Smart Playlist Creation

Here's something then - wouldn't it be great if you could right click on a song and as well as having the option to add to an existing or new playlist Spotify could instantly create a playlist based on that song. Just an idea but in the wake of Discover Weekly I'm sure they have the technology...

Updated: 2015-08-08Hello and thanks for the feedback!
A similar idea has also been suggested here:
Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

Similar Messages

  • Is this a bug in Smart Playlist creation?

    I am a huge fan of smart playlists. I have some pretty complex/clever playlists that I use to determine syncing.
    While editing my playlists I stumbled upon a situation that leaves you unable to move your rules around.
    I made a new playlist to demonstrate:
    If you only have "All/Any of the following are true" with some sub-rules, it is impossible to make a new rule outside of this group. Go make a playlist just like in the picture, and try to make a rule be on the same level with the "Any/All of the following are true" instead of under it. Maybe I just can't figure out how to do it, but I consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to managing iTunes Smart Playlists.
    I had a playlist with tons of rules that I was editing, and I had to recreate the whole thing because I deleted all of the rules on the same leve with "Any/All of the following are true" and wanted to make another rule on the same level. Of course I could have hacked together a solution using more rules, but I wanted it to be right.
    FYI to make this specific rule you have to press Option on your keyboard, then the "+" button changes to "..." and this button adds the rule with a blank sub-rule.

    Why was this moved to "Using iPhone" ??
    It is a question about Safari for iOS - not iPhone/iPod usage.

  • Smart Playlist Creation Question - Rule Parameters Issue

    I want to have newly imported songs go automatically into a playlist (Recently Added), from which I can move them into a playlist of their own. I then want to be able to CLEAR the Recently Added playlist so that I can then import a SECOND group of songs which will automatically go into the Recently Added playlist, where they will be the ONLY songs there because the first group of songs will have been CLEARED.
    I inadvertantly deleted my Recently Added playlist, so that is not available to me - I have to, in effect, create my own Recently Added playlist.
    The problem I am having has to do with the Smart Playlist Rule Parameters needed to accomplish what I am trying to do. I have been able to set up a smart playlist that receives newly imported songs automatically. However, I seem to be unable to CLEAR the songs from the smart playlist to make way for a SECOND group of newly imported songs.
    I thought I could get the job done by simply deleting the entire Smart Playlist that contained the first group of songs, and then creating a new Smart Playlist to receive the second group. You can do that - but the problem is that the minimum time you are allowed to assign is one day. This means that when the second group of songs goes into the second smart playlist, it will also "grab up" and include the FIRST group of songs, assuming that the groups of songs are all being imported on the same day. I don't want to limit myself to importing only one group of songs per 24-hour period.
    (When I import groups of songs, I import them in very, very large groups, which is why I want to be able to deal with them in individual groups, rather than having to sort through the larger, general Library of tunes in order to put them into their own playlists.)
    It seems to me the answer lies in being able to set up a Rules Parameter that shortens the time involved from one day to something like 15 minutes or so. I don't know how to do that, even assuming that it can be done.
    Or, perhaps, someone might have another suggestion that would help me accomplish my goal here.
    Any and all thoughts will be much appreciated!

    ed2345 wrote:
    You can use playlist membership as a criterion in a Smart Playlist.
    So if the list you are moving them to is "SecondPlaylist" (or whatever you wish to call it) then add a rule to your custom-tailored Recently Added that states "Playlist" "is not" "SecondPlaylist."
    Not sure I am getting this. You understand that I am IMPORTING new files into iTunes - I am not moving already imported files into a playlist.
    I can create a smart playlist with a Rule of: Playlist/is not/recently added (where "recently added" is the playlist I previously used to set aside the last group of songs imported into the music library). But when I click on OK to set it up, then I have to name it. And when I give it a name ("current load," for example) and confirm the name, suddenly, "current load" is filled with the last group of imported files. Don't ask me why - but that's what happened.
    Any other thoughts? Anyone?

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    Is there any one here that can tell me how to accomplish this?

    Thanks for your response, I have created smart playlists for all the different genres, and they update automatcally (live) as I purchase music and the program automatically sorts the songs in alphabetical order and that works fine when I want to listen to a particualr genre. But what I want is to create a smart playlist of all the purchased music sorted first by genre and then alphabetically so that as you listen to the playlist it moves from genre to genre within the same playlist and the tracks are alphabetical within each genre. Do you understand?
    I think it can be done using smart playlist creation I just don't know how.

  • Error on smart playlist depending on another smart playlist

    I got iTunes Math synced both at home with my iMac and at work with a PC.
    Here's my issuse:
    I got some smart playlists (A,B and C) that depends on another smart playlist (Z).
    A, B and C that have some rule and between these rules there is "the playlist is Z". Like "song has 5 stars, played at least 10 times and is on playlist Z".
    I come home a day and A, B and C are empty. The depending playlist Z is there but "can't be find". Editing the three smart playlist re-reselecting Z works.
    Back to work, same issue. Playlist Z has same name and same contents both at home and at work but if I edit A B and C to correct the error in one place, I get the error at the other place...

    Thanks for your response, I have created smart playlists for all the different genres, and they update automatcally (live) as I purchase music and the program automatically sorts the songs in alphabetical order and that works fine when I want to listen to a particualr genre. But what I want is to create a smart playlist of all the purchased music sorted first by genre and then alphabetically so that as you listen to the playlist it moves from genre to genre within the same playlist and the tracks are alphabetical within each genre. Do you understand?
    I think it can be done using smart playlist creation I just don't know how.

  • Creating Smart Playlists on the iPad

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    Hello shytakki!
    I was looking for something  like your curosity. SOME VIDEO PLAYLIST!
    With the N97 and its massive memory you can easily put the MP3 music in the history and enjoy high quality videos with the mp4 format. I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM WITH THE F*****G Video Playlists!!! hehehe
    Have you found some video app that can do/make video playlist?
    I'm thinking about to change my n97 only for this little things!!!
    The easy way (but not quickly) it is to join all the files in one. For example, i put all the videos of David Guetta in one file named guetta.avi. The problem is when a new video comes, hehe.
    I'm sorry for my english, i'm from argentina and i don't know where to find some help,
    I hope you can help me.

  • Automate creation of smart playlists

    does anyone know of a script or how to automate the creation of smart playlist based on informatio from specific tags?
    For example, create a smart playlist called "artist - album" based on the artist and abum name of a selected song.

    You might find something at Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes.

  • Smart Playlist Question

    I started to notice something the other day. I'm not sure if the problem is new or if I am just using Smart Playlists more.
    This is what's going on. I create a Smartplay list in iTunes. All is good it syncs to my iPod.
    What I am having problems is the play lists becomes static. After the initial creation, I have a few playlists that are Random songs; like a random 1 hour, 2 hour, and 10 hour. I'd like these to be updated at every sync if not every time iTunes is opened.
    Am I miss understanding Smartplay lists? Is there a way to do what I am looking for?

    Do you have live updating checked on your SPL criteria?

  • Need to Create a Live Update Smart Playlist That Shuts Off After a While

    Hi All--
    I'm trying to create a smart playlist with the following properties:
    1) Every time I play it, it selects a different random set of songs.
    2) The playlist plays for a fixed duration, then shuts off.  (I like to go to sleep to music, but it wakes me up in the middle of the night if it plays for too long.)
    The best I've been able to come up with is to set "not played in the last xx days", "Limit to yy minutes selected by random", and "live updating".  However, there's a problem with this:  as soon as one song has played, it's purged from the list, which causes live updating to replace it with a new song.  As a result, this creates a list that plays forever, since new songs are continuously added to replace the ones that have been played.
    I tried turning off live updating, but then I'm stuck with the same songs over and over.  I also know about the trick of just using "select random" and deleting the contents of the list, so that live update will repopulate it, but that won't work on an iPod without doing it in iTunes and then re-syncing.
    Any ideas?

    OK, I think I finally found a way to do this, sorta.  This will work on any iPod or iPhone that supports live update and allows the creation of ad-hoc playlists, either named or on-the-go:
    1) Create the list as described above.
    2) Sync to iPod or iPhone
    3a) On a non-touch iPod, highlight the playlist and hold down the select button until you get the menu with "add to on-the-go" in it, and select that.
    3b) On an iPod touch or iPhone, create a new playlist, then select the dynamic list and "add all songs" to it.
    The playlist you created isn't dynamic, so you'll just play through it once and stop.  Deleting the contents from the temporary list and doing step 3a/b over will get you a new set of songs.  The dynamic list will purge the songs and update with new ones as you play them from the static list.
    It's not perfect, but it's reasonably fast to get a time-bounded selection of music that refreshes each time you want to play the list.

  • ITunes 11.0 (163) Failure to create new smart playlist

    iTunes 11.0 (163) does not allow creation of new smart playlists. Attempts to do so result in a playlist of zero tracks no matter what the rules say.
    Editing of an existing smart playlist created using an earlier versions of iTunes  resulted in deletion all the tracks in the playlist.  This happened to me (attempting to investigate the problem with creation of new smart playlists in version 11.0 of iTunes) I attempted to edit an existing playlist.  I edited  the maximum number of tracks in the playlist from "unlimited" to 10.  This resulted in a playlist of around 12  tracks being reduced to zero tracks.  I am unable to reverse this change.

    A first question. Have you all your songs checked ... you know, the little tick which says whether a song should be played or not ??

  • Is there a way to make a smart "playlist" of specific books in my iTunes library, and copy ONLY THOSE books to an iOS device? I own an iPad and an iPhone but I want different books on different devices.

    Is there a way to make a smart "playlist" of specific books in my iTunes library, and copy ONLY THOSE books to an iOS device? I own an iPad and an iPhone but I want different books on each different device. When I've tried this, the iOS devices don't seem to respond.

    There is no playlist for iBooks, butther eis nothing to preent you from choosing to download specific titles from itunes, or syncing just specific titles to an individual device.

  • IPod no longer updates smart playlists after upgrade to 1.3

    After upgrading my 5th Gen 30GB iPod to 1.3 I noticed immediately that the smart playlists on my iPod aren't updating any longer. Until 3 days ago my iPod had firmware version 1.2.1 and all smart playlists worked as expected.
    I have many smart playlists that I have been happily using everyday for the past 2 years to play only new podcasts, shuffle my favorite tunes based on when they have been played last, and move songs in and out of My Top rated tunes based on their ratings. These no longer work on my iPod, but when I sync with iTunes they update fine. I didn't make any changes to my smart playlists before or immediately after upgrading, at least until I noticed the problem.
    For the last couple of days since upgrading I have tried deleting all my smart playlists and recreating them, that didn't help. I have also tried restoring my iPod, which also didn't help. I have also tried creating a very basic smart playlist i.e.
    Match all of the following rules - checked
    Rating is ***
    Live updating - checked
    Sync'd that to my iPod and started playing a tune and changed it's rating to 5 stars. I then entered a static playlist, played a song from that and when it was done entered the new 5 star rating smart playlist and it wasn't updated.
    I'm don't know what else to try, I've repeated the same test as above on my wife's 2nd Gen nano and it worked as expected. Has anyone else noticed smart playlists failing to update since the upgrade? I have searched here and on google, but only found reference to much older firmwares.

    I'm having the same problem, once I've listened to a song in my 0 plays list, go out to a new menu, then back in, all the songs that have been played are still there, when a few weeks ago they were taken off and only unplayed songs were still there. Now if I switch to another playlist and back, I have to scroll all the way back to the point I was when I changed which didn't happen earlier.

  • Multiple Artist, Genre... Separator (Semi-Colon) instead of Smart Playlists

    In my opinion, one of the greatest features of ID3 tags is the ability to use semi-colons to differentiate between multiple artists, genres, albums, etc... for any given field. This feature has been available since ID3 tags for MP3's were first implemented over a decade ago.
    With Windows Media Player 10, it's database was finally able to parse the information separated by semi-colons correctly. What this means is that if I have a song like "Picture" by Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock, in the ID3 tag, I type "Sheryl Crow; Kid Rock", and in WMP, if I click on Artist | Sheryl Crow, "Picture" appears. And if I click on Artist | Kid Rock, "Picture" appears. In fact, when I rip songs using WMP, it places semi-colons in numerous ID3 fields from the album description.
    In iTunes, however, when I import a song with a semi-colon in an ID3 tag field, the database reads the artist as "Sheryl Crow; Kid Rock", or essentially, it treats "Sheryl Crow; Kid Rock" as a THIRD artist. The same is true if I have a song that I feel crosses two genres--like "Picture". In WMP, if I put in the Genre field "Pop; Country", when I choose Genres | Pop, "Picture" appears, and when I choose Genres | Country, "Picture" appears.
    Does anyone know if a bug fix for this is in the works for iTunes? It seems Apple and iTunes have been trying to push Smart Playlists for this kind of organization, but that's the poor man's way of organizing songs and not nearly as efficient. I don't want to have to create Smart Playlist for all songs with "Sheryl Crow" in the artist field. It should be inherent based on the semi-colon.
    Does anyone know if anything smarter than Smart Playlists is in the works that matches the intuitiveness of Windows Media Player's database?

    Whereas in WMP & the ID3 spec. you would use a semi-colon to separate items you will find that iTunes & the Music store use a slash instead. However as you so rightly say iTunes takes the information and construes a new artist entity rather than two artists connected to the same track. (WMP might also respond to slash - I recall AC/DC always presenting issues so they exist as AC-DC in my library.)
    If you'd like to make feature request go to: iTunes Feedback.
    Working on the assumption that such ideas are unlikely to implemented any time soon however you might like to see my post on Grouping Tracks Into Albums which covers workarounds for this & other quirks.

  • ITunes smart playlist and rating problem

    I noticed my iPod playlists don't update live anymore, so I checked their settings in iTunes and found that, for some reason, there are no stars listed in the smart playlist.
    I deleted them all and tried to start fresh. I click File > New Smart Playlist. In the first combo box I choose "My Rating", in the second combo box I choose "is", and in the third field, I can't do anything--not even click to set a rating. It's just blank.
    Does anyone have any idea what is going on?

    Okay, apparently the stars are still there, I just can't see them. If I click where the 5th star should be, then it adds songs rated with 5 stars.
    I do see the stars in the regular library listing. Why can't I see them in the smart playlist?
    This doesn't explain why my iPod doesn't do live updating anymore. Hmm.

  • My smart playlists are not showing up on my iPhone after turning on Music Match

    I have turned on Music Match (iOS 5 GM and iTunes 10.5 r 9) and can see all the songs in my library now across the cloud. The iPhone also has copied over most (but strangely not all) of my regular playlists and my folder structure.
    But all the Smart Playlists I created for my iPhone are not showing up so my music is not grouped the way I want it to be.
    For example, I have a playlist that selects out all the songs with three stars or more that have not been played in the last 2 weeks (so I only hear songs I like, but have not heard lately).
    So what's up??

    Isn't iTunes 10.5 r 9 a beta release for developers?  If that's the case then isn't there a special web site for developers to discuss issues (and they are not supposed to discuss them on the public forum)?  If you're not a developer and have this through unofficial channels then I'm not sure you can expect full functionality.

Maybe you are looking for

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