Smart Folders?

I've signed up to this mailing list and it has so much email that I prefer to look at it separately apart from my normal emails. So I've set up a smart folder so that anything that is marked a certain subject (Which each mail from the mailing subscription has).
So it works. It works great. However, the thing is that Mail now has two copies of that email. One in the special folder and one in my inbox.
I'm pretty sure it's just a preferal in the options dialog but how do I make it so that only one copy remains? One copy in the smart folder instead of the Inbox itself?
Keehun Nam

A Smart mailbox is a "virtual" mailbox which contains a pointer to the original message in the originating mailbox only - not a copy of the message.
If you delete the original message from the originating mailbox for a message contained in a Smart mailbox, the message will no longer be available in the Smart mailbox. If you have multiple Smart mailboxes and depending on the Smart mailbox criteria for each, one or a number of messages can be available in all or several Smart mailboxes but Smart mailboxes do not contain a copy of the message.
What you need to do instead is create an actual Mailbox - at the menu bar go to Mailbox and select New Mailbox.
Create/utilize a Rule or rules in Mail to sort received messages by category from the account's Inbox mailbox to the designated "On My Mac" location mailbox.

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    Are you sure that the "On My Mac" folders weren't empty? If all your mail accounts are IMAP, they may have been.

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    I have the same issue. Upon restarting, my two smart folders get a drawer-looking icon and don't function. I am able to right click to change settings, but nothing seems to get them to actually work.

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    I think I misunderstood your question. You were talking about smart folders in the Finder and not about smart albums in iPhoto, right?  "Rating equals 5" does not work on any of my machines, neither in Snow leopard nor in Lion. The problem seems to be how to represent the rating in the search string. If I search for "Rating is not 5" the smart folder contains plenty of pictures, also those with a rating of five. Does anyone know how the rating is coded to be used in a search string in the Finder?

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    By default when you make a Smart Folder and save it you get it saved into this folder:
    "/Users/yourname/Library/Saved Searches"
    If you open that folder you should see your Smart Folders. Drag them into the "Places" section of the Sidebar in your open Finder window. They will now show up in the Open dialog window of your application. Of course, you will have them listed twice in the normal Finder window: once in places, so you can see them in the Open window, and once in Search For. Jeez, don't the programmers ever have to talk to each other? Anyway, the sensible thing to do is to have other sorts of things, that you don't need access to from an application, in the Search For section--or just close that section up. This is definitely another "what were they thinking" moment.

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    Well, I guess those are more "smart inboxes" and not "smart mailboxes" in iOS...

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    Running OS X Yosemite all up to date on everything.

    iCloud does not support or sync Smart Mailboxes or local folders. You can create mailboxes at the site that will be IMAP and show in the Mail sidebar under the iCloud folder. Those will show up on all devices.
    Other than that, iCloud will only sync Mail's main mailboxes (default mailboxes).
    In Addition to better explain:
    Local folders under On My Mac are folders only located on the computer. They are not part of any IMAP or Exchange account.
    Smart Mailboxes are for the most part just search engines. Messages are not stored in those, but they merely point to messages which actually reside in the original mailbox where they are stored.

  • Mac Mail Smart Folders triplicate messages (Gmail-based mail server)

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    It is easy to set up an instruction to select mail e.g. from defined individuals only, or any other qualifier.
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    I have tried various additional instructions in the Smart Folder such as include if "Message is in Inbox", but that selects all messages. Also, if "Message is not in Inbox", so that I get only two sets of messages, but that has produced strange results such as messages marked as in Spam folder, which seem to have nothing to do with the defined instructions.
    Is there anything "smart" I can do about this, or is it just a matter of Mail not being up to speed with Gmail-based servers. It's just an annoyance, more than anything.

    Nope. Gone.
    I went to my second mac. Opened Mail, it refreshed its previous state, with 1100 messages in the Inbox, I was relieved and while thinking about my backup options, Mail started its new activity cycle and POOF....Gone. One test message in the Inbox.

  • How can I add "AND" "OR" criteria to smart folders?

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    Any help greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks

    When adding Criteria, hold down the Option key on the keyboard. The + button will turn to and elipsis (…)
    You can make groups of Any, All, or None (Or, And, Not).

  • Using the due date function in Smart Folders

    I'm experimenting with my smart folders and I saw there is an option for "due date".
    Does this mean I can create a folder with files that need to be processed by a certain date?
    How do I add a due date to a file?
    This would be useful for me, for instance, in following up invoices. I could set a 30 day date on them and then they would show up in my smart folder when they should be paid.

    It's not very simple, unless there is a third-party program out there that might set them.
    The dates in the MDItem attributes are stored as binary plists.
    You would have to create an xml plist with the date, like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    Then, you would convert it to a binary plist using
    plutil -convert binary1 path/to/xml.plist
    Then, you would load it into the extended attribute using
    xattr -wx "`xxd -p /path/to/binary.plist`" /path/to/file/to/set/dueDate
    This could likely be all wrapped in shell script or automator service, but I don't know how to due that.

  • Smart Folders and Filtering based on Focal Length

    Can we please be given the ability to create Smart Folders and be able to Filter images based on focal length?
    Doing so based on Lens alone does not take into account that more and more people rely on zoom lenses. When you have 16-35, 27-70, 35-135 and 70-200 lenses, one could benefit from having the ability to search for images created in wide-angle, normal, zoom and tele-zoom ranges.
    Providing this feature would be greatly appreciated.
    Regards, JML

    Thanks Colin, I will try it.
    Sounds like it may work - however bit awkward solution in otherwise ergonomic LR environment :-(
    I really do not understand why this value is not among the filtering metadata when LR recognizes it and shows it on every corner. Especially considering the fact LR is supposed to be full WF solution and certain development settings cannot be effectively applied without selecting images only with certain focal length values.
    The very last feature I am missing on this SW designed to cover entire WF (since LR1) is the distortion/perspective control and ability to apply corrections based on lens/focal length used.
    b Does anyone have an idea if Adobe plans to eventually implement this feature?
    I do not want to be forced to use DxO which always means interruption of the WF and inevitably generated new files on disk.

  • Smart folders just refuse to work

    hi i cannot get anything to show in smart folders/web gallerys, i have tried a simple star rating, and keywords, both cases knowing there are not too many of either so its not a problem dues to 1000s of pics.

    As you are probably aware, smart folders are "aware" of the library structure...if you're attempting to build one in a library folder where there are NONE of the target images, you'll get this result. If you set the smart folder at the main Library level, then it will "operate" on the entire Library and find any that are there. So, be sure you've made the proper selection in the folders pane....
    hope this helps.

  • How do I get smart folders to stick on search?

    I am organising my graphics on my iMac.
    I started setting up smart folders to find all my material.
    The first searching on ".pdf" did what it was supposed to and retained its search.
    All the subsequent ones for ".eps", ".tiff", "Lists" etc initially find what they are supposed to then after saving & adding to the control bar they find nothing but the first search: ".pdf"
    What am I doing wrong, if anything?

    On looking at the parameters of the search I find they are cumulative.
    After I searched on one, it added the subsequent search to the terms of the previous search.
    Now why would that be a good idea?
    For a start I have to go back and redit the searches every time I do a new one, instead of it just doing the obvious and retaining the parameters of that single search when I add it to the control bar.
    It appears to be doing the expected at the time of the search, not when saved.

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