Slightly Jerky Animation

I have noticed some of the animation in the following flash
piece is a little jerky, and I wanted to see if anyone had any
ideas on how to make it a bit smoother. I know I can increase the
frame rate (currently at 20, thinking about going to 24), but it
may not make too much of a difference. Any ideas?
Start at
but that intro piece isn't what I am worried about. Click to
launch and flip through the content of the big piece. I am mostly
noticing the alpha fades and the masking effects on the very large
Also, can anyone tell me exactly what "compress movie" does?
Will I get an improvement if unchecked? Is it worth it?
All input would be appreciated!

I think there are performance issues (bugs?) with iOS 4. I've posted about jerkiness myself, as have many others. Just search for "jerky" and you'll see them all. Also, look at all the posts regarding battery usage when nothing is running.
If I saw this behavior on any other computer system, I'd say there were processes running that are gobbling up CPU time, memory, and in the case of the phone, battery.
In my case, I think there are runaway mail processes. The performance of my phone improves drastically when I inactivate my mail account.
Other people may have other runaway processes.

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    Here's some videos showing the movement I get per frame. You can even see Flash Pro (CS6 in this case) exporting some odd frame choices. For example right before the 5 second mark the circle jumps 2 movements and stays in place for an extra frame (easy to see stepping through it using arrows and Quicktime player). It does this consistently even when using "None" for Quicktime compression, or using a codec.
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    Linear Movement
    -60 to 60 ease at the opposite side
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    Hi Elaine,
    Thanks for getting back to me.
    The largest graphic that I animate is 1024 x 768, but I didn't notice any particular drop in performance between larger items over smaller ones. I did notice that bitmaps suffered more from the jerky framerate than DIV elements created within Edge, but I guess that's to be expected.
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    Thanks for your time,

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    Thanks for any assistance.
    EDIT, here is an example
    EDIT02. Also in Canon Photo Professional i have the option to tick "embed ICC profile". What does this mean?

    Thanks for the update. Sorry the news is not better.
    This 25 frames per second that seems like half I correct that this is for the playback of the
    MP4 - H.264 1920 x 1080p25 export of the Timeline, not what you are seeing in the Edit Mode monitor when you are viewing playback of the rendered Timeline before export?
    Do you see this slightly jerky video motion to which you refer in the Time Lapse before and after export?
    What is the actual duration of your export of 300 jpg each with a duration of 1 frame?
    I do not recall that I asked or your said, is this playback matter restricted to this particular batch of 300 jpg images or do you run into this problem with all your Time Lapse video projects?
    I have gotten excellent results for Time Lapse video Premiere Elements projects so I am reluctant to characterize the experience as
    Old school animation VS new age tech. Rhubarb and Custard Vs Toy Story!
    And, if there were a glitch in the process, I would not dismiss anything as irrelevent, as I systematically  ruled in or out possible causes for the glitch.
    We could get into how the photos were introduced to the Timeline, possibities for slivers which at the Timeline level of 1 frame would be hard to detect if you had set for 1 frame per second in the preferences beforehand, and so on.
    We will be watching for further developments when you have time.
    Thank you for the follow ups.

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    Perhaps it is now time for the Harpoon solution (aka the Guinness solution in the mid and far west)
    for those not in the know:
    1. turn everything off.
    2. unplug firewire cables
    3. unplug power cords
    4. get up from well worn chair
    5. walk to refrigerator
    6. open refrigerator
    7. remove bottle of Harpoon (Guinness, local micro brew, etc)
    8. pop cap
    9. pour into glass ( you AREN'T going to drink it from a bottle, are you?)
    10. sip responsibly. enjoy the moment. think pure thoughts
    11. return to kitchen. If less than 15 minutes has elapsed, have another. Otherwise, retrurn to edit room.
    12. Plug everything back together
    12. fire up external monitors, VTR, external hard drives & computer in that order.
    does it work now? If yes, congratulate your self. If not, oh well, but at least you are in a much better frame of mind to begin some serious troubleshooting.

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    In both accounts the scroll bar in Safari flickers on and off irrespective of whether the setting in General prefs is for the scroll bar to display permanently or not. The less troubled user account is noticeably snappier in action (eg opens the About this Mac screen with no delay compared with a second or so in the other account).
    I've tried ditching the caches for Sarari with no effect. I rebuilt permissions after the install. I'm at a loss to know what to do next as it feels like a generic video problem but, bizarrely is more or less confined to one account.
    Any clues?

    bizarrely is more or less confined to one account.
    Check Safari > Preferrences > Extensions
    If there are any installed, turn that OFF, quit then relaunch Safari to test.
    If it's not an extension issue, try troubleshooting third party plugins.
    Help here >  Safari: Unsupported third-party add-ons may cause Safari to unexpectedly quit or have performance issues

  • Jerky Motion of MP4 file

    Problem: Jerky Motion of MP4 file
    Adobe Production Suite CS4
    Windows XP Pro SP3
    I have the following composition:
    Composition: 1280x720 HDV/HDTV 720 29.97 square pixel
    Layer: 4288x2848 jpeg image
    Duration: 15 seconds
    I slowly rotate the image.
    In AE, it plays smoothly using the space bar.
    I render as
    Container:  MP4 file
    Codec: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
    Size: 1280 x 720
    kbps: 6176
    Frames/s: 29.97
    GSpot says the created MP4 file looks like the following:
    Codec: avc1
    Name: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
    Container: mp42: MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14]; - mp41: MP4 v1 [ISO 14496-1:ch13]
    Recommended Display Size: 1280 x 720
    Size: 1280 x 720
    kbps: 6176
    Frames/s: 29.97
    Pics/s: 29.97
    I play the file in Adobe Media, QuickTime, and Real Players.
    The motion is very jerky.
    The time progression bar moves in stops and spurts.
    I created a new MP4 file with kbps: 13,000.
    It was also jerky.
    I created an AVI file, it plays smoothly.
    Any idea how to correct this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the feedback about why H264 is jerky on my computer.
    As you suggested,
    I used the FLV preset to create two FLV files.
    Codec: FLV4/VP62
    Name: Flash/On2 VP6
    kbps: 1699
    kbps: 5409
    Both files work much better than the H264 MP4 file.
    The kbps:1699 file is a bit jerky.
    The kbps:5409 file is more jerky.
    Since the files are on my hard drive, I am not sure why the kbps:5409 is jerkier since that is the rate DVDs play 720x480 movies at. I would expect the kbps:1699 to be of poorer quality because of the lower bandwith.
    Just so you know where I am heading. I want to place my 1280x720P HDV/HDTV 720 29.97 square pixel AE composition on Vimeo.
    Vimeo recommends "using the H.264 codec at size 1280×720, bit rate 3000-5000 kbits/sec (optimized for “download”), key frame every 30 frames (frame reordering on), using whatever frame rate you shot in. For sound, use AAC at 128kbps in stereo."
    By the way, there is a HD video on Vimeo called "FIA GT3 Video Battle" which GSpot says uses
    Codec: avc1
    Name: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
    Size: 1280 x 720
    Frames/s: 23.976
    kbps: 1803
    I downloaded it to my hard drive. On my computer, it is a slightly jerky but not too bad. Why my video using the same settings is so much jerkier than this video is unclear. Of course, as you explained, I cannot expect a H.264 codec to keep up with my slower computer. It is also unclear if I should Set Key Frame Distance to 30.
    Is there a white paper or book that explains in detail the tradeoffs and recommendations for both HD web based and Blue Ray situations like this? Thanks again for your help.

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