Sling:message customization per project using i18n

Hi all,
I saw this post on the sling message boards, which is the same question as mine, but I didn't see a resolution: 15.html
In our scenario, this is more about site localization than internationization, in that we may re-use components in multiple sites, but want to be able to customize header text using i18n.
For example, the default component, and the jsp for it, may live in:
under that component I have:
     key1 (sling:key="Lorem", sling:message="ipsum")
For a specific site that will be using that component, I want to override key 1 to use something different for the message, I create a new component at:
/apps/customsite/components/mycomponent  and have it's sling:resourceSuperType reference the component listed above (/apps/defaultsite/components/mycomponent)
I then create my sling message under my new component:
     key1 (sling:key="Lorem", sling:message="customsite")
The behavior I see (which the other post also mentions) is that whatever translation was saved last is what gets rendered onto the page, the logic for i18n doesn't look like it can be set at multiple places and then have the sling:resourceType and resourceSuperType resolution be used to figure out which value to use.
Is there another approach to use so I can override sling messages at the component level when a component inherits from another component that already was using the same sling:message?

Thanks for the suggestion, that sounds exactly what I need to use, but I am not seeing the expected result.
Do you see anything wrong with the node structure listed below?
          mycomponent.jsp - uses <cq:setContentBundle /> in code along with <fmt:message key="mykey"/> to get value
          i18n (sling:folder)
               en (sling:folder)
                    mykey (sling:MessageEntry)
                         *sling:message="base message"
          i18n (sling:folder)
               en (sling:folder)
                    mykey (sling:MessageEntry)
                         *sling:message="extended message"
I place "mycomponent" from the "extendedproject" onto a page.  That component has a supertype referencing the component in the baseproject, where the jsp logic lives.
I expect to see the "extended message" appear, since cq:setContentBundle should tell the page to use the i18n message assigned to this component itself from "extendedproject".
However, what I see is whichever sling message was saved last is the one that displayed.  I think what you listed above for " (so a string in /apps overrides one in /libs, but multiple strings with the same key in /apps have an undefined winner)" is still being applied, and the cq:setContentBundle doesn't seem to find the message tied to the component itself in the context of the app it lives within.

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    Hi jfosteroracle,
    You are getting the error may be the following reason,
    Check the following,
    Login as ADMIN and Goto -->Manage Instance-->Instance Settings--> Mail-->Maximum Emails per workspace
    Actually this number denotes the Number of mails can be sent per 24 hour for the workspace,It may exceeded.
    It may be the reason.
    Thank you.     
    Edited by: Gurujothi on Jun 27, 2012 5:54 AM

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    FYI, I am using TFS 2013 Update 4. I reverted all my customizations done to scrum template. I didnt do any changes for the other templates. I am wondering how to solve this error.  It is okay to install the fresh templates to work on or upgrade to a
    new update. I am already using the latest TFS 2013 update 4 and  I thought I should know about this error before re-install. Please help
    I got stuck on this error. Please advise the related things need to be considered while doing customizations. I have to do lot of customizations that should work fine without any errors. So, Please advise the things to be taken care in process customizations.

    Hi Divya,
    Since we haven't heard from you for a long time, I assume the issue is resolved, I mark useful reply as answer. If you have any concerns, please feel free to reopen
    it or submit a new question. Thanks for your understanding.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Budget Exceeded Message Customization

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    We couldn't change the BAC messages through customization because the underlying code is manipulating internal ABAP text fields.  Another driving requirement for us was to have a single BAC email sent out per project per day.
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         2. Captured all BAC warings in a custom table through user exit "EXIT_SAPLBPFC_002".
         3. Run a nightly batch job that reads the posted BAC warnings and sends out the emails as needed with the text we want.  This is a small custom program.
    Hope it helps,

  • Error while creating new projects using api

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    Source template ID is invalid.
    My code is as follow:
    define no=&amg_number
    -- Variables used to initialize the session
    l_user_id NUMBER;
    l_responsibility_id NUMBER;
    cursor get_key_members is
    select person_id, project_role_type, rownum
    from pa_project_players
    where project_id = 1;
    -- Counter variables
    a NUMBER := 0;
    m NUMBER := 0;
    -- Variables needed for API standard parameters
    l_commit VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
    l_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1) := 'T';
    l_api_version_number NUMBER :=1.0;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    l_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    -- Variables used specifically in error message retrieval
    l_encoded VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
    l_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_msg_index NUMBER;
    l_msg_index_out NUMBER;
    -- Variables needed for Oracle Project specific parameters
    -- Input variables
    l_pm_product_code VARCHAR2(30);
    l_project_in pa_project_pub.project_in_rec_type;
    l_key_members pa_project_pub.project_role_tbl_type;
    l_class_categories pa_project_pub.class_category_tbl_type;
    l_tasks_in pa_project_pub.task_in_tbl_type;
    -- Record variables for loading table variables above
    l_key_member_rec pa_project_pub.project_role_rec_type;
    l_class_category_rec pa_project_pub.class_category_rec_type;
    l_task_rec pa_project_pub.task_in_rec_type;
    -- Output variables
    l_workflow_started VARCHAR2(100);
    l_project_out pa_project_pub.project_out_rec_type;
    l_tasks_out pa_project_pub.task_out_tbl_type;
    -- Exception to call messag handlers if API returns an error.
    -- Initialize the session with my user id and Projects, Vision Serves (USA0
    -- responsibility:
    select user_id into l_user_id
    from fnd_user
    where user_name = 'SSHAH';
    select responsibility_id into l_responsibility_id
    from fnd_responsibility_tl
    where responsibility_name = 'Projects Implementation Superuser';
    p_api_version_number => l_api_version_number,
    p_responsibility_id => l_responsibility_id,
    p_user_id => l_user_id,
    p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
    p_return_status => l_return_status);
    if l_return_status != 'S' then
    raise API_ERROR;
    end if;
    -- Provide values for input variables
    -- L_PM_PRODUCT_CODE: These are stored in pa_lookups and can be defined
    -- by the user. In this case we select a pre-defined one.
    select lookup_code into l_pm_product_code
    from pa_lookups
    where lookup_type = 'PM_PRODUCT_CODE'
    and meaning = 'Conversion';
    -- L_PROJECT_IN: We have to provide values for all required elements
    -- of this record (see p 5-13, 5-14 for the definition of the record).
    -- Customers will normally select this information from some external
    -- source
    l_project_in.pm_project_reference := 'AGL-AMG Project &no';
    l_project_in.project_name := 'AGL-AMG Project &no';
    l_project_in.created_from_project_id := 1;
    l_project_in.carrying_out_organization_id := 2864; /*Cons. West*/
    l_project_in.project_status_code := 'UNAPPROVED';
    l_project_in.start_date := '01-JAN-11';
    l_project_in.completion_date := '31-DEC-11';
    l_project_in.description := 'Trying Hard';
    l_project_in.project_relationship_code := 'Primary';
    -- L_KEY_MEMBERS: To load the key member table we load individual
    -- key member records and assign them to the key member table. In
    -- the example below I am selecting all of the key member setup
    -- from an existing project with 4 key members ('EE-Proj-01'):
    for km in get_key_members loop
    -- Get the next record and load into key members record:
    l_key_member_rec.person_id := km.person_id;
    l_key_member_rec.project_role_type := km.project_role_type;
    -- Assign this record to the table (array)
    l_key_members(km.rownum) := l_key_member_rec;
    end loop;
    -- L_CLASS_CATEGORIES: commented out below should fix the error we get
    -- because the template does not have an assigment for the mandatory class
    -- 'BAS Test'
    l_class_category_rec.class_category := 'Product';
    l_class_category_rec.class_code := 'Non-classified';
    -- Assign the record to the table (array)
    l_class_categories(1) := l_class_category_rec;
    -- L_TASKS_IN: We will load in a single task and a subtask providing only
    -- the basic fields (see pp. 5-16,5-17,5-18 for the definition of
    -- the task record)
    l_task_rec.pm_task_reference := '1';
    l_task_rec.pa_task_number := '1';
    l_task_rec.task_name := 'Construction';
    l_task_rec.pm_parent_task_reference := '' ;
    l_task_rec.task_description := 'Plant function';
    -- Assign the top task to the table.
    l_taskS_in(1) := l_task_rec;
    -- Assign values for the sub task
    l_task_rec.pm_task_reference := '1.1';
    l_task_rec.pa_task_number := '1.1';
    l_task_rec.task_name := 'Brick laying';
    l_task_rec.pm_parent_task_reference := '1' ;
    l_task_rec.task_description := 'Plant building';
    -- Assign the subtask to the task table.
    l_tasks_in(2) := l_task_rec;
    -- All inputs are assigned, so call the API:
    (p_api_version_number => l_api_version_number,
    p_commit => l_commit,
    p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list,
    p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
    p_return_status => l_return_status,
    p_workflow_started => l_workflow_started,
    p_pm_product_code => l_pm_product_code,
    p_project_in => l_project_in,
    p_project_out => l_project_out,
    p_key_members => l_key_members,
    p_class_categories => l_class_categories,
    p_tasks_in => l_tasks_in,
    p_tasks_out => l_tasks_out);
    -- Check the return status, if it is not success, then raise message handling
    -- exception.
    IF l_return_status != 'S' THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('Msg_count: '||to_char(l_msg_count));
    dbms_output.put_line('Error: ret status: '||l_return_status);
    END IF;
    -- perform manual commit since p_commit was set to False.
    FOR i IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
    p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
    p_encoded => l_encoded,
    p_msg_index => i,
    p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
    p_data => l_data,
    p_msg_index_out => l_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: '||to_char(l_msg_index_out)||': '||l_data);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error: '||sqlerrm);
    FOR i IN 1..l_msg_count LOOP
    p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
    p_encoded => l_encoded,
    p_msg_index => i,
    p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
    p_data => l_data,
    p_msg_index_out => l_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: '||to_char(l_msg_index_out)||': '||l_data);
    Msg_count: 1
    Error: ret status: E
    ERROR: 1: Project: 'AGL-AMG Project 1123'
    Source template ID is invalid.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    I was using a custom Application, which had a id other then 275 (which belongs to Oracle projects)

  • Why do I get an error message saying unable to use disk when creating a DVD

    I have successfully burned two DVD's of a group of three I am burning of my last vacation pictures. I have successfully created WMV files for each day of the trip which I have combined to create the three DVD's so they won't be too lengthy. I created a menu with main menu and stop menu markers. When I went to burn the third disk, which is the shortest of the group the program would encode to the 96% and then the disk would eject and it would give an errow message saying the disk was not compatable. This was the same type of DVD-RW disks I used on the two successful disks. I tried redoing the burn 3  times with each time getting to 96% on the encription and then the same error message occurred. I used fresh disks each time. On the forth try I cut the number of WMV files down to 3 to make the DVD half as long. The same thing happened at the 96th% spot of the encription process. Nothing had ever been put on the disks. I am using top quality Memorex DVD-RW disks. Please let me know what else I can do. I am very frustrated. Oh yes, I closed the program down each time I got the error and also shut down and restarted the computer afer each error. I really want to finish this project as I have been working on it now for two weeks non stop. Thank you.

    Good, that gets one possibility out of the way.
    Since the error about the disc indicates that the Transcoding has already finished, I think that we can probably rule out the next step, but let's look anyway.
    Now, for Transcoding to DVD, PrE uses 2-pass Encoding, so it would seem that this problem is comng right at the end of the second pass, at the end of the Timeline. Look very closely at that point, and see if there is anything odd there. Things like gaps in the Video of a Timeline, or sometimes Assets that are not proper, can cause Transcoding to stop. Anything there? [I think that with a disc error, Transcoding HAS completed, and the progress bar is just lagging slightly behind, but more questions are probably needed.]
    Last, what brand of blank media are you using? The reason that I ask this is that some companies, like Memorex, buy the cheapest disc that day, and rebrand them, so in a spindle of 25, you might end up with blank discs by different mfgrs., and some can be much better, than others.
    Good luck,

  • Error while creating Project using API - PA_PROJECT_PUB.CREATE_PROJECT

    I am working on Projects conversion and currently trying to create a project using the API.
    I have recetified all the errors it was giving and struck at 1 error. please find the error message below.
    "You have submitted invalid parameters to this process, preventing its successful completion. Please contact your system administrator."
    It gives me this error and I was not able to know the cause for this error. Please let me know how to bypass this error and go ahead with projects conversion???
    Attached below is my package:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE xxbwp.xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER
         PROCEDURE xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc(errbuf           OUT      VARCHAR2
                             ,retcode           OUT      VARCHAR2);
    END xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxbwp.xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg
         PROCEDURE xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc(errbuf           OUT      VARCHAR2
                             ,retcode           OUT      VARCHAR2)
    v_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_index_out NUMBER;
         v_msg_count               NUMBER;
         v_msg_data               VARCHAR2(2000);
         v_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
         v_api_version_number          NUMBER          :=     1.0;
         v_commit               VARCHAR2(1)     :=     apps.fnd_api.g_false;
         v_init_msg_list               VARCHAR2(1)     :=      apps.fnd_api.g_false;
         v_workflow_started          VARCHAR2(1)      :=      'Y';
         v_pm_product_code          VARCHAR2(30)      :=      NULL;
         v_op_validate_flag          VARCHAR2(1)      :=      'Y';
         v_project_in               apps.pa_project_pub.project_in_rec_type;
         v_project_out               apps.pa_project_pub.project_out_rec_type;
         v_customers_in               apps.pa_project_pub.customer_tbl_type;
         v_key_members               apps.pa_project_pub.project_role_tbl_type;
         v_class_categories          apps.pa_project_pub.class_category_tbl_type;
         v_tasks_in               apps.pa_project_pub.task_in_tbl_type;
         v_tasks_in_rec apps.pa_project_pub.task_in_rec_type;
    v_tasks_out               apps.pa_project_pub.task_out_tbl_type;
         v_org_roles               apps.pa_project_pub.project_role_tbl_type;
         v_structure_in               apps.pa_project_pub.structure_in_rec_type;
         v_ext_attr_tbl_in          apps.pa_project_pub.pa_ext_attr_table_type;
         v_deliverables_in          apps.pa_project_pub.deliverable_in_tbl_type;
         v_deliverable_actions_in     apps.pa_project_pub.action_in_tbl_type;
    -- Variables declaration related to project_in_rec_type
    l_pm_project_reference VARCHAR2(25);
    l_pa_project_id NUMBER;
    l_pa_project_number VARCHAR2(25);
    l_segment1 VARCHAR2(25);
    l_project_name VARCHAR2(30);
    l_description VARCHAR2(250);
    l_long_name VARCHAR2(240);
    l_department_mapping VARCHAR2(50);
    l_department_mapping_c VARCHAR2(50);
    l_department_mapping_e VARCHAR2(50);
    l_created_from_project_id NUMBER;
    l_carrying_out_organization_id NUMBER;
    l_proj_start_date DATE;
    l_completion_date DATE;
    l_temp_project_type VARCHAR2(30);
    l_company_id VARCHAR2(10);
    l_company_id_c VARCHAR2(10);
    l_company_id_e VARCHAR2(10);
    l_proj_type VARCHAR2(30);
    l_cnt NUMBER := 0;
    l_task_cnt NUMBER := 0;
    l_responsibility_id NUMBER;
    l_application_id NUMBER;
    l_user_id NUMBER;
    l_global_info_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_global_info_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_global_info_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    SELECT *
    FROM xxbwp.xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_tbl
    WHERE proj_type = 'STORAGE';
    FOR C1_REC in C1
    SELECT APPS.pa_projects_s.nextval
    INTO l_pa_project_id
    SELECT description
                   INTO     l_proj_type
                   FROM apps.fnd_lookup_values
                   WHERE lookup_type = 'BWP_PROJECT_TYPES_LKP'
                   AND     lookup_code = C1_REC.proj_type
                   AND     1 = 1;
    SELECT project_id, project_type, carrying_out_organization_id
    INTO l_created_from_project_id, l_temp_project_type, l_carrying_out_organization_id
    FROM apps.pa_projects_all
    WHERE project_type = l_proj_type
    AND template_flag = 'Y';
    SELECT rt.responsibility_id, rt.application_id
    INTO l_responsibility_id, l_application_id
    FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_tl rt
    WHERE rt.responsibility_name = 'BWP PA Projects Superuser';
    SELECT u.user_id
    INTO l_user_id
    FROM APPS.fnd_user u
    WHERE u.user_name = 'CHUNDURK';
    -- Set the environment
    (p_api_version_number => 1.0
    ,p_responsibility_id => l_responsibility_id
    ,p_user_id => l_user_id
    ,p_resp_appl_id => l_application_id
    ,p_msg_count => l_global_info_msg_count
    ,p_msg_data => l_global_info_msg_data
    ,p_return_status => l_global_info_return_status);
    --Assign values to project_in_rec_type
    v_project_in.pm_project_reference := C1_REC.PROJ_NUM;
    v_project_in.pa_project_id := l_pa_project_id;
    v_project_in.pa_project_number := C1_REC.PROJ_NUM;
    v_project_in.project_name := C1_REC.PROJ_NAME;
    v_project_in.description := NULL;
    v_project_in.long_name := C1_REC.PROJ_LONG_NAME;
    v_project_in.created_from_project_id := l_created_from_project_id;
    v_project_in.carrying_out_organization_id := l_carrying_out_organization_id;
    v_project_in.start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
    v_project_in.completion_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
    v_project_in.scheduled_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
    v_project_in.scheduled_finish_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
    v_project_in.project_status_code := 'APPROVED';
    FOR x IN (SELECT person_id, project_role_type, start_date_active, end_date_active
    FROM apps.pa_project_players
    WHERE project_id = 262)
    APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,'PERSON ID '||x.person_id);
    APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,'PROJECT ROLE TYPE '||x.project_role_type);
    l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
    v_key_members(l_cnt).person_id := x.person_id;
    v_key_members(l_cnt).project_role_type := x.project_role_type;
    v_key_members(l_cnt).start_date := x.start_date_active;
    v_key_members(l_cnt).end_date := x.end_date_active;
    -- Retrieving and assigning tasks from template to a project
    FOR x IN (SELECT task_id, parent_task_id, task_name, long_task_name, task_number, description,
    billable_flag, cint_eligible_flag, chargeable_flag
    FROM apps.pa_tasks t
    WHERE t.project_id = l_created_from_project_id
    START WITH parent_task_id IS NULL CONNECT BY PRIOR task_id = parent_task_id)
    l_task_cnt := l_task_cnt + 1;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_task_reference := x.task_id;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_name := x.task_name;
    v_tasks_in_rec.long_task_name := x.long_task_name;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pa_task_number := x.task_number;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_description := x.description;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_completion_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
    v_tasks_in_rec.scheduled_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
    v_tasks_in_rec.scheduled_finish_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_parent_task_reference := x.parent_task_id;
    v_tasks_in_rec.billable_flag := x.billable_flag;
    v_tasks_in_rec.cint_eligible_flag := x.cint_eligible_flag;
    v_tasks_in_rec.chargeable_flag := x.chargeable_flag;
    v_tasks_in_rec.tasks_dff := 'Y';
    v_tasks_in_rec.attribute1 := l_pa_project_id;
    v_tasks_in(l_task_cnt) := v_tasks_in_rec;
    v_class_categories(0).class_category := 'Reimbursable';
    v_class_categories(0).class_code := 'No';
    (p_api_version_number => v_api_version_number
    ,p_commit => v_commit
    ,p_init_msg_list => v_init_msg_list
    ,p_msg_count => v_msg_count
    ,p_msg_data => v_msg_data
    ,p_return_status => v_return_status
    ,p_workflow_started => v_workflow_started
    ,p_pm_product_code => v_pm_product_code
    ,p_op_validate_flag => v_op_validate_flag
    ,p_project_in => v_project_in
    ,p_project_out => v_project_out
    ,p_customers_in => v_customers_in
    ,p_key_members => v_key_members
    ,p_class_categories => v_class_categories
    ,p_tasks_in => v_tasks_in
    ,p_tasks_out => v_tasks_out
    ,p_org_roles => v_org_roles
    ,p_structure_in => v_structure_in
    ,p_ext_attr_tbl_in => v_ext_attr_tbl_in
    ,p_deliverables_in => v_deliverables_in
    ,p_deliverable_actions_in => v_deliverable_actions_in
    APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,v_return_status||' '||v_msg_count);
    IF v_msg_count > 0 THEN
    FOR i in 1 .. v_msg_count
    (p_encoded => 'F'
    ,p_msg_count => v_msg_count
    ,p_msg_index => i
    ,p_msg_data => v_msg_data
    ,p_data => v_data
    ,p_msg_index_out => v_index_out);
    END IF;
    end xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc;
    end xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg;
    show errors;
    Edited by: user644005 on Sep 11, 2009 11:02 AM

    Hi Kesava,
    I notice that in the package you used the application user_name=CHUNDUK calls the API pa_project_pub.create_project.
    I wonder if you used chunduk as database user to execute the package Or you used APPS to execute the package?
    The APi document states that it is a requirement to create a db username as the same name with the application username.
    I have been running the problem to execute API 's delete project and try to figure what could be my problem.

  • While creating Projects Using the API, get two errors: 'Customer name must be passed' and 'class category is invalid'

    While trying to Create Projects using the API, I'm getting two types of errors -
    The first is : 'API failed in one stage 1 Customer Name is a mandatory Quick Entry field. Value must be passed'
    The second is : '
    'API failed in one stage 1 Project: '<Project_Number>'
    The class category is invalid.'
    Both the messages are produced by our custom program. .. however I am not able to understand why the underlying errors occur.
    The first error ( Customer Name is a mandatory quick entry field), is caused by Projects that are to be created from Project templates where it is configured with Quick Entry Customer Name required. We are passing Customer Site number ( Party Bill to site number and Party Ship to side number). The site numbers being passed are also set as 'Primary'. Yet they are failing.
    For the second Error ( The Class Category is invalid), I rechecked multiple times, the Class categories for the Projects I am trying to create, with the Config in R12 and they are fine. Can't understand the reason for these two issues. Has anyone encountered such an issue ? If so how was it resolved?

    HI All
    I resolved both the issues. In case there are others facing similar issues, following was the cause and resolution of my errors
    1. Error 1: Customer Name is a Mandatory Quick Entry field. Value must be passed.
    The cause was that the data loaded into our custom staging table was not in the right fields. This was because the data file values and the CTL were not in sync.
    Corrected the data file to be in Sync with the structure defined in the CTL and  this loaded it successfully
    2. Error 2: The class category is invalid.
    The cause of this error was that  in the  Projects Template (used to create the project from), the Quick Entry setup had a Class Category set as required and I was not passing a value ( a class code value) for that Class Category.
    Hope this helps somebody else

  • After attempting to process my movie, I get the following message. "The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred. (OpWrErr: file already open with with write permission). Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

    After attempting to process my movie, I get the following message. "The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred. (OpWrErr: file already open with with write permission). Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

    Error -49 opWrErr  File already open with write permission
    Trash the preference files while application is NOT Running.
    from Karsten Schlüter
    Some users notice on exporting larger projects from within iMovie that this operation is aborted with an 'error -49'
    This issue occours only on MacOs machines using 10.7x
    try switching-off the Local Mobile Backup
    in Terminal copy/paste
    sudo tmutil disablelocal
    Re-launch Mac
    Yours Bengt W

  • Trying to make a dvd from a project and this error message appears .The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred. (-2125)

    Trying to make a dvd from a project and this error message appears .The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred. (-2125)

    Error -2125
    OK Error code - 2125 usually indicates that the movie is to large.
    It use to pop up when going to iDVD !
    iDVD - DO NOT CARE ABOUT Gbs at all. I got movies on 500Mb that do not fit and 50Gb that fits nicely.
    iDVD - ONLY CARES ABOUT - Duration. Duration is Movie time + MENU TIME. Choice of
    menu and animation of this can take lost of "DURATION" 15 minutes or even more.
    Choice of encoding method and use of SL or DL DVDs determine the DVD limit.
    iDVD 08 & 09 & 11 has three levels of qualities.
    iDVD 6 has the two last ones
    • Professional Quality (movies + menus up to 120 min.) - BEST
    • Best Performances (movies + menus less than 60 min.) - High quality on final DVD
    • High Quality (in iDVD08 or 09) / Best Quality (in iDVD6) (movies + menus up to 120 min.) - slightly lower quality than above
    DL DVDs can store about double of these times.
    ALTERNATIVE - The Error Code can indicate that free space on Start-up (BOOT) hard disk is
    less than 25Gb (my minimum)
    calbe - wrote
    If you are getting OSStatus error -2125, I've seen this caused by the computer display sleep settings.
    Try changing the sleep settings to never and see if you are able to export.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Getting error message "cannot prepare project for publishing (-50) -- and it wont publish my project. What's up?!

    getting error message "cannot prepare project for publishing (-50)" and, subsequently, it won't publish the bloody thing. I have publsihed many videos previous to this one so I have no idea waht is going on.
    So, my question is -- WHAT IS GOING ON?!!

    See if this might help
    Error -50
    Error -50   paramErr  Error in user parameter list
    Can there be any external hard disks - if so How is/are it/they formatted ? Must be Mac OS Extended (hfs) if used for Video.
    UNIX/DOS/FAT32/Mac OS Exchange - works for most but not for VIDEO.
    What this means in Your situation is above me.
    • free space on internal boot hard disk? How much ?
    • in what format ? .jpg, .bmp, .tif, else ?
    • from where/what format ? iTunes, .avi, .mp3, .aiff, else ?
    The "" file
    Many users has not observed that there are TWO libraries.
    • Library - at root level
    • Library - in user/account folder - THIS IS THE ONE to look into
    from Luke Burns
    I fixed the problem.. but it was very, very strange. I had a very long section for credits and set the line spacing to 1.0.. for some reason this caused it. I removed it, and it worked fine. I put it back, and I couldn't preview or play the video.
    I don't know why that could cause that big of a problem, but it did..
    Yours Bengt W

  • Report to pull multiple Product Categories/Organizational Units per project

    Hi Experts,
    We are facing the following issue.
    We have created a Project and have associated multiple Product Category & Organization to this project, many to One relationship. This we have achieved through customization. When we are pulling report for this project through Reports-> Project Summary Extract. Itu2019s giving us only one Product Category & one Org Unit per Project. The business wants us to pull all the Org Units & the Product categories associated with the Project, when we are displaying the report. This org units & product categories will be shown in Org Unit & Product category columns respectively separated by commas.
    Looking forward for your help.

    Hi Vikram,
    We have not created any custom fields neither for the Product Categories nor for the Org Unit/Business Unit(T1.BUSINESS_UNIT_OBJECT_NAME). These two fields are already there in the Result fields for the report Project Summary Extract . I am just looking for some way to pull all the Product categories & Business Units associated with the project  in the Product Categories column & in Business Unit column respectively separated by comma or show it as in example 2 given below(in multi rows).
    e.g. 1:
    Project:     Product Categories:
    PROJ1   ->  PC1,PC2,PC3
    e.g. 2:
    Project:      Product Categories:
    PROJ1        ->                           PC1
    PROJ1     ->                    PC2
    PROJ1     ->                             PC3
    I have already copied the existing query & modified it to achieve the above, but still this is not working. Currently i am querying FCI_MAS_INTERNAL_CAT for Product Categories & FCI_PRO_PROJECTS for projects.
    Can you please provide me any sample query to achieve this functionality. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

  • "at least 10 other projects use this file?"

    Sometimes I get a message saying: "Are you sure you want to delete this file, at least 10 other projects use this file?"
    But it is a brand new computer with a clean version of Logic, I only have 2 projects??!

    I think that's not the exact of the message. Next time, try to make a note of the exact text, and that will help narrow down what's happening.

  • Query Purchasing Report per Project

    Dear all,
    I want to make query that can give me information about purchasing report per project. The data should come from AP invoice and AP credit memo (item and service type). I use project code field in the form to filter data.
    Thanks before for your kind help

    Try this
    Declare @project as nvarchar(30)
    set @Project = (select max(S0.PrjCode) from OPRJ S0 where S0.PrjCode='[%0]')
    max(a.Name) Name,
    sum(a.quantity) Quantity,
    sum(a.price) Price,
    sum(a.linetotal) Line_Total from (
    max(T1.Dscription) Name,
    sum(T1.Quantity) Quantity,
    sum(T1.Price) Price,
    sum(T1.LineTotal) LineTotal
    PCH1 T1,OPRJ P0
    T1.Project=P0.PrjCode and
    T1.Project = @Project
    Group By
    UNION All
    max(T1.Dscription) Name,
    sum(T1.Quantity) Quantity,
    sum(T1.Price) Price,
    sum(T1.LineTotal) Line_Total
    RPC1 T1,OPRJ P0
    T1.Project=P0.PrjCode and
    T1.Project = @Project
    Group By
    T1.ItemCode) a
    Group By
    Thanga Raj.K

  • Get amount of megabytes for the message transfer per day, month, year

    Dear experts,
    can you please tell me the name of the report which can be used to get the amount of megabytes for the message transfer per day, month, year etc.? I can't find it in our system.
    Best regards,

    Check this blog: /people/gourav.khare2/blog/2007/12/12/interesting-abap-tables-in-xi-150-part-i
    SXMSPFRAWH: this table contains runtime performance data for successful message and sender and receiver information is stored as address id that derive information from SXMSPFADDRESS, from this table you can find out volume and latency also.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Windows 8.1 updation

    I have lumia 720, i want to up date my phone to windows 8.1, if if i update to windows 8.1, my data like applications and contacts will delete permanently?

  • JPanel not extending to full size of JFrame

    Hello, I have a JFrame that represents the launch of my application. The frame is sized for a Welcome message and a subsequent login. Once login has occurred, I have resized the JFrame to fit the application. The frame resizes, but the panels within

  • Process instance timeout

    Hi I have created process using only Automatic elements (no interactive components). I call it using ProcessInstance.create() method. Is there time limit for execution of single instance in that process? Regards Peter

  • Error configuring the repository using Repository Assistant.

    Hi, I have a SYSDBA access to a oracle 9i instance and i tried to configure the OWB Repository through Repository Assistant. I am getting the following error. How can i rectify this error. INS0037 - The initialization parameter job_queue_processes of

  • KDE analog audio jack setting not saved across boots.

    Every time i log into KDE, I have to open settings-multimedia-audio hardware setup and change connector from headphones to line out or I get no sound.  Anybody know a fix or a good workaround? Kind of a pain to have to set this every time.....