SMEN_BUFFC entries deleted by mistake

HI SAP Gurus, iT IS VERY URGENT,, There is table in SAP names as SMEN_BUFFC, used to store favorities. IT has few entries got deleted by mistake,, is there any BACK UP Table from where i can retrieve those entries?
Thanks,,, i will give full marks for Your help Please reply if any one can give the solution.

SAP doesnt maintain any history of tables. But on a database level, the BASIS can restore the table to last backup.
LUW's are Logical Unit of Work.
check this threads for more insight on restoring deleted tables:
restoring the data from table after deletion
Can I restore the deleted statistical data from the database tables?
Is there anyway to get back the deleted data of standard SAP tables

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    curl -O
    # Or
    curl -O
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      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    26 6592k   26 1729k    0     0  44360      0  0:02:32  0:00:39  0:01:53 40984^C
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    mac $ ls i*
    mac $ ls -l i*
    -rw-r--r--   1 mac  staff       1M Jul 16 13:49
    mac $

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    I like Freddie's idea. My friend CKPT has a note on this :
    Best Regards

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