Slow + Weak connection (to pc equivalents in same house)

My mbp records speed tests about 4 mbps slower than the other pc laptops in my house. Furthermore, the pc laptops can pick up my other house's wireless connection (about 5-10 meters away from this house), and can comfortably browse using it, however my mbp cant. It can see the connection but when i connect to it, its got no bar strength. So whats the deal? Is there something i can do to fix this, or do mbps just come with really weak network cards or whatever ?

A couple things you can try.
1. Google "how to boost wifi" and check youtube as well as Wiki-how-to.
It amazed me to find FREE and SIMPLE home made ways to boost your routers signal (and it works).
Also, you may need to just move the position of your router/its antennas.
Also, other wireless devices (and microwave ovens ...... Basically anything electronic with emissions) near or between your router and palm/laptop/phone (whatever) can greatly affect signal strength (as well as give you a mental jolt of reality about how many wireless and other emissions we live with every day)
Finally (actually there are tons more suggestions from a simple Google search ...... has a "template" which you can print out, trace on stiff paper and make a virtually free antenna booster (plus a little glue and tinfoil)
For the very lazy (I found out) a curved piece of cardboard (covered in tin foil even better) behind your router's antenna directing the signal in the direction of you device can DOUBLE the signal strength (I was amazed as a klutzy non-techie with lazy tendencies)

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    Hey confuddled_chica!
    Try the steps in the article below to troubleshoot this issue:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    Well in this case the error code (80710723 ) is generated when the internet connection is slow. So you can try the following step:
    # Open up the browser and on the address bar type that will open up the Router setup page.
    # Lower the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) from 1500 to 1400 or less (usually found on your router's main/ basic setup page)
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    Message Edited by Storm_dutch on 12-20-2009 09:51 AM
    Message Edited by Storm_dutch on 12-20-2009 09:52 AM

    I'm not sure about you guys, but I use WMP600N and  running Windows 7 64bit without any issues. The driver that I'm using now is Driver Version:, Driver Provider: Ralink Techonolgy Corp, Driver Date: 6/19/2009. Here's what I did when I upgrded my wireless adapter. 1. Uninstall the original wireless driver from device manager. 2. Turn off the computer and phisically removed the wireless adapter from my computer. 3. Pop in the new WMP600N and turn on the computer. 4. Windows 7 then automatically detects the new adapter and intall the proper driver for it. Well, that's all I did. The whole process is very simple and straight forward.

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    <script id="ncoEventScript" type="text/javascript">function DOMContentLoaded(browserID, tabId, isTop, url) { var object = document.getElementById("cosymantecnisbfw"); if(null != object) { object.DOMContentLoaded(browserID,
    tabId, isTop, url);} }; function Nav(BrowserID, TabID, isTop, isBool, url) { var object = document.getElementById("cosymantecnisbfw"); if(null != object) object.Nav(BrowserID, TabID, isTop, isBool, url); }; function NavigateComplete(BrowserID, TabID,
    isTop, url) { var object = document.getElementById("cosymantecnisbfw"); if(null != object) object.NavigateComplete(BrowserID, TabID, isTop, url); } function Submit(browserID, tabID, target, url) { var object = document.getElementById("cosymantecnisbfw");
    if(null != object) object.Submit(browserID, tabID, target, url); }; </script>

    Thank you for responding. As I stated in my original post the reason I went through this process was because of an extremely slow internet connection from both the WLAN and LAN connections on my G53SW. At that time I had all of the correct drivers on the
    machine. Whilst I would agree that with the machine only having a video and WLAN driver it may well not be working 'optimally', the rationale for doing this was to get the machine working with the minimum of processes to show that it was not anti-virsu software,
    Steam or the like causing interference.
    I have changed out both of the HDDs this evening (a primary SSD and a secondary 1Tb HDD) for a clean hybrid 1Tb Seagate drive. Once I have installed all of the Asus drivers (and nothing else) I will try the speed test again and report back.
    I can now report that with a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 and ONLY Asus drivers as supplied the issue remains. On a connection where I should see around 75mbps I am actually getting around 18mbps, sometimes considerably slower. This only affects
    my Asus machine.
    <script id="ncoEventScript" type="text/javascript">function DOMContentLoaded(browserID, tabId, isTop, url) { var object = document.getElementById("cosymantecnisbfw"); if(null != object) { object.DOMContentLoaded(browserID,
    tabId, isTop, url);} }; function Nav(BrowserID, TabID, isTop, isBool, url) { var object = document.getElementById("cosymantecnisbfw"); if(null != object) object.Nav(BrowserID, TabID, isTop, isBool, url); }; function NavigateComplete(BrowserID, TabID,
    isTop, url) { var object = document.getElementById("cosymantecnisbfw"); if(null != object) object.NavigateComplete(BrowserID, TabID, isTop, url); } function Submit(browserID, tabID, target, url) { var object = document.getElementById("cosymantecnisbfw");
    if(null != object) object.Submit(browserID, tabID, target, url); }; </script>

  • Slow Wireless Connection

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    Any suggestions? Thanks!

    I am assuming that you are still having the issue with network performance, or at least it has not stabilized.
    I would still think Wi-Fi interference to be the potential issue and suggest that you pursue this a bit farther ... if you don't mind.
    Again, I would suggest downloading a copy of iStumbler. Use iStumbler's Inspector feature (select Edit > Inspector from iStumbler's menu) to determine the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) at different points around your house, by performing a simple RF site survey. Within the Inspector, note the values for "signal" & "noise" at these locations. Start with your MacBook near the base station, note the readings, and then, choose the locations where you will typically use your MacBook to access the Internet.
    SNR is the signal level (in dBm) minus the noise level (in dBm). For example, a signal level of -53dBm measured near an access point and typical noise level of -90dBm yields a SNR of 37dB, a healthy value for wireless LANs.
    The SNR, as measured from the MacBook, should decrease as the range to the base station increases because of applicable free space loss. Also an increase in RF interference from microwave ovens and cordless phones, which increases the noise level, also decreases SNR.
    SNR Guideline
    o 40dB+ SNR = Excellent signal
    o 25dB to 40dB SNR = Very good signal
    o 15dB to 25dB SNR = Low signal
    o 10dB to 15dB SNR = Very low signal
    o 5dB to 10dB SNR = No signal
    If the SNR is 20dB+ at each of these locations, then you should be getting reasonable performance from your AirPort. If less, either try to locate the source of the Wi-Fi interference or try relocating either the base station or the wireless clients until they are within a 20dB SNR range.

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    someone know i i can resolve the probelm ??

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    This slow internet connection access after waking from sleep is an annoyance and I'd appreciate any input on how to elimnate it.
    Thanks to those wiser than I, who might read this note.

    I've found a list of possible solutions here's the link:
    I solved my problem moving the Ethernet and WiFi adapters in the top of the list and Bluetooth at the end.
    Move Wi-Fi to the top of the Service Order list – This is an old tip that simply prioritizes WiFi as the primary method that your Mac should connect to the internet, and it seems to help maintain connections

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    I recently upgraded to Lion OS X v 10.7.3, and i like iMail 5.2 when I work from my office or home.
    BUT, when I am working in the field I often have access to only glacially slow internet via an internet modem, and iMail takes FOREVER to download my messages. Way longer than my pre Lion version of iMail.
    Is there a way to optimize iMail 5.2 in order to optimize for slow internet connections? For instance, to partially retrieve large messages? Or to somehow deactivate all the synchronizing and other Activity that goes on in the background?
    Many thanks,

    Use a web based email account like GMail or HushMail, because they are a website and people access their emails from many different machines (phones, computers, slow or fast connections) the site can optimize things better than a dumb mail server.
    It's possible to auto-forward a copy of your present email accounts to have them on the web based accounts too, don't know exactly how to go about it, but many people elsewhere also have the same desire so it's obvious something like that is being used.

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    #1: D-18.29 Mbps U-.5Mbps
    #2: D-27.5Mbps U-.43Mbps
    #1: D-31.52 Mbps U-4.27Mbps
    #1: D-31.9 Mbps U-6.01Mbps
    All pings were below 30ms. Not sure what else to test or what the issue is.

    Thank you for your posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Does this issue happens for initial connection or for all RDP connections?
    What happen if you make RDP connection within same location? Have you find the same slow RDP connections issue over there?
    If you don’t find issue within same location then the cause is usually network related. 
    - Also for a test try to disable all the redirections (Driver, Printers, video, Clipboard, etc.) and check the result. 
    - Disable IPv6 in NIC setting. - Try to disable chimney, task offload and RSS by following command and then check the result.
    In addition to above try to edit the .RDP file and add the following line.
    Hope it helps! 
    Dharmesh Solanki

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    Doing the above will reset all your network settings including network passwords
    I'm not responsible for any damage/loss it may cause to you or your phone. Do at your own risk

    I have all the same problems. I have a 5S. What I have found that if I reset network settings or power off/on - wifi will work for 5-10 mins, then go back to a crawl.  BTW I am on IOS 8.1. Same issues
    I tried:
    -resetting network settings
    -hard reset (home and lock button)
    -Reset everything
    -Restore Iphone (IOS 8.01/8.02/8.1)
    -Restored iphone from new
    -Turned off wifi networking
    -Went to Genius bar and they gave me a new phone, it worked for a few days, then back to this.
    It is a software issue. Because every other device works just fine on wifi (iphone 4, ipad, laptop, desktop)
    I will be calling apple support again later to see what they will say.  It is funny how Apple won't admit to known issues until a fix comes out.

  • Outlook 2010 performance much slower than 2007 and 2003 when used with POP3 mail provider over slow network connection

    When received messages include embedded pictures, Outlook 2010 does not persist those pictures in the .pst file with the message text.  Instead, it redownloads the pictures every time the message is rendered for viewing or printing.
    Send/Receive to replicate a message with multiple embedded pictures from POP3 mail server (not Exchange server)
    Select and view the message - notice all the x placeholders for the embedded pictures
    Right-click any x placeholder and select to "download pictures"
    After some delay, the pictures are rendered, replacing the placeholders, to form the complete message
    Now, select "File" and "Print" -- notice that the preview is not immediately displayed.  There is a delay while thos same embedded pictures are downloaded, again.  Sometimes there will be a pop-up notification that Outlook is "communicating with
    the server"
    Eventually the message is fully rendered with all embedded pictures
    Now, select a different printer -- notice that the preview disappears and it takes time to .... yes, redownload those same pictures, again.
    Finally, click on "Print" -- notice yet another delay for a final download to rerender the message for the printer.
    Having done all that, close Outlook, disconnect from the network (turn off wireless or disconnect wire), open Outlook and view that same message.  The x placeholders are shown instead of the embedded pictures.  Although those embedded pictures
    were downloaded multiple times already, they were not persisted locally.
    Outlook 2003 and 2007 correct ask for confirmation to save the pictures locally then does so.  Printing and viewing is then possible without having to redownload those pictures.
    Is there going to be a fix for this Outlook 2010 defect?   I've been waiting, applying updates, and waiting.....

    Please do not close this thread.  The issue remains.  I apologize for not checking back sooner.  I thought I would get pinged by email when this tread was updated;  I did not.  I'll monitor more closely in the future.
    First, please note that I explicitly set Outlook to NOT download pictures automatically.  I want to be prompted to download.  However, after confirmed that I want the download, I expect pictures related to the message to be downloaded only once,
    immediately after I confirm that I want them downloaded. 
    I have confirmed many times that the behavior in this area is NOT identical between 2003, 2007 and 2010.  In particular, 2007 does download once and store locally (if user confirms to save changes when prompted), as expected, and 2010 downloads each
    This is quite easy to verify -- simply unplug any network cable, disable wireless, etc.  In other words completely detach from the networked world.  2007 will correctly view/preview/etc. from local storage whereas 2010 always reverts to showing
    placeholders for any embedded images.  This is 100% repeatable.
    As an additional verification, simply move the .pst file to another system that is not connected to any network.  Open the .pst file with 2007 and any embedded images that were already downloaded (and saved) are there, with 2010 they are not.
    With 2010, it is bad enough that embedded images are not saved for viewing when disconnected.  Worse than that, the repeated downloads can be a significant disruption to performance.  Just get on a really slow wireless connection as is typical
    in some hotels.  Then try to view and print messages with lots of embedded pictures.  Slow takes on a whole new, even slower, meaning.
    This 2010 defect has been reproduced.  Is there a KB article, Windows Update, hotfix,.... anything available to eliminate this problem of repeated downloads of embedded pictures?

  • IMac G5 - 5 Meg DSL connection is slow to connect

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    Welcome to the discussions!
    Without a router, at least you know that it is not a lossy router causing issues.
    It sounds like a DNS issue to me. My ISP has slow DNS servers and I found out on that 4.2.2.x where "X" is any number from 1 to 6 give very good lookups. I put in those numbers and my page loads improved greatly.

  • Unbearably slow Internet connection using WDS network

    We have an old Airport Extreme (saucer, 802.11b/g) and an Airport Express (802.11n, b/g compatible). We're using the Extreme as a WDS main, and the Express as WDS relay. Wireless devices that connect to the Internet in our house include a MacBook Pro, a couple of iPhones, an iPod Touch, an XBox 360, and a PS3.
    None of these wireless devices are in direct line of sight to the main base station. Typically, our connection to the Internet is decent for the XBox, which has almost a clear line of sight to the relay (Express) base station. On the other hand, the connection for the MacBook Pro, iPhones, and iPod, is extremely slow. Maybe the actual connection speeds are the same for all devices, but at least for the XBox online gaming works. (Haven't tried online gaming with the PS3 yet.)
    The problem that compelled me to post this thread is the slow Internet connection to our MacBook. When our MacBook Pro is moved from its usual location to a place just a few feet away from the Extreme, download speeds are satisfactory (e.g. 10,000+ kbps measured using However, when we sit farther away from the Extreme and are only a few feet from the Express, download speeds are dismal (200-300 kbps). The Internet connection is noticeably slow; web pages load like molasses, and watching streaming video is almost impossible. Upload speeds are usually about 7-10x faster, which is kind of strange.
    Airtunes is off. We've tried setting up the Express base station as a WDS remote instead of relay, no difference. Allow wireless clients is turned on for both main and relay. Channel 1, WPA2 personal security.
    Part of the problem may be due to the fact that our house is steel framed so, depending on location, the frame of the house may get in the way of our wireless network. But even if the MacBook is within 2 feet of the Express with NO walls or obstacles in between, the speed remains dismal. The line of sight from the Extreme (main) to the Express (relay) is impeded by a few obstacles but little in the way of walls.
    However, if the MacBook is close to the Extreme, with good speeds, then I walk away and sit near the Express, I still get good download speeds. This lasts only a short time. Also, if I turn off Airport on my MacBook Pro and turn it back on again, speeds are back down right away.
    I understand WDS cuts the bandwidth down substantially, so I decided to unplug the Express and just use the Extreme station, set to create a wireless network instead of participate as main in a WDS network. When I do this I get satisfactory speeds on the MacBook Pro, even sitting at a location where I used to get the slow speeds.
    So at first I thought forgetting about WDS completely would seem to be the solution to the problem. That seems to be true for the MacBook, but when the Express is offline and the Extreme is the only base station, the XBox and PS3 now are the devices with a very poor connection to the Internet, as there are 3+ steel framed walls between the base station and the devices. When the WDS network is up, the XBox and PS3 are almost in direct line of sight to the relay station (but then I lose speed on the MacBook and other devices.)
    I'm trying to find a solution that allows a good speed connection for all these devices. Right now I have to choose between a regular network with a good connection for my MacBook, or a WDS network that allows gaming but appears to be worthless for the MacBook.
    Your assistance is most welcome.

    I'm trying to find a solution that allows a good speed connection for all these devices.
    The solution is to run an Ethernet cable from the LAN port on the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) to the AirPort Express (AX). Then you won't need to use WDS and you won't suffer the bandwidth penalty of WDS. Then you would configure both the AEBS and AX to create a wireless network using the same SSID (network name) and wireless encryption type/level/password. The AX should be configured to act as a bridge (not sharing a single IP address).

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