Slideshows from Photoshop

Greeting all. I am a newbie to this forum. Be gentle if I
make mistakes. I am creating a website, my first, from Photoshop
CS3 and have included slide shows from PSD's automatic creation
tool. When I created a show it created an html index page and then
additional html indexes for all of the pages but if I test the
first index page it plays all of the pages. Do I need to make links
to all of the html pages or just the main one? all help

Thanks for the clarification.
Good advice given above, especially by Gene. 
What I want to add is that the activity with your Adobe account most likely has NOTHING to do with how your Windows system displays thumbnails.  A coincidental reconfiguration or reinstallation of Windows might have caused the change.
FYI, there's a neat little inexpensive program called the "FastPictureViewer Codec Pack" that will make thumbnails appear in Explorer (and applications' File - Open dialogs) for not only JPEG files but also PSD files and raw files (e.g., CR2, NEF) and just about all others.  I use it and recommend it.

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    I created a slideshow in photoshop 7 with pans and zooms etc. I then 'output' it to premiere elements 7. I go to PE7 and se it in my select album drop down menu but how do I get it into the main editing window? I can add all the photos from my slideshow but then the panning/sooming etc is all lost. I want to add a theme to the slideshow but can't even get the slideshow to show or work in PE7.
    Am I doing something wrong?
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    Natasha Down
    After you created your slideshow in Photoshop Elements 7, what output option did you use there? Was it "Send to Premiere Elements"? After you hit "Send to Premiere Elements", Premiere Elements 7 should open automatically with your slideshow on the Timeline as well as a copy in the Media Panel.
    You can go from that point directly to export, such as DVD-VIDEO. But, if you want to do further edits, you can right click the slideshow on the Timeline and select Break Apart Slideshow, followed by making your edits.
    So, I am not too clear on what you meant by "I go to PE7 and se it in my select album drop down menu but how do I get it into the main editing window?
    So, how does what I described differ from what you are actually doing?
    By the way, what are the pixel dimensions of the photos going into this slideshow and how many of them are there? Those pixel dimensions should not exceed 1000 x 750 if you are heading for DVD-VIDEO export.

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    Hi! Thanx for your response.
    It is not clear that he has imported it as wmv or pdf, but the slideshow has to be imported in such a manner that it can still be edited (Captions, effects etc.)
    Creating a wmv or pdf will not allow the same.
    Any Ideas?

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    Computer: Laptop HP 4520S ProBook
    OS: WIn7 32b
    RAM: 4GB
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    HDD: 300GB
    Free space on C: approx 30GB

    Problem solved. The program entered in a loop because the very last transition was activated. In order to avoid this kind of problems, choose as a last transition "None". Simple as such
    No need to resize the pictures.

  • Export from Photoshop Elements 6 to Premiere Elements 8

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    Please help.

    My results are consistent with your problems NOT being associated with Photoshop Elements 6 slideshow being used instead a Photoshop Element 8 slideshow in the slideshow transfer to Premiere Elements 8.
    Testing. Photoshop Elements 6/Premiere Elements 8.
    First I created a slideshow in the Photoshop Elements 6 Slide Show Editor. It included:
    (a) 19 jpeg photos each with pixel dimensions of 3264 x 2448 (that is not recommended pixel dimensions but was used to stress out the project if possible...these represent grossly oversized photos since the goal is DVD VIDEO with standard frame size of 720 x 480.)
    (b) I used a Wipe transition between each
    (c) I used text within the photos (included in the text was a sequential number so that I could more easily visually follow the sequence of the slideshow after it was transferred to Premiere Elements 8)
    (d) I added two audio clips as soundtrack (the first I placed from beginning to just before the last two photos to pick up on any audio out of sync as well as loss of a whole audio clip)
    (e) I used a pan and zoom effect for photos 1 and 2.
    The quality of the preview in the Photoshop Elements 6 Slide Show Editor was good.
    I outputted the Photoshop Elements 6 Slide Show Editor slideshow, using the Slide Show Edit Output option "Send to Premiere Elements". When I did, Premiere Elements 8 opened, I set the project preset, and it accepted the slideshow. In the Project Media area were
    (a) a folder containing all the individual components of the slideshow
    (b) the slideshow file in a video (grouped) form
    The video (grouped) form had automatically been placed on the Timeline as well.
    Everything transferred correctly. No problems. SEE IMPORTANT NOTE BELOW.
    I even burned the Timeline content to DVD-VIDEO standard from Premiere Elements 8, and the DVD-VIDEO standard played back well on my 19 in LCD Widescreen TV.
    Testing. Photoshop Elements 8/Premiere Elements 8.
    I repeated the above with Photoshop Elements 8/Premiere Elements 8 and the same slideshow and obtained the same results.
    IMPORTANT. Whether it was Photoshop Elements 6/Premiere Elements 8 or Photoshop Elements 8/Premiere Elements 8, I had to render the Timeline in the Edit Mode in order to get the best possible preview so that I could determine/confirm what was on the Premiere Elements Timeline. And, rendering the Timeline as described with all those oversized photos took several hours.
    This is what I need to know:
    1. How many photos did you use in the slideshow in the Photoshop Elements 6 or 8 slideshow, and what were their pixel dimensions? If you do not know, you can check it out in Photoshop Elements Full Editor/Image Menu/Resize/Image Size dialog or just place your mouse course over the file on the hard drive and note the "dimensions".
    2. If you transfer your slideshow from Photoshop Elements 6 or 8 to Premiere Elements 8, use the Output option "Send to Premiere Elements", and get your slideshow on the Premiere Elements 8 Timeline, do you render that Timeline by pressing the Enter Key of the computer main keyboard so that the red line over the Timeline turns green when the process is complete?
    3. Is your computer optimized, defragmented, cleaned up, scratch files directed to an external hard drive (NTFS formatted), etc. If you are using an external hard drive for the scratch files, is there enough space there for them?
    4. What is your computer operating system and what are its resources, such as, available RAM and free hard drive space. Have you checked your computer's virtual memory set up?
    Stay the course on this to rule in or out the above non wmv approach to getting your slideshow as a DVD-VIDEO. But if you do decide to detour over to Save As File Movie .wmv and you are dealing with oversized photos and an offending component in the slideshow, the the writing of the .wmv becomes a possible focus point for errors. And, if the .wmv is destined for DVD-VIDEO, then use the file size (also known as profile) = NTSC DVD (720 x 480).
    I suspect that the problem core goes to
    (a) use of oversized photos
    (b) offending component in slideshow
    (c) size of slideshow
    (d) computer resources
    (e) combination of all or any one of above
    I will continue to watch for your progress.

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    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    One problem with orientation is that many viewing/cataloging programs will allow one to change the orientation, but that is only for viewing - no pixels are actually changed. A flag is placed in the metadata, telling many viewers to rotate the image, when viewed. Adobe Bridge, the big-brother to Organizer, and installed with many Adobe suites and programs, does this. It is not until one does a Save for the image, that the rotation is actually applied to the pixels. Until then, it's just an instruction to a viewer on how to display the image.
    I second Steve's comments on the Scaling of stills, outside of PrE, prior to Import. This ARTICLE will give you some background and some tips for automating the process.
    Good luck,

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    Hi John
    Despite successfully running Reconnect and Repair, PSE 8 is still unable to
    convert My Catalog from Photoshop Album 2.0. The 'Problems converting
    catalogs to PSE 6 or 7' notes suggests that I might need to first migrate to
    Elements 5. Can I take you up on the offer find me a copy?
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    Is it possible to import an image into iPhoto from Photoshop? If so, what am I doing wrong? thank you.
    15" Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
    15" Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Also if you set iPhoto to use PS as the editor of choice by going into iPhoto's General preferences and selecting PS in the "Edit photo:" menu. Then when you double click on a thumbnail, PS will open, you can edit the picture and save it. This way the thumbnail will be updated as well.

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    This message appear: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error
    This is totally new to me as I have made a few slidshows before and saved them into wmv-files without any problem.I tried to open the file and renew it "save as" and did the whole procedure over again but it still crasches. There is no video in the slideshow and all pics are .jpg and to summarize it - 5 days of work is nearly gone if this doesent convert into a wmv-file..... Pls advise any suggestion what to try here.
    Best regards

    Your crash has nothing to do with the junk filter. It looks more like a corrupt preferences file. If you're curious, you may check the validity of that file issuing the following command in Terminal:
    plutil ~/Library/Preferences/ does it say? Now, try this:
    1. Quit Mail.
    2. Make a backup copy of the HOME/Library/Mail folder, just in case something goes wrong. You can do this in the Finder by dragging the folder to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down, for example. This is where all your mail is stored.
    3. In the Finder, go to HOME/Library/Preferences/. Locate the file and move it to the Desktop (to be deleted if this fixes the problem).
    You'll have to set up your accounts from scratch all over again. If given the option to import existing mailboxes or something like that, don't. Just enter the account information and Mail will automagically rediscover the data in HOME/Library/Mail/ when done.
    You'll also have to re-configure most of your settings in Mail > Preferences. The first thing you should do is go to Preferences > Viewing and disable "Display remote images in HTML messages" if it's enabled.

  • Fonts from Photoshop to Premier not clean

    I'm attempting to make an simple slide show in Premier Pro CS4 with slides that were created layered in Photoshop CS4 Extended.  the slideshow will be dispalyed on a computer screen in a kiosk at a large sales convention.
    My workflow is:
    export the graphic from Photoshop in an image format
    import into Premier
    place each graphic on the timeline.
    export as a movie
    My problem is that while the graphics look great, the text looks horrible - smeared, pixelated, blurred.
    The font used by the graphic designer in Photoshop is ITC Franklin Gothic Book, and in other places,  ITC Franklin Gothic Demi
    I've tried exporting from Photoshop to JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and they all look horrid.
    I've tried using other fonts, with no different outcome.
    I've tried different Premier templates
    I've tried different output formats (AVI, MOV, WMV, H.264, etc.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? It seems like it should be simple, but not so much
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    You seem to talk of "graphics" and "text" ( and both looking awful) so I am wondering what specifically do you mean.
    I get and use graphic text from Photoshop on a regular basis and these look perfect in HD Broadcast (and everything else) and I also use graphic text direct from PPRO Titler without any issues.
    A Text-Graphic  to me can be :
    > A  simple type face / font from my client designers computer that they wish me to use as a "super"  over a video scene /frame.  This usually happens when I do not have that typeface / font  in my Windows systems. (My clients use MAC largely)
    > It can be a custom built designer  type with complex enhancements ( shadows/fills/shapes / paths etc...).  Effectively this is a graphic in my jargon.
    We interchange both of these as PSD files ( usually layered so I have control of all the elements).  I work them around from these. eg flattening etc..
    They are produced slightly larger than needed in my Sequence and always in RGB (not CMYK)
    and ...
    > I also use graphic text direct from PPRO Titler without any issues
    Straight TEXT to me is basic body copy and maybe small.
    Wish I could advise more on your issue ...but maybe some of this is helpful.
    Were / why  does the 805  x 602 come into your equation?  Are you using a Custom Sequnce  Setting  for this project?

  • Preserving time when importing from Photoshop Elements

    I have about 15K photos that I am moving from Photoshop Elements on Windows to Aperture. In Elements all my photos are in time order sequence plus the liberal use of tags. The tags work fine but the time sequence does not. Most photos have the date for when they were taken plus additional dates for when they were edited and/or when they were copied when I upgraded Windows/Photoshop. Some photos were from APS film that Walmart copied to CDs and I manually set the date. I have checked the metadata on a random set of photos and the date used by Photoshop on Windows is correct.
    My question is "Can I get Aperture to use the same rules as Photoshop Elements so that when I view "Photos" in Aperture, they will be in the same order. I check the manual; nothing on this. iPhoto has the same problem but then it doesn't support the same level of metadata as Aperture. Specifically, I need Aperture to support "Date Time Original" field when it is available. Otherwise, I will have to stay with Photoshop Elements.
    Anyone have a solution?
    PS Using the change date/time facility is not a realistic option since it would take days of labour for something that is already contained in the metadata

    This is because, when you port your slideshow to Premiere Elements, it becomes video -- and video has a resolution of essentially 640x480 pixels at 72 ppi.
    If you'd like to save your slideshow at full resolution, you'll need to use one of the other export options -- and you'll need to make it playable on a computer, which has a higher resolution than your TV.

  • Exporting from photoshop into premiere elements 8

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    Using iTunes you can convert the audio to MP3, which will work in Premiere Elements.
    Unless it's copy protected, as many iTunes songs are. (Which is why I buy my music from Amazon.)
    To get around copy protection you need to burn your iTunes songs as a CD and then use Windows Media Player to rip the music back to your hard drive as an MP3.
    For best results, in fact, download the free program Audacity and use it to convert the MP3s to WAV files, the ideal audio format for Premiere Elements.
    iTunes has been relaxing things a bit lately -- but it used to take a remarkably convoluted system to make their music usable in a video project!

  • Transferring Pics and Projects from Photoshop Elements 5 to 7

    I currently have Photoshop Elements 5 and have just ordered PSE 7 with Premiere Elements 7. Can anyone tell me the best way to transfer my pictures and projects such as audio slideshows from PSE 5 to PSE 7? After I do so, may I uninstall PSE 5 from my PC?

    Instructions are here:
    After you are sure that your new PSE7 catalog is working properly, you can delete PSE5.

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    I have watched this tutorail several times, and find it very complex and hard to understand:
    All I am asking is: Is this possible with what I have? As in a site just sliced and 'Save for Web & Devices' from Photoshop?
    Any help much appreciated, I really need this done.

    Hi all, I'm in a real pickle here.
    I'm an architecture & interior design graduate.
    I know not a lot about web design.
    I have managed to design my website, slice it in Photoshop and link it in Dreamweaver.
    I am trying to use JQuery Cycle for my slideshow here:
    I have watched this tutorail several times, and find it very complex and hard to understand:
    All I am asking is: Is this possible with what I have? As in a site just sliced and 'Save for Web & Devices' from Photoshop?
    Any help much appreciated, I really need this done.

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    Can anyone help me to locate a solution to this problem?

    This is because, when you port your slideshow to Premiere Elements, it becomes video -- and video has a resolution of essentially 640x480 pixels at 72 ppi.
    If you'd like to save your slideshow at full resolution, you'll need to use one of the other export options -- and you'll need to make it playable on a computer, which has a higher resolution than your TV.

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