Slow processing and exporting

We have been using Aperture 2 for about a year and love it. Upgraded to 3.0.3 recently and find the processing and exporting very slow. We are using the iMac 2.16 GHz, 4GB 667 ..... because of the matt screen it is much nicer for photographic editing. The newer iMac's with glossy screens are horrible because there is a density problem being darker at the top then at the bottom. Also a warm cast at the top and a cold cast at the bottom. This means we don't want to upgrade to the new models with more ram.
Any advice?

There are something that you can do to optimise the performance of Aperture whilst you are editing and exporting.
Easy ones
1. Turn off faces (when not in use)
2. Turn off create previews (when not in use)
3. Do exports overnight when nothing else is running
4. Run regular system maintenance, DIsk Utility
5. Run regular Aperture first Aid,
6. Ensure harddrives are no more than 80/90% of capacity
Invest in
7. Have your images and library on dedicated fast drives, connected via a fast interface, (USB2 is not a fast interface).
8. Max the RAM out on your machine
9. If in business, a new machine every three years.
900 images even at 1 min per image, 15 hrs, depending on how many adjustments, what file type you are working from, what file type, size and compression you are exporting to, lots of variables.
I agree though 40hrs something needs improving in your system.

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  • Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings

    I've modified the PDF Binder sample to get a plugin that would open PDF's and Tif files, and save them as PDF/A-1b (code below).
    It's working. The problem: it's processing too slow (compared with the Actions batch processing)... and I've been getting warnings/and errors about "The imput file is corrupt or of an unknown/unsupported type" type. This is stopping my batch process until I click OK, and the it continues.
    I am trying to process a few thousand of tif files now. I tried first to use the Batch processing capability built in the Acrobat X... an it works, but only with the first 255 documents in the folder... then gives an "insufficient disk space" message for the rest of the files in the directory.
    So, 2 questions: Does anyone knows why it is so slow processing the tiff files and... how I can make my code "silent" so it does not wait for the OK after the message??
    Thanks in advance.
    The code:
    Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    All rights reserved.
    NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
    in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement
    accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other
    than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it
    requires the prior written permission of Adobe.
      \file PDFBinder.cpp
    - Implements a method to convert multiple files into PDFs and bind the PDFs
    into one PDF file. The code shows how to use AVConversionToPDFHandler to
    convert files to PDF and how to use PDDocInsertPages() to combind PDF files.
    // Headers.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #ifndef MAC_PLATFORM
    #include <direct.h>
    #include "PIHeaders.h"
    // Defines ----------
    // Define this flag to show AVConversionToPDFEnumHandler info. in log file.
    // define this flag to use file type filter 
    #define USE_FILE_FILTER   
    // Message display control.  Ture: display
    ASBool bEcho = true;
    // File location. User can change the following filenames.
        const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in";
        const char* STRING_PDFOutputFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA";
        const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="\\";
        const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "/PDFBinder";
        const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="/";
    char* OutputPdfFileName = "PDFBinderOutput.pdf";
    char* LogFileName = "PDFProcessLog.txt";
    static ASInt32 gNumToPDFExt;
    static ASInt32 gNumFromPDFExt;
    static AVConversionFromPDFHandler RightHandler;
    const int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 256;
    char sLogFileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    // Filter -----------
    // Filter is a list of file types which can be converted to PDF in this program.
    // Use a filter may fit user's specific needs and ensure a smooth automation process.
    // Of course, the user can turn off the filter in two ways:
    //   (1) gPDFBinderFileFilter = "";
    //   (2) comment out //USE_FILE_FILTER 
    // The filter should be consistent with the Acrobat viewer's menu capability:
    //   Create PDF from multiple files ...
    // Here we put the types which have been tested, but user can expand it.
    const char* gPDFBinderFileFilter = "pdf,tif,tiff,PDF,TIF,TIFF";
    const int MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 2048;
    AVConversionToPDFHandler gHandler;
    // functions in this file.
    int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aspItem, char* aFileName, PDDoc  PDFfile);
    void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted);
    ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* filename);
    int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName);
    char* NewFileName(char *& aFileName);
    // callbacks
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    /**    This sample implements a method to convert multiple files into PDF
      and bind the PDFs into one PDF file .
        This sample shows developers how to grammatically implement To-PDF file
      converson functionality.  Basically, the code uses AVConversionToPDFHandler
      to convert files to PDF and PDDocInsertPages()to combine PDF files.
      This plug-in is designed to run from a menu item, and by setting bEcho = false
      it may be run without any graphics user interface on the screen. Therefore, it 
      can be executed from other programs such as C IAC, VB IAC, and JavaScript
      to meet enterprise workflow needs.
        How to run it :
        - This sample adds a menu item "PDF Binder" under the Acrobat SDK submenu. Two ways to
        execute it: 1) click the menu item to run the program using a fixed file location
        hard coded; 2) press the shift key and click the menu item to choose a folder where
        files to be converted are located.
        - Without folder selection, this original code is to convert and bind files in a
        directory    C\test\PDFBinder for Win, or a folder   MacHD:test:PDFBinder for Mac.
        You can copy the test files in the project's testfiles folder to the appropriate location 
        for testing. You may locate files to be converted in another directory/folder, and
        specify the location in the string variable PDFBinderFolder in the code.
        - When you have the files to be converted ready in the specified location,
        run Acrobat 6 menu Advanced->AcrobatSDK->PDF Binder to start the operation.  There are
        echo messages informing you of the operation start and end, but you can change and
        rebuild the code to turn off the display on screen.
        - An output file PDFBinderOutput.pdf in the same location is created
        when the program succeeds. A text log file  PDFBinderLog.txt in the same
        location records the process and results.
        -  You can set bEch = false in the code to turn off any display on the screen.
        This is necessary when you  call the menu function from within other programs
        of C IAC, VB IAC, JavaScript. 
        -  An optional file filter is used to pre-process the files. The filter only allows
        the files with predefined types to be processed. You can change the file type list
        as you wish. Using a filter may ensure a smooth automation process, since you can put
        only well-tested file types in the filter. To turn off the filter, you can set
        gPDFBinderFileFilter = "" or not to define USE_FILE_FILTER 
        - Note this is a sample only, developers need to make further improvement for
        their actual use. For example, you can set up a list of files to use the method for
        the conversion and binding. And you can add code to handle special file types.
          @see AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler
        @see AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters
        @see ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator
        @see PDDocOpen
        @see PDDocClose
        @see PDDocInsertPages
        @see PDDocCreatePage
        @see PDDocDeletePages
        @see PDPageRelease
        @see ASFileSysCreatePathName
        @see ASFileSysFirstFolderItem
        @see ASFileSysNextFolderItem
        @see ASFileSysGetNameFromPath
        @see ASFileSysReleasePath
    ACCB1 void ACCB2 PDFBinderCommand(void*)
        // if the menu item clicked with Shift key pressed down, go to interactive mode.
        // let the user to choose a folder and process all the file in the folder.
        ASText dispText = ASTextNew();
        char PDFBinderFolder[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        ASBool shiftKeyIsDown = ((AVSysGetModifiers() & AV_SHIFT) != 0);
        if(shiftKeyIsDown) {
            AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec dialogParams;
            // Configure the dialog box parameters.
            memset (&dialogParams, 0, sizeof (AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec));
            dialogParams.size = sizeof(AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec);
            dialogParams.windowTitle = ASTextFromScriptText("Choose folder with files to bind",kASRomanScript);
            dialogParams.flags |= kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems;
            dialogParams.initialFileSys = ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys();
            ASPathName thePath;
            ASFileSys fileSys;
            if(ASBoolToBool(AVAppChooseFolderDialog(&dialogParams, &fileSys, &thePath)) != true){
                //AVAlertNote("Failed to select the folder");
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM       
            ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), thePath, dispText);
            ASHostEncoding bestEnc = ASTextGetBestEncoding(dispText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding());
            strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, ASTextGetEncoded(dispText, bestEnc), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
            ASPlatformPath aspPath;
            ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath(fileSys, thePath, ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), &aspPath);
            strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, (char *)ASPlatformPathGetPOSIXPathPtr(aspPath), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
            ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath(fileSys, aspPath);
            // remove extra path separator
            char e = PDFBinderFolder[strlen(PDFBinderFolder)-1];
            if(e == ':' || e == '/')
            dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASEUnicodeScript);
            ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, thePath);
        // Otherwise, the hard coded file path will be used.
        else {
            strcpy(PDFBinderFolder, STRING_PDFBinderFolder);
            dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASRomanScript);
        // instruction message
        char strMsg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
        sprintf(strMsg, "This function will convert and process Tiff and PDF files in the selected directory. ");
        strcat(strMsg, " You need to copy your files in C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in directory." );
        strcat(strMsg, " Files will be processed into C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA directory." );
        strcat(strMsg, " If you are ready, click OK to continue, or click Cancel to quit. " );
        strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can press down Shift key and click the menu item to have a folder selection. " );
        strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can turn off the echo message by setting bEcho = false and rebuild the code. " );
            ASInt32 choice = AVAlert(ALERT_CAUTION, strMsg, "OK", "Cancel", NULL, true);
            if(choice==2) {
        // create a new target pdf file with one empty page
        PDDoc TargetPDF = PDDocCreate();
        ASFixedRect mediaBox = { fixedZero, ASInt32ToFixed(792), ASInt32ToFixed(612), fixedZero };
        PDPage emptyPage = PDDocCreatePage (TargetPDF, PDBeforeFirstPage, mediaBox);
        PDPageRelease (emptyPage);
        //     get available headlers and set our file filter
        char ValidExt[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        memset(ValidExt, 0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
        // enumerate AVConversioToPDF handlers to get all available file
        // types which can be converted to PDF.
        AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters(MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc, (AVConversionEnumProcData) ValidExt);
        //AVAlertNote("Converters Defined");
    #ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER    
        // set File filter
        strcpy(ValidExt, gPDFBinderFileFilter);
        // process all files in the directory
        int iNumFiles = 0;
        int iNumFilesConverted = 0;
        char* Done = "Converted";
        char* NotDone = " - ";
        char fileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH+1];
        ASFileSysItemPropsRec props;
        ASFolderIterator iter;
        ASPathName aspItem = NULL;
        memset(&props, 0, sizeof(props));
        props.size = sizeof(props);
        //AVAlertNote("Props Defined");
        ASPathName theFolder = NULL;
        ASFileSys fileSys = NULL;
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM   
        fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText);
        theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys, ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText, 0);
        //AVAlertNote("FileSys and Folder Defined");
        fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder);
        theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder, 0);
        if (theFolder==NULL) {
            //AVAlertNote("Fail to create ASPathName for the selected folder.");
        // Find first file in current directory
        if((iter = ASFileSysFirstFolderItem(fileSys, theFolder, &props, &aspItem))==FALSE) {
            //AVAlertNote("This is either an invalid folder or the folder contains no files.");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
        //AVAlertNote("Folder Released");
        // get filename only
        if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(aspItem!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
            if(theFolder!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
        if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName)) {
            char outFileName[] = "";
            //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
            BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName ,&iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
            //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        // process all other files 
        while(ASFileSysNextFolderItem(fileSys, iter, &props, &aspItem)) {
            // get filename only
            if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
            // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
            if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName))  {
                char outFileName[] = "";
                //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
                //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
                //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
                strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
                strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
                strcat(outFileName, fileName);
                ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
                BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName, &iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
                //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
            ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        ASPathName pdfPathName = NULL;
        // close the findfile
        ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator(fileSys, iter);
        // save and close the output pdf file
        // create path
        ASText pathText = ASTextNew();
            ASTextFromScriptText(FOLDERSYMBOL, kASRomanScript),
            ASTextFromScriptText(OutputPdfFileName, kASRomanScript),
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM
        ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText);
        pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText, 0);
        char path[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        strncpy(path, ASTextGetEncoded(pathText,
            ASTextGetBestEncoding(pathText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding())), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
        ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path);
        pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path, 0);   
        if(pdfPathName==NULL) {
        // delete the empty page
        if(PDDocGetNumPages(TargetPDF)>1) {
            PDDocDeletePages (TargetPDF, 0,0,NULL, NULL);
        // save
        //PDDocSave (TargetPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized,
        //            pdfPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
        PDDocClose (TargetPDF);
        //ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(pdfPathName!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        // use this line to show the massage on screen if you need
        //if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
        AVAlertNote ("Folder Completed. PDF/A Output files generated.");
    /* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
    /** Internal function \n
    ** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
    ** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
    ** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
    ** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
    int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile)
        PDDoc tempPDF;
        char* Ext;
            // get file extention
            Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
            if(Ext) {
            else {
                E_RETURN (1);
            // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
            if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
                tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
                if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // else convert it to PDF
                // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
                AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                    (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                      aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
                // check if successful
                if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                    //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
            return 1;
        // insert new PDF into target PDF
            // insert all pages of new pdfc to TargetPDFfile.
            PDDocInsertPages(PDFfile, PDLastPage, tempPDF, 0,
                            PDAllPages, PDInsertAll, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
             char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
                char fname[40];
            return 0;
    /* MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc
    /** Internal callback function \n
    ** called for every AVConversionToPDFHandler.
    ** get the valid type (file extention) for the conversion. 
    ** @return true.
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                                 AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
        for (int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++) {
            char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
            if(strlen(ext)>0) {
                strcat((char*) data, ext);
                strcat((char*) data, ",");
        return true;
    /* this is alternative code to get right conversion handler for a specific file
       to be converted. It works with function AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler.
       It's not used now, but kept for user's reference.
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                                 AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
        for ( int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
            char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
            if(strlen(ext)) {
                if(!strcmp((char*) data, ext)) {
                    gHandler = handler;
                    return false;
        return true;
    /* BindingFileToPDF
    /** Internal callback function for binding process \n
    ** IN: char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb \n
    **     PDDoc targetPDdDoc, int *ipTotal, \n
    **     int *ipConverted, FILE *logfile \n
    ** OUT: int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted. \n
    void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted)
        // ignore system, hidden files, and our target PDF and log file.
        if( nFileAttrb.isHidden 
            || (strcmp(aFilename,".")==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,".." )==0)
            || (strcmp(aFilename,OutputPdfFileName)==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,LogFileName)==0)) {
        char msg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
        char* Done = "Converted";
        char* NotDone = " - ";
        // try to convert and insert it to target PDF file.
        // rc would be 0 for success, otherwise 1.
        int rc = ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(aPathName, aFilename, targetPDdDoc, outputPathName);
        // if converted
        if(rc==0) {
    /* PassPDFBinderFileFilter
    /** Internal callback function for binding process
    ** @return true if the IN aFilename is a valid file for PDF conversion,
    ** otherwise false.
    ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* aFilename)
    #ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER
        // if the filter is empty, any file will pass.
            return true;
        char* Ext = strrchr(aFilename,'.');
        if(Ext!=NULL) {
            if(strstr(gPDFBinderFileFilter, Ext)) {
                return true;
        return false;
            // not use filter, any file will pass.
            return true;
    /* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
    /** Internal function \n
    ** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
    ** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
    ** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
    ** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
    int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName)
        PDDoc tempPDF;
        char* Ext;
            // get file extention
            Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
            if(Ext) {
            else {
                E_RETURN (1);
            // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
            if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
                tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
                if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // else convert it to PDF
                // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
                AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                    (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                      aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
                // check if successful
                if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                    //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                    E_RETURN (1);
                else {
                    //change Extension
                    ASText asTmp = ASTextNew();
                    ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), outputPathName, asTmp);
                    //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                    if(strcmp(Ext,"TIF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"tif")==0){
                        ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tif", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                    } else {
                        ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tiff", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                    //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                    outputPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), asTmp, 0);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
            return 1;
        // Run OCR and Save new PDF into target PDF
            //    OCR
            ASAtom cmdName;
            AVCommand cmd;
            ASCab config = ASCabNew();
            ASCabPutInt (config, "UIPolicy", kAVCommandUISilent);       //hide the interface
            if (kAVCommandReady ==     AVCommandSetConfig (cmd, config)) {
                //AVAlertNote("Config Ready");
            ASCab inputs = ASCabNew();
            ASCabPutPointer (inputs, kAVCommandKeyPDDoc, PDDoc, tempPDF, NULL);
            if (kAVCommandReady == AVCommandSetInputs (cmd, inputs)) {
                //AVAlertNote("Input Ready");
            ASCabDestroy (inputs);
            AVCommandStatus status = AVCommandExecute(cmd);
                        //switch (status) {
                        //    case kAVCommandReady :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Not working, but ready to work.");
                        //        break;
                        //    case kAVCommandWorking :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Still working");
                        //        break;   
                        //    case kAVCommandDone :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Done working");
                        //        break;   
                        //    case kAVCommandInError :
                        //        AVAlertNote("In Error");
                        //        break;       
                        //    case kAVCommandNotExecuted :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Command not executed due to lack of objects on which the command to be executed");
                        //        break;
            //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
            //Convert to PDF/A Compliance
            //Select the right handler
            AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters(myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc, NULL);
            // do conversion
            AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler(RightHandler, NULL, kAVConversionAsyncOkay, tempPDF, outputPathName,  ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL);
            // check the returned status and show message
            //if (stat == kAVConversionSuccess)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A file was saved in output folder." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionFailed)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A conversion failed." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionSuccessAsync)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion will continue asynchronously." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionCancelled)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion was cancelled." );
            //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), NULL, NULL);
            ASFileSysReleasePath(ASGetDefaultFileSys(), outputPathName);
             char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
                char fname[40];
            return 0;
    //Select the appropiate handler for the PDF/A conversion
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        AVFileFilterRec filter = handler->convFilter;
        ASUns16 numFileExt = filter.numFileDescs;
        char *kUniqueID = handler->uniqueID;
        // go through the conversion handlers to find a handler for PDF extension files and the unique key matches the PDF/A one.
        for  (ASInt32  i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
            if  (strlen(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension)>0)
                // found it, fill in the handler and return false to stop going on.
                if (!strcmp(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension, "pdf") && !strcmp(kUniqueID,"com.callas.preflight.pdfa")) {
                    RightHandler = handler;
                    return  false ;
        return true;

    There are some options for various APIs to run "kinda silent" - but again, Acrobat is designed for INTERACTIVE use…so "completely silent" isn't really an option.
    As for speed – you'd need to be MUCH MORE specific about where your slow downs are.  Have you profiled?
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 07:39:08 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
    Re: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
    created by FFX-ER<> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<

  • Slow renders and exports.

    I have a standard config, 2x2.8 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon.
    It has only 2 GB of RAM.
    I am editing HDV 1080p footage for output of the same encoding.
    It recently dawned on me that my render and export processes might be significantly expedited by an increase in my RAM.
    Yes, no? Why, why not?
    Glad to answer any questions, just want to make sure I make the right move.
    RAM cheap, but it ain't that cheap.
    -the apple video dude

    I have the same Mac Pro with 10GB RAM but I'm also disappointed. I'm rendering VOB files (ie only the audio needs fixing) and it's taking looong. The activity monitor says the processor is only using 9%.
    However, when I use MPEG Streamclip for conversions I see that the activity monitor shows how it is using real raw power, unlike FCP.

  • Very slow Rendering and Exporting

    I switched to Premiere CS6 from FCP 7 after FCPX came out and haven't looked back. In a lot of ways, it's much better for certain tasks.
    In others, it's not. Initially playing back "red-lined" content worked fine and i was able to view the edit before I committed to render/export.
    Now, I see every 10 frames or so and it skips and stutters. Rendering and exporting times have spiked dramatically over the past month
    for some unknown reason. I have a small prod company and we're using Mac Pro's (8-Core) with min of 16GBs of RAM in each.
    I know there are 101 factors that go into export time, I'm just wondering if anyone if encountering the same issues.
    I just pieced together a 10-min video in FCP7, all ProRes files with minimal cutting and it exported in 2.5 minutes.
    The same project on Premiere was telling me 3 hours. I don't get it.
    Can anyone shed any light on this?

    Rendering times are not decided purely on the length of the video.
    The type of effects you have added have more impact.
    Also you cannot always trust the estimated time you are given.
    Have you let it render for about an hour to see whether the estimate drops dramatically?

  • BFILE process and export

    I want to read an image from the file server
    convert the image using process or processCopy
    then save back to file server using export.
    I can only do this if I import image to database item
    1. Lock image for update to get locator
    2. image.importfrom
    3. image.process
    4. image.Export
    Can this be done using only procedural temporary image variables?
    Thank you
    David Wilton
    [email protected]

    It should work in principal, but I have never tried it.
    I would thing you would need to create a temporary BLOB to store the image:
    DBMS_LOB.CreateTemporary(imgobj.source.localdata, TRUE);
    Set up the file information And then do an import.

  • Odd issue with slow motion and exporting

    I have a project with footage taken at either 24p or 60i settings on a Canon HF200. I'm using 7.0.1, ProRes 422 selected. Frame size is set to 1920x1080. I'm exporting using the "Share" menu and the Apple TV preset.
    The project is divided into sequences. One of these sequences (whose source material shot using the 60i setting) is set to play in slow motion using the "change speed" option set to 50%.
    Here's the odd part, to me at least:
    When I export just the slow motion sequence of the project, it plays perfectly (good quality, smooth not jerky, no shadows/trails). But when I export all sequences joined together, the slow motion sequence (and just the slow motion sequence) appears stuttery, with trails on every action by the actors.
    Another odd bit: when I export just a subset of the project including the slow motion sequence and everything after it, again the slow motion sequence plays as intended, after export. So the problem only occurs if I export the slow motion sequence with anything before it included.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Problem solved, but I'm not sure if it was my re-importing the clips, or un-checking the "frame blending" option that did it. I did both for no particular reason, and one of them worked.

  • Extremely slow render and export from FCP

    I have a sequence of about 37 minutes in FCP (Studio 2) that i'm trying to export using compressor and its estimating 13 and a half hours. I have tried just a quicktime movie export but its estimating just as long. I changed the compressor settings to a single pass 6.9bit rate. I checked the computer stats at the processor is 84% idle with 5.54gb of unused RAM, surely it should not take that long!
    Anyone any suggestions?
    I'm using a Mac Pro 2 x 2.8ghz Quad-Core Xeon with 8GBRAM

    It will take that long if you are going to h.264.
    And if you are starting with something like HDV.
    What are you starting with and going to?

  • Very slow processing and no internet since I connected to my pc

    I connected to my pc using usb cable to view some pics and ever since then the phone processes very slowly and no internet connection.  I tried shutting it down for a while to see if that would help but no luck.  Can someone guide me?

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Anytime random strange behavior or sluggishness creeps in, the first thing to do is a battery pop reboot. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes. See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
    Join our BBM Channels
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  • Firefox will not open until Windows Firewall has opened at startup. A slow process and slows Firefox in Starting. Can this be corrected?

    Since installing Firefox the start up time for the computer has greatly increased as Windows Firewall has to be started before Firefox can open. Very annoying and can this problem be corrected?

    Firefox does this for security purposes. I do not recommend attempting to "fix" this.
    To boost starting time, you can try a Firefox preloading software.
    <b>WARNING: </b>Always use caution when downloading content from the internet. I will take no responsibility for any damage caused by a download. <b><u>Download at your own risk!</u></b>

  • HT5012 My iphone 5c was very slow processing,please help me?

    My iphone 5c was very slow processing and my setting not working properly please help me
    And my iphone 5c apps was crashing again and again..

    Try >

  • Slow split table export (R3load and WHERE clause)

    For our split table exports, we used custom coded WHERE clauses. (Basically adding additional columns to the R3ta default column to take advantage of existing indexes).
    The results have been good so far. Full tablescans have been eliminated and export times have gone down, in some cases, tables export times have improved by 50%.
    However, our biggest table, CE1OC01 (120 GB), continues to be a bottleneck. Initially, after using the new WHERE clause, it looked like performance gains were dramatic, with export times for the first 5 packages dropping from 25-30 hours down to 1 1/2 hours.
    However, after 2 hours, the remaining CE1OC01 split packages have shown no improvement. This is very odd because we are trying to determine why part of the table exports very fast, but other parts are running very slow.
    Before the custom WHERE clauses, the export server had run into issues with SORTHEAP being exhausted, so we thought that might be the culprit. But that does not seem to be an issue now, since the improved WHERE clauses have reduced or eliminated excessive sorting.
    I checked the access path of all the CE1OC01 packages, through EXPLAIN, and they all access the same index to return results. The execution time in EXPLAIN returns similar times for each of the packages:
    CE1OC01-11: select * from CE1OC01  WHERE MANDT='212'
    AND ("BELNR" > '0124727994') AND ("BELNR" <= '0131810250')
    CE1OC01-19: select * from CE1OC01 WHERE MANDT='212'
    AND ("BELNR" > '0181387534') AND ("BELNR" <= '0188469413')
          0 SELECT STATEMENT ( Estimated Costs =  8.448E+06 [timerons] )
      ---      1 RETURN
          ---      2 FETCH CE1OC01
              ------   3 IXSCAN CE1OC01~4 #key columns:  2
    query execution time [millisec]            |       333
    uow elapsed time [microsec]                |   429,907
    total user CPU time [microsec]             |         0
    total system cpu time [microsec]           |         0
    Both queries utilize an index that has fields MANDT and BELNR. However, during R3load, CE1OC01-19 finishes in an hour and a half, whereas CE1OC01-11 can take 25-30 hours.
    I am wondering if there is anything else to check on the DB2 access path side of things or if I need to start digging deeper into other aggregate load/infrastructure issues. Other tables don't seem to exhibit this behavior. There is some discrepancy between other tables' run times (for example, 2-4 hours), but those are not as dramatic as this particular table.
    Another idea to test is to try and export only 5 parts of the table at a time, perhaps there is a throughput or logical limitation when all 20 of the exports are running at the same time. Or create a single column index on BELNR (default R3ta column) and see if that shows any improvement.
    Anyone have any ideas on why some of the table moves fast but the rest of it moves slow?
    We also notice that the "fast" parts of the table are at the very end of the table. We are wondering if perhaps the index is less fragmented in that range, a REORG or recreation of the index may do this table some good. We were hoping to squeeze as many improvements out of our export process as possible before running a full REORG on the database. This particular index (there are 5 indexes on this table) has a Cluster Ratio of 54%, so, perhaps for purposes of the export, it may make sense to REORG the table and cluster it around this particular index. By contrast, the primary key index has a Cluster Ratio of 86%.
    Here is the output from our current run. The "slow" parts of the table have not completed, but they average a throughput of 0.18 MB/min, versus the "fast" parts, which average 5 MB/min, a pretty dramatic difference.
    package     time      start date        end date          size MB  MB/min
    CE1OC01-16  10:20:37  2008-11-25 20:47  2008-11-26 07:08   417.62    0.67
    CE1OC01-18   1:26:58  2008-11-25 20:47  2008-11-25 22:14   429.41    4.94
    CE1OC01-17   1:26:04  2008-11-25 20:47  2008-11-25 22:13   416.38    4.84
    CE1OC01-19   1:24:46  2008-11-25 20:47  2008-11-25 22:12   437.98    5.17
    CE1OC01-20   1:20:51  2008-11-25 20:48  2008-11-25 22:09   435.87    5.39
    CE1OC01-1    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                       0.00
    CE1OC01-10   0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     152.25
    CE1OC01-11   0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     143.55
    CE1OC01-12   0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     145.11
    CE1OC01-13   0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     146.92
    CE1OC01-14   0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     140.00
    CE1OC01-15   0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     145.52
    CE1OC01-2    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     184.33
    CE1OC01-3    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     183.34
    CE1OC01-4    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     158.62
    CE1OC01-5    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     157.09
    CE1OC01-6    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     150.41
    CE1OC01-7    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     175.29
    CE1OC01-8    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     150.55
    CE1OC01-9    0:00:00  2008-11-25 20:48                     154.84

    Hi all, thanks for the quick and extremely helpful answers.
    Thanks for the health check. We are exporting the entire table in parallel, so all the exports begin at the same time. Regarding the SORTHEAP, we initially thought that might be our problem, because we were running out of SORTHEAP on the source database server. Looks like for this run, and the previous run, SORTHEAP has remained available and has not overrun. That's what was so confusing, because this looked like a buffer overrun.
    The WHERE technique you provided worked perfectly. Our export times have improved dramatically by switching to the forced full tablescan. Being always trained to eliminate full tablescans, it seems counterintuitive at first, but, given the nature of the export query, combined with the unsorted export, it now makes total sense why the tablescan works so much better.
    Looks like you were right, in this case, the index adds too much additional overhead, and especially since our Cluster Ratio was terrible (in the 50% range), so the index was definitely working against us, by bouncing all over the place to pull the data out.
    We're going to look at some of our other long running tables and see if this technique improves runtimes on them as well.
    Thanks so much, that helped us out tremendously. We will verify the data from source to target matches up 1 for 1 by running a consistency check.
    Look at the throughput difference between the previous run and the current run:
    package     time       start date        end date          size MB  MB/min
    CE1OC01-11   40:14:47  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 11:58   437.27    0.18
    CE1OC01-14   39:59:51  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 11:43   427.60    0.18
    CE1OC01-12   39:58:37  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 11:42   430.66    0.18
    CE1OC01-13   39:51:27  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 11:35   421.09    0.18
    CE1OC01-15   39:49:50  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 11:33   426.54    0.18
    CE1OC01-10   39:33:57  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 11:17   429.44    0.18
    CE1OC01-8    39:27:58  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 11:11   417.62    0.18
    CE1OC01-6    39:02:18  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 10:45   416.35    0.18
    CE1OC01-5    38:53:09  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 10:36   413.29    0.18
    CE1OC01-4    38:52:34  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 10:36   424.06    0.18
    CE1OC01-9    38:48:09  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 10:31   416.89    0.18
    CE1OC01-3    38:21:51  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 10:05   428.16    0.19
    CE1OC01-2    36:02:27  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 07:46   409.05    0.19
    CE1OC01-7    33:35:42  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 05:19   414.24    0.21
    CE1OC01-16    9:33:14  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-21 05:16   417.62    0.73
    CE1OC01-17    1:20:01  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-20 21:03   416.38    5.20
    CE1OC01-18    1:19:29  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-20 21:03   429.41    5.40
    CE1OC01-19    1:16:13  2008-11-20 19:44  2008-11-20 21:00   437.98    5.75
    CE1OC01-20    1:14:06  2008-11-20 19:49  2008-11-20 21:03   435.87    5.88
    PLPO          0:52:14  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-20 20:35    92.70    1.77
    BCST_SR       0:05:12  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-20 19:48    29.39    5.65
    CE1OC01-1     0:00:00  2008-11-20 19:43                       0.00
                558:13:06  2008-11-20 19:43  2008-11-22 11:58  8171.62
    package     time      start date        end date          size MB   MB/min
    CE1OC01-9    9:11:58  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:26   1172.12    2.12
    CE1OC01-5    9:11:48  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:25   1174.64    2.13
    CE1OC01-4    9:11:32  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:25   1174.51    2.13
    CE1OC01-8    9:09:24  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:23   1172.49    2.13
    CE1OC01-1    9:05:55  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:20   1188.43    2.18
    CE1OC01-2    9:00:47  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:14   1184.52    2.19
    CE1OC01-7    8:54:06  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:08   1173.23    2.20
    CE1OC01-3    8:52:22  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:06   1179.91    2.22
    CE1OC01-10   8:45:09  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 04:59   1171.90    2.23
    CE1OC01-6    8:28:10  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 04:42   1172.46    2.31
    PLPO         0:25:16  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-01 20:39     92.70    3.67
                90:16:27  2008-12-01 20:14  2008-12-02 05:26  11856.91

  • AME runs CPU at 100 percent and exports very slow

    I'd like to find out if there's something I have set incorrectly, either in AME or in the computer's settings. I regularly export videos from 1-4 hours in length. They are very basic (single camera, one layer, no effects, basically adding a title intro and outro screen to unedited interviews and lectures, and exporting for YouTube) The computer seems to take much longer than necessary to export these videos in AME (I'm currently waiting through a 4 hour video that has been encoding for 19 hours, with estimated 8 hours remaining) and it runs at 100% CPU usage while encoding.
    Here are some details on my setup:
    Computer: Dell Precision M6500 (mobile workstation)
    Processor: Itel Core i7 CPU
    RAM: 8 GB
    OS: 64 bit running Windows 7
    Free disc: 110GB of 284GB
    This system was purchased by my employer for the sole purpose of editing and exporting video. Is this a competent setup? Its about a year old now, and seemed to be a bit quicker with the encoding/exporting when it was new.
    Here's the details on the current project I'm waiting to encode/export:
    - 4 hour video timeline (comprised of four 1-hour Quicktime MOV videos sequenced in a single layer/track timeline) each Quicktime video is under 500MB
    - exporting H.264 Preset "YouTube HD" (VBR 1 pass, and all the following unchecked: render max depth, render max quality, use previews, use frame blending)
    - exporting by "queue" with estimated file size 9624MB
    The 1 hour files I received to put in my timeline are Quicktime this time, but I also receive AVCHD files, MPEGs, and other types, all with equally long encode/export times)
    Any suggestions or ideas will help....if nothing else to pass the time while I wait for this export!! Thanks

    Thanks very much for the input! Any and all ideas are greatly appreciated!
    Bill - so you are saying I need 3 disc drives to operate Premiere? My computer actually worked very well initially with its single HD, but I'm lloking into adding HD.
    As for RAM, Adobe said minimum is 1 or 2 GB, but recommended 4. So having 8GB is double that! Are you saying that you need 12 times the minimum to run this software normally?
    The GPU is NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M - the Mercury option is greyed out in Premiere, so I can't choose it to change it from "software only" Does this NVIDIA card not work with Mercury?
    As for excess junk on the computer, the amount of material on there is constantly changing. Just depends on whether I'm on location or back at my office. The only software I have on it is things I use (mostly Microsoft Office apps and Adobe suite apps)
    Rallymax - I'll try to run Task Manager again while I export video next time. The CPU was running near 100% usgae while encoding before, but I didnt take note of  "Disk Que Length"
    What seemed to be happening was that the system would start up a long encoding project, and shortly after starting, it would bog down and start adding hours to the remaining time. I talked with Dell, and they had me run RealTemp and check the Dell diagnositcs Thermal Control Panel. The computer was running very hot, and they sent out a tech to replace the fans and heatsink. The computer, while only a year old, had taken on tons of dust, and the tech cleaned out cotton ball sized dustballs. He then replaced the fans/heatsink, and the system has been running much smoother ever since. I guess the system was starting fine, then overheating, and running slow for the duration of the encoding process as a result. Any ideas for a good small office air purifier/dust remover? The tech said this is a common problem, and nothing can be done about it.
    Along the way, I did manage to convince my workplace to pick up 16 more GB of RAM for me, which now brings me to 24GB total. If anyone knows how I can get the Mercury business working let me know. And thanks again for your help!

  • Is it possible to replace masters with versions without going through the process of exporting and importing?

    Is it possible to overwrite the master files with the versions without having to go through the entire process of exporting and importing back the images?
    Thnx in advance

    A small refinement if you shoot RAW. Remember, no RAW file can ever be edited or rewritten. Thus, in the old days, the flow was:
    RAW>TIFF/PSD and you ended up with two large files. (This is why some folks used to delete the RAW Masters.)
    With Aperture the flow is something like:
    RAW+Version(s) Only the Version is only 30 KB. (There is, of course, additional overhead of Thumbs and Previews, but, depending on your settings, this is only a fraction of the size of a TIFF or PSD.)
    You question goes right to the heart of the concept of a non-destructive workflow. With Aperture you always preserve your original Master file; the only things that are ever at risk are your edits (called Adjustments). Ironically, this is even more valuable if you shoot JPEG or TIFF as those files could be rewritten.)
    Aperture goes to great lengths to give you the best of both worlds; you always have the Master to revert to and your "edits" take up very little disk space. And you don't have to waste time trying to sync folders of RAW, TIFF, and JPEG. Similarly, you never have to worry about resizing images, changing color spaces, or any number of other things that get locked into an image file when you use a destructive workflow.
    Remember, Aperture will happily Export files in any format you may need. Export 'em, use 'em, delete 'em - your Masters are still safe in Aperture.

  • Please help. When exporting a 720p video using Quicktime Conversion in FCP it saves some extra temporary files to my computer. The file is called ICMMultiPassStorage. This file gets so large that eventually the program and exporting process crashes.

    Please help. When exporting a 720p video using Quicktime Conversion in FCP it saves some extra temporary files to my computer. The temporary file it saves is called ICMMultiPassStorage. This file gets so large that eventually the program and exporting process crashes. I have been able to locate the file using GrandPerspective and close out of FCP to delete it. But when I try exporting the movie again it creates the ICMMultiPassStorage file again. I have made sure my scratch disks are set to my external hard drive so I know that isn't the issue. How do I fix this problem so these temporary files are not being stored on my internal hard drive instead of my external?Thanks!

    Try exporting the timeline "using current settings" via Make QuickTime Movie, then submit that clip to Compressor for the transcode. This should be faster and less painful.

  • Can any body please give me an idea and the Import and Export process?

    Can any body please give me an idea and the Import and Export process? Excise Duty and other duties and so on.
    I will be highly obliged for the help.

    for importing material,every importer has to file bill of entry in customs.
    first vendor send some documents like certificate of origine , bill of lading, packing list etc to importer.
    on the basis of those documents,importer makes supporting documents like duty calculation sheet, GATE declaration form,CHA declaration form,insurance certificate.
    CHA (custom house agent ) file the bill of entry on behalf of impoter in customs.
    custom verify it.
    after duty payment, CHA can clears the consignment from custom.
    there are two typs of BOE.
    1 Home consumption BOE
    2 Warehousing BOE
    in 1st type of BOE , payment of duty is done at the time of custom clearance
    and in 2nd type of BOE, importer can put material in warehouse without payment of duty. at time of using those material from warehouse,importer has to file out bond warehouse BOE and pay the all duties.

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