Slow Archiving.

I have O9i Prod & stdby DB. On Prod DB I have 9 Redo Log groups with 1 member each with 50MB each. The Stdby DB is config for Max Performance mode. Whenever there is a heavy lod on the DB than the Archiving process becomes very slow. At that time if I chk the alert log file, I see the following msg:
"ARC1: Unable to archive log 4 thread 1 sequence 9587
Log actively being archived by another process"
Following para are set on the prod DB:
-->log_archive_max_processes = 4
--> archive_lag_target = 3600
- log_archive_dest_2 service="(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS
L max_failure=0 reopen=300
Please advice.
Also pls let me know that in the max perf mode for stby db:
1) does Arch process creates the Arch log files 1st on the Prim & then on the Stdby & after that it creates the next Archive log
2)does the Arch process creates the Arch log files simultaneously on both DB & after that it creates the next Archive log
3) 1st Arch process creates the Arch log files the Prim & then creates the next Archive log on Prim independent of the Archive log copy on the Stdby
Thank You.

I guess the "slow archiving" under hevy load is because You have many log switch with full checkpoints. So You should change from 50MB to biggest the redolog file" size, eg 100MB or bigger.
If there are 2 archive destination and You have 2 archive processes then the archiving will be "parallel".

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    +Useful links :+
    +* Forum Home -- browse the forums here.+
    +* Search Forums -- visit the search page to query all forum content.+
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    You could try booting into Safe Mode. This will take quite awhile longer than a normal startup because it does a file check and repair of the hard disk.
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    Hi Nick.W,
    The amount of redo logs generated is huge. Approximately 200-250 GB in 45-60 minutes.
    I agree that the extract has to parse the extra object-id's. During the day, there is a redo switch every 2-3 minutes. The source is a 3-Node RAC. So approximately, 80-90 archives generated in an hour.
    The reason to mention this was, that while reading these archives also, the extract would be parsing extra Object ID's, as we are capturing data only for 3 tables. The effect of parsing extract object id's should have been seen during the day also. The reason being archive size is same, amount of data is same, the number of records to be scanned is same.
    The extract slows down and read at half the speed. If normally it would take 45-50 secs to read an archive log of normal day functioning, then it would take approx 90-100 secs to read the archives of the mentioned activities.
    Regarding the 3rd point,
    a. The extract is a classic extract, the archived logs are on local file system. No ASM, NO SAN/NAS.
    b. We have added  "TRANLOGOPTIONS BUFSIZE" parameter in our extract. We'll update as soon as we see any kind of improvements.

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    Ok Thank you.
    I wont worry now.
    Just maybe dig in deep and delete the deleted mails that are still around and that will hopefully clean it up a bit.
    Many thanks for your help and advice.

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    thank you,

    Nope that is not normal.
    The SOLID AMBER light means that the operating system on the TC is loading... so it's not actually even running when you see that.
    Try again - and when you start the Time Machine backup - you should have the time machine indicator up on the finder bar is OSX that spins when it is backing up - click on that - it will give you a real-time progress of the backup.

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    How big is your 4-page document source file?
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    You must be talking about the main blog summary page...the one that has a preview photo and a little excerpt of text. The real Archive page that lists all of your entries only has images and only the titles of your entries.
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    Thanks for the ongoing help. This board has been a lifesaver many times.
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    This latest time, though, the files were so screwed that it gave me the "Welcome" screen and wants me to set the computer up from the beginning. I can tell that my files are still there when I boot up in target disk mode, but if I go through with the setup, will they be erased, and what's causing all these problems to begin with? The hardware test didn't show any problems, and both my RAM sticks appear to be OK.
    Thanks again for any help.
    G5 iMac 2.0 G   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1 G additional RAM

    Power outages can cause disk corruption just like a forced shutdown. With a UPS, you can eliminate the frustrations associated with a power loss. Get one.
    Even though it passed the hardware test, I would still say that it sounds like a hard drive problem. Take the time to run the extended test and see what it finds.
    If it still finds nothing, then I would try creating a new user account. There is no reason that starting up from sleep should give you any problems at all, but by creating a new user account, you can eliminate some possibilities like corrupted plist files and such.
    Take a look at Dr. Smoke's <a href""A>FAQs and see if you can find anything that works there.
    If you create that new account and there are no further problems, I would either keep using that or do an archive and install of the OS.

Maybe you are looking for