner at the top of our home page.
    In addition there is a navigation bar below my slide images with a play and pause option, plus the five slide numbers so the viewer can navigate from slide to slide manually.
    I have been asked to change the order of the slides so that slide #5 now becomes slide #1 and slide #1 becomes slide #2, and so on. I can easily switch the images and links so that the slides are in a different order in my file, but now the navigation bar below does not work. In the Actions panel, the #1 button in the navigation bar still appears to be linked to slide 1, which now has the new images, yet the nav bar does not respond to clicks anymore.
    How was my nav bar disabled when I switched the images and links around between the slides? and how can I correct this?
    (Keep in mind, I know NOTHING else about Flash except how to replace the images and change the button links in each slide, which I do monthly, as this is the top banner on our website.)

    Thanks so much for your reply, Rob.
    The slides are on the timeline and each one is displayed as the playback head moves from one frame to another. I do this in my file by dragging the red rectangle with the red line extending from below it across the timeline, which is on a layer that the original author named MC Content. However, when I go to the layer called Scene 1 where the navigation bar is, the red rectangle at top will not move when I try to drag it.
    I don't know what the action script does except to link my button to a page on our website. The code looks like this for slide 1.
    slide1_1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myButtonFunction5_1);
    function myButtonFunction5_1(event: MouseEvent) {
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
    I don't know if the slides use actionscript to show and hide each one.
    Now that I look at it, maybe all I need to do is change myButtonFunction5_1 to myButtonFunction1_1 on the above code?
    I don't know how to answer your last question. The individual images for each slide are jpegs I created in InDesign, but I don't know how they are referenced or what that means.

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